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Editorial: Xbox One Sounds…Exhausting

Microsoft, I am very clearly not part of your intended audience.

I'm in this group you seem to think doesn't exist. I'm in the group that views video games as an escape, a simple luxury, an ideally uncomplicated hobby in a world that is infected with too much complexity.

The reports continue to roll in and many details must be confirmed but really, they've already lost me. It's not the fact that used games might require some sort of reactivation fee (which has since proven untrue, according to sources), and it's not just that the Xbox One appears to put video game second and focus primarily on things I don't care about . No, it goes beyond that.

I don't care about Kinect. I'm not wowed by motion sensing and I never have been. I don't care that I can talk to the system, or that it can talk to me. I don't care about all these nifty new ways to watch and record TVs and movies. I don't care about Kinect being able to sense things in my body. I don't care how my gaming or general entertainment can be tied into "social" networking. I don't like the feeling that I have to be connected in some way all the damn time. I hate being watched .

To me, the Xbox One sounds like an exhausting machine. It sounds like I'll have to jump through fifty-eight different hoops whenever I want to sit down, take a load off, and just play a game. Everything I've heard that it could do? Yeah, great, all I see is more ways the machine can screw up, more ways to nickle and dime me (if Microsoft so chose), and more ways to keep me doing anything besides playing a game. I know you think everyone wants touch-screen, motion-enabled, voice-enabled techy-tech-tech smoke and mirrors, but I don't. Many don't, Microsoft. Some gamers are just gamers. They just want to play games, believe it or not.

I have no doubt the PS4 will be too complicated, too. I'm certain I'll be rolling my eyes from time to time, going- "Good GOD, just let me play the freakin' GAME!" However, here's the crux of the issue: At Sony's unveiling of the PS4, their very obvious focus was still on video games. Plain and simple. Microsoft can say they'll be unveiling a horde of Xbox One games at E3 all they want. They didn't lead with the games because that's not the primary purpose of the new console. First and foremost, they see it as a multimedia device. They can't claim anything else now. It's too late.

I'm sorry, but it just sounds like a colossal pain in the ass and actually a hindrance to what used to be a simple, straightforward hobby.

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11 years ago

And I think that's why the reaction to the conference has been so negative, the gaming press is for fairly serious gamers and they tend to want… you know, games and game-oriented consoles.

Gaming was just a way to get the xbox brand into the living room so it could tentacle out and become the nannybox. All they need is enough xbox-following young people to stay loyal and they will find a way to squeeze extra coins from people by offering them "convenience."

11 years ago

You, good sir, need to be getting much more media attention. (It's a biased opinion. lol) This is precisely how I feel. Just let me play games! I don't need to go all "social media"; I don't want 20 different ways to kind of interact with my console. I want great games on a platform that invests in those games. Xbox One, so far, hasn't showcased anything fascinating with regard to _gaming_. That's sad. Really sad.

I don't like the PS4's "social media" button, either. It's silly to me. Maybe it'll be interesting, but I doubt it. Watching others play games. That's kind of interesting, but again not really. Show me GAMES. It is a GAMING console. Thankfully, Sony showed me a number of games to be excited about.

These reveals should be prioritised by 1. Specs, 2. Games, 3. Gimmicks. Give me the specs first so that I know how the games will play. Once you've met that standard, show me the stories and gameplay styles that I can get excited about. Then let me turn off my TV as soon as I start hearing about the pseudo-exciting gimmicks.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I agree, I am paranoid enough without a machine in my living room that watches and tracks every last thing I do. If my game console is watching me who is watching the data that it is collecting on me?

I also want to play games, not be studied like a monkey in a tree.

11 years ago

"If my game console is watching me who is watching the data that it is collecting on me?"

This is the thing I am concerned about the most.

Even companies like Google have said that users data was safe and secure on their Android platform, then someone busted them for storing the geographic locations of customers in their systems.

11 years ago

Remember the days when you could just fit the cartridge in the slot and press on the switch and the game would just start right up? Game consoles were simple back then. It was nice and totally about games.

I'm not at all into the Kinect thing. I think it looks great for certain types of games, like dancing…. those rare moments when you feel like dancing in your living room…. But I absolutely agree Ben about all of the things that could go wrong. All kinds of things that could go wrong pop into my mind.
Your Kinect camera has a malfunction. GAME OVER.
Your internet is down for more than 24 hours. GAME OVER.
You say "Xbox On" but you're not facing the camera so it doesn't know how to sign you in.
Seriously, who isn't going to just grab their controller and just PUSH a button in the center of it anyway?

ANyway, I don't doubt MS will unveil some solid looking games come E3. They just aren't interested in their original user base anymore. I remember the old Xbox. I was totally on board with the original 3 minds that helped bring the Xbox initiative to life. They were dead serious about being the hardest core, most gamer focused console offering on the market. They aggressively sought after the best games with powerful but sensible hardware. Their attitude back then was all about bigger, badder, better. I loved it. It meant more excellent games for me. They had that momentum going right into 360. Then it all began to change. It all began to change right when I showed up here at PSXe. Now MS has said screw the past and the core who made us and now lets aim for mainstream popular entertainment while looking to monetize everything and anything any chance we get. It sucks. Now we're stuck with hamstrung multiplats due to MS's conservative tech. Anyway, I guess it's now nice knowing that MS competes in a different space these days. Those who are gamers who love great games will be on board with PS4.

11 years ago

The biggest gripe I have with the One is that most folks I know no longer have cable. Me and my family and friends all stream from online services nowadays. So right there, half of the functions of the console are of no use and of no interest to me (or anyone that I know).

11 years ago

And on the flip side of that Sony is investing in new streaming tech

11 years ago

i just want a console that i can pop a disc into and start playing
the game (PS4)

11 years ago

Im ok with the route MS is taking so long as it doesnt hinder the industry. If they want to make a multimedia device thats fine with me because I wont be buying it. I dont need that, I have satelite tv, I have netflix, hulu, and the latter 2 works fine on my PS3, I dont need anything else because honestly I barely use those other services anyways.

What id hate to see is what some other articles have brought up. A huge power differmce in the consoles was an issue this generation, that was obvious. The PS3 got inferior products for a long time for no reason other than it apparently didn't matter because companies made enough in return, that the time they needed to spend didnt matter. If these theories are true about the 30fps vs 60fps, id hate to see games stuck at 30fps because its easier to develop for, when Sony did what was right and made things easier. I mean devs are going crazy about Sonys machine so this shouldnt be the case. Its not a nightmare to develop for. Ahh but MS' influence on the industry is something that shouldn't be underestimated. Unfortunately.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/25/2013 1:40:55 AM

11 years ago

This is why Sony got things perfect with the PS4. If you're one of those gamers that love new and gimmicky features along with greater social abilities, the PS4 has got you covered.

But if your one of those gamers that just wants to play great games and not have to jump through hoops, PS4 is all about that. Not only are great games coming to the PS4 but one of Sony's main focuses was making PS4 'instant', allowing you to play your games while they're downloading and also have your last play session instantly playable as soon as you turn on the machine.

If you just want to play fantastic games without having to wait around, the PS4 delivers.

11 years ago

if there's one thing everyone should take away from that conference – it's that Microsoft is focusing on finding every way possible to justify it's 'nickel and diming' and that's precisely why I left the Microsoft fold after years of loyalty.

11 years ago

I have to say, the more I read about this new Kinect system the more I am opposed to it. I really do not like the idea of a camera device connected to the internet. previously it was not so bad as the video resolution was poor. But now this can record full 1080p. Here in the UK There is a really horrible advert which shows all these people looking at the BBC news website through their devices. We see the readers face in full frame looking down at their device with the article they are looking at transparent, so the visual is looking through the transparent page at the individual analyzing them. Every time I see that I feel repulsed and that is exactly how I see Kinect.

The problem is the world has gone 'social', privacy is becoming harder to grasp on a yearly basis. It's strange when you read classic novels like 1984 where they show similar circumstances. Though instead of being manipulated in fear, the face of the 'social' is becoming us the people itself. Society has formed in a way that it is becoming the norm to spread out our details online, something which previously when people had sense would be deemed as terrifying. With sites like Fb they have managed to market it seem 'cool'. So people spread out photos and ever aspect of their life without thinking where this content is really going.

I love technology, it has tremendous advantages but I do not want to be analyzed by it. As such a data is becoming the value of this world. It's how companies analyze us to promote their products onto us. I don't want to go off topic – But I will recommend watching a 5 minute TED talk – 'Juan Entriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo'. But I will say, if I were to go around a friends house. I actually be against the notion of sitting infront of the Kinect to play a game or watch a film as I would if the PS4 had such a device. If this is the future of gaming, count me out.

11 years ago

This machine is not meant for gamers in the first place; it is meant for casual gamers who enjoy watching sports.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

Agreed. Let's look at the recent statement of MS senior vice president Yusuf Mehdi, for instance. He believes this generation will surpass 1 billion total consoles sold.

That's more than the combined total of sales of all consoles ever produced in generations 1-7.

Personally, I think that goes beyond optimism or confidence and into the realm of crackpipe delusion. In any case, I doubt MS is thinking the number of dedicated gamers will suddenly quadruple and that they'll all want new consoles. So their presumed audience for the X1 is way, way different from any previous console generation.

Also, I'm assuming they think the majority of those billion sales will be theirs, of course.

11 years ago

And some people were worried that the PS4 wasn't meant for the hardcore gamer……..
Now we have something worse.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 5/25/2013 6:04:56 AM

11 years ago

Games for me, you can keep the social hooplah. As far as the Xbone, if you raise your left leg, flap your arms and stick your tongue out at it, what is it going to do? That has my curiosity piqued.

11 years ago

I still feel MS did the right thing with this conference. Games are an inevitability. We KNOW they are going to have some and that they are going to look better than the current gen. Anyone that has been gaming for a while knows this. So, they had to show what their system is beyond that. We are in a brave new world. Even Mark Cerny addressed this at the PS4 meeting. Many people are looking for more out of their devices. The days of one box doing one thing is over. Imagine if Lee Kun-Hee unveiled the Galaxy S4 by doing its most basic function: placing a call. Ok, but what makes it different that any other phone? That's what MS decided to answer, what truly makes their device different and unique from the others. Not just different games and tech demos.

As far as the Kinect needing to be connected, I'm good with that. Some of the posts I've read here rival those you'd likely find on prisonplanet and fantasticforums. It boils down to MS wanting the Kinect to be the new standard, but fighting against the natural stubbornness we all have. First, it's a chore, then it's second nature. Kinect is as integral to the One as the controller. And let's quit with the "What if this breaks" stuff. That can be leveled at anything in life. Lock your keys in the house. Lose your wallet. Break your phone. Your car breaks down. We deal with it (ah, see that?) all. Your Kinect breaks? Go read a book. Have an inspiring conversation with a loved one. Simple.

The fact is nothing MS showed would stir the diehard PS faithful. If they had shown Halo, they'd hate that 'milked' franchise. They teased Forza but that game was never better than GT, anyways. And let's say that Quantum Break is innovative, that one game wouldn't be enough to make them buy a MS system, since most have never even owned a 360. People clamored for new IPs, they revealed two, with six more to be unveiled. STILL not good enough! lol. MS has been opening studios all over the globe for the past two years. Their ready to bring the games.

There is nothing wrong with being absolutely satisfied with one gaming system. Not one thing. Why invest in two systems when you can totally focus on getting the best out of the one that more suits your taste? We have lives in addition to gaming and can only invest a finite amount time and money before we begin to neglect things that are vastly more important, such as loved ones, school, and work. But there is no need to find issues with every other system we don't have. Especially, when the prevailing issue seems to be that it is DIFFERENT from what we enjoy.

I suggest everyone get comfortable because this is going to be a very LONG generation. I'm thinking at least 10 years without a successor on the market. Both Sony and MS have good long term strategies and, contrary to what's being said, the race was not decided on Tuesday. I'm hoping that both companies(and Nintendo)are successful. Any true gamer would. The fierce competition makes them put their best forward and gamers as a whole reap the benefits.

11 years ago

"I'm hoping that both companies are successful. Any true gamer would."

No. Absolutely not. As a true gamer, and owner of every damned console that's been released in North America in the past 25 years, I can tell you honestly that I sincerely hope Microsoft fails miserably in this venture. See Ben's article for details.

Moreover, the "Your Kinect breaks, go have a conversation" argument strikes me as completely missing the point. Microsoft is implementing too many poorly considered control systems into the Xbone, *any* of which could render the system unplayable. Kinect down? No gaming. Servers down? No gaming. Internet down? No gaming. Someone cut the fiber line while doing construction? No gaming. Hell, just having a tight month and can't afford internet access? No gaming.

This is not what I, as a "true gamer", want. A system that has multiple simple ways to become a $400 brick is not what *any* true gamer should want. Maybe this thing should appeal to multimedia enthusiasts, but gaming purists need to acknowledge that the direction Microsoft is headed is simply not in the best interest of the industry, and of gamers at large.

Last edited by TheAgingHipster on 5/25/2013 8:50:10 AM

11 years ago

Why would you wish MS fails, which includes the devs that are pouring their time, sweat blood, into putting out great content for the system? Because their polices, which all have a valid basis lest they wouldn't exist, may or may not cause you a slight inconvenience? Plus, you use the term Xbone. I stand firm by my original statement. Any true gamer would welcome healthy competition.

You say 'many' control systems. I only see a few. Like I said the Kinect a necessary part of the full experience. It's as integral as the controller. If they could have built it inside the system, they would have. What happens if you have a controller for one of your systems and you step on it and break it? Unless you have an extra one around, you're stuck. I hope MS will make them easily available because you still can't buy a Wii U Game Pad outside of Japan. And some of the best games on the system require it to be played. Don't hear the Nintendo faithful that jumped on the MS hate train address that. The fact is bad stuff happens, no matter how low tech a system is, a number of things can happen that can render the system unplayable.

I didn't say anything about the requirement of the internet connection because I've read 250 different things this week until everyone at MS starting saying the right thing in "Nothing's finalized", which is what I'll take from it until the system starts rolling off of the production line. And even then, it seem that it's something Microsoft can change if it becomes to much of an issue for the consumer. I don't mind MS doing it because I'm not a fan of piracy and it looks like that is really what they are trying to combat. That's in the best interest of every developer who's future depends on how many copies the sell. So, don't blame Microsoft, send the thank you cards to the million plus people who downloaded Gears 3 off of torrents. You're acting as if Microsoft makes the money off of another publisher's game.

I don't understand the last part. How does MS having a system with multiple functions INCLUDING playing games, make it less gaming? Because that's what you are saying. Like I said it would be like saying a Galaxy with its myriad of functions is less of a phone than a cheap Net 10 flip phone.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

KidPresentable: Your entire argument operates off one point that I disagree with and in fact despise-

That new technology is automatically better. That it's better for everyone in the intended target audience, that it adds inherent value to the item because it has "more capability." You say it's no big deal if it doesn't work. I say it's a big deal because as always in the tech world, the more complex something gets, the less reliable it is. With all the additional systems and features in the Xbox One, I see a colossal, unnecessary headache.

You cite the Galaxy S4 and say it'd be ridiculous for it to only make phone calls. I agree. But it's because that is NOT a phone, first and foremost. No, it is not. We've long since left that behind; it's a pocket computer first, a form of entertainment second, and a phone a distant third. And why? Because someone decided to take a phone and essentially transform into something else; it didn't add secondary functions to the primary function, it REPLACED the primary function.

And I hate to tell you this, but not everyone likes that. Not everyone wants to be roped into giant bills from the smartphone Nazis, who pretend like you're a loser if you don't have one (and as far as I can tell, the people I've encountered who DON'T own smartphones oddly seem twice as intelligent as those who do). I have one and I barely even use it, which makes me question the payment.

You're right, we can only invest a finite amount of time. So why the hell are you defending a system that will never, not ever, save time in any way? You don't really believe that all those bells and whistles make the process of watching TV or movies or playing games SHORTER, do you? You don't honestly think that one of those nifty little features will be faster than me doing something with "old" technology twice as fast? You can't be that naive.

And STOP trying to accuse people around here of being impossible to please just because it's Microsoft. That implication is insulting and you know it. I've owned both Xboxes. I would definitely own the Xbox One if it was something I wanted. Right now, it's not. Microsoft revealed new IPs. Great. So? Sony had more. The rest of it was empty MS promises that, by the way, we heard before with the 360. I remember them claiming that at least 20 exclusives were coming after the 360 came out…I remember two that were worth anything.

Yes, we would've said they were milking Halo if it showed up. I've also made it plain in the past that I didn't really want a new Killzone to be Sony's leading title for the PS4. So don't just think we're all blind morons who are against Microsoft no matter what. It sounds to ME like you're willing to SUPPORT Microsoft no matter what.

You really believe Microsoft is trying to do something different and they should be commended for it? Are you insane? They're doing nothing but catering to the status quo, which is- More electronic gadgetry and wizardry for the masses. Praising Microsoft for a device that's "unique" is absurd. Unless, of course, you want to call relegating games to a secondary position as "unique." Which is precisely what companies did with phones becoming smartphones, which in turn proves my point entirely.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago


Oh, it's you! I was wondering who the final authority was on who is and isn't a "true gamer." It's a relief to finally know who is the arbiter of this title.

Please, by all means, could you lay out the complete list of requirements for one to be worthy of the coveted status of "true gamer?" You don't have to use stone tablets, though it would be a nice touch.

11 years ago


A lot of people have personal distaste for MS even being in the industry. You know this is true. Nothing MS will do is going to be right for them. I'm not saying everyone and I'm not implying everyone that doesn't cotton to the X1 has no valid reasons. But what I am saying is that not everyone that complains is coming from a place of valid discernment. Not trying to insult and I hope no one takes any undue offense.

As for waiting or keeping me from gaming, there is no other system in the history of this console business that has made you wait more than the PS3. 100% factual. If it's not installs ranging upwards of 20 minutes and beyond (I'm looking at you, DC Universe Online), uninstalls up to 5 minutes and beyond (I'm looking at you, Resistance 3), forces DLC installs through updates upwards of 3 gigs (I'm looking at you, Bad Company 2), and the absolute asinine design of having to download AND install separately. I can tell you that I spent an entire hour downloading Virtua Fighter 5: Showdown and its DLC, having to highlight each characters DLC just to install it. And I can say, even with all that, I have just as much love for my PS3 as i did when I first got it. I don't see how the X1 will be THAT bad. Casual fans DO enjoy ease of use and the whole system seems to be designed for just that.

As far as you not liking ANY of the exclusives on the 360 save for two, well, that's definitely your personal opinion. I watched the show you had where you showed your 360 collection , not knocking it, but the words anemic and paltry spring to mind. Mine differs greatly in size, diversity, and enjoyment. Does that make you right and me wrong or vice versa? Hell no. Tens of millions of gamers out there, there is no one 'right gamer'.

The Galaxy's primary function is a phone. It's never been moved to secondary. They don't keep them in the computer section. Yes, you may have other uses while you aren't placing a call, but the majority of the functions are following a central theme- keeping you connected to the world in some way. And that's what the X1 is doing. Gaming is the primary function, but it also asks, how can we take the central common theme of console games, sports, and movies and blend them seamlessly? That central theme is being entertained in front of the television.

I understand that not everyone wants that. I can understand that people want strictly to play games. But what I don't get is how Microsoft's vision can be considered 'wrong'? How is what they are doing taking anything away from the hardcore gamer? They showed what you can do BESIDES gaming, not in place of it. If you watch the press conference, they say the phrase 'Games, movies, and entertainment' a few times. They purposefully wrote it that way to show that games were the priority.

I mean, why would anyone buy an Xbox system without the incentive of playing games? The system merges entertainment but it's a worthless machine without it's primary function of gaming. This isn't the PS2, a DVD player that was cheaper than the other on the market and MANY people bought it solely or in addition to that very fact. Who in the hell is going to buy a $400 hub?

11 years ago

Comic Shaman-
I can put it into marble or alabaster, whichever you prefer. But, honestly, there are a few diagrams and pictures that go along with it, in this regard papyrus is more flexible and appropriate. My aim is to inform and educate on these timeless virtues of true gamerism, so whichever makes this easily digestible for you, I can accommodate.

Remember, use this information wisely. By knowing the true way, there's also an obligation to spread it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Of course, it's true that not everyone is going after the Xbox One from an unbiased and objective point of view. But that's the case on both sides of the equation; you will find the biased Sony fans and Microsoft fans. They pretty much even out, although I do believe there are far more biased Microsoft fans in the US.

That being the case, don't you find it telling that the vast majority of gamers out there (in the US, too) really hated that Microsoft presentation? There are plenty of Sony haters too, as I'm sure you know, and I heard nary a peep from them after the PlayStation Event. Very, very little in the way of dissatisfaction.

I am aware that updates are longer on the PS3. You are WAY over-exaggerating the effect they have. If your system wasn't hooked up online, you wouldn't have any. And while patches and updates are certainly faster on Xbox, both systems use the same Internet connection (whatever yours is) to download full games and things like that. It is ONLY the patches and updates that take much longer on PS3. And trust me, I hate all of that more than most and if it doesn't affect me very much, it must be pretty darn minor. And it is. For the most part, I can turn on either my PS3 or 360 and sit down and play a game. Done.

You don't want to get into an exclusive software argument with me where it concerns Sony vs. Microsoft. You really don't. That would be a very large mistake so don't tempt me on that; I'd be naming Sony exclusives LONG after you're done naming the 360 exclusives. If you don't know that, you're ignorant of what the PS3 has been able to provide.

My collection is irrelevant. Most of my PS3 games came from publishers for review. Initially, I bought some multiplatform titles on the 360 because they were better on the 360. That changed several years back when developers began using the PS3 as the lead platform for most projects. And I HAVE just about every last Xbox 360 exclusive that is well-received and loved by many. The collection still looks small because there AREN'T THAT MANY.

The Galaxy's primary function is not a phone. Untrue. Nobody buys it and pays the monthly fee to use a phone. If they wanted a phone above all else, they wouldn't get a Galaxy. Smartphones are entertainment and nothing more; 90% of the time is spent playing games, surfing the Net, texting, fiddling around with apps, etc. If you believe anything else, you're being taken for a very long ride.

And you once again made my point. Who buys the system without the incentive of playing games? How about everyone who is dazzled by fancy tech features like they advertised during that conference? I got the feeling they were catering to the NON gamers, exactly as Nintendo did with the Wii. They convinced people outside the core gaming crowd to own a video game console. In fact, with the multimedia focus, they just want you to have an entertainment hub in your living room.

If they cared about the games, they would've focused on the games and not simply told us, "Oh, don't worry, they're coming." It sounds more and more to me like you're constantly, inevitably giving Microsoft the benefit of the doubt and for absolutely no valid reason. You're ignoring the crux of that conference, you're actually trying to imply that the Xbox has had the same number of quality exclusives as PlayStation (one of the most ridiculous claims I've ever heard), and you're saying that Xbox will be "all about the games" when in fact, NOBODY is seeing that from the Xbox One.

Any particular reason you keep pushing so hard for Microsoft…? You own stock or something? I mean, you're not even making any sort of logical sense, here. Why do I get the feeling you signed up just to educate us biased Sony "fanboys"…? We've had a few of those in the past…they don't usually last, because they soon realize that most here don't qualify for any such label.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/25/2013 1:44:35 PM

11 years ago

Man, I want the type of PS3 you have. The one that doesn't have any initial installs and installs games directly while downloading. Maybe I got the wrong kind in the four I've already owned.

My honest opinion is the conference had a purpose, and it wasn't a bad thing. Sony spent about an hour focusing on the innards of their system before they showed any game besides Knack. Their second hour focused on games. Microsoft had only one hour and showed more games, even briefly, in theirs did Sony did. I'm a patient man and no one is forcing me to buy anything, so I don't have to jump to any conclusions right now. They said that the games were coming at E3 and there are two I have my eye on in Quantum Break and Ryse. Why would I scream 'They're lying! Rotten Microsoft! Grrrr!' or 'Dey all must be Kinect games!!' People were saying the console war was already over because of specs and one unpopular showing? They must have never heard of 'giant enemy crab'. I can afford to be patient because like I said, neither system is on the shelf and won't be for months. So after E3, if the games I want on the One live up to what I'm expecting(which I believe they will),my decision will be made on which one to buy first.

When have I ever implied that Microsoft was better than Sony, that the 360 was better than the PS3, or that the 360 had more exclusives? There are definitely more than TWO good games on the system, though. And if your buying practices hinge on 'reviews and popularity', I can see why you overlook what is out there. Honestly, I'd debate your list of PS3 exclusives any time, if since we both don't have gaming PCs, we can include console exclusives. Metacritic rating 70 and up? And series count as 1 game. I'd welcome the challenge.

Last edited by n/a on 5/25/2013 3:18:17 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You have only defended the Xbox One since it was announced. Would you like me to run down the posts you've made in each and every article? You were the only one to basically tell Jonathan Blow to shut up because he heard tell the PS4 had 50% more raw power. Of course, completely ignoring the point that Blow himself didn't say it; he was retelling what he heard from a source.

You can ignore the facts all you want. You can ignore the fundamental difference in focus between the PlayStation and Xbox conferences and pretend it doesn't mean anything. That's your business.

I also never said the Xbox 360 had only two good games. Not once did I even imply that. I said when they promised 20 exclusives after the 360 launched, about two were worth anything, and that was entirely true. Gears and Forza. That's it. Alan Wake came later. I will always defend Lost Odyssey (the best JRPG of the entire generation, IMO), but that's hardly enough, now is it?

As for exclusives, you're not serious. You think the Xbox 360 exclusives of Halo, Gears, Forza, Alan Wake, and Lost Odyssey have any shot in hell competing against Uncharted, Killzone, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo, Journey, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Wipeout, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous, God of War, Demon's Souls, MLB: The Show, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, etc? REALLY? Forget game ratings; gamers KNOW the score.

But if you must- Of the 50 PS3, games with an average review score of 9+ (according to GameRankings; use MetaCritic if you want), 16 are exclusive. Of the 51 Xbox 360 games rated at 9+, 8 are exclusive. That's half as many, my friend. And by the way, they ALL come from the Halo, Gears or Forza franchise.

Xbox has multiplatform games among a few exclusives that are getting very, very stale with the possible exception of Forza. PlayStation hinges on innovative, cutting-edge exclusives to help fuel their sales. Uncharted, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet 2 and Journey, in my mind are better than any game – ANY GAME – on the Xbox 360 as far as I'm concerned. When you compare the best vs. best, it's not even remotely close. Uncharted alone decimates anything on Xbox, as gamers AND critics will tell you.

Can we be done now? I'm tired. It's obvious you don't know half as much about PlayStation as you think, and it's also obvious that you think you're just here to "educate" us. So I'm bored.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago


Giant chocolate slabs are my preference, thanks. The good stuff.

I believe that you misapprehend Microsoft's strategy and the objections to it. Your comment here:

"I mean, why would anyone buy an Xbox system without the incentive of playing games?"

… suggests that you are not seeing what I believe is apparent.

Microsoft is projecting sales of the X1 an order of magnitude greater than the X360. That doesn't happen by appealing to gamers. They want to make an all-in-one, "control your living room" machine… and one that seems to have a bunch of intrusive policies and features attached to it.

The shortest way I can put this is that they want to make your TV into a giant smartphone, with the Kinect as the interface instead of a touchscreen. I, for one, see a lot of problems with that strategy in terms of what I care about with gaming.

11 years ago

I agree with everything, everybody said. But then they go and make Forza a launch game. I'm in.

11 years ago

I'm not a racing fan, so Forza isn't for me. But I always liked Halo and Fable. Unfortunately, 1 or 2 games isn't enough for me to buy in. Many games I like are multiplatform anyways. But there are literally dozens of Sony exclusives on my shelf I adore.

So for me, 1 or 2 games isn't enough to justify buying a system.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

GT kicks the sh** out of Forza and always has. Well, from a realism/authenticity standpoint, anyway.

11 years ago

Nail struck firmly upon the head, Ben.

And carrying that analogy further: I have a pneumatic nail-gun, it works great when the generator/power is on and available, or when I have access to an outlet, the air hoses aren't leaking (connectors too) and my compressor is cooperating and/or I have the correct hardware to charge the gun with.


I just grab my trusty, 24oz framing hammer, a box of 16d's and get the job done.

More simply put, the greater the complexity of any system, the greater the chances there are for failure in any system. This is more or less one of Murphy's laws.

11 years ago

while i agree with your premise…i think you miss big writing on the wall. gaming for gamings sake is on the move away from consoles and into mobile OS such as android and i0S. i share your sentiment about the kinect/ps eye and motion sensing and the multimedia features. i think the best thing i can do as a gamer is remove myself from the console war for a year. i want to see how the other half lives on android. most android and iOS games do have a FB connection option but most arent mandatory. i think we will be seeing madden next year as a viable option on steam, as well as an android title to download with graphics as good as ps3 or ps4. the ability to port that game from your cell phone to your tv to a tablet is going to slit the throat of sony, MS, and nintendo. we all clamor for Sega to come back, yet in our hearts we all know Sega would die a quick swift death that would make atari jaguar fanboys and panasonic 3D0 fans smile. sega is just like nintendo, only quirkier and with more questionable judgement. they would never make a console with any type of social media conectivity.

11 years ago

Well, from what I was hearing about the next gen for the last year or less, rumours abound, it was a pretty good guess the industry head have concluded that the console, which really was fighting a war against PC Gaming, sort of, is now dealing with a battle with the iOS devices and Android.

These devices, numerous as they are, ARE multimedia. You know, the all one scenario. We have seen it PC's and printers years ago. Now my phone can play music, videos, games, email, camera, share photos, text, GPS, internet surfing (do we still call it that?) and oh…. wait Im forgetting something… something it was original only to do…. wait… wait… crap I forgot. Oh yes, actually use it to call someone, mind you these days people rather text you than ACTUALLY have to talk to you.

Someone told I was old fashion using a camera and not having a phone, at the time, that had that built in and play music. Well, I said to them, give me your phone. They did. I pretended to smash it. I then said okay no longer have a phone, camera, or music player. So I said take my phone and smash it (they didn't). So I told then okay, I would be out of a phone, built I still have my camera and my music player. Point was made.

Look if you really had your eyes open, you saw this coming. The way things have been going is that the big guys have decided that to be the center or entertainment that over time it has come to this, where we get a box that tries to do it all. Instead of focussing on a single or two things, it focus is broader. It could mean as individual features they may slightly suffer being in one package, who knows. With competition with movies services, music services, etc (just look at what Apple has being doing for years), they feel forced to cater to more people of varying tastes.

Do I agree with any of this direction the industry has gone. Not fully. Yes, I just want to play games on the damn thing. I want to be assured that its the best it can be without sacrificing something of quality to cater to someones need to use as a movie box, or music box, or a communication device. If they want to make it a package with diversity fine. Just the gaming, what it originally was about, better not suffer for it.

Will all this complicate how we actually get to play a game. Well, we will have to see what the system does when it boots up, whats the first screen or menu look like and how quickly can I play me game, maybe see the online game store as well… possibly for DLC or digital games.

E3 should tell us the WHOLE story for both the PS4 and Xbox One. I think MS is doing the same as Sony, holding back on a lot to reveal at E3. MS made a mistake with their gathering, but they may bounce back at E3. Right now I have been a Sony buyer since the PSOne and all this has not made me take a glance at the MS new box.

OH and Sony, not sure you did this for the PS4, but if I am in a game or potentially you now what games I have played, let me know about the DLC without hitting the store or having to go to it to buy it. Heck let me play the game as it downloads the extra content and then let me play it once done while I am still in the game…. if possible. Just a thought. 🙂

Anyway, since I won'y e a day one buyer I can wait patiently for E3 and after and see how it plays. I have not vested interest in how it pans out except I would like to see and potentially buy a system that will give me some gaming entertainment. The rest is just icing on the cake… but not the cake.

E3… will be interesting and I hope to see the Last Guardian there as well as a surprise PS4 game launch for the day one buyers… and me later down the road.. 🙂 Just hoping.

Hey… Keep Playing!

11 years ago

I agree i just want chill and relax and play a game! If want to move around i'll talk a long walk or do some push ups and that do not cost a thing!

11 years ago

I have to say I was really disappointed after I watched the Xbox One reveal. It doesn't even sound like a gaming console. It just sounds like an entertainment box. I was going to get both the PS4 and next-gen Xbox. But after the announcement and all the news I might just get a PS4. Sony seems to actually know how to make a gaming machine. Unlike Microsoft where it's all about TV and sports apparently.

Microsoft is just too focused on all this extra fluff that I don't want. Problem is my friends will be getting that damn thing so I'd be stuck with no one I know to play with if I chose to get the PS4. I barely play my PS3 because of that very reason. I still play it when there's exclusives though. That's my only issue with really switching over at this point

Last edited by ShiorixZetsu on 5/26/2013 9:11:27 AM

11 years ago

For me it feels that the gaming on the xbox its just an app, just like netflix or the video gallery. It would surprise me if MS gave you the option of uninstalling the gaming app lol!! Like i said before, i like the new MS, because it would take most of the annoying masses with it, all it needs now its for COD to go exclusive on it. That would be just perfect 🙂

11 years ago

MS has always wanted to control everything. They created WebTV. That failed. This will fail, too, because people don't want an all in one system. Gamers could crae less about controlling TV. Nongamers don't want games. And they already have a DVR. Honestly, MS would do better just selling an adapter that allows for voice input.

One day we'll probably have the all in one entertainment center. But MS did not go about the right way to get us there. catering to entertainment buffs via a new game console, while ignoring gamers everywhere. Just make a new GAME system, and sell the Kinect 2.0 separetly, and have it backwards compatible with XBOX 360. Some of us hate having to eb against some walls to use it. Not eveyrbody has a 100 foot room to play games in.

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