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Destiny Will Sell More PS4s Than Any Other Game This Fall

Let's face it: There aren't really any PlayStation 4 exclusives slated for the holiday season that will cause hardware sales to spike.

Driveclub will undoubtedly move a few PS4s, as will LittleBigPlanet 3 , but without a heavy hitter like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , Bloodborne , or The Order: 1886 , I think it falls to a certain third-party title to push PS4 sales.

In my mind, that title is definitely Destiny . Bungie's alliance with Sony has resulted in exclusive content, early looks at the game, and of course, that Destiny PS4 bundle package that is bound to appeal to a great many. When you're talking about a massive game that should, by all rights, be a superior experience on a certain platform, that platform should benefit greatly when the game launches.

I'm aware that Call of Duty always pushes console sales as well, but I remain steadfast in my belief that the majority of hardcore CoD followers are Xbox fanatics. At launch, the majority of the new CoD titles sold are the Xbox version, and I don't see that trend changing. Driveclub has loads of potential but it's a new IP, and it's not half as hot as Destiny right now. I think there's a very good reason why Bungie's title opened up Sony's E3 press conference…

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

MS knows it too. Not only are they offering a XBL $10 store credit for getting the game for XO, they're offering select XBL users $75 of store credit simply by upgrading to an XO now (rather than a PS4 later =p).
They're like giving away $85 to keep you Bungie fans.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/8/2014 10:39:45 PM

10 years ago

@KidPresentable convo

Whether they're trying to make it seem like it's an exclusive or it's best played on PS4 the reason behind is $$$ which is the point of the article.

You guys enjoy Destiny, I'll be playing something else.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 7/9/2014 9:08:04 AM

10 years ago

Sony's dropping mega bucks to make this game seem exclusive. Wish they would have dropped it on a couple of real exlusives, but oh well.

10 years ago

There's logic behind the move Sony makes in promoting Destiny. Just a bit ago Sony went on record saying that 6 out of 10 of their games are financial flops. They're producing their games at their studios' full capacity so it doesn't hurt to leverage the market in a sure fire system seller. And by using your logic of 'if this then that,' let's try this one. Shall we? By growing Sony's userbase through supporting a system seller like Destiny, they then must grow their revenue amount, therefore Sony can support more internal studios, thus more games get made by them as a result. Does that help? A change of perspective can help that logic out to be a positive thing.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/8/2014 11:09:03 PM

10 years ago

Oh certainly from a business standpoint it makes sense, but I have little interest in Sony's bottom line. I only care about what spins in my game system. So from that standpoint, as a gamer that has purchased 90 percent of their exclusively produced content, I'm a bit dissatisfied. But a few years from now, Im sure I wont be.

10 years ago

maybe I wasn't being clear. If they grew their own install base by promoting something that was sure to sell lots of PS4's, then they could fund more studios to produce those exclusive games you want to spin in your PS4. Something like Destiny will get surefire results so taking a portion of their budget to support a smart marketing move is not a bad idea.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/8/2014 11:23:40 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Sony is not trying to make Destiny seem exclusive. They're trying to show Destiny is best played on a PlayStation platform. There's a colossal difference.

10 years ago

More money for Sony = more games for me. Uh….I think I got it, guy.

10 years ago

They definitely are making it look exclusive with ads only promoting PS4, exclusive console bundle, and year long exclusive DLC. Doesnt matter to me i would have gotten Destiny on the 4 regardless. I do find it humorous that a tactic which was so reviled if a competitor did it, and it's actually being applauded for the hope of more sales to win a war. Oh and remember when anyone being *tricked* by the tactis were gullible , unintelligent, and uninformed? I wonder if the same holds true….

10 years ago


I kind of understand what you mean. Instead of Activision pushing the advertisement that sells Destiny on all platforms, Sony advertises for the game themselves.

This game will sell well on both Xbox and PS4. I only get angry when Microsoft does it to games that done sell well on their platform, like JRPG.

10 years ago

I still think DLC exclusivity is stupid regardless of who it's for. But it's moot for me even in the past since I rarely ever buy dlc anyways. (I'm not sure who was ever tricked by anything)

What I do like is that the game plays better on PS4. I think that will be the case for most multiplats, though. And that's not a heinous thing… that's the result of a slightly superior piece of hardware.

10 years ago

heh …. 'guy'

10 years ago

Did realize you were French, Temjin! Like the famous hockey player, Guy Lafleur!

10 years ago

haha yah, I was actually thinking more along the lines of Guy from Final Fight/Street Fighter. But hey, hockey is cool.

…you Canadians and your hockey 😉

10 years ago

Go Kings Go!! 🙂

10 years ago

A couple weeks ago, I actually ran into Prust and Corey Perry at a golf course. Was cool. They said the play in a mens league there every tuesday. Apparently Drew Doughty is in it too, but he "wasn't off work yet", as they put it. LMAO.

I live in London, ON which is where all those guys are from. Former London Knights players.

10 years ago

no sh*t sherlock its practically the only AAA game releasing this holiday which is not a last year been there done that yearly sequel.
so thats not really saying much.
if thit was going up against uncharted 4 or GT7 or MGS 5 TPP it would be a very different story!

10 years ago

I still think Destiny would sell more PS4s (especially in North America) than those games you mentioned — why? Because it appeals to the masses.

Additionally — it's not the only AAA title releasing this Fall. Far Cry 4 is realesing this Fall as well and I think it's the better game.

10 years ago

i agree w ben, destiny will drive tons of ps4 sales, ESPECIALLY with that white ps4 bundle, and im one of them who preordered it.

10 years ago


Destiny will certainly move some systems. As will LBP3. Heard lots of talk about people already thinking of what level they wanna make first. Gotta love the ability to make your own levels.

10 years ago

Oh yes, Bloodborne, caught my interest!

I think Destiny does look somewhat interesting and LBP3, definitely of interest! I agree, the ability to create and play user created content can be quite awesome!!

10 years ago

Agreed. I imagine a lot of the Bungie fans who haven't made the generation leap are planning to get a PS4 just for Destiny.

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