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Ben’s Week In Review: August 25

It really feels like countdown to the next generation now, doesn't it? We've got the launch date for the PlayStation 4, so yeah, start counting! Not long now…


We've read all the news, we've heard all the interviews, and we've seen all the media. And in about two and a months, a great many of us will actually have the PlayStation 4 sitting in our entertainment centers. It appears the games won't be an issue (even though I still wish inFamous: Second Son was a launch title), the sleek new UI appears to be streamlined and highly functional, and Sony has said that pre-orders are "breathtakingly high." I admit that I'm excited for the new console and the closer we get to launch, the more intrigued I become. I'm more interested in the possibilities this new generation presents, rather than the experiences that will be immediately available. I always wonder how interactive entertainment will change with every new generation.

That being said, I still have my reservations about that expected changes. I may not be the biggest fan of them, as I've said in the past. However, for the sake of optimism, I'll just say that with more hardware power, more talent of all types flooding into the industry, and a wider variety of types of games than ever before, we're facing a very encouraging time in the industry. Provided people like Hideo Kojima, David Cage, Ken Levine and the dudes and dudettes at Naughty Dog continue to push the envelope, I think everything will be just fine. Better than fine, in fact.

Will The Last Guardian be another top-tier PS4 exclusive?

It didn't make it out for the current generation and Sony swears it's still in the works. However, at this point, one has to assume it's currently being overhauled for the PS4. I wonder if the team realized that, part way through their endeavor, there was no way the PS3 could support their ambitious vision. Maybe Sony really tried to push them but it wasn't working out; Fumito Ueda is rumored to be…well, not the easiest guy to work with, it seems. So, now it basically has to be a PS4 exclusive, right? The only problem I have is hearing that it's not a top priority for developer SCE Japan Studio. I know they have other things in the works, and I know games like Knack and Puppeteer are set for 2013, but Guardian has been MIA for a while . Like, a long, long while.

Perhaps the reason it isn't a priority is because they really are holding off until they can sink their teeth into developing the game for the PS4. Maybe that has been the plan for the past year or so, and they just didn't want to admit it. But if that's the case, why not admit it now? Why just keep people in the dark and give us these vague, "oh, it's still in development" reports? I've never understood why developers and publishers do that. It does nothing to appease the fans and in fact, it just causes more questions to arise. …and those questions typically have a negative tone.

Personal gaming update

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified isn't a bad game, but it isn't a very good game, either. It's not my kind of thing, anyway, so I won't be playing any more of it. I've got Madden NFL 25 , which I've been playing on and off for a few days, and you can also expect to see reviews for Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Saints Row IV this week. I imagine if you just can't wait for Grand Theft Auto V , SRIV is a decent option, provided you're well aware of it's entirely over-the-top persona. Also, don't forget that Killzone: Mercenary will be set to go on September 10; read my multiplayer beta impressions to learn more about it. The Vita needs that one!

Dragon's Crown is still a blast to play, and I'm really looking forward to Rain . Reminds me of something like Journey or The Unfinished Swan and I can't wait to try it. Such fantastic creativity and beautiful music!

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10 years ago

I hope the next gen does grow and change, I think many of us are still worried it might just be the same stuff but with better graphics. Though I think that happens with most generations so I'll try to be optimistic. If history is any indicator PS4 will be the only play to see the true growth even if MS has purchased a more robust launch.

If TLG isn't at TGS it's just vaporware. At this stage it will probably be a PSN game for PS4 with a scaled down vision. It must already be incredibly over budget since all of that work amounted to nearly nothing.

I got some results back on an MRI, herniated disc crunching a nerve in my back. So yeah I have a painful excuse to lay around and play video games. Those include some tinkering with Dreamcast games cuz my new VGA box makes them look incredible, more Tales of Xilla, Mars: War Logs, and I'm sorta giving Alpha Protocol another shot.

That game really had the potential to be revolutionary and still accomplished some great new things in spite of the drawbacks.

10 years ago

Dang, how did you pop your disc?

10 years ago

Pickin' up a cereal bowl :

10 years ago

The straw that broke the camels back. Time for physical therapy and heavy pain killers. Hopefully more the former than the latter. Bon Appetite. Hope you feel better. Godspeed.

10 years ago

Guy, life is too short for grudges, let alone online, virtual ones. If someone lost a life, a loved one, a home, their human rights, or something else of any worth I'd understand, and speak up. Otherwise, walk it off, and attend to something more worthy of your time on this Earth, or go even enjoy some quality gaming.

10 years ago

Appreciate the concern shams.

10 years ago

Hey World. If you bother using caps for inanimate objects, like games, then please reciprocate my good will by at least using caps for other proper nouns, such as names of people. K? Thx.

10 years ago

Sucks about the back big guy.

I felt like I tweaked my back while doing sets of 315lbs Dead lifts.
I lowered it to 275lbs and I feel pretty comfortable there.
Though, I still feel it in my lower back when I do sit ups that something isn't quite right.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/26/2013 1:02:27 PM

10 years ago

It's exciting seeing the dawn of a new console generation. With more power we should see greater experiences.
It is impressive downloading those PS4 trailers from off of PSN. It's one thing seeing it on a computer screen and it's another in the living room with the brightness, contrast, and gamma levels of a tv. KZ looks superb visually, trumping either BF4 or Titanfall from a detail standpoint.

It would seem The Last Guardian will go to PS4… or possibly Vita. I think I remember reading the dev team struggled with PS3 memory constraints, something both the PS4 and Vita may be able to overcome.

PGU: Tried the Madden 25 demo. While it's cool, beefy for a demo, the play session I had was incredibly buggy. Not like nitpick buggy, but all kinds of buggy, both control wise and graphical defect wise. Hopefully that's been fixed for the final game.

Been playing Splinter Cell HD in all of it's classic fun. I'm a little more than half way through. I'll read your Blacklist review Ben because I know you know what's up.

I broke down and pre-ordered DOA5 Ultimate. I'm just too excited to wait. It sort of ticks me off that the pre-order goodies are split between Amazon and Gamestop. I went Amazon because I main Lei Fang, even though Gamestop has the lion's share of goodies. Though, I do play a decent Kasumi… hopefully Gamestop's content comes through as cheap PSN deals some day.
I may do a user-review too =)

Anyhoo, my Star Wars Pinball, Empire Strikes Back table record is at over 17 million. Take THAT Fathasun 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/24/2013 11:55:01 PM

10 years ago

Eeeek, I'd personally rather see them just convert TLG to PS4. As great as the Vita is, I haven't seen anything on it yet that can match even what little we did see of the TLG on PS3. The graphics were pretty amazing.

10 years ago

I get distracted when I play as Kasumi. Titanfall just looks like an Xbox 360 game.

10 years ago

Just when I thought I was out.. You pull me back in!!! Lol..

Seem seems like this Jedi will have to Return to the tables!!

10 years ago

yah, i'd rather see TLG on PS4 too Jawknee.

World, if you pre-order DOA5 U from Gamestop you can have these constumes

hehe glad you're a star wars pinball fan fathersun. Though, I was referring to 'Fathasun.'
He's a dude who comes around here from time to time wearing an Egyptian mask. But hey, if you want in on the action I wont stop you =)

10 years ago

I made an error. Those costumes are the total amount of pre-order goodies between Amazon and Gamestop.

10 years ago

I'm not as excited for the next gen as one should be I guess. I'm stoked to play with a new toy but at the same time I'd like to see more AAA games on the PS3. Another Last of Us would be great. Plus I have the Wii U keeping me busy for awhile. Which is good since there isn't awhile lot other than Killzone and maybe Battlefield 4 that I want on the PS4. I can tackle all the Wii U releases while those must have PS4 games are in the works. I finally went to preorder a PS4 on Amazon and low and behold, they're out. =O

I'm still enjoying Pikmin 3. I just finished it the other night and started a new game. Also trying to complete all the side challenges. This game is pretty addicting and it makes me thirsty. 😉

O/T but did anyone else see that a shareholder of MS wanted Steve Balmer out and is pushing to have them sell the Xbox division? Apparently Xbox has actually been burning through cash. Balmer needed to go regardless. He's the dope that dismissed the iPhone claiming it would never gain marketshare. What a foolish prediction that was.

10 years ago

I remember the video of Balmer attacking the iPhone soon after it was first unveiled, thinking it was nothing special and citing that without a keypad it pretty much sucked functionally….
Sure enough, most everything is touch screen now. MS missed the boat and tried playing catch up with Windows phones and Surface tablets, but they've been failing abysmally.

I also think their mad desire to force Kinect on to people is just idiotic. It's a crap device for gamers. Has there ever been even one great, even GOOD, game due to Kinect? Can't think of any. It's a joke. It's even more a joke they're making every Xbox owner buy one with the next Xbox.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/25/2013 12:58:03 AM

10 years ago

Lol, remember this?

Man, what a spaz. Would be interesting if MS really was forced to sell Xbox. Maybe a less sleazy company could improve its image with non Xbots and actually focus on games instead of worthless peripherals, terrible polcies and over priced subscription services where you're essentially double paying for stuff like Netlfix by being forced to pay for Live so you can watch the Netflix you're already paying for.

10 years ago

What does that mean exactly? Like sell the Xbox to a whole other company than MS? I can totally see how there's about a zero chance that that division is profitable, they throw money around like a drunk monkey.

Glad you're enjoying your Wii U, I don't hear much about it anymore. Have they got new Zeldas and Metroids on the horizon?

< Dreamcast had a screen in the controller BEFORE it was cool 😉 >

10 years ago

Microsoft joined the Games Industry because it was what all the cool kids were doing.

Not to mention the exponential growth the Games Industry is experiencing. M$ can't just ignore all that money flying around.

10 years ago

@World, yea the investors want them to sell bing and the Xbox division off to another company. Get it out from under MS. Release ownership of the brand to someone else. It's not profitable to them I guess.

No new Metroid has been announced but Miyamoto is working on a new IP that he's keeping quiet about for the time being. And they did announce an all new Zelda has been in development. Not to mention a pretty sweet looking JRPG from Monolith Soft called X is due out next year. The Wii U will have some pretty unique games under its belt by this time next year.

10 years ago

haha, yah, gotta love that vid. Someone out their made it into like a Zune commercial mimicking iPod.

10 years ago

Um, Ben, did you mean to say "The Unfinished Swan" on that last paragraph?

10 years ago

I caught that too, I think the man was tired.

10 years ago

Or Ben knows something we don't! 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I know. Fixed.

10 years ago

As much as i love the playstation 4, I am a little worried about the AAA exclusives. Indie games don't satisfy my gaming urges. Things like Shadowfall and Uncharted would however. I do like the fact Sony and Naughty Dog aren't milking Uncharted. I did feel that Ascension had that "milking" feel to it but i think it was mainly a cover for the multiplayer, which is surprisingly solid. I do remember british sony guy saying that "a new ip by ND, Santa Monica, and Media molecule are in the works so maybe i'll be patient.

At this time though, ps3 still has tons for me to do. Especially when gta5 and Beyond two souls rolls out. Oh, Final Fantasy 14 has renewed my hope that square is going backwards now. the game isn't bad in anyway. People are complaining but im loving the world and the exploration and everything else about it. The music as always is great too. Makes me think SE is going to be alright now. Who knows. I also realized i always check the site out right before i go to bed or i wake up. So half the time im half asleep or sleepy and i probably carry on longer then necessary. Almost 20 and feel like im 50 oh man do i have years and years to go.

10 years ago

I felt Ascensions problem was the lack if Stig in the directors seat. The camera work, combat, animations took a step backwards from GoWIII. I immediately noticed the difference when I started playing it. To me the only improvement was the graphics only so slightly.

10 years ago

They must have put any of the bright minds they had on FFXIV and then just chained 3-4 mentally deficient Last Remnant cast-off employees in the basement and had them churn out XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

GOW A did indeed have a buggy camera but the combat is based off of chains of olympus,having to block with L1 + time the hit & press X to do a parry(cant remember if its the same in GOW without the golden fleece).

10 years ago

Im anxiously waiting my PS4 to arrive. I cant wait to play KZ on the PS4 and theres others like Drive Club that have me anxious as well.

Im getting ready for a break from Borderlands 2 and preparing for a long stint of Diablo 3. Id love to get it for the PS4 but Im tired of waiting honestly. And since it comes out before the PS4 It wouod be hard to wait anyays despite the vague 2014 release date.

Ben you doing a Diablo 3 review?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, I'll probably handle Diablo 3.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

I'm excited for the next gen to start. Unfortunately I won't be in the US to snag a PS4 on launch day. I got my PS3 for Xmass maybe I'll do the same for the PS4. On the other hand there aren't any major launch day hitters that I simply have to have. They just don't hit the old FF or Metal Gear quality for me. So maybe I'll buy one as a spring time present.
PGU: I going to do it. I'm going to beat Skyrim today. It's my off day and it's raining. Just have to finish that up and then it's side quest galore after that.
Also playing The Legend of Zelda NES. The level design on the first Zelda and Skyrim would be very similar if you didn't have the obvious tech restrictions. It just seems like the concept art of Zelda must have been similar to what they actually achieved on Skyrim. Does anyone else see this?

I only have two 4gb memory cards for my Vita and I forgot to bring one. On the other hand turns out you can create a backup save on your PC. I can essentially dl a game on the card, save it as a back up, and then delete it for the new space, but always have it in backup form if I want to play it. Pretty clever…

10 years ago

I love playing Zelda now and then, but my mind has been modernized so I need a guide to figure out how to advance into the dungeons. I can't believe how obscure those solutions were back then!

10 years ago

meh, meh, meh, and quadruple meh!
have been my reactions to pretty much everything ps4.
firstly theres no big first party games that jump out and grab you causing you to scream I NEED TO BUY THIS NOW!
secondly so many of the titles are also available for current gen, thus causing both problems of current gens releasing earlier, and also the concern of are the next gen versions truly next gen, or just higher res current gen copies?
that brings me onto the biggest problem though, and a problem which will affect the system its whole life.
the specs are just disappointing, not meh, not ok, very disappointing!
every time a next generation of consoles have released they have been leaps and bounds above PCs every single time!
weve waited by far the longest weve ever had to wait for new consoles, weve had a massive increase of performance power blowing moores law out the window!
so you would think we would receive the biggest leap yet, but you would think wrong its actually the smallest yet!

a article on IGN really worried me yesterday, finally BF4 was shown on ps4 and the reactions have been less than impressive!
everyones complaining how bad the game looks, how poorly it runs, and DICE is not even showing off 64 player battles yet when they were on PC, making you wonder are we really going to get that?
hell they wont even confirm what resolution the game will be running in!
they will force the 60FPS down our throats every second they get, but refuse to comment on what resolution.
im sorry, but if next gen games are STILL running in 720P thats just pathetic!
while PC games have been running in UHD for what, 3+ years now?
just makes me really worry as to why the games in such a bad state that its in.
yea its still got 4 months till it releases, but you still expect the game to be running allot smoother than it is this close to release.
im really getting worried, instead of getting next gen consoles it looks like weve gotten cheaply customized PCs!
7 years of waiting, and we get the specs of a average PC from 2010!?
we waited 7 freaking years for this!?
come on!!!!!!!

$ony would be stupid to not bring this to ps4!
whether as a exclusive, or as a cross generation game, it really needs to end up on ps4!
firstly theres not many big budget first party exclusives that are a unique risky genre, its just too risky.
secondly if theres one game that will cause the ps4 to fly off the shelves its this.
so many people bought a ps3 on launch in anticipation to what the followup to SoTC would be.
we still havent seen that, so…………

FINALLY my oculus rift arrived on friday!
ooooooooo, so excited!!!!!!!
after all these years of dreaming of VR, and being fed those crappy laggy disappointing displays, VR is finally truly here!
oculus really does make you feel in the game, it takes up your entire field of view and theres no noticeable latency between movements leaving the display as crisp as the sub HD display allows.
sadly thats its problem though, everything is destroyed, all their hard work down the drain, because of the really low resolution.
rest your head against your TV and stare at one spot as close to the screen as possible for as long as possible till you feel like a spikes been driven through your head!
than imagine that pain 10 times worse because the lenses are so small and so close to your eyes, and the darkness of the headset coupled by the bright display makes that pain again even worse!
its not motion sickness which is causing so many problems for people, its the disgustingly low resolution, the screen door effect, which is causing people to feel really sick.
really hope oculus will release a updated kit to try help this, once thats done it will be absolutely brilliant!

i really hope once the consumer version is released, that they offer a higher end model as well.
300 is just too cheap, theres only so much tech you can cram in for that price.
mobile manufactures have OLED UHD displays in prototypes ATM, supposed release of holiday 2014, so what better way to get rid of the screen door effect, and justify a premium oculus rift version, than a ultra high definition model?

other than that been playing saints row 4, and finally picked up my preorder of blacklist today so that should keep me busy for a while.
so pissed off with deep silver ATM though.
they say they delayed saints row 4 here because there were unforseen production issues, meaning somewhere down the line of creating the discs, and shipping them to stores, somethings gone wrong.
so, why may i ask, has the digital version been delayed too?
last time i checked digital does not have manufacturing, nor distribution pipelines, so how could production issues delay its release?
or is the unforeseen production issues just a BS excuse covering up the truth?
yea, ill go with the latter…….

10 years ago

"$ony would be stupid to not bring this to ps4!
whether as a exclusive, or as a cross generation game, it really needs to end up on ps4!"

Bring what to PS4?

10 years ago

@world He/she didn't say but I think it is a reference to The Last Guardian.

10 years ago

yeah that makes sense, the previous rant threw me.

10 years ago

I have a countdown icon on my phone to November 15th 2013! It reads GREATNESS AWAITS!

Killzone Shadow Fall and Watchdogs will have me occupied till iNFamous: Second Son hits. I'm on the fence for GTAV hoping they announce a PS4 version. I don't want to upgrade to a Digital copy. I want the PS4 case in my collection. Getting the whole kit, the Eye and an extra Blue controller. Loving all the attention that Indie games are getting on PS4 and the Vita. I do not worry because Sony has never let me down for that AAA experience. I have patience, it is one of my virtues.

PGU: Finished The Last Of Us a few days ago and am now aiming to Platinum the game. I do so mostly with games I Love. My gaming is so random that it takes awhile at times to finish a game. Depends on what mood I'm in when I pick up the controller. Or the Vita that is. Right now I'm playing TLOU, Absolution, Dokuro, Killzone Mercenary Beta (looks and plays beautifully by the way. Hopefully it will convince other developers to bring more AAAs to the VITA.) may finally finish Battlefield 3 and Twisted Metal. And of course going to have to get in on some Star Wars Pinball since temjin001 went all "Warriors come out and Playeeee a…" On me!! 17 million huh.. We shall see..

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

6 months – 1 year for the PC version & the PS4 version would be developed alongside pc,both being x86….well thats my guess anyway.

10 years ago

I am just playing through Skyrim Legendary edition. A lot of bugs in the game, but no diff from Fallout 3. Loving it so far and just trying to stay alive.

Can't wait for Beyond Two Souls… but I have to.

PS3 has a lot to offer still in regards to my expanding the library. PS4 will take about a year for it to justify a purchase, but it will happen. Of course… inFamous Second Son… makes it awfully tempting. 🙂

Keep Playing!

10 years ago

I'm switching straight away to the PS4 when I get it, I won't be selling my PS3 though I am going to keep it and put it to the side unless i see some games i want to play on it and if it's also not available on the PS4.

Excited. 😀

10 years ago

Ok so I've been rather tentative about getting a ps4 right out of the gate and I'm still likely to wait a while; however, I just came back from fan expo in Toronto and played a ps4 demo of AC4 black flag, I'm pretty stoked for both. The xbox one was there too – didn't touch it :p.

PGU: Started up persona 3 "the answer" segment since I never actually played through it after the main story. AC4 on ps4 is awesome. There were several demos, Arkham Origins played smoothly but it didn't showcase any contributions from the new developers.

10 years ago

i'm excited about the PS4, even with my small back log
of PS3 games, i'll still get a PS4 on launch day or soon after.

Just Cause 2 and just finish getting the plantium trophy for
Payday: The Heist

10 years ago

I'm playing Tales of Xillia as my waiting game for Grand Theft Auto V. It's my first time playing a Tales game and I'm enjoying the game so far… ^_^

10 years ago

sounds like we've got a jam-packed few months this year and nxt and it'll be alot of fu when i get the time.

happy gaming =)

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