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Uncharted 3 Trophies Discovered

If there's one game that deserves a legitimate, dedicated shot at the Platinum Trophy, it's Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception .

But maybe it'll help to see the challenges ahead of time. You know, chart 'cough' your approach. Check out the full list over at Joystiq and see if the Platinum is doable in your eyes.

Many of the Bronzes seem perfectly doable; you'll get some Trophies for finding a certain number of treasures, nailing 20 Headshots, defeating 20 enemies while blind-firing in cover, defeat 20 enemies with gunfire while hanging, and defeat 30 enemies with any of the weapons in the game (make sure to keep experimenting!). I like the idea of Master Ninja (Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks) and He's Gonna Need a Sturgeon (Hit three enemies with fish in the market). The latter just sounds silly.

Unsurprisingly, the Silver Trophies are a bit more troublesome, as you'll have to take down 75 enemies in a row without dying, find all the treasures, and become the bizarre Rolling Ammo Master: 20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling. There's only one Gold Trophy and it's gonna take the majority of your time; you have to beat the game on Crushing difficulty. …good luck with that.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

I beat Uncharted 2 on Crushing..after I beat it on normal and then on hard. 🙂

12 years ago

The trophies look a lot like Uncharted 1 and 2's trophies. Good thing though, I received the platinum on both of those games and I'm looking forward to getting Uncharted 3's as well.

12 years ago

WHAT, only one gold trophy. Still getting the game though. I don't like when games have hidden trophies, (the extra time u have to deal with online) just to able to platinum a game.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/1/2011 11:04:50 AM

12 years ago

Ehn, I platinumed U2 and if I actually put time into it I could plat U1, these really aren't hard games to get platinums on.

12 years ago

Booooooo! Trill-Muh'fxxkin'-seeker & Buddy System again!!??? Took me over a year to plat U2 'cause of them >:-( Means I gotta get it 'fore a big update. Online trophies are a no-no, should be optional IMO.

12 years ago

A year???, realy???, you just needed to complete one cooperative and one coompetitive match, it tooks me like 10 minutes or less

12 years ago


12 years ago

Yea I'm seeing most the trophies from 1 and 2… That's fine I loved getting those trophies and I'll be happy to do it again! Can't wait to play on Crushing.

I've been playing the mp since last night, seriously this game needs to get here now! I wanna play the SP so bad!

12 years ago

Did they reopen the beta? How are you playing mp?

Last edited by PoopsMcGee on 10/1/2011 2:59:12 PM

12 years ago

Go to a local subway and buy a 32 oz drink there will be a code on the cup you redeem at subway dot com. You'll get a choice to unlock 1 of 5 instant prizes (every cup is a winner) from unlocking the FULL MP game a month early (minus custom games) to Uncharted 3 themes, to mp skins. When you choose which prize you want it'll give you a PSN redemption code. Obviously I went with the MP unlock.

It's a promotion Sony and ND are doing with Subway for Uncharted 3. There's tons of other prizes you can win also just by entering that code on the cup, and you can enter 3 codes a day… And there's apparently other prizes for buying a sandwich and chips but I just wanted the mp. Pretty neat deal.

Didn't mean to sound like I was promoting it lol. That's terrible. Just wanted to giv you and everyone else know the full scoop, so you knew what it was about.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/1/2011 3:56:50 PM

12 years ago

Thanks man! Now off to suggest Subway for lunch to my girl…

12 years ago

No problem! Have a good lunch!

12 years ago

Get the Gran Turismo 5 trophy?

12 years ago

How many hours did u put in to get the GTA4 platinum?

12 years ago

Finding 200 pigeons was boring

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

If crushing is anything like it was from UC2, then I don't think I'll have any problems. Can't wait to Platinum this baby!

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 10/1/2011 6:54:42 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Only two multiplayer trophies? That's the way! Still be bloody hard though. I just hope that the last boss on Crushing isn't a cheap cheat like UC2. Never did manage to beat that…

12 years ago

I didn't have much of a problem with the boss on crushing… But I can see where your coming from, I just kept running!

12 years ago

If you search a little, you can find an easy way to defeat it

12 years ago

Tough, but doable. Unlike Gears 3's Seriously 3.0 Achievement…ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

12 years ago

I didn't have much of a problem with the boss on crushing… But I can see where your coming from, I just kept running!

12 years ago

wi beat both uncharteds on crushing, have my platinums for both as well 🙂 definately going for this one 🙂 cant wait!!!!!!! XD

Last edited by R3ZR on 10/1/2011 10:56:53 PM

12 years ago

why would you need luck for that?
i finished uncharted 2 on crushing upside down with my hands tied behind my back and blindfolded!
kinda late, these were leaked weeks ago!
im glad to see theres fewer collection trophies, finding all the treasures in uncharted 2 almost killed me!

12 years ago

it always baffles me how someone can play game he claims to dislike (very vocal about it at that) not once but 2 times…

12 years ago

and it always baffles me how many times i have to explain just because i dislike a game does not mean i wont play it!
god, id have better luck talking chinese to you people!

12 years ago

If you dislike a game, why continue to play it unless ur a trophy/achievement hunter? It makes no sense to replay a game you claim you hate.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 10/2/2011 9:23:31 AM

12 years ago


Actually I agree with you, I often hear people complaining, but crushin mode wasn't that hard

12 years ago

sweet I really can't wait any longer for this game 🙂 come on November.

12 years ago

Why do you hate fun underscore man? 🙁

12 years ago

I would do anything to get this platinum so I keep my uncharted's platinum trophy complete.

BTW I have platinum for God of War 1, 2 and 3 (going for the Origins Collection) and Infamous 1 & 2 🙂

12 years ago

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