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Battlefield: Hardline Official, Set To Drop Later This Year

Yep, another Battlefield is slated to arrive for the holiday season.

Not long after the official website launched, Electronic Arts and Visceral Games have announced that Battlefield: Hardline is set for fall.

Writing on the official Battlefield blog , Visceral Games and Hardline executive producer Steve Papoutsis says the new entry will focus on "the war on crime and the battle between cops and criminals." Visceral is best known for their work on the acclaimed Dead Space franchise, but they've never before worked on a Battlefield title.

Furthermore, a leaked video of gameplay has already hit the Internet and from it, we learn about the game's scheduled multiplayer modes: Heist, Rescue, Hotwire and Bloodmoney. We also learn more about the campaign, which revolves around a young Miami detective (Nick Mendoza) and features an episodic structure similar to a TV miniseries. Also, the AI has been completely redesigned and the levels are more open, as opposed to last year's Battlefield 4 .

The video has since been removed but it'll pop back up at some point, we're sure.

Related Game(s): Battlefield: Hardline

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10 years ago

Hm… Cops vs Robbers?

Ok EA, you've got my attention.

10 years ago

I may be skipping BF this year and going with CoDAW. I wasn't very impressed with all the problems that BF4 had.

10 years ago

PLEASE read my comment to someone just below this.

10 years ago

Oh look, another FPS.

They should focus on completely fixing BF4 instead of planning on releasing another entry.

10 years ago

There are SO many people on the internet saying this. It is SOOOOO effing annoying.

Dude, BF4 is developed by DICE, BF Hardline is being developed by Visceral.

Two completely different teams.

It is like saying "Sledgehammer Games should focus on fixing COD Ghosts before making a new COD". See how stupid that is? Ghsots was made by IW.

DICE is working on Battlefront 3 and Battlefield 5, both will probably launch next year at the earliest. DICE also has teams working to fix the various bugs in BF4, the game is 80% better than what it was previously.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 5/28/2014 9:23:05 PM

10 years ago

Dude, chill out.

My comment was aimed towards EA, not the developer itself…

10 years ago


10 years ago

There are a lot of people out there saying that they aren't going to buy this because of how Battlefield 4 was when it launched.

If the implication is that EA is solely responsible for BF4's issues, then you are wrong. Yes they are the ones pushing for release, but DICE ALSO okay'd the game for launch.

If DICE says the game can't launch, then it can't launch, EA would never WANT a completely broken product to launch. Despite popular belief.

Even though the Dead Space games did veer off from their survival horror roots, they were still quality titles.

I firmly believe that we should give each developer a chance to prove themselves before damning them, regardless of the publisher. If we based everything on the publisher we would be damning some pretty awesome games, like Destiny and Bungie.

10 years ago

"but DICE ALSO okay'd the game for launch."… There's only so much you can do when your owner (the guy funds you) and publisher (the guy who markets/distributes the game) sets a deadline without considering the human and technical limitations.

There's a reason why it has been constantly voted the worst company in the US.

Last edited by Masszt3r on 5/29/2014 2:05:46 PM

10 years ago

So you agree with other people that we should damn this game because it is made by EA?

I guess we should damn all of EA's other franchises from now till the end of time right?

Actually they didn't 'win' that this year I believe, they came 2nd or 3rd. Anyway, yes there is definitely a reason for that. But I believe in the quality of developers, not publishers, I don't give a frack who publishes what.

10 years ago

No, I never said that. I initially said that they should focus on fixing BF4's problems first. I then said that DICE could only do so much if EA was pushing them. That was all.

It's fair to give everyone a chance. No one is doubting that. We can just hope they don't go through what DICE has gone through.

10 years ago

If it's like Counterstrike, then I'm definitely in. But I'll wait to see the reviews and make sure this one isn't completely broken when it hits store shelves.

10 years ago

it sounds like they sud just call it battlefield: cop and robbers.

happy gaming =)

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