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Bungie Promises Xbox Fans: “We’re Not Ignoring You”

"Who's ignoring you?"

That's what developer Bungie asked a fan who accused the team of ignoring their Xbox fan base. That fanbase is huge due to the immensely popular Halo franchise, which was of course exclusive to the Xbox platform.

In response to Bungie's latest blog update , one annoyed Xbox follower asked: "Will you guys give a nod to your Xbox fan base or just keep ignoring them?" Bungie community manager David Dague replied:

"Who's ignoring you? We're right here; making a game we hope you'll love. We're listening to your questions, and answering the ones we can. If you're a gamer who wants to play a Bungie game, you're very much on our mind– every day."

At the same time, one can understand the fan's impression. Destiny was highlighted when the PlayStation 4 was announced early last year, and Bungie showed gameplay during Sony's E3 press conference. Not to mention the fact that the upcoming beta will begin on the PS3 and PS4 this summer. So, it's sorta similar to how Activision always gives Xbox the nod with Call of Duty , right?

We're fairly certain Destiny will perform equally well on PS4 and Xbox One, and there's no indication (yet) that downloadable content will debut first on the PlayStation platforms.

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

Its ok Bungie, you're allowed to favor a console over the other.

10 years ago

Hey the console with the public behind it gets a little preferential treatment, 360 had it for the whole last generation and now things are different. Those fans are getting a game, just without the special treatment they are used to. Suck it up, PS3 fans dealt with it for 7 years despite actually having the better console.

10 years ago


10 years ago

It makes me feel ashamed to be a gamer when we have people like THAT around.

This kid is soooooooooooooooooooooo butthurt that Bungie is no longer Xbox exclusive. It's pathetic. He is acting like Bungie is his wife, and she just cheated on him with his brother.

Bungie is debuting on the Playstation platform, it is 110% understandable that they want to make a great impression by coming out to Sony conferences and saying "Hey Sony fans, do you know who we are? Of course you do! Hey we are making a great new game, and we are bringing it TO YOU!", also, Sony has signed a deal with with Activision for preferential treatment (although we don't know the full details of that).

Bungie has said that the PS4 is their lead platform, and honestly I think that is just common sense, they can push the game to it's limits on PS4, and scale it back for everything else.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 4/28/2014 9:19:02 PM

10 years ago

By saying "… they can push the game to it's limits on PS4, and scale it back for everything else", you mean other consoles right? I'm guessing that the PC will be developed alongside the console versions but specialized for different configurations, whereas the PS4 is the lead for the consoles, allowing them to scale back as needed? If so, I totally agree with and understand that statement. Why not lead with the most robust system/console and scale it as necessary, especially if the system/console in question is very similar as well?

10 years ago

Well yeah for consoles sure. I mean with PC it's a whole different ball game, they can't just push max specs then scale back, that affects the design of the game itself, they need to find a happy medium.

I don't know why more systems didn't do that last gen, I mean, using the lower spec'd system as the lead platform just sounds really dumb.

10 years ago

on come you winy xbots can u not live with out M$ giving you eveything first seriously as soon as something like this happens spit the dummy that i just what it seems like to me any maybe i'm wrong but they come across as the most winy bunch of spoiled brats sometimes if you no what i mean. yeah i think they need to suck it up and deal with it we've had to for a long time.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

i miss the good old days where developers actually gave a sh*t about their customers!
they promote the game the way they have, always showing off ps4 footage, never even mentioning other versions, putting the beta out on ps4, then they have the gall to talk to their fans like this?
thanks bungie, thanks for giving me another reason to not buy the game!

10 years ago

I miss the good ol days when the internet and forums didn't allow (or even exist) for all the weak whiny trolls hiding behind their screen to actually talk to the developers. The internet gave a mouth to the retarded and now look at all the drama that is happening everyday over so many small details… God I wish the internet had some kind of punishing AI that would electrocute retards when they post (talking about posts aimed at devs).

I am pointing this out because back in the days that's how it was. Devs made games the way they wanted and they were awesome and uncorrupted by social crap. (mostly)

That's the good ol days I know of. And I am pretty sure Devs were even LESS listening to fans. So that comment doesn't really work.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 4/29/2014 9:55:19 AM

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