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Ground Zeroes For PlayStation, Xbox Will Trade Exclusive Missions

Time to trade previously exclusive content.

When Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes launched, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms received one exclusive mission each: Deja Vu for PlayStation and Jamais Vu for Xbox.

Now, as stated by MGS creator Hideo Kojima in a new Kojima Station episode, these missions will be delivered to both platforms free of charge via future DLC. PlayStation players will get the Jamais Vu mission (where you play as Raiden), and Xbox users will get the Deja Vu mission (where players get to assume the role of the old-school MGS1-era Solid Snake). The update will arrive next month.

We liked Ground Zeroes , even if it was a little on the short side.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

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10 years ago

Wow, not even trying to hide the fact that console exclusive missions are just a money grabbing con, and I know MGS is hardly the first to do this. It's just that everything about Ground Zeroes screams shameless cash grab and this only reinforces that. I'm not commenting on the quality of the game as I have yet to play it (though I hear it's very good) but the precedent of releasing the first level of a full game as a "prologue" for over half the price of the full game itself just to gouge the loyal fans. And I'm sure this isn't Kojima's idea, as I think he has mentioned in an interview how he did not want to make GZ separate, but some big wig at Konami who has no respect for the gamers.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

If they're going cross platform for free, how are they a "money-grabbing con"? Unless you're implying that people would have bought both PS and XB copies of the game at release, which, frankly, would be completely irrational.

10 years ago

I'm referring to the general practice of advertising 'exclusive' content as an incentive to buy the game -the theory behind it being that people are more likely to buy something if they believe the version they're purchasing is superior- and then a month later making it available to all. A technique that many publishers use to try and increase sales. I'm against it in all games, but especially in the case of GZ where the entire game is just shamelessly exploiting the fans by releasing what should be the first level in the full game as a prologue and charging a ridiculous $40 for it. A practice that no gamer wants to become common.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I don't necessarily see it as a money-grabbing con if the person pre-ordering because of such incentives is going to be getting the game at some point anyway. Developers want to incentivise an earlier purchase, fair go. Normally, when the content is released later, those who didn't preorder have to pay a little extra, so the person who preordered still gets a better deal than the person that didn't (unless the person that didn't waited until after a price drop to buy the game). Not sure how you get this idea of 'superiority'. I'm sure most people realise that it's just a nice bonus that'l be available to everyone later.

As for GZ, these exclusive missions weren't even a preorder bonus. They were just extra missions dependent on which platform you bought the game. It's not about a superior version at all, just a different version. And that is unrelated to the content/pricing debacle about the game.

10 years ago

Should people be worried that multiplat open world MGS hovered in the 8 range?

10 years ago

I'm not worried. The 8 was partly because of how long it was. Everything in this game except for story and voice for snake (subjective) is better.

I am disappointed that the game doesn't look as good during day tme gameplay. U_U

10 years ago

Yeah, I think the time things was a major detractor.

10 years ago

I have to admit, the new voice didn't work for me, there were times when Snake was speaking and I just couldn't associate the voice to the character, it just sort of blurred in the background… I hope this doesn't ruin The Phantom Pain for me.

10 years ago

Oh fantastic news! 😀 I first read the headline and was thinking 'Okay…. how much…' but Free? Oh I'm so pleased 🙂 Say what you will about Ground Zeroes, I got it for a damn good price & got a good 20 hours out of it which is more than I can say for a lot of other releases. This just gives me another reason to go back to it 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Completely expected, but the free is nice. I'll get this eventually.

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