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Destiny Beta Info Coming At E3

If you want the beta information for Destiny , just hold your horses.

According to a post on Bungie's website , we'll get the details of that upcoming play test at E3.

When a fan asked the developer about the beta, community manager David Dague simply replied, "E3." Following Bungie on Twitter and Facebook might net you a beta code, so you may as well pop over there. Here's another tidbit that might pique your curiosity: Sony has teamed up with Activision and Bungie; they'll hold a contest that will allow the winner and a friend to attend E3. These two lucky devils will gain access to the show floor, get hands-on time with Destiny , and meet some of the guys and gals at the studio.

Don't worry if you don't win, though, because 500 runners-up will get into the beta. That test debuts first on the PS4 and PS3 this summer.

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

One day I want nothing to do with this game, the next day I want to try it…

10 years ago

I've seen nothing to dislike about the game. Having been a Playstation fan all these years I've never really cared for Bungie's work but I am interested in this and will definitely buy it. Of course part of that is due to the barren landscape of PS4 games that appeal to me.

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