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Oddworld Creator On AAA Games: “Fu** That Business”

We all know that Battlefield 4 had a ton of problems when it first launched.

In response to that, outspoken Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning has just one message for the big publishers of gigantic AAA productions:

"Fu** that business."

It's what he said during a recent VG24/7 interview , in which Lanning blasted the AAA market, saying it's a "losing business." In fact, he said he'd sooner quit the industry than become a "slave" to certain publishers:

"F**k that business. I don't want to play with that business, because it was a losing business. I'd rather not make games than go f**king be a slave for public companies who care more about their shareholders than they do about their customers."

He added that Battlefield 4 is a good example of publishing executives putting the stockholder desires before the gamers. In fact, Lanning said it was a jewel that ultimately shipped with "dirt all over it," and it certainly isn't the fault of the developers:

"Why did Battlefield 4 ship? You know that team was crying. You know that team knew that game wasn't ready to go. You know that team f**king spent a lot of sleepless nights building that sh** out to look as good and play as good, when it was able to be experienced, being played as they were intending it to be played."

BF4's problems really were ludicrous. For me, it's just another reason why I don't really play multiplayer games online. As for the rest of Lanning's comments, I get it, but let's not forget that gamers still bought BF4. They bought it when the news was out there concerning the title's significant problems, and a ton of people are definitely playing it today.

So yeah, buyer beware, at least to some extent.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 4

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10 years ago

yeah i think these publishers have to wake up i've already said that if EA screws up star wars battlefront i'm done with EA i just can't trust them anymore and it will take alot to get me bk like idk red alert 4 might work but yeah or NFS shift 3 but i just can't deal with their crap half ass unfinished games and bs anymore.

i wud say whos with me but idk know if anyone reads or wud reply to any of my comments

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

There is a very funny image going around the internet where this tv chef is yelling at someone saying "This meal is so unfinished, EA tried to publish it". I think Ben could have used it for this article.

10 years ago

Ha, I like this guy's thoughts!!!!!!

10 years ago

I'm sure people will be offended by what he says, but so what… There's value in what he says.

10 years ago

I know there are more developers who feel the same way.

Its the biggest problem with a couple of the big publishers.

Good thing there is steam greenlight, and kickstarter for deves to try out.

I agree with him on EA though, I really don't like buying games from them, they are just a crappy publisher that for the most part destroy good franchises.

10 years ago

funny that he should chose BF4, i remember interviewing to lars last year about the presentation he did.
one of his slides was of course introducing himself and the company, where they started off, so i just had to ask him does he have any regrets, if he could go back to the start would he do anything differently.
he said no ive had a great life, ive got a fantastic team around me and feel humbled that i have the opportunity to come out and do these events as my job.
that was not what i was referring to so i probed a bit deeper and said yous were doing so well, battlefield really was a shock to the industry how successful it was, and it finally got the attention of big publishers back then, mainly EA, would you change anything about that.
then all of a sudden he got a smirk on his face like oh THATS what you meant, and suddenly his tone of voice and bubbly personality instantly changed.
he put on the typical PR talk, but you could tell in his eyes that his heart was screaming YOU TRATOR!
ive always said its such a shame that such a amazing studio such as DICE has been ruined and constrained by the suits, but this pretty much cemented it to me.
just goes to show how publishers really are destroying this industry!

10 years ago

I'm sure I could go on with many counter arguments to how the indie-gaming market is degrading the quality of the industry by dominating sales for poor quality products… But I don't think I need to.

I see there is also an article when he is whining about the HD remake of Abe's Odyssey not being a remake but a 'Remaster'. The game is a HD remake… don't be so petty.

10 years ago

If I was in the industry EA is about the last place I would want to work. I get a kick out of how many of their studio heads have quit, no doubt replaced by corporate yes men who share the company's vision of having more Rolls Royce's in the parking lot than Activision.

10 years ago

"We all know that Battlefield 4 had a ton of problems when it first launched."….true that, but what is beyond belief is the fact that it STILL has major issues and we are now nearly 5 months into release. I for one bought the game and am sorely disappointed that I bought a 50.00 coaster…at least I save 19.00 by going through gamefly. My hope is, since we are so early into the next gen console era, that we might see new/established developers help fill the void currently being created by these sub-par games. It only takes one game (i.e. MW) to create a movement and pique gamer interest and you will very well see sales flow in a new direction. EA had better wake up…same with Activision, because there are hungry developers out there itching to create a top notch multi-player gaming experience. Personally, I can't wait!

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