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If You’re A PS4 Owner, Are You Now More Interested In Xbox One?

As I'm sure you've heard, Microsoft is removing Kinect from Xbox One next month, thereby allowing them to sell the console for $399.

That means the Xbox One can be purchased for the same price as the PS4, which has thus far led the way in the sales category. But does the new price tag appeal to current PS4 owners?

I've typically been a multi-console owner, dating all the way back to the SNES and Genesis. And I have to admit, the $399 price, along with the promising Sunset Overdrive and a few other new IPs on the horizon, has given me pause… Not enough to convince me, though, as I no longer have any interest in the Halo series, and I don't even have enough time to play the games I want to play now . Adding another console to the mix would put me even farther behind.

I'm also convinced that PlayStation will once again deliver the most top-tier exclusives this generation, and those will probably take priority in my eyes. That all being said, there's a chance I might add the Xbox One to my holiday wish list this year. I'm certainly not prepared to pay for it with my own money. 😉

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10 years ago

I'm still not going to pick one up anytime soon. One reason is explaining to the wife why there is ANOTHER game console in the house. Another reason is time to play. Thirdly is PS4 is offering most of what X1's offering. Its not going to kill me missing out on some great exclusives.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Said it before, I'll say it again. I know that the PS4 is a solid long-term investment because Sony will deliver awesome exclusive content, and so it will be my first next-gen system. I mean, inFamous: Second Son, Natural Doctrine, Lily Bergamo, the rumoured Project Beast, The Order, Uncharted 4… We're six months in and that's a pretty killer line-up already.

But the XBO is tantalising now that it can be bought at the same cost as the PS4. With Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive on the horizon, as well as rumours of an exclusive from Platinum Games, and goodness knows what else, I'm kinda amped.
I do find it odd that I'm more interested in third-party exclusives for the XBO than first-party. I mean… Halo 5, Gears 4, Forza Horizon 2 (technically third party), Fable Legends, Killer Instinct… they're all just a big shrug.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

YES!!! Project Beast… Thank you Sony for making the "mistake" of originally publishing Demon's Souls!!

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
10 years ago

Only things that Xbone has that PS4 doesn't is HBO Go and Watch ESPN Apps. And no, I have no interest in buying one. Here's to hoping that these apps arrive sooner than later.

10 years ago

Really the PS4 doesn't have HBO Go while the PS3 does? O_o weird

10 years ago

I'm not interested nor paying fot the XO

10 years ago

Yes, it's all about the games and Xbox One seems like it's getting it's head on straight and delivering. This gen will be the first gen I get two consoles. I'll be picking up an Xbox One very soon…

10 years ago

I like the idea of supporting only Sony and possibly eventually Nintendo with my console and portable gaming needs. Last gen taught me a lot of things. Taught me that I have less free time for gaming. Must-play game releases are happening way more often these days so catching them all is hard enough as it is.

Supporting an XO means buying into a lot of things. The hardware and Xbox Live etc. Most importantly it would suggest asking for more and more of my free time. Sunset Overdrive looks cool but I have no doubt Insomniac will rebound back with an all-to-awesome Ratchet game for PS4.

So basically, it would take something unbelievably extraordinary for me to grab an XO at this point.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/15/2014 11:39:55 PM

10 years ago

I feel the same way, 100%.

10 years ago

No desire to pick one up yet. We'll see when the redesign hits in a couple years. I require it to have a removable hard drive and no external power brick before I even consider it. My wire routing is the envy of kings! 🙂

10 years ago

Those are two big issues for me too.

10 years ago

I doubt there is anything Microsoft could do to get me interested in an Xbox. I pretty much despise that company. They might be able to convince me to buy a WiiU if I were interested in a second console.

10 years ago

No, and that's because there aren't any exclusive games on the X1 now or coming soon that I'm interested in.

10 years ago

Yep. Sold my ps4's and got 5 xbox ones. That way i can see advertisements for Keeping up With the Kardashians everywhere I do. i also enjoy the layout too. traversing a maze through a sea of media to get to the game sections on a console really appeals to me. As a matter of fact, from now on i shall only be coming to this site to talk about how awesome xbox one and its games are. Starting….


al you fanbouys should just shutup cause xbox has like better graphics. Sony falesly advetises ps4 specs to make people think it is true but it really ints. wise up and join the BETTER consles.

10 years ago

I've been trying for years to get brain damage so I too could find joy in buying exorbitant amounts of xbox's. Got any suggestions on speeding this process up?

10 years ago

Bricks, high fall areas, electrocution.

10 years ago

Damn Kight, you really nailed that impression right down to the spelling errors! Bravo son.

10 years ago

Ya man u tel them

10 years ago

Definitely not getting one. 1. Still only got a ps3 and have a back log on that. 2.would not have enough time for two consoles. 3. Based on how Microsoft has treated their fans this gen, I'm surprised anyone would want to buy one. 4. I know a lot of xbox fans complained about the whole resolution & fps "war" this gen. Just want to say your welcome, without it xbox would probably never change their Kinect status to be optional to make the games better.

10 years ago

Well, sure, I guess. It's no longer on my "no way in hell" list now that Kinect is gone.

Now it's on my "yeah, probably not" list. So that's an improvement!

10 years ago

A price cut doesn't all of a sudden make me want to buy a console. That would be impulsive. The fact of the matter is I personally can't justify spending that much money on a second console for a few exclusive games.

Both consoles are relatively similiar in terms of apps and streaming media so I'll stick with PS4. Both have great online services so I'll stick with PS4. Both have blu ray so I'll stick with PS4. Multiplats are seemingly running better on PS4. Sony's first party support is 5 million times better than that of MS, so what's left? A $100 price drop doesn't instantly change any of that. Oh and PS4 has PSPlus, PSNow and soon the virtual headset (which I'm not sold on), making it apparent that Sony will continue to provide quality services and games while MS is trying to figure out their next move.

I have no reason to buy an XboxOne let alone any second gaming machine.Â

10 years ago

Nah, I don't like Microsoft.

10 years ago


Not worth the price for me in my current financial state.

I'm waiting at least another year to buy an Xbone with Kinect for $399 or less.

By then I'll have my RN license and will finally be making decent money again.

10 years ago

Luckily I am in a position where expenses on the level we talk about here is not much of an issue, so the lower price doesn't change anything for me.

Insomniacs game looks *super*sweet, but I maintain my opinion that I don't think any one title is worth purchasing a machine for.

And fact remains the same: Almost without exceptions my favourite games are all multiplats, and the PS4 is the console that will play those games best.
I've never been more convinced that the Playstation is the right choice, and that I need just one.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/16/2014 2:39:09 AM

10 years ago

I'm in a similar situation, but I'm still a frugal money hoarder. :p I always have a certain amount every month I want to put into investments, and it's pretty aggressive.

Retirement before 55 (or sooner, if possible!), here I come!

10 years ago

Same here, Beamboom. I'm very fortunate to be at a place where if I'd like to spend a few hundred dollars on a toy for myself, that's really no problem. PS4 is supremely well-positioned this gen between being the best platform for multiplats and peppering those with some nice exclusive seasoning. A nice bundle deal on X1 around the holidays may prompt a return to my old multiplat ways, and backwards compatibility would certainly seal the deal. But honestly, I don't think going multiplat will be as exciting this gen as in previous ones: there's simply far too much financial incentive for developers to get their games in front of as many potential customers as possible. I place the odds at Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive sequels remaining X1 exclusives somewhere between slim and none for this reason 🙂

10 years ago

if all the software features, releasing at LAUNCH, that $ony is STILL yet to deliver, plus all the amazing looking exclusives like halo 5, sunset overdrive, D4, quantum break, GOW, against ps4s jack set for this year, than dropping kinect aint going to do it.

10 years ago

I reckon not.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
10 years ago

I already have both so, no, I won't be buying one due to the price cut.

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

I still can't believe insomniac turned its back on the PS community… Sadly the argument I keep hearing this gen is "you get what you pay for". Compared to a few years back when it was "they are both the same thing so buy the cheaper one". I think the Xbox will sell more just because the typical Xbox consumer buys the console because "more people" have it.

But no, I will probably never buy an Xbox console.

10 years ago

Nope i refuse to buy another microsoft gaming console.

10 years ago

I already have one and waiting for those great games to come. I hope they dont lose focus like they did at the end of the last gen. A hungry Microsoft has been known to produce some great gaming experiences. But Sony will have that Japanese support that I adore so the PS4 and PlayStation will be my "lead platform" for the fourth consecutive generation. Crazy when you really think how amazingly strong the brand has been for so long.

Last edited by n/a on 5/16/2014 8:58:14 AM

10 years ago

Not to be frank, but which gaming experiences are those? The only ones I'm aware of are Halo, Gears, and Forza. Only Halo ever appealed to me, and it's now soured for me. What else is there?

10 years ago

That's what I'm worried about too, I mean the kinect was an integral part of their Xbox One vision and now it's an optional accessory which doesn't bode well for its future. I really think this and all of MS's other flip flopping on Xbox One features is really going to hurt them.

10 years ago

I bet it must frustrate the hell out of developers, too.

10 years ago

Yeah, no wonder so many are using PS4 as the lead platform.

10 years ago

Still have my Xbox 1 🙂

10 years ago

See, now I'm actually less interested because the kinect technology is actually very cool (it's just lacking good games/apps) and it was the main reason I would even consider getting an Xbox One. And I know the console/kinect bundle will still be available but this has me questioning MS commitment to the kinect. I still believe the tech has great potential but if MS is no longer thinking of kinect as a core part of the Xbox One then the likelihood of it reaching that potential is not very high.

10 years ago

Never, I will never buy a Microsoft product.

10 years ago

so im guessing you only use macs?

10 years ago

NO. plain and simple. was never interested in xbox, ever. have been loyal to sony since the psx days. and yes i have played xbox at peoples houses and best buy. not interested, never will be. their controller is absolutely horrendous and thats one of the main reasons i hate xbox. aside from their lack of technology compared to ps3/ps4.

10 years ago

Not to mention M$'s history for a total lack of business ethics too.

10 years ago

I think I'm in the exact same boat, Ben. I've enjoyed owning multiple consoles for, man, probably 20 or so years now. PlayStation has been my favorite for a long time, but I love playing the best games regardless of platform. I only have so many hours to play, so I want to spend that time only on the very best. $400 is a heck of a lot more attractive than $500, of course, and I like the look of some of their exclusives. Two things will push me over the edge:

1) They really do move forward with the rumored backwards compatibility for 360 games. Upgrading makes a ton of sense when, worst case, you enjoy a few nice exclusives you would have otherwise missed, you get to keep access to all of the games you already have, and crucially, you can take the old system out of your poor, overly cramped entertainment center. I think Microsoft greatly underestimated how massive a feature this is for many of us for all of the above reasons.

2) the all-but-guaranteed mega sale for XBox One this Black Friday. I have zero interest in fighting the crowds, but if a particularly nice deal comes up at, say, my local gamestop or, better yet, via Amazon (free titanfall thrown in seems like a no-brainer), I will probably pull the trigger 🙂

PS4 is sensational, and I'm all but certain it's going to be my preferred platform of choice this gen. But i assure you all, the competition makes some nice games, ones worth checking out if you have the means!

10 years ago

Why,should i buy an inferrior games console, if i had an xbox i stayed with it, it play's games in same resolution and framerate as on xbone.

I'm happy with my ps4, and No im not more interessted in xbone.

Last edited by BrB on 5/16/2014 12:29:59 PM

10 years ago

The price cut and prospect of new IPs certainly helps Xbox seem more comparable and enticing to people who are either waiting to jump on the next-gen bandwagon, or have enough cash and time to burn on both consoles.
I'm neither of those people though. I already have my PS4 and, unless those rumoured new IPs are unforeseeabley mindblowing, I don't see the need to double down.
Even if I did want both, I don't have the extra cash or space in my entertainment center for that matter, since I'm keeping my PS3 hooked up as well. Especially until that supposedly incoming some time this decade MP3 update gets here.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

There is only 1 thing that can make me buy a xboxone:the game Fallout 4 as an exclusive.
Then i would go to the dark side of gaming;)

10 years ago

Well, seeing as I hate Microsoft for personal reasons, nope, nothing they could do or say would ever prompt me to buy one of their systems. They can take their persistent need to displace American workers with h1b1 visas and shove it where the sun don't shine.

10 years ago

I do want a xbox one..the price cut is nice…but I'll wait to buy one for cheaper even if I have to wait a few years i will. Just can't justify spending $399 on a system that is inferior to the competition. Just makes no sense

10 years ago

So what you're saying is you DON'T want one… right?

10 years ago

I do want a xbox one..the price cut is nice…but I'll wait to buy one for cheaper even if I have to wait a few years i will. Just can't justify spending $399 on a system that is inferior to the competition. Just makes no sense

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