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Maisie Williams To Play Ellie In The Last Of Us Film?

Think she fits?

"The Last Of Us" film is in the works, and although we don't yet know who will play the lead roles, we have heard of a possibility for Ellie.

Naughty Dog Creative Director Neil Druckmann, who will pen the movie's script, did let a name drop during the San Diego Comic-Con event : Maisie Williams, 17-year-old Game of Thrones star (Arya Stark).

When the idea of Williams playing Ellie first popped up back in April, Williams herself said: "100% would not say no. Ever." Druckmann replied, "That makes two of us." Bruce Straley, co-director for the game in question, contributed: "Am I allowed to be a third wheel to YES this?!" As of yet, Williams hasn't officially signed on to play Ellie, but she would be just about right for the part.

For the record, Ashley Johnson voiced Ellie in the game. Guess she's too old to play Ellie on the big screen, though.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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10 years ago

She's fantastic as Arya so I think she'd make a great Ellie.

10 years ago

Oh please no, she is way too old and very ugly. She looks like a dump truck backed into her face.

10 years ago

Heh! I would expect that type of comment coming from an Otaku who's always in the look out for his next imaginary waifu.

And the "she is way too old and very ugly" part… Dude, Ellie is 14 years old. Why do you care how attractive she is? Anyone old enough to vote should only care that the actress playing her in the movie is talented and good. That's all that should matter.

I mean, it's not like Ellie was some sort of femme fatale in the game. What's with all this "she's not hot enough" crap? C'mon son.

EDIT: BTW, Maisie is still in talks about the role, so I don't think anyone (including otakus) should get the vapors just yet.

Last edited by Bonampak on 7/26/2014 12:38:10 PM

10 years ago

You embarrass yourself sir. Being 17 is too old to play 12, having attractive characters on screen no matter their age is important for filmmaking. You want the audience to worry about this girl, not take a look and figure this tough scrapper can take care of herself.

10 years ago

I'm embarrass myself?

Well see, I'm not the one behaving like a borderline pedophile who calls 17 year olds "too old". I mean seriously, you have to be like 12 years old to even say something like that.

Especially when you write stuff like this here about a character that is suppose to be 14 years old: "Yeah you know she was hot".

To be incredibly superficial & shallow about how people look…. that's something to be embarrassed about. That's exactly what you're doing. here.

10 years ago

I was joking with him obviously.

When I say a 17 year old is too old, I'm not saying she is too old for sex, I'm saying she is too old to play a 12 year old. It would not be believable. The only person here who is focused on child sexuality and pedophilia is actually you, so you might want to wonder why your mind goes right there.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/26/2014 3:59:32 PM

10 years ago

"The only person here who is focused on child sexuality and pedophilia is actually you, so you might want to wonder why your mind goes right there."

^^^ Maybe if you weren't complaining so loud about them not casting an 'attractive' and 'hot' 13 year old, my mind wouldn't even go there.

And BTW, Ellie is suppose to be 14 in the game, not 12. A 17 could certainly pass as a 14 year old. That's a mere 3 year difference. You're making it sound as if they hired an old woman for the part. Maisie is still a kid.

BTW, you know what actor they're now considering for the part of Joel?

Bruce Campbell.

And he's like 15 years older than Joel. So are you gonna complain that they didn't cast an attractive, hot young guy to play Joel or something?

10 years ago

…. read thread… saw no pedophilia…

The f**ks wrong with you, Bonampak?

9 years ago

Wow what the heck. Seems like a bit of an out of character outburst there World.

Maisie Williams is a great actor, and doesn't deserve that kind of talk by anyone. Besides she is still a minor so how attractive she is is completely irrelevant.

9 years ago

While the pedophilia assumption was a little extreme, you can't ignore the fact that crudely expressing how disfiguring one looks (ex. "a dump truck backed into her face") is just as bad and more offensive to said actress even though she's unlikely to read it. So I don't think attacking only Bonampak for making that one extreme allegation would suffice the other statements made.

There are other more appropriate ways of expressing why one doesn't feel her fit for the role (which have seem to finally be uncovered after a number of sequenced comments). But as noted it seems to be easier to not think before actually commented sometimes.

9 years ago

Personally, I think accusing or joking about paedophilia is a gazillion times worse. I can't believe you guys aren't more upset about that than a comment on an actor's looks.

9 years ago

I would assume Underdog15 that it's because of the chance that there wouldn't have been a pedophilia joke/comment made if the actress' looks weren't insulted in that way. A simple "her facial features aren't similar enough to pass as her at the first glance" would have sufficed the point across without invoking a deep enough anger to result in that kind of backlash.

No matter what's considered/deserved to be taken as more upsetting, what has been typed and published is already out and done with as they both have now seen what happened.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 7/28/2014 8:03:10 PM

10 years ago

actually not o bad of a fit, saw a side-by-side of Ellie and Maisie and with a little tough up she would be nearly perfect, however i dont know about the voive

10 years ago

you need spectacles, Maise has a square head and Ellie's is very gracile.

10 years ago

I can not see this at all despite how good of a little actress she is. She looks nothing like Ellie.

Also she is 17!? Damn…..

10 years ago

Considering the language our little Ellie has, I think a slightly older actress would be better. Unless parents want a 14 year old with a horrible mouth on her.

She's too…unattractive? I didn't think Ellie was hot or anything but I do think she had her charm. This girl looks like something out of beatlejuice.

10 years ago

Yeah you know she was hot.

10 years ago

@knightzane – Remember KICK ASS? They had an 11 year old Chloe Moretz in that film swearing like a sailor. Natalie Portman was around the same age when she was cast in The Professional (Leon) and she drops at least one f-bomb in that movie. And that old baseball movie with more 11 year olds, "The Bad News Bears", had them swearing a lot too.

Point is, it's neither new or a big deal.

9 years ago

Another one.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This girl isn't even legal and you are sitting there checking her out.


That kind of speaks to how sexist the gaming community still is. I don't see how someone's attractiveness is relevant at all.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Find an unknown
Maisie is great in GoT though,has stolen scenes from more experienced actors.

10 years ago

yeah she is great in there, love her arc.

10 years ago

"Maisie is great in GoT though,has stolen scenes from more experienced actors"

^^^ Which is actually a plus for them giving her the role.

You want a good actress playing the part.

The Last of Us movie shouldn't be a 'Michael Bay' production where they always cast females "actresses" just to look good on screen & for no other reason.

C'mon, we should all want this movie to be the first movie based on videogames that doesn't suck. One good way to achieve that is to cast good actors that are known for giving good performances. Performances that you'll want to enjoy over and over again.

10 years ago

no. just no. the actress has a weird football shaped head and her voice wont do so well compared to the original actress who did the voice work for ellie. maybe she should go audition for a live version of hey arnold.

10 years ago

I don't think she's that great of a fit.

Edit: I think Ellie is one role you don't need a blockbuster name for, either.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/26/2014 9:53:38 PM

9 years ago

Rick from Walking Dead to play Joel would be cool.

9 years ago

So some of you people not gonna be happy until they find a talented underage actress that looks like Ellen Page and that can act a badass role.

LOL if that was a requirement this movie would be almost impossible to do.

Last edited by Oxvial on 7/27/2014 1:32:48 PM

9 years ago

Who suggested that?

9 years ago

Totally disappointed with you Underdog15.

9 years ago

I am kind of surprised to see some of the reactions our usually level headed folk around here are having.

She's too ugly? What the hell. Never mind the fact she isn't legal. But when THIS is one of the things we think about as a gaming community then that is very very sad. We obviously aren't as evolved as we think if we still want our actors to be 'attractive'.

The thing that matters the most is her talent, and Williams has the talent to pull this gig off, don't worry about how she looks, don't worry about her voice, actors are trained to change their accents and have seen some amazing things done with actors voices. Also you will never know if she is a good fit till you see her in her Ellie costume and makeup. Cuz again, amazing things can be done.

Take a look at Heath Ledger as The Joker, no one ever would have even guessed he could have done such an amazing job.

9 years ago

You can pretend looks don't matter all you want, but they do. Even in local small town theatre, looks matter.

You won't find a brown haired girl playing Annie. You can't find Hugh Jackman looking handsome playing Quasimodo, and you won't find a bland young girl playing a role like Ellie's.

9 years ago

i think she atleast some what looks the part

happy gaming

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