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Inside Ty’s Mind: Crossplay vs Sony

Welcome to yet another piece of moderately butchered journalism. The goal with this segment is to provide an insight into my mind, and for me to just express my thoughts and opinions in a (somewhat?) intelligent way. Odds are my opinions are going to differ from your own, so do keep that in mind before you head on down to the comment section to yell at me for thinking differently.



Okay, this one legitimately angers me. While the entire industry is pushing towards a unified cross-platform approach to gaming, Sony’s sitting over there on their iron throne, forcing you to play their way, or not at all. Why should I have to create a brand new Epic Games account just so that I can play Fortnite on something that isn’t a PS4 or PC? That doesn’t make any damn sense, Sony! Not enabling cross-platform play is one thing, but locking a third party account to your system is a new kind of low.

I just want to play with my friends, and Sony is preventing that.


PlayStation E3 Sucked

I’d like to consider myself to be a relatively intelligent individual, and yet I can’t for the life of me figure out what it was I witnessed at this year’s E3. The initial presentation was great. Banjo in a church? Sure, why not? It got my attention. Then things got a little bit weird. They stopped the show, had four people at a table talk about stuff for thirty minutes, and then went back into the show, but this time in an entirely new location. They then proceeded to show game trailer after game trailer (plus one Call of Duty advertisement) with short videos in between. The videos that occurred in between the main trailers were weird beyond words. I was intrigued. Sony captured my interest. I kept watching at the edge of my seat, waiting to see what Sony was planning to unveil.

Then my Dreams were shattered. There was no big announcement. The show just ended. The entire conference consisted of game trailers to games I already knew about, and was already interested in before the show. There was basically nothing of any real value here.

The PlayStation E3 conference sucked.


So what do you think? Care to share your own thoughts about Sony’s stance on crossplay, or the PlayStation E3? Expect more of Inside Ty’s Mind soon, as I’m a very opinionated fellow, and have a lot to say.

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5 years ago

Just some clarification here. I know they showed more stuff after the main show was over, but most third party broadcasts cut off prematurely. When even the people broadcasting the conference weren’t sure if the show was over, you have a bit of a problem.

To me, the entire E3 conference was a massive failure for that reason alone. They experimented with a new format, and it fell flat. It was almost as if Kojima himself directed it.

Christopher D. Anderson
Christopher D. Anderson
5 years ago

While I agree Sony’s show was pretty weak this year, there was one big plus in it. The Resident Evil 2 remake. Which is shaping up to be a really great remake. As for crossplay, just, ugh. Why Sony?

Alan Kearey
Alan Kearey
5 years ago

It was the worst E3 I have ever seen. The whole moving locations was just plain ridiculous. 2 games in 40 mins granted they were 10 minutes of pure gaming goodness then it was back to crapness again. Plus no big reveals wtf Sony!

5 years ago

Not allowing Cross-play imo is very anti-‘For the Players’ but from a business point of view, I get it. I don’t agree with it but they have little to gain from allowing it. I don’t think it will do them much good going into the next console generation if people start to resent them for their arrogance this gen. They’ve built up a lot of good will and they get a lot of things right but something like this with one of the biggest games in the world, could be just enough to make all the right decisions null and void. It’s not a good look.

The E3 show was just awful but it felt like it was always going to be the last PS4-centric show. I expect just before E3 next year we’ll have heard about PS5 or whatever it’ll be called, with it aiming for either holidays 2019 or mid 2020. I feel that’s what E3 next year will be pushing but I could be so wrong on this. It’s just a gut feeling.

5 years ago

Boo Sony. In the naughty corner.

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