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Gamer Reactions To Evolve Will Dictate Future Content

These days, it's common for developers to talk about downloadable content long before the game even releases.

However, Turtle Rock Studios would like to make one thing clear: The fans will have a say in the extra content the team ends up producing for the hotly anticipated Evolve .

Speaking in a new Official Xbox Magazine interview , Turtle Rock co-founder Chris Ashton addressed the differences between Left 4 Dead and the new IP as it pertains to DLC:

"You know, in Left 4 Dead we could make new environments, but we really didn't have a structure there to make new characters or zombie types, so we were pretty limited on what we could do, DLC-wise.

But with Evolve… we made these modular pieces–the way the whole game fits together means we can make new maps, new environment types, new wildlife, new monsters and hunters, and all of that stuff just plugs into the game."

Ashton added that the community will play a significant role in determining how the developers approach DLC. He says they want to see how gamers react, because Evolve is "designed to have a long life." In fact, Ashton believes the new title supports the concept of DLC better than any game they've done before, and that's a good thing, right?

There's plenty of opportunity to expand upon Evolve in a positive way…a way that goes well beyond a few extra maps.

Related Game(s): Evolve

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10 years ago

What he's talking about there is what bugs me about multiplayer games (especially Free to Play). Everything from areas to characters to weapons they have these uber automatic modular sets put together like minecraft levels. They have to do this without much money because the profit will be based on microtransactions. It's worse in F2P because they've invested less money in it.

That makes for a somewhat generic experience in every case and there's no way to ever have it as polished as an exclusive campaign

Not knocking this game, I'm sure it'll be fun for its co-op design. If these were the old days this would be the perfect sleepover game.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/10/2014 11:46:08 PM

10 years ago

well okay but u cud just put into the main game and not put it as DLC (trying to MILK us)

happy gaming

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