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Kojima Hinting New PSP Metal Gear

Hideo Kojima has been hinting for months that a new Metal Gear Solid game is in the works for the PSP handheld. It looks like he's at it again. Speaking to the Japanese publication

, Kojima revealed that the working title of the in-progress game is Metal Gear Solid B.D., and that it will be unlike anything players have seen before.

"It might be too new for people," remarked Kojima, who added, "It's just a normal game, only with one little thing radically different about it."

Kojima didn't say what that "one little thing" was, but other sources that have spoken with him tell PSX Extreme that he has been dropping hints that suggest the new game could fall into the role-playing-game genre. Whether that means it'll be a traditional RPG like Final Fantasy, an action-RPG like Zelda, or something else, nobody knows… and Kojima-san isn't saying.

His new idea is so radical that Konami apparently hasn't green-lighted the project yet. "I don't even know if they're going to sell this thing," remarked Kojima in the same interview. The game is currently in the concept-demo phase, which means that Kojima and his team are still formulating ideas and putting together brief demos to verify the plausibility of the concept.

Given the standard development period for PSP games, a finished product could be ready by October of 2006.

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