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inFamous vs. Titanfall Sales Battle: Just How Close Is It?

Let me be clear: I have no illusions.

I know Titanfall outsold inFamous: Second Son . The former was probably the most hyped title of the generation thus far, and it was also available on PC. Furthermore, it's coming to the Xbox 360 and when that happens, it's certain that Respawn Entertainment's game will sell more copies.

However, I'd be very interested to know just how close the race is. Don't forget that the PlayStation 4 still – as far as we know – owns a significant hardware lead, as far as a worldwide tally is concerned. Furthermore, a recent report says Second Son was the most pre-ordered game of the new generation thus far. Now, granted, Titanfall is outscoring inFamous in terms of overall review scores but honestly, I figured that was inevitable. Critics have been inexplicably down on the inFamous franchise since it launched; even the superior sequel only holds a Metascore of about 82.

Scores do have an impact on sales, no doubt about it. That being said, let's also not forget that the hype train for Titanfall was freakin' massive. And as usual, Microsoft is outdoing Sony in the advertising department; I've seen numerous Titanfall commercials on TV, but I have yet to see a single inFamous commercial. Maybe I'll see a few more in the coming days, I don't know. I just hope Sony's title is keeping pace with Titanfall because if it is, it means the PS4 will maintain its lead…at least for a while longer.

Related Game(s): inFamous: Second Son , Titanfall

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10 years ago

Infamous is going to do just fine. May may not sell as much as Titanfall but I don't think either Sucker Punch nor Sony is going to worry about selling more copies than one particular game.

Last edited by Xombito on 3/23/2014 10:36:53 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Walked past JB earlier. There is some MAD promotion for inFamous Second Son going on in there. Sandwich boards over the security systems, wall-sized poster advertising it outside and banners freaking everywhere. Meanwhile, Titanfall had one banner in the Xbox section. I was like… wut?
Titanfall is definitely going to outsell inFamous, just because it is, in some ways, "the next big thing". But I think that inFamous is going to have the longer tail, and will end up quite near to some of the biggest new-gen titles to date. I really wouldn't be surprised to see it push past 2 million by year's end.

10 years ago

Shoulda taken a cell pic of that place.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Don't have a phone anymore. Flew out the window of my car a few weeks back.

Don't ask….

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

LOL I've often wanted to do that with OTHER people's phones.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Is the car okay?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago


Car's fine, Killa. The problem was that the phone wasn't sitting properly within the console on the dash…

10 years ago

I actually saw an inFamous commercial, it was surprising. I think you'd have to compare inFamous sales to Xbone Titanfail sales to have an idea what's going on.

10 years ago

I've seen the same amount maybe even more commercials of infamous than Titan Fall. I've seen them on television but more on the web.

10 years ago

I find it interesting that I see those playing Second Son online and they are loving it. Also, I am seeing those who play Titanfall and although the like something diff to CoD, the lasting appeal seams to be lacking.

Second Son is being seen as the better of the two for sure as, dare I say it, ugh "next gen" looking game. It does look good and the cityscapes from what I have seen in gameplay look … simply… awesome.

I think there are people out there who put it down in comparison to Titanfall only because really, its not there type of game or gameplay. Titanfall, mindless as it looks and all I hear from players is their enjoyment of just blowing Titans up or killing grunts with a Titan. Thats it. Sounds like another varied type of CoD. And thats good if you like MP games and that sort of thing.

Second Son has a history and a story and probably a slower pace. But when action start and powers revealed it looks pretty damn awesome for those of us who love the series and this type of game.

So now worries for Sony or SP. Who cares who outsells who. This game, Second Son, is gonna do well and sell well for an exclusive Sony game. Its the beginning of some really great games and even if one is to downplay Second Son as a new revamp of a series. I think they have a lot to build on and bring even more fun and excitement in future games.

Keep playing, keep the faith, and enjoy your game!

10 years ago

inFamous is a great series and all, but it's kind of too bad people are viewing it as the Sony flagship title.

10 years ago

I'd like to support Sony and get this game, if only bc there's not much out there for ps4, but I've been to 2 different Target stores and they have yet to even get a copy to sell. Not that Target is a big game seller, but that isn't helping.

I hope it sells great.

Stay Classy PSX…

10 years ago

yeah well i know someone whos getting both plus diablo 3 expansion and the new MGS5 and he doesn't have an xbox so you can tell whats going on yeah alot of titanfall PC players out there.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Who cares?

10 years ago

As far as sales go I feel inFamous should be only compared to the XBoxOne considering that it is only available on the PS4. If only to compare how these new systems are doing after these two heavy hitters.

Finished my first play through on Expert Hero. Now I will play the inFamous story so i can kill everything in site. Platinum Awaits!

Last edited by FatherSun on 3/24/2014 2:52:22 AM

10 years ago

i think we allknow the answer to this one 3 plaforms vs 1 which wins 3 aviously and multiplayer shooter vs. action/adventure, multiplayer shooter wins and as much as i want infamous to win it's not going to unless every ps4 brought one and even then it will still be a tall order cos i think will PC in the mix it's gunna be harder to beat.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

How about 1.5 millions of inFAMOUS compared to 5 millions of Titanfall?
Not that I'm hoping for it, just my prediction.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 3/24/2014 6:30:30 AM

10 years ago

The sales are in for the UK and Second Son is no.1 with Titanfall at no.3 and the MGS demo at no.2.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

The fact that we're reading an article like this is an accomplishment with it's self. Last gen this would have never happened. The employee at GameStop tried to convince me pick up Second Son yesterday. I almost did, but didn't want to over whelm myself. I'll wait a week or so.

10 years ago

I know exactly how you feel about being overwhelmed. Last week I picked up FFX/X-2 for the vita, MGS5 for the PS4, and Infamous for the PS4. Don't get me wrong, options are nice but when I look on down the road I don't see glut of releases I'm looking forward to – which makes my wallet wonder why it had to take so much punishment at once.

10 years ago

This article is a testament to how boring new gen is right now.

10 years ago

Kid, how do you mean? When I read this article, it sounds like 2 blockbuster titles were released within a short span of one another.

10 years ago

Only reason it's averaging an 82 is because of the traffic whore sites scoring it a 60. Titanfall has what 2 of those sites and infamous has 14. I'm sorry but the game deserves at least an 80. It's not perfect but the technical aspects of it are pretty damn impressive and the voice acting from troy baker is phenomenal!!! Oh and man is it fun!!! Whatever, guess it really doesn't matter. You put a shooter next to an action game and the shooter is almost guaranteed to come out the winner. Either way, i'm loving it!!!

10 years ago

InFamous SS has a chance, Titanfall obviously going to do well just for the hype and the genre but somehow I think it failed at being the new CoD like MS envisioned.

10 years ago

InFamous SS has a chance, Titanfall obviously going to do well just for the hype and the genre but somehow I think it failed at being the new CoD like MS envisioned.

10 years ago

semi-related: anyone notice amazon, best buy AND wal-mart all marked down the Xbox One Titalfall bundle to $450? That means, in effect, the X1's price has been cut to 10 dollars less than PS4. That's about as sure a sign I can think of that X1 is not selling nearly as well as Microsoft and their retail partners expected… even with Titanfall.

10 years ago

True. But last I looked, the new Xbox had sold almost three times the amount of PS4's in the past month here in the US. And outsold the PS4 worldwide in the same time frame, but it was almost an even number overall. Titanfall helped to sell a lot of systems.

10 years ago

Enjoying playing both immensely to be honest. Of course Titanfall will outsell Infamous – it's an FPS and available on 3 platforms. Given the fewer number of games at the start of the generation and the quality of ISS I'm pretty sure it will do just fine with 6 million eager PS4 owners

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