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Bungie Management Spearheaded Recent Layoffs, Report Claims

Earlier this week, PlayStation Studios’ Bungie saw an undisclosed number of employees shown the door, including massive talent. Now, it’s alleged that about 100 employees were given the boot, and it wasn’t Sony that sought the job cuts like many speculated but rather internal management.

Forbes writer Paul Tassi posted on Twitter, giving a touch more insight. The big takeaways included that it was Bungie that had direct layoff decisions, most benefits, excluding health insurance, expired at the top of the month, forcing most affected former employees with a lapse in coverage, and employees who were given unvested stock for staying post-acquisition are losing the shares due to the firing.

To be clear, Tassi also notes Sony could still be the puppet master behind the layoffs, but how Bungie handled the firings, including firing people right before benefit coverage would renew, is entirely on its management. This revelation, assuming it’s true, makes CEO Pete Parsons’ already controversial post look even worse.

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