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Ground Zeroes Speed Run: 10 Minutes

This probably isn't the headline Konami wanted to see.

The most controversial element of the recently released Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has been its length. An early Game Informer report said you could finish the prologue in under two hours.

Since then, we've seen varying time estimates from different sources, but the latest won't make gamers feel any better: Eurogamer has a video up that shows a 10-minute speed-run. Yep, 10 minutes. They "finished" the game in that ridiculously short span of time.

Of course, it should be noted that the player knew exactly where to go and what to do, and he skipped all the cut-scenes and side missions. Obviously, Ground Zeroes will take you longer than 10 minutes. But the mere fact that it can be completed in less than a quarter of an hour won't go over well with the gaming community.

During the initial backlash, Konami dropped the price of the physical copies of the PS4 and Xbox One versions by $10 each. Hasn't stemmed the negative tide, though.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

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10 years ago

Remind me why this is even being released? I don't get it…why isn't this just part of the final game?

10 years ago


10 years ago

To squeeze fans for extra money to pay for the Fox engine that was needed to put the game on Xbox platforms.

10 years ago

Snakes voice sounds like he went backwards through puberty

10 years ago

Isn't it a new voice actor now?

10 years ago

Dunno I'm gonna tell to myself it's just to have extra money to pay Sutherland who does a sub par job compared with Hayter.

10 years ago

All that matters is quality. I still don't think they should have released GZ separate from TPP, but as long as GZ gives me great tactical espionage action with a great Kojima story it could be 20 minutes, or 20 hours. I don't care.

Downloaded today and can't wait to play in a bit. Who cares if some guy with no life can speed run it in 10 minutes? It's going to take me two hours and I'm sure I'll love every second.

10 years ago

Technically, he has a life, he's just doing it wrong. :p

Seriously, the way I see this is you're paying half price for a polished half game. Lower your expectations to half of what you would normally expect, and the game isn't actually all that bad.

10 years ago

Mastering a game that you can complete in less than 30 min. first play through doesn't take much time, save that no life comments to the World of Warcraft junkies.

10 years ago

Playing it now and for those of you who haven't, well your loss. I understand the whole voting with your wallet thing, but this is seriously a fun game and well worth the 30 bucks or 20 if you go digital.

10 years ago

Seconded. Even if you think $30 is too much I hope everyone who is upset will keep an eye out for sales because this is absolutely amazing. I cannot WAIT to play more tonight.

10 years ago

Well…at last a game that beat Celebrity Deathmatch for the PS1. A game that all I need was 1 1/2 hour to beat and unlock all.

10 years ago

This should have been a free downloadable demo.

10 years ago

Agreed, and it shouldn't have been released before the full game even has a release date.

10 years ago

this game was a complete waste of money and time

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

If you're not a fan of the series it's understandable to see the $30 price tag as a little steep. But if you're in love with the series the way I am it is worth it. It could be a while before we get The Phantom Pain. At least we're getting something substantial instead of a watered down demo. It's a next gen metal gear to cling to until the full game releases. The learning curve of the new mechanic won't be an issue for the exponentially larger version of the game now.

Oh and are we forgetting? There are other side missions.

10 years ago

Lol I bet it in vluded w TPP special edition n ull get a bunch of junk plus GZ 4 like $79 bucks

10 years ago

That seems about right. I beat it in 25 minutes and I didn't skip the cut-scenes. Honestly didn't really like it and I'm a fan of his games.

Edit. On my first play through.

Last edited by Xbox_Killer on 3/18/2014 11:26:20 PM

10 years ago

I just you tube the thing I'm disappointed with Snake new voice, what a waste of money to use Sutherland for this so so performance, the most hilarious thing it's his voice sounds more juvenile than Hayter!, wasn't one of the reasons they wanted Sutherland was because they wanted Snake to sound more old…lol!

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/19/2014 2:24:38 AM

10 years ago

Cant wait to play this game tonight

10 years ago

Honestly, If I played it I wouldn't beat it in ten minutes. However there is a difference between a game being beatable in say 5-6 hours, but taking most people 20 hours and a game being beatable in 10 minutes.

I like big huge game worlds with tons of stuff to do, but I do find it a bit disappointing that we're seeing a trend where this equates to short, almost meaningless story lines. I love spending over 100 hours on a great rpg, but it is beginning to annoy me that the main quests are commonly taking less than 15 hours on these huge games.

Big, open, lots of options, great! Don't sacrifice the story for it though. I want a big epic story to go with my big epic world.

10 years ago

I remember the Metal Gear fanboys hating on Rising because of the length, it's funny to read the white knight maneuvers excusing this less than 30 min abomination, even Capcom Dead Rising Case Zero who got tons of hate at least gave us two legit hours for 5.99

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/19/2014 2:18:20 AM

10 years ago


10 years ago

@ oxvial

I played it today and it took me 2 hours and 30 min so you statment about it being less then 30 min is bull. And for the love of god stop your crying about this game if you have not played it then don't open your mouth about it. every MGSV post you have something to say, no one is making you buy this game!!

And this is not a DEMO like some of you are saying there is a alot of things to do,
the only downfall is there is only one map 🙁

Last edited by Big_Boss90 on 3/19/2014 3:33:14 AM

10 years ago

No sense in trying man, this guy loves these articles. I'm pretty sure this is making his week to see all this. Knowing full well he hasn't played the game. As for me it took up to and hour and 40 mins. Worth it, now I'm looking forward to trying to complete everything in this game.

10 years ago

Big boss, you can ensure your reply is directly under his message by pressing the "reply" button.

Otherwise, people can get their messages in between…

See? –^

10 years ago

Anyways, as for me, 2.5 hours is still extremely small compared to the cost.

10 years ago

I'am only 19% in so that should say alot!

10 years ago

I can beat the tanker mission In ten minutes… However I have easily put 50 hours+ into just the tanker part due to the fun mechanics – MGS2s gameplay was so revolutionary for the time though.

I'm not one of them people who will say play it slowly and make the most of it. Whe I get my copy this Friday, I am just going to try play it naturally if the mission ends soon fair enough. It is the replays where I will really explore with the mechanics. As longs as it is at least over an hour I'll be content and ready to get top rank and talk the other missions.

10 years ago

guess that pretty much confirms i was right.
only reason this exists is because $ony did not want another ps3 debacle having to wait so long for a big name franchise to come out.
everyone waited for MGS4 to release till getting a ps3, so since MGS5 wont be ready they thought hey will slice a small piece of it off and wallah its now ready!
only problem being you go into a MGS game expecting complexity and depth, a 1 hour, or 2 hour, or 10 minute, game just does not cut it as a MGS game!
they should of released this as a free demo for people to download and enjoy.
not even GT5 prologue was this bad!
hell not even GT HD the small downloadable game that launched with the ps3 was this bad!

10 years ago

Back in the day we used to call games like this …. DEMOS. Now we get to pay 30 bucks for em. Yaaaaay!

10 years ago

Hehe – I'll just *so* skip this release. Maybe, maybe if the Phantom Pain is awesome I'll wait for the obvious bundle.

10 years ago

Betcha it'll be an eventual add on… like maybe as a collector's edition or something.

10 years ago

The safest bet of this decade.

10 years ago

Just youtube it like I did (not gonna take much of your time xD) unless you are a side missions person I can't see why people pay for this, the only enjoyable thing was Kaz I was never fan of him but he really impressed me this time, they changed the voice actor? that delivery he did at the end was stunning.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/19/2014 3:47:00 PM

10 years ago

Speed runs don't really mean anything.

I watched that ten minute video and it just looks like any other shooter on the market, except with stealth elements of course. I'd maybe pay $5 for it if I was a fan.

10 years ago

I watched a normal video it took to the guy 54 min, but he was unnecessary exploring a lot, I don't agree with the shooter thing save some new features this was Metal Gear to the T :p

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/19/2014 3:52:31 PM

10 years ago

I Finished Mine In 56 Mins And I Got B Rank

10 years ago

I took 2.5 half hours last night for the main mission, and I was definitely rushing. I finished at 8 percent completion, a half dozen other missions opened up and I cannot WAIT to do them, learn more about what the heck is going on, who's double crossing Snake, etc. I say again, if anyone refuses to play this based on the price, of course that's your choice. But if you like MGS like I do, keep an eye out for a sale and pick it up at some point. It is such a blast to play, the graphics are maybe the best I've ever seen in a console game, the story is amazing, Camp Omega is terrifying and intriguing and inviting all at once, and on and on and on. Oh, and even the reversible cover art that came with the physical copy is AWESOME! For me, $30 is a totally fair price for this lovely "small plate" game.

10 years ago

I agree that the quality is probably worth it, but the practice of splitting up a game just to make a few extra bucks is not one I plan to support.

10 years ago

Fair enough! FWIW, I hated this when I first heard not just what they were doing, but how much they would charge. I came around on it — for one, the practice of making you pay for a demo isn't nearly as rare or unheard of as it may seem. If you wanted to get a first taste of FF VII way back in the mid-90s, you had to buy Tobal No. 1 first. Want to play the Tanker Mission from MGS2? Gotta buy Zone of the Enders. From that perspective, giving a small but very high quality slice of a game many of us are absolutely stoked to play seems fair. Totally get why others feel differently, but for me, $30 was WELL worth the price of admission.

Second, though it's very much a set-up for the much bigger full game, this truly is not a "demo". It takes place in a wholly separate area, doing missions that take place nine years (I think) before the Phantom Pain. It reminds me of a show or comic book that fills in the gaps between the major events taking place in a film series, for example — these events will be referenced in the Phantom Pain, but you won't just do them again in the full game. Again, totally get why others think this is cheap. For me, I'm having a blast playing a new Metal Gear, so I can't be upset 🙂

Finally, would just say this — if you truly don't want to support these practices, keep an eye out for a used copy of the game. Konami gets none of your money that way, and YOU still get to enjoy this really great prologue at a steep discount. I would hate for MGS fans to miss out!

10 years ago

It's not that I don't think the game will be anything less than fantastic, it's that I don't agree with splitting the game up just to squeeze a little extra money out of your loyal fans.

10 years ago

They could have honestly just released this as a DEMO "prologue" instead of charging so much! I think it would have got a lot more people interested giving it out for free

10 years ago

Sorry, i don't buy the spin. You guys paid for a demo, that calls itself a prologue.
I thought Kojima was above an EA style cashgrab.
I'll pass…

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