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EA: If We Abandon New IPs, We’ll Be On Life Support

It seems like everywhere you look, there's another gamer talking about a lack of new IPs in the video game industry.

And for the most part, that assessment is accurate. There are fewer new IPs made during the waning years of a generation, and new installments in popular and recognizable franchises frequently top the sales charts. It's just the way of the world.

But that doesn't mean big companies like EA are going to abandon fresh ideas. MCV spoke to EA Games boss Patrick Soderlund about the general philosophy of the publisher and invariably, the subject of new IPs arose. Said Soderlund:

"To me, the day we stop doing new IP is the day we put ourselves on life support and then we’re slowly going to die. It’s not only needed for the industry and for the consumers but it’s also needed for the creatives. They need something different to think about. They have a lot of creativity built into them that they need to get out. The day that we stop thinking about new things that are not Need for Speed is the day that I’ll probably leave the games industry."

Although it wouldn't be a new IP, we're still hoping EA will have DICE bring back Mirror's Edge …maybe for the next generation? Pretty please?

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11 years ago

If EA didn't ruin a majority of their gaming series they wouldn't have to rely on cranking out so many new IPs.

11 years ago

EA needs to make sure they give us the "CHOICE" between getting any games on BluRay or digital.

11 years ago

Okay cool, so where are the new IPs EA? What will counteract Capcom's Dragon's Dogma and Remember Me? Where's the support for new franchises like Dante's Inferno? Why are you destroying Dead Space?

11 years ago

Thank you for saying that World. I judge companies and even people far more on their actions than their words. EA can say this all they want but their actions don't back it up all that much do they?

11 years ago

no their actions do not

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I'm feeling cynical this afternoon, so BS with a capital bull. It's easy to talk about being creative and introducing new IPs, it's quite another to back those words up and it's been quite a while since EA has shown themselves to be willing to back anything creative. Fuse isn't looking that great, they didn't back Amalur or Shadows of the Damned as well as they might and their internal studios have been bankrupt of freshness for a while.

It's worthless to innovate in an established franchise where those features don't fit… And socification can wrack off.

11 years ago

Message is simple, you gotto to keep innovating, otherwise you die!



11 years ago

You, fine ladies and gentlemen.

If you haven't yet dug around for some footage of the scrapped design ideas and games that looked great but we cancelled for one reason or other, then you owe it to yourselves.

Reason being, EA had a game in build. Looked pretty far along. The video showed a man running up against a mech. Looking like bugs from Starship Troopers, 4 legs n all.

Jumped quite intricately on top of the mech, hacked it, and started controlling it to fight other enemies.

The whole thing was happening in a rather slum-looking future city and the fluidity of everything that was happening was really nice to look at.

You could almost "feel" how good it must be to control the character. Mmm.

Anyway. SCRAPPED! – is the moral of the story.
Agreeing more or less with everyone who said in their comments "you can talk the talk, but you also gotta walk the walk".

11 years ago

I vaguely remember this. Do you remember what it was called?

11 years ago

Ahhh sucks. It was a Ubisoft game, man. Ahh, damn it!

For what it's worth I'm astounded that these type of games are cancelled while there is a billionth iteration of a fuckin COD!

11 years ago

yup that was the one! Man that looks so good. Shame it never took off.

11 years ago

More EA Lies. I wonder how long they are going to keep releasing these BS public statements that are obviously just for shareholders.

Any gamer with half a brain can see how terrible EA is at supporting new IPs. If they do manage to get a new IP they usually bastardize it to ensure it will appeal to some market it wasn't meant for in the first place.

Also he is right about that, if they didn't have any new IPs they would be on life support because they tend to butcher all the existing franchises they get their greedy hands on.

Yes I'm still pissed about what they did to Mass effect.

11 years ago

Makes ya wonder what the next ME trilogy will look like.

11 years ago

First person shooter with a full on competitive multiplayer mode is my bet.

Nah maybe thats me being a bit to negative. But I have a sneaking suspicion that we will see a FPS in the Mass effect world at some point.

11 years ago

EA: "We will DIE without new IPs… and shoehorned multiplayer and/or co-op."

11 years ago

If EA had any integrity this would be wonderful to hear from them. Though I'm still waiting.

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