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The One Game Everyone Loved, But You Didn’t

It's inevitable. Every generation, there's at least one game that everybody absolutely adored…everyone but me.

We all have our personal preferences, of course. But I'm not talking about games we acknowledge as being great, but just aren't our cup of tea. There are lots of those because we all enjoy different genres and styles. I'm talking about the titles that you not only didn't like, but couldn't figure out why it had received so much praise from critics and fellow gamers.

For me, I'd say it has to be Halo 4 . And before all the assumptions begin, bear in mind that I've played every single Halo through to completion, including the subpar Halo 3: ODST . I'm no masochist; I played them 'cuz I liked 'em. I wanted to play Halo 4 because even though I wasn't quite on board with all the lofty praise the titles after Halo 2 received, I still enjoyed them. But long before Halo 4 screwed me over (auto-saved in an impossible location), I had to continue to force myself to keep playing.

Despite the new guns and enemies, it still felt…old. I couldn't quite put my finger on it for a while, until it finally hit me: Everything about it, from the story to even the way it moved, felt dated. Sure, the graphics were very impressive (especially for the 360), but I really wasn't enamored with the level design. It seemed uninspired and even haphazard at times, and even though it did have new stuff, I coudn't shake the "been there, done that" feeling. I could also add Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch to my list of games I just didn't get, but I know that would start a riot, so I won't.

So, what's the one game you just didn't "get" this past generation?

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11 years ago

Journey. There I said it. I just didn't get the point and I don't know why. The art was amazing but the whole story felt like wtf am I playing. As soon as my character froze at the end I turned off my console and to this day I regret buying it. I do however want to play it again. S/-/it I must off missed something?

10 years ago

*possible spoiler alert* (So skip if you'd not like my opinion to influence your interpretation)

Journey's story is pretty much your own interpretations of the obscure imagery shown to you in the scenes with the Elder "cloak" and the environment. My overall understanding: once there was an ancient civilization. This civilization, and all other forms of life on the planet originated from this energy from the sky. This power in its purest form is a glyph of light, but it eventually takes the form of great red cloths.

This red cloth still retained great power however, and the Ancient "cloaks" use it to build great cities, technology advanced greatly, and all would prosper… until the Ancient cloaks were divided by the desire to control the power.

Instead of cities, they began to build weapons… great serpents of power and stone that sought out and destroyed the power of the cloth. Sadly, if all life came from the cloth you can guess what happened next.

They destroyed themselves, each and every one of the Ancient cloaks were but a bad memory, etched into world the power of the cloth was destroyed, and so the land died. Nothing could survive in the land save the ruins that hold the now powerless remnants of the cloth, the remaining weapons, and the factories that make them…

Surprisingly though, there was a small bit of power left within the source, fractured though it was at this point. What remained was unstable, exploding every so often, releasing power in a volatile explosion, shooting fragments across the land.

Even more surprising, it returned life to the planet, in the form of the modern day cloaks. Perhaps nowhere near as strong as the original ancient race, these new cloaks are free to live their life as they can in this half-dead world. Sometimes they meet, sometimes they do not, but one thing is certain. It is that they are all on the journey called "life." No matter what they do, or where they go, they all have the shared fate to be born, and then to die.

The modern cloaks manage to communicate with those of times past through meditation, though my idea of how they learned this is still unknown, or whether they are guided by the ancients is unknown. In the end the ancients warn all they can, to prevent history from repeating itself, and avoid complete extinction, and the world's destruction, because all life is destined to return to the source (both literally and metaphorically), and possibly fight over it again.

I've said too much, now I'll have to kill you… slowly.

10 years ago

Thats close to my interpretation of it but I felt more along the lines of this. All life came from the stars, and or that mountain, like I think the energy gathered in that mountain.

Anyway it seemed to me all life was made and the civilization found this magic cloak and it was sentient, it was alive somehow. Instead of treating it like equals they enslaved them and powered machines their cities and eventually weapons which they used to destroy themselves with.

I only say that because look at how alive and playful the trapped cloth looks when you save them. They act like dogs or something, maybe there is none sentient cloth too I dont know, but either way the story is basically about abusing power getting greedy and fighting yourself.

Much like how humans do it for oil today.

10 years ago

If you turned your console off when your character 'froze' at the end then you missed the last 10 minutes or so of the game. Next time wait until the credits roll, you perhaps underestimated Thatgamecompany's ability to actually surprise you.

10 years ago

I'm going to play it again sometime this week and I will post my thoughts sometime this week on a random post 🙂

10 years ago

Yeah, if that's when you quit, you literally quit just moments before the finale.

11 years ago

Bioshock Infinite.

Sorry guys, I know everyone went nuts over it. While it was a good game, and I enjoyed it for the most part, I didn't see what everyone else saw in it.

11 years ago

Skyrim, and not because I took an arrow to the knee. I appreciate the scale and size of the world, and the seemingly endless gameplay but I just found it boring.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I agree. My problem with Bethesda games are that well they may as expansive as an ocean, they're as deep as a puddle. Plus, Bethesda couldn't write to save their life.

11 years ago

For me it would be the original Bioshock. The story seemed really interesting, but the gameplay wasn't drawing me in. I tired to get into the game on 3 different occasions but each time I would get about halfway through the game and lose interest, because of the gameplay.

11 years ago

yah, Halo 4 left me feeling flat as well. I didn't buy the emotional struggle of Cortana. I just couldn't care. I feel they were trying to force Master Chief into a more human persona on this one and I just wasn't on board with that. So much of the dialogue left me thinking.. she's a freaking AI with a naked body projection. Who cares? I also felt too many of the levels felt too linear by Halo's prior standard compared to that of Reach, or even ODST. Can we for crying out loud do something about some new heavies? The dual Hunter showdown thing was awesome the first couple games, but now it's getting tired.
Anyway, I suspect Halo 4 played it safe for being a new studio. Perhaps with XboxOne the team will be able to take Halo to a higher level with Halo 5.

11 years ago

The Last of Us, besides the acting it was amateur hour in the script and the gameplay was so limited during the humdrum adventures through "been-there" land without any new and cool survival elements.

I urge fans to play I Am Alive instead, much better survival game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I fail to see how anything about the script, in the world of video games, was "amateur hour." I can't think of another game that had a better script off the top of my head. Maybe Bioshock Infinite but that was borderline convoluted.

And The Last Of Us isn't JUST survival, like I Am Alive. It's like…ten billion times more than just survival, especially if you experiment with the gameplay.

10 years ago

It's survival-action.

Humdrum? Are you freakin kidding me? You must've fallen out of love with gaming.

But whatever, I've switched to a different website to talk about this game because you guys are just…wow. There's me, absolutely blown away after the ending. I let it all sink in and I come here to talk with you guys about it…and all I've done is defend it.

10 years ago

I'm not quite so critical of the Last of Us like World but I see his point on a couple things. I liked the characters and I thought it was made believable by the voice acting, but if you look at the actual script and ignore the voice talent it is a little lacking here and there.

Also there were a lot of movie science things that really bugged me, and I'm not giving naughty dog a pass on these things because I don't give anyone from any medium passes on this stuff anymore.

10 years ago

How the hell can you judge the script without looking at the voice acting? They are just as much the story tellers.

You know, the process at Naughty Dog is the actors work with them from very early production, so they have a say in the script. So it's constantly rewriten with voice actors, with how they react to their lines. Go watch the documentary. You can see how Ashley changed Ellie, and how Troy Baker is totally invested in his character.

Sorry, but I've never heard such unfounded complaints about a game.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Who ever doesn't like TLOU needs to stop what they're doing and advance to a hospital to get a cat-scan, just to make sure you aren't infected 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

xenris: It's not about giving Naughty Dog a pass. It's about comparing it to other video games, not movies. We're holding the team at such a RIDICULOUSLY high standard these days, that even something like The Last Of Us – which is vastly superior to 99.9% of all games ever made – can find critics.

It's not "Oh, it's Naughty Dog so people expect me to give them a pass." It's exactly the opposite: "Oh, it's Naughty Dog so I have to find something wrong."

10 years ago

It was a good script for a video game but I've seen ones that are better at not being so obvious about what's coming next. I was expecting some next level stuff. That's my opinion, separate from my objective review of the game.

Also, I hope that opinion doesn't draw TOO much hate. It's always a terrible mistake to judge people based on what things they like imo.

Game on PSXE 🙂

10 years ago

But David, this isn't even a game that trys to keep you guessing what's happening next. Remember when I said I got spoiled by the ending? Turns out I wasn't, but even so, I realised you can't be spoiled by someone telling you what happens in the end. It's all about being true to who the characters are. And you won't get a sense of that until you've played through it all, experianced things with Ellie and built that relationship.

So what exactly is bad about the script? Being predictable isn't bad in this sense. The game will still shock, awe and make you feel the emotional moments.


Like Sam and Henry. Maybe we all saw it coming (when they are both attacked…or because they were black lol). But it still shocked me. And it resonates what Bill said "I had someone that I cared about. And in this world, that sorta sh*t's good for one thing – getting you killed". Not to mention I was so swept up in the moment I wasn't thinking about what was happening next.


I'm not hating on anyone by the way, I'm just really pi**ed about everyone's critical reaction to this game. Not trying to shoehorn my feelings towards the game into someone else's perception of the game, but I don't get where you guys are coming from. In the slightest.

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 7/27/2013 11:40:47 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I think people aren't paying attention to the story.

10 years ago

They didn't even try to come up with any situations beyond what makes it into every story in the genre. It was one cliche after another.

10 years ago

"They didn't even try to come up with any situations beyond what makes it into every story in the genre. It was one cliche after another."

See I still say your not looking at the what game delivers or the very point of the game. Id say keep playing to get into the very meaning of the story but it seems youve made up your mind.

10 years ago


I 110% respect your opinion, but I 1 million% categorically disagree with it.

10 years ago

Ben Im not going to give anyone a movie science pass. It irks me when I have to try and think of ways that certain things would make any sense in the game. Its just something that bugs me and it isn't to naughty dogs fault, but I call it out in films too. I shouldnt have to cut it some slack when I can come up with my own way how something in the science of the game could work. They should explain it, maybe not many people look for that but I for one love when writters cover everything to do with the lore and the science in their stories.

I find it funny that we get penalized for not being that impressed with the game. We aren't looking for things to be wrong, some people have very high or critical standards for games because we have played so damn many or we are dabbling in making games and can spot laziness or places that could have easily been improved.

Its still a good game though, just not something I find worthy of calling it the citizen kane of gaming. The witcher 2 more deserves that title.

10 years ago

I wouldn't think xenris and World's opinion was so cute if I didn't know what other games he -DOES- like. :p

I do find some of the negative opinions bordering in the realm of a subconscious and unfounded desire to appear or feel "beyond" that of others artistic ability to comprehend a good story. Especially by then praising a title that is much more niche and clearly and objectively inferior in every way.

As for bad movie science, the only thing that was unbelievable within the world for me is to heal all wounds with an arm wrap and when leaving the university (vague to not give away details) followed by the recovery. But that's it. Everything else is good enough for me to accept and exist within the world created.

I think it's also worth pointing out the hypocrisy in suddenly criticizing THIS game for bad movie science. Explain the science in… like… 99% of all other games, then. haha

As far as I'm concerned, this world is just as fictional as any other gaming world despite being set in the USA.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/28/2013 6:40:03 PM

11 years ago

Uncharted 2… I truly enjoyed the first Uncharted but I became bored with U2.

11 years ago

Uncharted 2 was my favorite of the serious. I improved upon everything the first one did. It had a gripping story that had me hooked from start to finish.

But the point of the article to say what game you did not like that others did. However, I do have a question for you if you don't mind answering it. What bored you in Uncharted 2?

10 years ago

Any of the Grand Theft Auto games, just can't stand them. I liked Red Dead Redemption and love the Saints Row series, but GTA (or Grand Theft Awful, as I think of it) never grabs me. The only part I enjoyed was listening to the 80s tunes in Vice City.

10 years ago

Have you even bothered trying GTA IV?

I don't think you have, otherwise you would know that GTA IV was the game that opened the floodgates of great storytelling at Rockstar.

10 years ago

the title I'd pick would have to be Journey.
I admire it. The art is great. The music is better. The whole thing worked together like a charm. My problem is that I do play video games for games. Journey isn't that. It's a great something else.
So really, I don't think it deserved any GAME of the year anything from anyone. It wasn't a game. period. It could've got something like most engaging interactive adventure of the year. Or it could've received the most 'artistically' inspired award of the generation etc. But it just has no business being evaluated like other video games. Because it just ain't. Some people played it and were moved by the music and colors and brain dead puzzles and felt euphoric for it. Great.

10 years ago

Let Greatest Critic of All Time equal GCoAT

GCoAT: "yeah, so Journey blew my mind."
Temjin: "How so?"
GCoAT: "Well it was a visual and audio ambrosia of emotions I never felt before"
Temjin: Nice. So let's talk about what we gamers care about. Describe the game play. It nearly received a perfect in the game play department.
GCoAT: "You move your brown robed jawa through sand and fascinating places"
Temjin: Yes, so what kind of things do you do?
GCoAT: " Well, you can collect flag things to make you jump high"
Temjin: Great. So we're passed Mario. What else?
GCoAT: Well, eventually you have to get passed this scary flying dragon….
Temjin: …. and get the axe to cut the bridge rope?
GCoAT: No, you just need to get past it.
TEmjin: Without dieing?
GCoAT: Yes. Well.. no. You can't die.
Temjin: … perfect game play indeed.
GCoAT: It controls marvelously, though.
Temjin: Tell me about the mechanics. I see it got nearly a perfect score here.
GCoAT: Well… you steer your jawa with your dual shock …
Temjin: and perform great maneuvers. I'm sure?
GCoA: well.. no. you just glide your guy up a mountain, occasionally flying and jumping along the way, and then it ends.
Temjin: so it gets perfect controls for virtually having none…. right?
GCoA: It's an expereince that could last a life time.
Temjin: it must be because it's longevity rating is through the roof. This Journey game like 100 hours long or something?
GCoA: Shut up! it was amazing! The emotions consumed me!

(this was intended to be funny so no one be mad 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/27/2013 12:58:55 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I mean… You're explaining why it's great… But you fail to see why it's great…?

10 years ago

He's explaining why the gameplay is nothing too special. I see your point and stuff Temjin, but if I were to apply it to a new retro platformer I run into a problem.

It's hard to reconcile the two for sure. Maybe reviewers should ask themselves how well the gameplay works to achieve what the game is trying to achieve (a variation of the question I always ask myself) and I think the simple gameplay in Journey works well for what it's trying to do.

10 years ago

I'm saying it's a great visual and audio TOUR.
It's not great for someone who wants in depth game play. And that's a big reason why I enjoy video gaming. There's a lot of forms of entertainment out there I could choose to spend my time with, but I choose this one because it's all about game play. Game play goes great with narratives and content etc. but when game play is all but removed from a title, well, then it loses what attracted me to this venue in the first place.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/27/2013 4:55:17 PM

10 years ago

Temjins reasons here are exactly the same reasons why I don't think the last of us has that interesting of gameplay. It is enough to make the game a game, but there is very little depth to the gameplay and you end up going through the same motions with no evolution of gameplay as the game progresses. For example how Batman AC does it, or Rayman origins and its introduction of new gameplay elements as you progress through the game.

10 years ago

I don't see how it isn't a game. You're just placing your own subjective rules onto what constitutes a game. I didn't read anything there that's founded except for the fact that perhaps this game isn't your type of game.

10 years ago

Any of the God of Wars for me. Just felt silly mindlessly slashing everything in sight…endlessly

10 years ago

GOW3, I can agree with you on. It was, for lack of a better word…. uhhh lacking. But GOW I and II were by far 2 of the greatest games erver created.

10 years ago

Sorry, I have to agree with the others on Journey as well. I just couldnt get into it…

10 years ago

I couldn't get myself to like Halo 4. It was at most, forgettable. The graphics looked like Haribo, the online armour styling was like Metroid Prime (some of the 343 staff worked on Metroid Prime), the guns seemed the same and were forgettable, the maps were shit (and forgettable), the power-ups were gimmicky and at most useless and the interface took a turn for the worst by destroying the simplicity (plus those annoying character cards). When you have a Halo game you cannot remember, you know it isn't a good Halo game.

Reach was imo a great improvement, but of course, it was made by Bungie.

10 years ago

Now for games that absolutely EVERYONE adored by I didn't: GTAIV and Skyrim. And Amnesia. And MW2. And Gears of War. And Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

GTAIV I didn't mind, but it never twisted my nipples, and Skyrim I just found the lack of a decent story and terrible combat system (menu to change weapon or heal…really?)really put me off. If there's anything I hate about western RPGs it's the half assed side quests, and Skyrim was full of 'em.

Amnesia: the Dark Descent was sure scary but the pacing was bad and predictable as the monsters got old and I adapted to the game; they sure use elements such as the lack of ability to use elements and a sanity bar/character reveal paradox as a great pressure tool but the setting was also unoriginal. The puzzles were shit, too. It kind of reminds me of Haunting Grounds, but shitter. It was a good scare, but not the greatest, IMO.

I expected MW2 to be the bomb, but then I saw how Hollywood action cheesy it was. Then I saw how each killed gained +100 points instead of 10…in a futuristuc font. Then I played as saw all those annoying tags, those annoying pop ups, the stupid features such as tactical nuke, the funky gun mods, the fact that you get rewarded for even dying lots. This is when I knew the franchise was going downhill, yet everyone bummed it. The maps were shit, too.

Gears of War. I should of liked this game because I love round based games. But I hate the whole chunky necked rednecking diving around with unrealistic weapons thing. It put me off. And so did the overly clunky gameplay.

AC: Brotherhood. I don't understand why people liked this game over ACII when the story was crapper, yet the gameplay was practically (no, exactly) run on the same engine. Too much; that shit got stale in the first half an hour of playing.

Last edited by Douchebaguette on 7/27/2013 1:40:27 AM

10 years ago

Assassin's Creed. Everyone drools over this game but I think it's a pile of poop.

10 years ago

There are definitelty people who are in the same boat regarding AC.

10 years ago

Can't really say, I suppose Uncharted 2, since I've grown bored of it, and didn't like the setting much, but I don't hate it. Heck, any game I play is good in some way, shape, or form. I guess I was raised not to hate everything and enjoy what I have.

10 years ago

Final Fantasy XIII… ugh waste of money. and dont even mention the sequels prequels or other crap. thanks

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I agree… What's the deal with these games!?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Uh…I asked about games that everyone else loved but you didn't.

Everyone did NOT love FFXIII.

10 years ago

HAHAHA good one Ben

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