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Insomniac Doesn’t View Resistance 3 Sales As “Bad”

We were probably the first to point towards potentially low Resistance 3 sales .

Then, come to find out, the highly anticipated game sold 180,000 copies in its first month of availability. It also managed to crack into the top 10 for September software sales , which isn't necessarily terrible.

That being said, with Resistance 2 selling double the number of units during its first month, one has to assume the numbers are disappointing. But Insomniac community manager James Stevenson has briefly responded to the sales total: first he says comparing their game to Dead Island , which shipped around 2 million copies, "isn't really an Apples to Apples comparison." Then when they asked about the "bad news" concerning the R3 sales, Stevenson simply replied- "What bad news?"

He also cited the #7 slot R3 occupied during September in the US, but we have to wonder…is 180,000 really what they expected? Even if it's not terrible, it has to be lower than anticipated, right? Well, maybe with some decent critical acclaim, the game will see more sales during the holiday buying season.

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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12 years ago

Well, it's good to see that this isn't hurting them in any way.
Now I'm just waiting for Overstrike gameplay footage from them.

12 years ago

I was planning on getting this but finances held me back. I wish it came out in the summer. I think would have sold a lot more.

12 years ago

Occasionally I wonder if publishers realize there are more seasons than autumn. When this many games get packed into 3 months is tough to afford all of them. Or half of them.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 10/16/2011 9:42:48 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I agree with you, NoSmokingBandit.

There's just too many [good] games being released at a close time range. A game like Resistance 3 would've done so well if it came out earlier. But now there's just so much competition…I don't know why so many devs think it's a good idea to release them in autumn/early winter.

12 years ago

A June or July release wouldn't have met too much competition.

12 years ago

The thing about some PS3 exclusives (and pretty much anything Nintendo makes) is that they tend to have strong legs. Some publishers understand that the lifetime sales of their games will continue to bring them some kind of profit long after they've moved on to something else.

Their sales may be slow now, but if Resistance 3 manages to sell 2 million copies before they stop publishing it (say in 2 to 3 years), then that should be pretty good. Then there's digital distribution on the PSN, the PS4, trilogy editions and so on.

12 years ago

I'm hoping that sales pickup some more in the next few months because the resistance series has always been overlooked which is honestly a shame. i love the whole series and i bought all three games day one…they tell a good story and for me they always made me care about whats going on in this universe. Hopefully they'll pick up with the advertisements in the next few months so they can get some more sales.

12 years ago

i really want to get this game but with $60 each game, i gotta be more selective. have already spend 100+ for infamous 2 hero edition and also on uncharted limited edition. and not to mention killzone 3. wrong time, wrong place. sorry insomniac.

12 years ago

I must admit, I didn't like Resistence 3 as much as I hoped I would. Coming hot off the heels of playing Gears of War 3 constantly, Resistence 3 just felt like a step backwards to me.

The controls felt stiff, the animation was robotic and everyone moved too quickly to look even remotely realistic, the aiming reticule and speed just doesn't work right no matter how many times I adjust it, the whole game itself was a little disappointing. I was very tempted to trade it in before I'd even finished it!!!

Only reason I didn't trade it was cos it was a Special Edition Resistence 3 and the story is actually pretty good. The guns are fun to play with and there is a lot of nice, contrasting environments to play around in. Graphics are pretty good, but there are moments where it looks stunning and moments where it looks horrible. Such a shame the high quality stuff isn't consistent.

But the actual physics, aiming and shooting mechanics and gameplay feels stiff, occassionally boring and, at times, a chore to play rather than fun.

With the competition between quality titles so stiff these days, unfortunately Resistence 3 just doesn't cut it. I know this is just my point of view, and it was heavily skewed after playing a quality title like Gears of War 3, but I've found just watching all the cutscenes and chapters from the game on Youtube is a better and cheaper experience than trying to complete the campaign myself and dying constantly.

It pains me a little to say this, but R3 should've stayed in development a little longer to iron out the kinks, or Insomniac should focus there efforts entirely on Ratchet and Clank, or Overstrike. R3 has moments where it could've been great, but the FPS mechanics fall short, especially when compared to other FPS like CoD, Battlefield, Halo or Killzone.

If anything, Resistence 3 feels like it plays more like Halo in terms of FPS mechanics, just not quite as polished. Seeing as I didn't like Halo until Reach came out, I'm afraid Resistence 3 falls under the same category. Looks promising, good story, fun weapons, but the robotic and stiff movements (not to mention cheap shots from the game) completely ruined the experience for me.

Anyone else feel the same about R3?

12 years ago

Regarding sp campaigns ( i didn't play Gears3 mp), if found R3 to be much more entertaining.

12 years ago

Dead island two MILL? Ok I'm officially provoked. There are no fairness in this world at all. But people get what they deserve!

12 years ago

me i needed to leave some games for my xmass list this is one of them
its hard not bying it thou

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

These guys must be cracked. I mean, 1.5 mill wasn't enough for NT, yet they're satisfied with 180k? Maybe they realised they were going to get stomped with that release window. Then again, this is only the US numbers. I wonder how much it sold in the rest of the world…

12 years ago

So do I! Cause I noticed that Dead Island and R3 were neck-and-neck on the sales charts for a very long time on the european online stores (mainly Play and Amazon UK). I can't understand how DI could possibly sell 10 times as much over here.

12 years ago

Im gonna get R3 someday. Maybe after x-mas after I get AC:Rev, BF3, UC3 and UMVC3. Damn the fall season for releasing a bunch of good games.

12 years ago

How about focusing on WORLDWIDE sales.

12 years ago

I think worldwide it's sold a lot more than just here in the U.S. What are the official sales numbers worldwide, Ben? Just because it's only 180,000 here, doesn't mean it didn't do better over in Europe.

12 years ago

I just think R3 came out at a wrong time. Releasing the same day as Dead Island didn't help the cause either. Zombies are the craze these days..

R3 should've been a summer game and they would've saw the sales increase for US at least. Personally I love how the game looks and my co-op buddy has 3d tv and said it's one of the best looking games in 3d…

12 years ago

It's impressive Insomniac don't feel the sales are bad. I, for one, found the demo level pretty good… I guess Insomniac knows best… let us hope they can keep going with the money they are making… and not have to close their doors unceremoniously…



12 years ago

I purchased R3 D1 i felt it was a good game thought it was abit short and easy i didn't like the mp that much. I traded it in after i platinumed it. R3 definitely would have had better sales if it was released in the summer.

12 years ago


Resistance is nothing like what it was. It has no where near enough following anymore.

I personally was very, very disappointed with R2. So R3 just kind of disappeared off my radar.

I may buy it when it hits the bargain bin, or is on sale, and to be completely honest the only reason is because I want to see where they go with the story, and what happened to shepard.

12 years ago

You're not gonna like R3 if you didn't like R2. You've got too much bias to like it. That's the way it is with all the people who hated R2 for very small and not very good reasons.

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