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DUST 514: Gameplay, Beta Details

As of now, it's just about everything you've wanted to know about CCP's DUST 514 .

As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , the developer's goals are sky-high; the concept of a standard shooter will never be the same again.

First, executive producer Brandon Laurino explains how the game will work with the already established EVE Online . Players new to the latter universe won't be at a disadvantage, although EVE veterans will certainly need less in the way of a tutorial. Second, for those who still aren't sure of what sort of gameplay to expect:

"Essentially it’s a vehicular combat game on an extremely large scale, and then when you move into installations and outposts, it’s more infantry based. We’re using Unreal Engine 3 and we’ve incorporated a Mega Terrain engine into it that lets us create huge levels with varied terrain, with a vast array of vehicles ranging from buggies to tanks to aircraft. Typically, you would use vehicles to traverse the landscape and engage in closer combat when you deploy into outposts, but there is a huge amount of tactical freedom, way outside of those broad examples."

Third, Laurino talks about the team's beta plans. It's a little more complicated than your standard beta, as it has to be worked into the living, breathing universe of EVE Online . There is a difference between EVE and DUST 514 and CCP has to be aware of the changes to the landscape when they begin testing their newest project.

"To give a bit of context, in EVE Online you play as the pilot of a spaceship – a capsuleer – and in DUST 514 you play as a mercenary on the ground. It’s going to be a bit weird if, all of a sudden, we release the DUST 514 beta and all these mercenaries suddenly show up in the EVE universe, so the setting is that the first small group of players that get access to the Private Trials will be the first trial of this new mercenary technology in the context of EVE Online. Just as you’re helping to test the game in the real world, in the EVE world you’re taking part in war games organised to test this new mercenary technology."

It might be unfair to label DUST 514 as a straight MMO, even though that's what it is. Shooter fans will get the action they crave, RPG aficionados will certainly receive a fair amount of depth, and even strategy followers will get some elements to call their own. It really is a mix and one worthy of your attention. The ambition is high, but you gotta love that.

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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12 years ago

if this doesnt take me forever to download like dc universe online then i might try it. it took me almost a whole day to download the beta itself then i had to download another 15 gb update so i gave up on the thing. i dont have super fast connection so i have to pass on games like this. i'm hoping the free to play version of dc universe online isnt a huge download and update.

12 years ago

Did they ever give a time frame when they are going to release the Free to play version of DCUO? I want to try the game out, I'm waiting for the Free version.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 10/10/2011 11:54:34 PM

12 years ago

well considering what you downloaded on DC universe at first was a beta and now youll be downloading the FULL game when its free to play plus all updates, patches and free DLC you can expect that download to be even bigger…

As for Dust I dont see why they call it an MMO from what Ive read its nothing like an MMO.. it should be more like PlanetSIde

12 years ago

I must admit, Dust is peaking my interest. I think the issue here is "time". I don't know if my fellow PsXeXtremers agree… but "time" seems to be an issue for most folk these days.

This games sounds like a universe you could simply live in for a good portion of your life, if it is as immersive and deep as they claim. Again, it is about taking these universes seriously and how much you want to get out of the investment made in the game.

Can one be a "fringe" player in Dust? Can I pick it up for 2 hours and play a few missions and that is it? People may love the universe but don't necessarily want a long drawn out game environment and mechanic to enjoy a quick game.

I guess it is a wait and see. I hope they consider the gamers who want to enjoy this universe but who simply want to join a squad and complete a few missions, without too much trouble or deep RPG / tactical type gameplay.



Last edited by Qubex on 10/11/2011 12:37:56 AM

12 years ago

You can be a "fringe player" in all mmos I've played. You can just pick up your character and go do some grinding missions or random hunts for an hour or two should you want to. Problem is, there's so much *more* in these games (if this game is anything like the mmorpgs I've played) so you probably want to get more involved. And that urge may be hard to resist. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/11/2011 4:06:48 AM

12 years ago


I think your concern is legitimate and has been discussed by CCP. It would be very fair to estimate that you could join a free mercenary corporation and fight whenever you want, doing battles against whomever, for just two hours, and then calling it quits for the day.

Other players who want to develop a deeper relationship with the people they play, may join corporations that are or affiliated with huge mega corporations that control vast amounts of space. These kinds of people may go so extreme as to log on at 6 in the morning to be ready for a surprise seige at an enemy moon facility. These kinds of players will have the reward of prestige in the community, as this kind of dedication usually results in huge gains for the corporation (increased facilities means increased funding for resupplying spaceships and ground vehicles). However, a more "casual" player might find himself in the role of a shocktrooper, doing battle against other shocktrooper organizations.

If Dust uses EVE's leveling system, the amount of time you play won't matter. You'll be of the same "level" as your opponent no matter how hard they farm. The difference will be that their gear might be 10-30% better than yours. Players of rich, powerful corporations will likely be things you fear, as a casual player, and will need to call in for backup to deal with. EVE is about team-based play, so I doubt Dust will be any different. This may not mesh well with the typical Rambo COD player, but I personally crave this kind of game.

tl;dr: Yes, casual play will be supported. Yes, casual players won't be left behind. They'll have a place in the eve universe. Will hardcore players be well rewarded for their dedication? Yes. At least, if we are to believe CCP. Which I'm willing to, given their decent track record with EVE.

12 years ago

its looking really cool this!
i just hope they give us a beta at the end of the year like their planning, i really want to try it!
its going to be a big year for MMO styled games next year!
this and starhawk look to set a new standard for console MMOs!

12 years ago

yeah this seems to be building up as another quality PS3 exclusive, but do anyone know whats up with "8 Days" & The Getaway" Ben maybe u have some news on them??? & what other exclusive sony has for next year, Heavy metal, Guardian & Dust 514…. any i might have missed??

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