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Where Should Assassin’s Creed Go Next?

There's no doubt that Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is a great game. Greater than I thought it would be.

But now it seems that we may once again be changing assassins and settings, if a survey leaked to IGN is any indication. It appears the publisher is asking gamers what they want to see in the next Assassin's Creed entry, and it also hints at the possibility of a separate pirate-themed title.

Naval combat was introduced in the series in Assassin's Creed III , and it of course hit a fever pitch in the recently released Black Flag . Ubisoft has proven that they can create a fantastic naval mechanic, so it might not be a bad idea to produce a game based solely on pirates. Besides, it would free up the AC franchise and bring it back to its roots, so-to-speak. I don't mean to say that this year's effort is a huge departure, but ships are indeed a big part of the game. The survey asks all sorts of questions, including whether or not we might want more stealth-oriented missions, or the ability to explore the interiors of more buildings.

But as always, the most intriguing possibility is a whole new setting and hero. Thus far, my favorite is the 15th and 16th century Renaissance periods – I adore Italy! – in the Ezio trilogy (ACII, Brotherhood and Revelations ), although I absolutely appreciated the ambition put into the Revolutionary War era in ACIII. The original was set earlier than them all, way back in the Middle Ages and Constantinople. So, what's next? Me, I've always wanted to see a medieval environment, and it'd be awesome if the hero was somehow an actual Knight. Not the Knights Templar, of course, but there could be some intriguing connections…

Above all else, I definitely don't want a futuristic setting. Thankfully, though, Ubisoft says that idea doesn't really fit the series, and I wholeheartedly agree. Where do you want AC to go?

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10 years ago

It should probably go on hiatus for four or five years, but that's too much to hope for.

10 years ago

That's not just too much to hope for, it's too much in general.

Seriously 4-5 years? Considering it seems that this generation will only last 5 years, you basically want AC to skip this gen?

AC is the only successful annual franchise in the industry.

10 years ago

Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty and Madden are all successful annual franchises and what does that show? Madden barely changes from year to year while Call of Duty is fading and that's obvious to everyone including fans of the franchise. Assassin's Creed has produced some good games but it peaked with ACII. Is anyone seriously going to claim that ACIII was a triumphant return to form after Revelations? Doubtful.
No small amount of the success for GTA V and Bioshock Infinite came from the fact that we hadn't seen a new game from them in years,(Bioshock 2 doesn't count in my book since Ken Levine didn't oversee it). Would Rockstar have sold a billion dollars worth of games if we hadn't been waiting since 2008? Probably not.
An IP that comes out every year generates a "How can we miss you if you never leave?" response. Assassin's Creed has a built-in audience, but at some point that audience will go away. I bought Revelations on day one without question but I wouldn't have picked up ACIII if I hadn't been intrigued by the setting and I wouldn't have bought Black Flag if Watch Dogs hadn't been delayed. Hell, if Infamous: Second Son had been a launch title then I would have pre-ordered that and Watch Dogs and never bought ACIV or if I did I would have bought it used later. Annualization, day one DLC and microtransactions are the three great cancers to come out of the last gen and I wouldn't mind seeing them all fade away.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 12/8/2013 8:09:03 PM

10 years ago

i always wanted to see a futuristic version, i saw a fan-made pic a while back that really got me intrigued

10 years ago

Well, when you play Black Flag, it strongly hints that Feudal Japan will be a futuresetting. They both mmention it in the dialogue when you're at Abstergo and also in intercepted emails later in the game.
So yeah… Japan! That'll be awesome!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

For a break. Give me an opportunity to want to catch up :/

I'd love to see the Boxer Rebellion, Victorian England, ancient Egypt or Alexander the Great era Greece. It'd be a real novelty to see an AC game taking place during Australia's colonial days, but there's no way that would ever happen. Basically, just something entirely new and invigorating that refocusses on the core and shunts away some of the ancillary stuff.

10 years ago

yah, I wish they'd take a break too. I really like the franchise but they're pumping out faster than I want to play them. It's a conundrum for me because I don't want to miss any major installments but yet I feel obligated to play them all to stay current.

10 years ago

Japan of course.
It's about time we have our assassin dressing up as ninja.

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago

That's nice, but I prefer a new IP about it. Love those ninjas, nin nin. 🙂

Last edited by Vitron on 12/7/2013 12:48:51 AM

10 years ago

Inca or Mayan

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

I just finished the campaign of IV this afternoon. What a great game!!!!

Where to next? I don't care as long as it plays more like IV than any other previous efforts. Although refinement would sure be helpful, I really thought they nailed the gameplay mechanics and camera in this episode. Keep at it Ubi!

As far as setting goes, I have no preference. After IV, I'm trusting them wherever they want to take me. I've heard some call for a Viking themed AC and lots of calls for "feudal Japan!" I guess it doesn't matter. I'll be going there – wherever it is.

And just FYI, Ubisoft has stated they have like 3 different teams working on AC games. So although the releases are annual, a single team really only puts out a game every 3 years.

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 12/6/2013 11:09:29 PM

10 years ago

We should go on a mission to find Bin Ladin in the next installment

10 years ago

That's futuristic.. Ubi doesn't like that idea.. It's mentioned last paragraph.

10 years ago

The modern era is where Desmond is. I think we'll just keep seeing snippets of modern day settings for the AC games up until the eventual conclusion as we have in AC3. I won't doubt that they'll have a big finale at some point where the Assassin's and Templar's converge in a dramatic closing chapter set in the modern day. I'd be up for that.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/7/2013 12:46:29 PM

10 years ago

and for those who finsihed AC Revelations it showed a futristic setting with people and inhabitants as part of the ending… so I don't think we can fully rule out anything future'ish or sci-fi'ish entirely.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/7/2013 12:49:09 PM

10 years ago

finding Bin Ladin isn't futuristic you turd burgler, it's in paragraphs…within the last 10 some odd years, and yes I'd be down for a modern day climax with the templars and assassins too.

10 years ago

Bin Ladin died back in 2011.

10 years ago

Kill this damn franchise Ubisoft how much more money do you need? Get creative now with Watch Dogs.

10 years ago

You want them to end a great game franchise to focus on a game you've never played?

10 years ago

Well Ubisoft has proven to be a developer that can pump out multiple high quality titles.

I fully expect WD to be just as good and creative as AC has always been.

10 years ago

On a break.

10 years ago

I want to see Shoa Yun's story in China.

10 years ago

I thought it was Shao Jun?

10 years ago

Spanish-American war.

10 years ago

Anywhere without boats and animus fragments, assassination contracts,etc. Baically ditch the boats and make it O.C.D. friendly then I'll be happy.

10 years ago

I'll take a Whopper over a Big Mac any day too

10 years ago

Feudal Japan or the old west.

Last edited by JDC80 on 12/7/2013 12:53:46 AM

10 years ago

Feudal Japan ?? Go Play Yakuza Ishin u fool on Feb 22nd made by Japanese people.

10 years ago

Cool down Kiryu, what's with that tone?

10 years ago

Sry man please try out the Yakuza series.

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

They should go to prehistoric times. How about climbing up the neck of a Brachiosaurus before jumping into…a wagon full of hay?

10 years ago

I liked the idea of ancient Egypt. But just as long as the main Assassin hooks up with Moses and frees the jews and stuff.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/7/2013 1:30:44 AM

10 years ago

Babylon would be cool too. An assassin would get a kick out of climbing the Tower of Babel. =p

EDIT: it'd be great jumping from the top without being able to see the haystack down below because you're so high. You'd fall through the clouds and crap and then hit the hay.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/7/2013 1:40:04 AM

10 years ago

Yeah the problem with that idea is, we are going way back in time, before the Altair stuff. So we would lose a whole bunch of our kit. We would lose our double hidden blades, as that is something Altair introduced after he became Master Assassin.

In fact most of our tools would be gone.

10 years ago

Russia!! What really happened to Anastasia? Also, the end of the Czars! Lots of landscape and awesome architecture!

10 years ago

Antarctica, I'd love to see them do nothing :). Seriously, go on a break assassins.

10 years ago

Japan, Korea, and China area with lots of open ocean to navigate.

Preferably during the height of their feudal civilizations.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I'll echo a few others and say this franchise needs to retire.

10 years ago

Sorry the whole AC3 and 4 did and do interest me as its a departure from what AC and the AC2 series built on. I know I am in the minority.

I think it should go on hiatus if not permanently.

BUT if they are going to keep cashing in on the … cash cow then I would like to see either China, Japan or India. Not necessarily in any order of pref.

And maybe choice character. Either customize look completely OR at least a choice of a male or female protagonist. If no choice… then would be good to see a female character in a lengthy and engaging story.

That said Ubisoft will mos likely go where its popular.

Keep playing.

10 years ago

Imagine what the Assassins Creed universe could do with either Ramases II, Alexander the Great, or Julius Caesar.
Plenty of source material left for the Ubisoft folk.

10 years ago

… And now, to more important news for all PS4 owners:
It seems there's been several PS4 owners experienced unapproved/unintended transactions on their accounts. So please all, keep a keen eye on your accounts and purchase history in the PSN stores these days, guys. Sony will reimburse faulty purchases.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/7/2013 4:21:33 AM

10 years ago

You are a contributor, right? Do a writeup because this is something that deserves wider exposure than the comment section. I noticed this (and I'll be paying attention to my account activity as a result) but others might not see it.

10 years ago

read the emails on the animus systems, theres actually tons of hints on where and when the next games could be held.
id love to see one in the french renaissance maybe, or even one set during the roman empire.
ooooo, that would be so awesome using the roman triremes for the naval combat!
asia would be another great location, but the dev teams been quite vocal on how they feel about that.
ie aint ever going to happen.

10 years ago

What do they hint about then, in those mails? (I've not played the game)

10 years ago

japan and egypt if i remember right.
kinda funny since the devs have previously said both would not fit the AC universe, which kinda has me a little worried there going to be shoehorning more crap into the game to make it fit.
cough the naval crap in 3 to justify pirates for 4.

10 years ago

funny, theres even a email in there from the company who does CToS for watch dogs trying to sell the security system to abstergo.
reading the company emails though it looks like the next one will either be in egypt, back in acre where AC1 was theres a strong hint that one of altairs soldiers will star in the next one.
or maybe aveline, out of all the characters she was the only one who got green light for future projects.

10 years ago

It needs to go to Japan. It would fit in very well i believe, ninja's were known for scaling buildings, assassinating, etc., it would just be perfect i feel.

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