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If GTA Isn’t Your Cup Of Tea…Why?

Not everyone likes the same things, and quality is almost irrelevant when it's not your particular cup of tea.

So, if Grand Theft Auto isn't up your alley, if you've never been able to get into the franchise, we want to know: Why?

GTAV is pretty damn fantastic and represented several big leaps forward for both Rockstar and the award-winning series. Anybody who claims it doesn't do enough in terms of mechanical, control or narrative advancement as compared to past entries is just plain blind. The improvements and upgrades are countless, especially when we're talking about the immensely detailed virtual world that is GTA. But that doesn't mean everyone's gonna like it. It could get 10s from all the critics and that wouldn't change your mind; you know that if you tried it, you still wouldn't like it, no matter how hard you tried.

So, here's your chance to explain why. Maybe you just never understood the appeal of sandbox games and they're not your thing. Maybe you just don't like the subject matter in GTA; if you're going to go open-world, you'll opt for The Elder Scrolls or something. Then again, maybe you really do get offended at the overt displays of sex and violence, and you'd rather not be part of it. Perfectly understandable. But speak up!

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10 years ago

For me the single player games are usually boring at least they become boring very quickly for me. I enjoyed 4 a bit, and I liked 3 and vice city as well. But after a while these games just kind of bore me I don't know why. It happens with most sandbox games to be honest, except games like Infamous and Darksiders(not sure if this counts as sandbox).

I think that the multiplayer in GTA5 looks awesome, because its not the mechanics I don't like but I just don't really care for playing a sandbox world type game with AI. Doing it with friends seems much more awesome.

I find that the stories are usually just so so, and the characters are to crazy, and wacky exaggerations of stereotypes. Even though those people exist in real life I dont know I just get tired of the amount of it that is in most GTA games.

Its not that they are bad games I just think they become stale rather quickly, but thats just me.

10 years ago

GTA never was my cup of tea, that is, until GTAV.

I don't know why but I just never could bring myself to finish any of the past GTA, even GTAIV.

And yet right now, I'm enjoying GTAV a lot and I'm halfway finished.

10 years ago

I've liked all of them but it's pretty stale by now, the so called advancements can't hide that it's a city crime simulator that shines most as a hilarious novelty when played among a group.

All by your lonesome and without a need to rampage, the games just don't provide a cohesive and compelling story like Yakuza does. Instead you get some frayed personal plot lines that meander around base-covering territory like the stock bank robbery, the stock strip club fight, the stock kill him or let him live scenario, and so forth.

GTA is always a great place to play but not at full price for me anymore.

10 years ago

I too enjoy the Yakuza games more than the GTA games. If they introduced cars into them I think more people would start playing them more.

I like the combat in Yakuza soooo so so much though, I think that is what keeps me coming back lol.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Never played yakuza but I'm assuming you kill people?

So it's okay to kill people in yakuza and not okay in GTAV? THE LOGIC MAKES SENSE.

It doesn't have to be a crime simulator. You can ways be a corrupt tow-man

10 years ago

yeah I never said anything against killing people.

10 years ago

The constant cussing, racial slurs, and honestly the size of the gale is simply overwhelming. But mainly the language. I LOVED San Andreas, and probably spent more time on that game than any other. Game I've ever played. But in the first 10 minutes of V I was appalled by the language.

10 years ago

In the areas it improved, it makes me wish they would have kept some of the things from the previous games. For single player anyway. I beat the single player, twice, and even golded most missions and I don't ever think I'm going to play it again. Unlike every GTA before V. The online of V is my favorite part. But the story is far, and I mean far better than I expected. Loved the characters, besides Franklin, and it wasn't all "Oh your a low brow selling and sneaking drugs around and then your boss dies and you take over and then more stuff happens and you kill people and dirty cops to be the king of the world" GTAV is incredible, but not something I would really want to replay again. Too scripted i guess. It doesn't have that randomness that the other GTA's had. Doesn't mean it isn't a non stop fun fest for everyone else. That's just me. But yeah, Online is so much fun.

10 years ago

The style of the series never really appealed to me. Can't think of a better way to explain it, I'm just not drawn by the whole criminals and gangsters and hookers thing.

Last edited by Draguss on 10/4/2013 10:50:03 PM

10 years ago

I finished and beat GTA, GTA 3, and Vice City back in the day, but I just couldn't sit through 4 or San Andreas, and I was pretty glad that I didn't buy V because it feels too much the same.

For me, there just isn't enough that is super refined in a way that I can enjoy. The driving mechanic is better this time — which is good as it took quite a dip in the transition to 3d. The shooting and fighting mechanics are still wonky. The only R* game I could almost accept the mechanics for was Red Dead Redemption, but I couldn't really immerse myself in that one with the horse controls. I am a little upset that with all these years and all these good fighting and third-person shooters, R* hasn't bothered to update their shooting mechanic to something that doesn't cause me to flail wildly and miss hitting someone with a shotgun blast. There are always a lot of things to do, but they're hardly things I'm interested in doing. I guess in all of this, despite the obvious ridiculousness, I never feel as though I progress in a GTA game like a video game. The villains don't necessarily require more skill to defeat, it's not as though there's a lot variety for the missions or the people you're fighting slowly ramping up in difficulty to compensate for your increase in skill / your characters' abilities.

The games eventually boil down to me shooting and running over people for an hour before regretting that I paid for another same-y R* game. I tried GTA V for a few hours. It never grabbed me. It's fine, I understand the technical feats that everyone else enjoys about them, but I can never help but feel bored, and wish I had something either stronger storyline-wise or straight up more entertaining to play.


10 years ago

I'm a hipster.

I'm sure I would like it if I tried it but I just don't want to get involved with series. I have nothing against Rockstar or GTA, and I'm not easily offended either.

10 years ago

You must really love Apple products.

10 years ago

Oh to have put $1k into Apple stocks 10 years ago when they were worth around $11 each…. now worth $500-ish… and they had a split at one point.

Coulda turned that 1k into 1 mil… Oh hindsight, you frigger!

10 years ago

This might make me sound like a hipster as well cLoudou. I honestly do not like Gta because of its mass appeal. This is not to say that it isnt good game, I actually appreciate the little details in the game. The reason I cant get myself to play it is that I know so many people that only own Gta, Madden, and NBA. I just feel like if I play it im grouped with those people. I know I am weird lol……

10 years ago

I'm with JJ in addition that I cant really be a good guy in this game. No offense I know that its a great game but its not for me.

Last edited by Vitron on 10/5/2013 12:14:53 AM

10 years ago

1. Rockstar games get incredibly boring. Even the ones I'd consider great like Red Dead and LA noire.
2. I don't find fun in senseless violence, vandalism and mischief without a good context. Glorifying crime life just isn't my cup of tea.
3. The constant foul language is just too ridiculous. I don't mind cursing in games when it's done tastefully but when over done like in GTA games and even Killzone 2, I find it annoying and bad writing.
4. I don't like the graphics much.
5. I don't like the controls in Rockstar games.


10 years ago

I'm with you on the boring thing, the distractions in Saint's Row are usually very creative and full of laughs so I found myself doing them. In GTA it's like… okay go on a date, okay go play pool, okay go golf. "Whaaaat?"

So then you go on to do missions for people and it's like Okay go deliver this dope to a trunk 5 times then kill all the people that decided the deal went down wrong. "Whaaaat?"

So eventually I get bored and forget what the story was in the first place. I played 80% of GTAIV before it broke on me and I can't even tell you what it was about besides Nico's immigrant status. What the hell was that game about again?

10 years ago

Might be the first time I agree with Jawknee. Although I don't care about swearing, it does get a little tiresome hearing the F bomb drop a 100 times.

10 years ago

The only possible reason that I could see for a person not liking GTA V is that they are touched in the head. 😉

Rockstar has always presented it's GTA games with a tongue-in-cheek, satirical style of humor, and if that kind of thing offends you, then you clearly take yourself far too seriously to either understand, or appreciate the amount of hard work that is put into crafting such a massive world that they give you to immerse yourself in with each new iteration.

Can't take the heat, get out of my kitchen! 😛

Last edited by JROD0823 on 10/5/2013 12:42:38 AM

10 years ago

uh… No. I'm not even in your kitchen in the first place. 😛

Last edited by Vitron on 10/5/2013 12:49:26 AM

10 years ago

I can definitely appreciate the hard work, it looks like an absolutely incredible piece of work to me, which is why I'll get it eventually.

10 years ago

Well I played it for 2 hours then got back to Tales of Xillia. To me fantasy games are more fun. I find games based on society or sports or military shooters boring. Personal taste. I know GTA5 is a great game. I was really impressed by what I saw but it does not hook me.

Guess to me it's just a problem of story and settings. Because I really feel this game is executed flawlessly.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/5/2013 2:04:26 AM

10 years ago

TALES OF XILLIA!!!! I finished it a couple weeks ago and it still gives me a buzz. How far are you? Overall I think it was the best one yet, it never bogs you down in super grindy nomans land like Graces f (which I also loved) and the plot just keeps expanding.

10 years ago

Hahaha nice. I just finished Jude's side yesterday! 🙂 Now I am getting ready to try for the hidden boss before going NG+ for Milla's side :D. Man finding all the hidden stuff took me some time lol.

I really am enjoying it. Combat is fun. And the story is nice. Sooo much stuff is going on it feels like im playing a trilogy game lolll. I only played Tales of Vesperia before that one. I wish more games like this will come!

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/5/2013 1:06:04 PM

10 years ago

i can have fun playing a criminal that does bad things to other criminals but dont enjoy having to kill policemen

10 years ago

policemen in America are criminals though.

Delsin Rowe
Delsin Rowe
10 years ago

All the flying pisses me off to no end. It's just… smash your controller frustrating for me.

10 years ago

The reviewers always ignore that part.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

It's not that hard. You just have to get used to it, as you would flying ANYTHING in real life. And the controls are ten times better than the flying controls in San Andreas, which were basically broken.

10 years ago

Actually flying in SA were not bad. It were pretty close to flying a radio controlled plane.

10 years ago

Yeah, I never got what was so hard about it. My friend, in GTA: San Andreas, got to the part where you have to pass the different flying tests…and couldn't. He never finished the game because of it. I thought it was crazy he would give up on the whole game because of that.

I guess for some the flying is a lot harder for some reason. I actually enjoy it, in any game really.

10 years ago

In a game like GTA, the amount of depth or variety you might get… the visual quality… sound… acting… gameplay…. it could all be fantastic, and I still don't care for it.

Part of it is that I just don't like what it does for the reputation of video games. I think it shows the general non-gaming public that their worst fears about video game content are true… gamers love to play something as "evil" as GTA. (That's not me saying evil, btw. General public.)

I've also found past titles to be monotonous. In that past, I had small amounts of fun doing vigilante missions… or taxi stuff… but I've never been drawn to the stories, and I find it gets old quickly. Mind you, the new title could have fixed this, but I'll never know.

But the biggest reason is more personal that I don't expect anyone to relate with. My sister got into some bad groups of people, and some of those negative ways of life are glorified in this game. I can't avoid comparing some of the things in that game to her, and it makes me feel ill. I also worked in a youth centre for a few years with "high risk" youth. And the gang issues… drug issues… prostitution things… broken families… half the stuff I've seen destroy lives is almost glorified in this game, and I can't handle "playing" that type of thing.

Like I said, I would never expect anyone to see it that way. And I don't mean to be "high and mighty". By all means… love the game and play your heart out. But when it comes down to it… I just can't emotionally handle the content well. Especially as entertainment. There's too many faces that pop into my head. lol I've seen some stuff in my time, and for some reason GTA brings a lot of it rushing into my head. I know my personal experience is unfair to push on others… but if I'm 100% honest, the game makes me sick to my stomach and I can't stand the fact that it's actually popular. Ever since San Andreas, it's not sat well with me.

But I hope folks can at least understand why I feel that way.

10 years ago

I know how you feel, my sister is in a meth spiral and could die pretty much any time. I refuse to watch Breaking Bad.

10 years ago

I'm pretty sure I could like it. GTA4 was my first GTA, and I loved it when a lot fans of the franchise didn't. I rented GTA5 and played it for about 10 minutes, and realized I can wait.

10 years ago

definitely my cup of tea, but this is not only GTA games but all R* games in general, they have a god dam OBSESSION and stubbornness of things.
an obsession of the ridiculously tedious and a stubbornness.
they somehow made stealing a submarine and exploring that beautiful underwater scenery so numbingly boring!
they have a obsession with the boring things, if i want to drive a crane ill go get my license and get PAID sixty bucks a hour to do so, not SPEND 100 bucks on a game!
stubbornness the countless problems the series has had, and their countless refusal to fix them no matter how many games they release in between, no matter how many times people complain about it, you can bet the same things that were wrong with GTA3 will be the same things that will be wrong with GTA 13!
to use a term stubborn as a mule would be an insult not to R*, but the mule!

10 years ago

All this GTA talk make me want to get Saints Row IV, but I haven't finished III yet.

10 years ago

Speaking of planes! The planes in Saints Row, now *that's* bad flight controls. It's way way waaaaaay too easy. I even think they made it easier in SR3 than SR2.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/5/2013 11:54:13 AM

10 years ago

I sincerely believe that the mp was not part of the retail for review purposes. We can look at metacritics 97 all day but that means nothing to me considering the mp issues.

For me GTA is GTA. Ita fun but its predictable. Thats why people buy it. They know what they are getting. Its the same with CoD. People love knowing theyll enjoy it to atleast some extent. Problem is theres nothing to hold the games together later on. No story, no great cjaracter development, nothing. RDR was a bit different in that the stpry was atleast compelling and Marston was/is R*'s best character design.

10 years ago

All these comments and not one person has touched on this? Ok, here goes. The last GTA I actually enjoyed was San Andreas. Every item has become impossible to find now as there is no aura around them anymore. How the hell am I supposed to find a grey uzi that flashes to black when it's lying on grey sand under a dock somewhere??? I hardly ever died in San Andreas & since then I've been killed numerous times by things like getting hit by a car doing 5mph or trying to jump over a wall and hitting a dumpster face first by accident.

The police NEVER leave me alone. Good examples would be going into a store unarmed and getting instantly arrested without a chance to fight back, standing on a bench in front of the police station and getting arrested, having a random 2 stars on my guy from just driving around hitting and shooting NOBODY. Losing the cops seems to take forever now.

The stupid cell phone should be erased entirely. I don't want to invest in a virtual stock market & browse a virtual internet. I don't want to read email or check my text messages on a video game either. It all seems so time consuming. Not to mention the fact that over half of the missions I've played earn absolutely no money.

Also, how was I to know that choosing a cheaper gunman on a mission with a SILENT approach would make him wreck his bike and cost me a third of my cut. The flight controls are the dumbest I've EVER seen in a game. What's the point of going to hang out with another character if all you can do is either get drunk which lasts about 10 seconds after you leave the bar or go see some crappy french/spanish film that is the most boring & f'ed up movie in the universe?

You can go in even less of the buildings, the driving controls are horrible for most vehicles & the single most irritating thing is the game telling you what to do next about 2 seconds before MISSION FAILED appears on the screen because you were going the wrong way or following the wrong person. My game is so broken that I can only mark 3 points of interest on the map. If I mark a 4th then the first one I marked vanishes. My friends game doesn't do this as he has 20 or more on his map.

My dog is also useless as he runs away from me after about 2 minutes. I also don't have an iphone so I can't train him. I felt really burned when I bought GTA4 & if I hadn't gotten 5 as a gift, I probably would have never purchased it. I personally would rate this game a 7 because it's mostly a broken piece of crap compared to titles like Uncharted, Gran Turismo, MGS4, and God of War. Sure it's a huge game with great acting & interesting characters. How does that make it fun to play? The only satisfaction I get is from running over people and causing traffic accidents!!!! Phew, that felt better.

10 years ago

Wasn't ever a big fan of GTA….but I'd be lying if I said GTAV didn't intrigue me somewhat.

However, I feel that 90% of the game just seems like mindless violence and a glorification on crime.
Not to say that people who plays these games hold the mentality that this is "cool" or whatever, but it just doesn't hold an interest for me.

I feel I'd just be doing the other 10% (whatever that might be…playing golf?) and then I'd just get real bored, real quick.

I can appreciate it from a technical standpoint and there's obviously something exceptional about it to have so many fans….but it's just not for me.

10 years ago

I have difficulty seeing the single white dot reticle – just like red dead.

10 years ago

GTA 3 thru 4 were all the same thing, by 4 it wasn't bad, just meh. I only got like a third of the way through when I got bored and let it sit. By then I realized I was just buying the hype. Plus GTA isn't the only open world anymore, making it less intriguing.

Seems that they added alot to 5 though. I'll give it a shot.

Last edited by EndZero on 10/5/2013 2:36:40 PM

10 years ago

Not sure what it is. But I got bored trying to remotely like the series. And from over the years from watching friends play, for short time, its seems a bit of a rehash of the same old same but with new features. NOW, I am not saying that the game probably is not good for those fans, just thats what it gives me, which is not a lot.

I bought GTA4 without any pressure from friends and found it overhyped and not deserving of the high scores it got. I think most of my friends agreed on that with all the bugs that seem to follow these games, how they get such hight scores I don't know. Again though it might be that those that enjoy the games can see pass the negatives whether many or few. I am sure I would be similar for those games I like to play.

GTAV… from watching players on their youtube postings, etc….. since already admitted I am not a fan, I think it was over hyped again. Seems to be a thing with many games these days. Maybe justified or not, but I do my research and see what info is available before buying, ignoring the hype.

From a Rockstar perspective they have moved forward with the franchise but looking at the past and what my friends have been playing… I think its time for the franchise and theme to move on to something else. Cuz really its starting to feel like a CoD franchise. Has its blown the gaming industry and advanced it? Maybe from a creating a more refined sandbox world yes compared to their last iteration, but is it slow and boring like some gamers/fans have said? For me it would be but for diehards, its what they like.

That ALL said, if the fanbase is there in large enough numbers and Rockstar knows it can continue to make money… no diff from all the other franchises I guess. Could be a good thing.. .for the fans.

In the end the story really is no leaps and bounds for gaming for me, sandbox… well sandbox worlds are what they are. To fans its better than anything out there. But that really is if that sandbox world has in it what YOU want. This does not for me and therefore does not blow me away, Best game of the decade or of this gen… mmmm no. But I am sure its popularity will assure it in the top 10 like the overhyped BUGGY sky rim (still fun to play regardless).

Have fun GTA fans. Hope the DLC that follows expands the world more for you. Variety, regardless on ones view of the game or tastes in games, it always great for the gaming community. Beyond Two Souls is that game for me. 🙂

Keep playing and be safe!

10 years ago

I'm one for needing a reasonable context to justify violence, so other than GTA IV (where they at least gave Nico a reason and a sympathetic backstory when it came to things) I've always felt uncomfortable playing them, and while I played GTA 2 and Vice City, I only got a few hours into San Andreas when it got a bit much for me – the gameplay was fun enough, but I'm a 'story' kind of gamer, and there was no sensible reason for the killing that was going on, so I let it slide. It's the same with the Payday series – just stealing money isn't enough justification, in my mind, for shooting scores of cops.

I've got nothing against those that do play GTA or Payday or similar – I'm quite sure you're not cop killers when you're not playing games, and it's very important we all respect each others tastes. That of course goes both ways – I'll never criticise anyone for playing GTA, just like I wouldn't criticse anyone for not playing BIRDS OF STEEL ;).

10 years ago

well if there is "overt displays of sex" then for me thats certainly a turn off i'm just not really a fan of that in games in a graphic context i mean the same for TV and movies i guess it just hasn't appealed to me. i mean it looks great i just haven't gotten into GTA like ever i tryed it on PSP and it was okay but i just didn't get it.

yeah atm it's not my cup of tea maybe it might be later on(as in an aquired taste) but for now it's just not for me and until i decide to give it another try it's just that simple.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I have already explained my problems with GTAV. I have enjoyed the PS2 games, skipped GTA4 and GTA5 is just not a good game to me. I am not going to beat a dead horse, but the story, characters, controls and missions were all mediocre and boring to me. Also at age 29 I feel that I have out grown GTA and GTAV is even more ridiculous and juvenile than any GTA before it. It is a game for teenagers and if you put Saints Row on it instead, it would not be getting all of this praise.

10 years ago

It's not that I don't like the game. I just like other games better. And with my current backlog, gta games are always played about a year or two after they come out. So there you have it.

10 years ago

I am surprised at how many people on this site don't actually like GTA. Most of the big guys in the community anyway.

It isn't really that I don't enjoy it, the last GTA I played was Vice City, I enjoyed that a lot but like Xenris said about, it just gets boring after awhile. I feel like every GTA is the same, it just lets us do more in that world, but the basic formula has not changed.

The most fun thing to do in the GTA games, is to run around causing absolute destruction, then either go on a huge car chase with the cops, or blow them up too. And you know, after several games, it hasn't changed much.

The game was fun when I was 16, but now I feel like I have outgrown it.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 10/7/2013 7:14:13 PM

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