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Rumored PS4 Announcement Will Be Livestreamed On February 20

Everyone is waiting on February 20. There have been enough headlines to convince many that at the very least, the press event will be worth watching.

And now, just about all of you will have the opportunity to watch it live. Sony confirmed to GameSpot that the potential unveiling of the PlayStation 4 will be live-streamed on the Internet. So get a comfy desk chair and some snacks!

The details of the live-stream will be released this week, apparently, and remember that the fun kicks off at 6 p.m. EST/3 p.m. PST. The rumors have been flying and most recently, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has said he is "100% certain" that Sony will indeed reveal the new PlayStation at that time. There has also been some concern over the new system's apparent focus on "social features," although there are contrasting pieces of evidence that say the machine should be quite the beast.

Whatever happens, we'll be sure to tell you as soon as Sony informs the world. All I'm really hoping for is a console that impresses without having an exorbitant price tag. Oh, and Uncharted 4 for a launch title. 😉

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11 years ago

Isn't everything live streamed these days?

BTW, at the E3 when the n360 was rushed out of the doors, Sony had been hinting strongly at a PS3 announce/release which forced MS' hand. Ultimately thanks to delays with Cell and BluRay's lasers Sony had to wait another year, but their strategy appeared to be forcing the hand of the competition. After this event has been so strongly rumored to be the PS4 announcement. What happens if it turns out not to be that at all? Are Sony just punking everyone including Pachter?

11 years ago

I just hope that Sony hasn't created a commodity based, low end, closed box, PC clone running custom firmware and OS; and then slapped the PS badge on the front. That's just not a 'PlayStation' to me.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

The reason we are getting games like The Last Of Us and Beyon Two Souls is because of how not-weak the Ps3 is. Keep that in mind Alejandro.

11 years ago

Honestly, I'd be willing to fork over quite a bit for a high powered system that will give the PC market a run for their money over the next gen. Sure they may have issues at first but the power will give them the advantage in the mid and long term against both the PC and whatever Microsoft is releasing.

11 years ago

Ok, now it *has* to be the next PS or something of similar magnitude. It can't just be a new gadget or anything minor.

11 years ago

I hope Sony also talks about a game that is going to be released tomorrow for the PS3.

Because as it stands, the game in question got almost no PR and I've yet to see any adverts for it.

And it could use some exposure. Don't like how the game is being sent to die like that.

Not mentioning the name of the game because I'm sure most here know what game I'm talking about.

11 years ago

i hope they have a recording of it so people can watch it after the live stream.
always have issues with these things, hell im STILL trying to watch the CES pressers!
every time i load up a stream it starts fine than freezes about 10 minutes through for 100 hours of buffering.
god dam it, we can send things to mars, we can quadripple the amount of pixels in TVs, but we cant film a event and stream it across the world!
wish the government would pull their finger out of their lazy a$$es and roll out the NBN faster, its pathetic!
makes me wonder if it really is crappy ISPs though that are the problem, i mean hows it possible to be able to download 25GB+ games within a hour, play online with NO lag what so ever!
when you cant stream a 1 hour press conference?
even trailers are a f*cking pain in the a$$, took me forever to get todays the last of us trailer to load!

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