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Bethesda’s New Game Won’t Be Revealed Any Time Soon

If you were hoping to see Bethesda's next epic role-playing game at E3, we've got bad news.

When a fan asked on Twitter if the publisher would show off their new project at next month's event, Bethesda marketing boss Pete Hines replied:

"1) I don't really pre-announce our announcements. 2) [Bethesda Game Studios] will not be talking about its next game for a long time."

We've heard rumors about Fallout 4 for a while now but nothing is official and obviously, we should't expect to see it at E3. To help clarify the "long time" comment, Hines added that he just "wanted people to know not to expect any kind of announce any time soon." He's not even sure when that announcement will arrive.

Well, that's okay. It's not like we don't already have some huge RPGs on the horizon ( Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , for instance). We can be patient.

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10 years ago

I'm dying a little every day without Fallout 4. This is so sad.

10 years ago

I felt that way while playing Fallout 3.

10 years ago

They just released Elder Scrolls Online, to mixed reviews no less. They clearly don't want to steal their own game's thunder, but they're clearly full steam ahead on Fallout 4. I'd expect details, and maybe a release, next year.

10 years ago

Me too. I've really worked up an appetite for the next Fallout now.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

But we're coming up on three years since Skyrim with only DLC from them… I know that ESO helped to fill that gap a little, but it's for a different kind of gamer than me. Then again, a three year cycle from brought us Skyrim; just imagine what a four or five year cycle could bring us in Elsewyr or Fallout 4.

10 years ago

Yup I totally saw this coming, its made my life easier assuming Fallout 4 won't be @ e³, let's me focus on the other big exciting games that will be revealed!

Plus we definitely do have plenty of open world rpgs coming out, should be plenty to play until Fallout 4: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Lords of the Fallen, The Witcher 3, and possibly Project Beast later in 2015. So actually its not all bad its not releasing soon.

10 years ago

Yup I totally saw this coming, its made my life easier assuming Fallout 4 won't be @ e³, let's me focus on the other big exciting games that will be revealed!

Plus we definitely do have plenty of open world rpgs coming out, should be plenty to play until Fallout 4: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Lords of the Fallen, The Witcher 3, and possibly Project Beast later in 2015. So actually its not all bad its not releasing soon.

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