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Destiny Will Be The First Game You Can Pre-Load On Your PS4

The option to pre-load freshly released game was added to the PlayStation 4 via system update 1.70.

And the first game that will officially support the feature? The hotly anticipated open-world, co-op-oriented shooter, Destiny , as noted at the support page .

The digital version of the game is now available to pre-order on the PSN, and the game's page says it will be available to play at 2 a.m. PST on September 9. Okay, so it's not 12:01 a.m. but it's pretty darn close. Pre-loading means you don't have to wait for the full game to download on launch day; it has proven to be a popular feature on PC but isn't yet supported on all consoles. The PS4 just got it and as of yet, the Xbox One doesn't.

So, if you enable the Automatic Downloads and Uploads option on your PS4, the system will automatically download any games you've pre-ordered that also support pre-loading. Destiny is the first…you gettin' it?

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

yeah – if ive any space left on my drive by september – im thinking 500gb is a tad on the small size now

10 years ago

Anyone know if swapping the HDD in a PS4 is as easy as it was for PS3?

10 years ago

Underdog, yes it is. You literally just need to unscrew something, slide off the shiny side of the PS4 and it's almost the same process. Although you need a specific hard drive size to fit. There is currently no 2TB drive commercially available as far as I'm aware except in the Samsung Spinpoint M9T. You could purchase that device and tear it down for it's hard drive and use that in your PS4. The whole process is documented on YouTube extensively. 🙂

10 years ago

Loading games to an HDD on a console seems like an unneeded feature to me. Unless you had the option to back it up to an external HDD or to a NAS, but even then transferring games back and forth would take up quite a bit of time. Now if they manufactured them so you could put more than one HDD in it for games, that would be a whole nother story.

10 years ago

I kinda wanna play it but I'd hate to drop $60 only to find out that my ass is getting shot up every two feet I run.

10 years ago

I find that running faster helps.
If not, running and hiding is the perfect combination. Works wonders for me.

10 years ago

I also don't want to buy a game where I run and hide in the corner, i do enough of that in real life.

10 years ago

Why release an awesome feature like the ability to preload new releases, if the feature won't actually be used until half a year later?

I was really hoping that Watch Dogs would have support for this, or you know, any game releasing between now and three months from now. I'm really saddened that more games aren't taking advantage of this.

10 years ago

so 1.70 gave us the option to preload games but from now until september, NO OTHER GAME will utilize this? (im not including digital games off psn) but for disc based games.

10 years ago

another fps game, not interested..

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