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Sledgehammer: Our Competition Is Modern Warfare 2

See? The two developers just want to play nice together and really, it's about each team seeking to top themselves.

…or at least, that's what we're supposed to believe. Sledgehammer Games boss Glen Schofield told MCV that when it comes to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , it's not about topping Battlefield 3 . It's about bettering the last game in the Modern Warfare series. Said Schofield:

"We have a lot of respect for each other. We know how hard each team works, I know the sacrifices they and their families are putting in, so there is a lot of respect there. I think it’s fought at a different level of ours. So although they may be our competition, I actually view Modern Warfare 2 as the benchmark that I need to aim for."

The fans who loved MW2 also have very high expectations, and fully expect the multiple developers involved with MW3 to top its predecessor in every way possible. Therefore, Schofield says there's definitely pressure involved, but the designers would rather focus on adrenaline.

"We have the pressure of living up to Modern Warfare 2. I would be kidding you if I said there was no pressure. We’re working on the biggest game in the world. “But there is also that adrenaline that kicks in when you are working on a game like this.

We have really polished Modern Warfare 3. A lot of passionate people spent a lot of time making it."

These are very…safe remarks, certainly. Gotta respect that. And we have no doubt that there's at least partial truth to all his statements. But when all is said and done, from a financial and quality comparison standpoint, Battlefield 3 is your primary competition. Not like you're gonna lose the sales battle or anything.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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12 years ago

I think MW3's battle is BF3, they need to keep people interested. CoD every year is just getting annoying. BF3 is something fresh and new. MW3 will probably outsell BF3 2:1 but I can't imagine CoD still selling 15 million copies if its the same game every year with minor tweaks. But who knows the casual gaming market is growing and they are bigger than the hardcore gaming market. CoD survives off of the casual gaming market.

12 years ago

True and I also despise their *elite* system. So what you already charge us 60$ a year to play COD, then you add some crap DLC 30$ a year AND NOW you also add freaking *Elite BS* for 50$ a year lol. Hope they just go die. MW3 can go rot in hell.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/16/2011 3:03:51 PM

12 years ago

If they were truly trying to outperform MW2, they would be developing a new engine instead of tweeking the samething over and over. Well that's what I would be doing if I was working on a game that has been rehashed 7 times….

12 years ago

So true!



12 years ago

yeh cod really needs a new engine now :S thats what u really need to do!

12 years ago

I agree that these are safe statements and they do make sense to a certain extent. I do believe bf3 will be the better game but mw3 may be something special. I mean the cod franchise has been getting good reviews for a couple years now, even from this site. So it's not like they are bad games. They are just over hyped and sometimes have an annoying following. The best analogy or comparison that i've ever heard when i comes to these games is COD is more like a Michael Bay film while Battlefield series if more like the Hurt Locker type of film. I do believe the COD franchise appeals to the younger and more general crowd as opposed to bf3 appealing to a more mature crowd. Thats not to say that mature people don't play COD. I think they will both be great games but i've just grown tired of COD. It really is the same flashy game that goes boom every 15 seconds. Nothing wrong with that but i'm just not into it anymore.

12 years ago

Why does sledgehammer seems to be the focus when it comes to mw3 interviews? They are the ones doing the campaign right? I think few people buy COD for the campaign. They should interview raven soft instead on how they are doing with the MP.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Good point. I think this Schofield bloke just has a really big mouth. You know… people seem to need to talk.

12 years ago

Sledgehammer talks waaaaaaay too much. Anyone who accuses EA of speaking too much should be just as annoyed with Sledgehammer, especially considering its not even fully their project

12 years ago

Just better than MW2? If that's the case then they're not setting the bar very high….

12 years ago

That's going to be easy.

12 years ago

If you look at Glen's comments they actually make perfect sense. Not only does he rightly view DICE as irrelevant, but he clearly knows Treyarch is weaksauce too. MW is what made this franchise soar and he knows it. He also knows that everyone is watching to see if MW3, without those boys from IW, will be any good.

If he were to run around saying he's got to compete with some drivel from DICE he'd get a solid slap to the back of the head from Activision.

12 years ago

Okay, I'm going to calmly point some things out to you.

If you check out the number of people all over the Internet who are saying "I'm buying BF3 over MW3," and also look at the preorder numbers for it and MW3, its not inconceivable that BF3 will have sales HEAVILY rivalling CoD's this year. That's a hell of a lot of people fooled by what you call an "irrelevant" company.

IMO, you're trying to tell yourself Battlefield sucks because you personally don't like it, and that's a very secular view my friend. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the 5 million people who bought Bad Company 2 and the millions more who were turned on to Battlefield by the beta won't. Just the fact that BF3's beta has the most ratings I've ever seen for anything on PSN says how many people played it, and its great rating from the 10,000+ people who took the time to rate it shows how highly they thought of it.

In short, I just don't get your viewpoint here Alienange. You're telling us that BF3 sucks and no one likes it, yet there are many millions out there who would tell you that you're wrong. Could you please say something that doesn't make you sound like an irredeemable Battlefield hater with no vocabulary beyond, "Battlefield sucks, CoD rules!"

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

You know you're on top of the world when you're your own competition…

12 years ago

Only problem is, in this instance, they're not. They're trying to make it sound like they are, but I'm not too certain that they don't feel pressure from BF3. Especially since its preorder numbers are barely behind MW3's.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I didn't say on top in terms of what. 😉

12 years ago

Seriously Ben, stop leading this bandwagon of haters on MW3 down the wrong path. Be more diverse and not so critical. Widen your perspectives rather than just being a sheep.

12 years ago

Well, at least this time Mr. Schofield said something a bit more moderate. Yet its still obvious he's trying to belittle the competition. Now, I understand why he would do this, seeing as how Battlefield is a definite threat to CoD's continued success. Yet the way he put it just kind of p*sses me off, mostly because he makes it sound like his FPS is the best thing ever, when very clearly its not.

Personally, I think he needs to just shut up already. Let his damn game do the talking. Aka, take the Naughty Dog approach.

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