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PS4 vs. Xbox One: The Holiday Edge Goes To…?

Both next-gen consoles are now available in North America and Europe, but which one has the holiday edge?

Going into the launches, it seemed that the PlayStation 4 had the worldwide lead by a fair margin, and was destined to outsell the Xbox One in the European region at least. There were even indications that Sony's new console would outstrip Microsoft's in the American market, which would be quite the accomplishment.

But have things changed now that both systems are on the market? Do the hardware breakdowns and analyses, software reviews, and general gamer feedback change the position of either manufacturer? Would you say that Microsoft benefited from those reports of defective PS4 units at launch? Can it be argued that Xbox One's launch lineup is just a little better than the PS4's, if only because of Forza 5 ? Do the reports of busted Xbox Ones mirror those of the PS4 reports in terms of frequency and severity, or are they worse? Blue line of death vs. green screen of death?

If you go by the hardware reviews from most major sources, the Xbox One isn't necessarily impressing anyone. At the same time, the PS4's hardware hasn't wowed the experts, either, as both are awfully similar in a variety of ways. Then again, many will argue that the PS4 has more potential and power, and some will point toward the many PS4 launch games that run in native 1080p as compared to the upscaled 1080p of most Xbox One titles. And of course, there's the price difference to consider, which could end up being the tipping point for the current holiday battle.

How do you see the race shaping up over the next month?

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10 years ago

Anecdotal but my local retailers were fully stocked on Xbones while low on Wii U's and sold out of PS4's. Completely sold out of 3DS's as well. Seems the hot items in gaming are PS4 the Nintendo 3DS. Glad to see Wii U is selling better (at least locally) as well.

10 years ago

yeah, she'll perk up in due time. How many successful consoles now have been deemed dead out of the gate?

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/30/2013 12:28:22 AM

10 years ago

I think a lot of the doom and gloom about WiiU is based on it aiming for the core gamer but probably not being supported for much as this generation progresses. That leaves a hole in the strategy of Ninty since once again they will have a console that's best feature is it plays Nintendo's rare console releases in their big franchises.

10 years ago

To be honest, I haven't seen either PS4 or X1 console in any of the stores I've been into. Still see WiiU's but that's only because Nintendo's been making them for well over a year now. Last night, I didn't see any promotional 250GB PS3's around; saw a few 12 GB models around. Didn't have any problems spotting the promotional 4 GB 360's. The 250 GB 360 models were easy to find too, but then again, I don't think any of those models were being promoted.

10 years ago

It's nice to hear that the Wii U was sold out but it was probably only due to low stock to begin with I know my local Gamestops only keep around 3-5 in stock to begin with.

10 years ago

I got a chance to try the PS4 at a Best Buy kiosk. Unfortunately the game demo was Knack and it was genuinely unremarkable. The new controller felt nice.

The XO can't erase the fact that they're $100 too much and 50% under powered.

10 years ago

During the midnight Black Friday sale @ Gamestop the PS4 was outselling Xbone. When they were down to the last 2 Xbones they asked who was there to by one, and only one person raised their hand.

10 years ago

My local Walmart store held back stock on both systems for black Friday. The PS4's all sold out but we still have xbones. Day one versions even.

10 years ago

Someone got stabbed in a walmart down in the…not rich area of where I live for a ps4. Xbox One still available everywhere I go. Not to mention amazon has had quite a bit still.

10 years ago

I didn't mean to kill em

10 years ago

Its all great if the PS4 remains in the lead but ultimately I'm just happy that the PS4 is successful.

10 years ago

I feel it's best if PS4 is at the top, it bodes well for the whole gaming industry when the strongest, most dedicated device with the best support is #1. That's why the PS1 and PS2 generations were so hot.

10 years ago

PS4 will have the edge now that European sales will factor in. Xbone is being touted as an "all in one device" instead of a gaming console. That's sort of an F U to gamers.

10 years ago

I must agree with World. Microsoft didn't do themselves any favors in the gaming community by shifting the experience away from gaming. It's like, "It does all of this! … oh, and it plays games." Sony made very little effort to highlight the non-gaming features of the PS4, instead making it very clear that their console was a VIDEO GAME console first. I had someone try to tell me that MS doesn't need to highlight the gaming side of the console because "people just know." Well, what about those that aren't loyal followers of Xbox? Sony has the right of it, but lets hope the PS4 continues to deliver the goods before MS figures out what they're doing.

10 years ago

better everything really, not to mention the multitasking killing two birds with one stone.
the web browser on consoles is horrific, i mean i went to check out a guide for shadow fall on my ps4 today and the browser is so slow and laggy, and better yet you cant watch videos on it.

if you gotta choose a console though, definitely xbox one.
theres games on it actually worth playing, and funnily enough MP games are apparently allot more stable on it.
certainly didnt expect that with developers recently whining how unstable the tools and SDK was.
not to mention the OS is allot more complete, not having pause and resume on launch is just ridiculous!
come on thats the biggest best feature of next gen systems.
not to mention $ony shutting down half of PSNs services to try improve stability.
and also kinect which actually works surprisingly well!
so much better using your voice to control your TV and sound system rather than having to pause the game and stumbling for the remote in the dark.
really disappointed with the ps4 so far, it really does feel like a ps3 with a nice coat of paint.
xbox one feels like a true next gen system because it offers so much different stuff, and a new way to interact with it.

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

"not having pause and resume on launch is just ridiculous!"

Please clarify what you mean by this this because i switch from a game to netflix or hulu in less than 5 seconds and viceversa.

I respect your console choice but trashing something you have not experienced is quite childish.

10 years ago

standby mode does not save the game session and let you start off where you left next time you turn the system on.
another one the QR codes.
kinect lets you scan a QR code and redeem a code in a second, instead of wasting time typing in a frustrating code.
even more frustrating if you bought a collectors edition of a game and it came with 3+ vouchers!
even more annoying when you bought the collectors edition of 3 games!
not to mention the touchpad.
that could of been used as the mouse for the browser, but nope.
it could of been used to make typing on the system so much faster and easier, but nope.
typical $ony, they create a great new device, then let it be forgotten because they cant be f*cked utilizing it!

10 years ago

You should quit playing video games and take up gardening. You'd probably feel like one of the family among the other vegetables.

10 years ago

I find it extremely hard to believe you own a PS4. The way you make sure to bash the console at every turn speaks volumes for your state of mind. I wish you would take that form of "involvement" to another site.

I've literally never had or heard of for that matter any of the complaints you have. It seems to me that YOU have some serious issues.

If your console of choice is the Xbox then by all means knock yourself out…no need to be a prick every time you see anything pro-sony.

Personally it's not hard to put together and honest and unbiased theory; The PS4 is dominating the sales charts in almost every country its released in. Obviously we can never know using just these avenues, but I'm willing to bet the PS4 is on top for now.

Therefore the holiday goes to Sony.

10 years ago

You really are an xbot nutcase, iust my opinion by reading some of your ridiculous comments here!

10 years ago

This is the most attention-seeking, silly troll post I've seen in a while ;).

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I'm sorry did you just say the PS4 is just a PS3 with a new coat of paint, while the Xbox One actually feels next-gen?

You know what? You're beyond help.

10 years ago

Here in Europe the Xbone is being slated as it is not compatible with our standard TV output of a 50hz PAL signal. This is causing a significant picture judder for people who plug their satellite and cable boxes into their Xbones!
I can't believe that M$ didn't think of that!

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

1.both the systems had some problems,but both are minor as far we know now is better selling,look at the 360 1 year ahead of sales and ps3 has gain the lead finally.
3.Microsoft has shown his true face [the bad policies] and many[not all] of the xboxcustomers have chosen ps4 as a reward for Sony.
4.both the systems had not really very good topgames at launch,xbox has a slight advantage with titan fall[timed exclusive!] but it is really very thin.
The exclusives will come to both the systems and then PS4 has clearly the big advantage:for excample,Uncharted/The last of us/ratchet and clank/heavy rain are much better than any xbox exclusives.
5.In japan and also in europe ps is miles ahead of xbox,and now ps started first with selling their system and are even ahead in the usa.
Conclusion:PS4 is it this next gen,xbox has no chance.
Worldwide the sales will be about PS4 70%/ Xboxone30 %

Last edited by slow and smart on 11/30/2013 5:56:55 AM

10 years ago

The Edge Goes to last gen consoles.

With all the problems with the current generation consoles are having i wont be surprised people might go back to the Ps3, Xbox-360 & Wii-U. I myself is considering a Wii-U over the Ps4 and Xbone at least till the next version of said consoles come out. 1st off there are no new real current generation games that wow me. Most can be played on the Ps3 and or 360.

Secondly hardware failures. between blue line of death, The HDMI cable problems, the disc drive failures on the Xbone. People well probably be scared off and turn the Wii-U, Ps3 & 360. After my issues w/ my 360 last generation w/ the red ring of death twice & reading all about the current hardware failures im glad i waited to make the jump.

10 years ago

These problems are blown up in the media. I've got 20 mates with a PS4, and not one has an issue. In fact, I know of just one actual person from another forum that's had a problem. In the real world, the PS4 is by all bar one account from real people really, really good – everyone I know who has one (other than the poor unfortunate) is really enjoying it. I've still got a PS3, and a few games on that to finish, but it's a huge step down.

10 years ago

It's easy to stare blind on your own surroundings and judge the rest of the world based on that (here in norway there really is no competition. Even the traditionally Xbox-focused gaming sites over here are now changing their tune) but having said that I can't see how there can be any doubt that the PS4 is leading the field after the start signal went off.

In fact I think everything looks to be close to perfect. Cause I do want Microsoft to keep going with their console. I want that competition.
What I don't want is all that junk we had to put up with this former generation. The multiplat issues, the "hidden powers" nonsense, the elongated development periods and additional patching cause Sony "made it difficult on purpose", all that bullshit. And that's over now. That will die with the PS3.

And the numbers are clear and easily comparable: We got the most capable machine, and that even at the lowest price.

Now all we have to do is to comfortably sit back and watch the games as they roll in, without a worry in the world.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/30/2013 8:18:00 AM

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

All this momentum and Gaikai is'nt in the picture yet. I really hope Sony destroys the xbox; its like a cancer of sorts on gaming.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

before the release of the 2[ps4/xboxone]i really wanted to see who of those 2 would bring the best machine and lowest price and best games.Really,if ms would have be the better one i would buy me a xbox[with these launchgames also later on] but honestly Ps4:better policies from the beginning/100,- less/stronger and better performance and [later on] also the better exclusives so the choice is easy:PS4
The reliability problem with the 360 and the bad policies,yeah i underrstand when someone doesn't like M$,but this is i think the best situation:PS4 in the lead by 70/30% BUT important: xbox must stay,thats better for us consumers,it would not be good if a company,even when it is good old sony,would have no really competition

10 years ago

I keep reading that XboxOne is better at the moment because it has a better launch game lineup. Honestly, do gamers have such ADHD that they don't realise that in 6-12 months there potentially will be a PS4 Uncharted and The Last of Us and many other excellent Sony exclusives.

Who would buy a next gen console just with the next 3 months in mind? A console is a 5 year purchase at least. Get the one with the longest legs and the most potential which is the PS4.

10 years ago

Ben, I actually thought you were going to give an answer and say its was the Xbox. lol. After all the build.

Sounds like the PS4 is doing well and no fears of a down trend. And thats good. Now the games and the library that holds them need to build. Its all in the devs court now as well as Sony supporting them. Which in the past they have.

Even Angry Joe was impressed with the PS4, but maybe not so much with Killzone.

Anyway, good news for gamers overall.

Keep playing and be safe!

10 years ago

well going by how much fun i've had with just one day with the machine i'll say the ps4's going pritty darn well atm and ithink this only the start of something really gud for playstation. i mean everyone i know is going for playstation first and foremost atm.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Got my Ps4 on friday along with Call Of Duty: Ghosts and FIFA 14, i must say i'm really impressed how compact the ps4 is, its so quiet aswell compared to ps3, downloaded the firmware update in no time at all, only gripe i had on friday which other users were experincing aswell was trying to sign into psn with my ps plus account, I've got to say im really impressed with ps4 so far, just the launch line-up was dissapointing, next game i'll be getting is Killzone Shadow Fall

10 years ago

Even with all the hoopla of Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot, the Xbone outsold PS4 during Black Friday. Small victory for M$, I'm sure, but it's disturbing.

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