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Ben’s Week In Review: March 17

Anybody else wondering when Microsoft is going to unveil the Xbox 720? I wonder if it'll be received as well as the PlayStation 4 has been…

Would Gran Turismo 6 be the most important early title for the PS4?

It's hardly official but those Facebook photos really got me thinking. Let's assume Gran Turismo 6 really does come out for the PS4. Looking back, this franchise has been a guaranteed system seller for the PlayStation platform; the PS2 got a huge boost when Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec launched the summer after the PS2 hit store shelves. I know of many people who said they were waiting for GT3 to buy the PS2 and as I recall, the GT3 PS2 bundle did extremely well. Gran Turismo 5 also sold very well for the PS3 and certainly caused a temporary sales spike for Sony's current machine.

However, I'm sure everyone has noticed that sports and racing games aren't quite as popular as they used to be. They really used to dominate the entire industry at one time. And although I'm sure a new GT would be huge, I'm not convinced that it'll be the title that convinces a large number of people to buy the PS4. And while we're on the subject, considering just how versatile the PS4 is, and the fact that Sony wants it to be a "living room entertainment hub," I'm not sure any one game can really push sales. I'm sure Uncharted 4 would cause sales to rise, but I keep wondering if the days of true-blue "system-selling" software are gone. The gaming machines are just too diverse now, I think.

If The Last Of Us takes me 15 hours, I'm good

You know, there was a time when I'd finish one RPG a month. It was during my RPG craze on the original PlayStation; I'd invest a full month's effort into a game like Legend of Dragoon , Legend of Legaia , Saga Frontier , Star Ocean: The 2nd Story , Chrono Cross , or one of the Final Fantasy , Suikoden or Wild ARMs titles. Very often I'd spend a minimum of 40 hours; it was usually closer to 50 or 60 (and over 100 with SO2 and Saga Frontier ) because I wanted to do everything. I honestly believe that if they still made games like that (big-budget productions on consoles, I mean), I might try something similar. I probably wouldn't be able to but I might want to. However, for the most part, a 10-hour adventure is just fine by me.

And if The Last Of Us is maybe around 15 hours as Naughty Dog claims , I'm happy. It took me several months to actually complete Assassin's Creed III , and I only put about 37 hours into it. I did do a lot (certainly more than is required to beat the game) but even so, 37 hours would've taken me a matter of weeks back in the good ol' days. Now, these 8-10 hour campaigns are perfect. So I'm not gonna complain.

Personal gaming update

I'm maybe about five hours into Halo 4 now and I have indeed found new weapons and enemies. But as I said in this forum thread , I'm currently experiencing a waning interest in shooters. I suppose it could just be Halo 4 but I doubt it, because there's really nothing wrong with it. Sure, I still don't like most of the weapons and the new enemies are actually just a colossal pain in the ass, but it's still an extremely well-done game. And I used to love shooters, so I should be enjoying myself. But I find that I have to really push myself to even sit down and play it. I get bored of it so quickly. So it's possible that my gaming tastes are changing and FPSs just aren't doing it for me anymore. I'll have to see how I feel going forward.

God of War: Ascension is also great but I'm having more fun with that. And for the record, I don't believe the score is a bad one. There are reviewers out there from major sources who gave it a 7, remember. It's still a fantastic production; it just feels…well, read the review if you want a full explanation. Right now, I absolutely cannot wait for Bioshock Infinite . Yes, I'm aware it's basically a FPS only with RPG elements. So maybe I'll be bored by that, too…but I bet not. I bet the story will keep me involved, which I really can't say is the case with Halo 4 . Not even close.

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11 years ago

I know what you mean with shooters – I find I have to at least alternate them with other genres, and preferably have a couple of other types of games between them – two shooters in a row can be a bit much, and longer shooters (Borderlands 2) start to get a bit dull for me as the game goes on.

Just started getting into the Halo series m'self – Halo:CE Anniversary seemed solid (for its time parts of it were brilliant, but the pacing over the course of the game, and repetition of environments, are mistakes that I hope Bungie has moved on from before I fire up Halo 3). Although the aim assist in Halo CE is the largest I've ever seen in any game, ever – good for when you're tired and feeling under the weather :).

11 years ago

That's the weird thing most FPS for me get boring as time goes on as well, which is why I welcome the mp. But Borderlands 2 just kept getting better and better, and there are few games I've played through 2 times and want to keep going. honestly its also Gearboxes support that keeps me interested.

11 years ago

Im not sure yet if GT6 would be the most important launch title for the PS4 if it happened. I do think however it would be a huge bonus. I guess really what I mean is among the games announced right now, I actually do think it would be the most important, but among the potentials, I'm not so sure. I know one thing, I'd get it day one though, if it was a release title.

The Last of Us is a good length for this type of game. I really didn't expect a 20 hour campaign, so I'm satisfied to know it should take me 12-15 hours. My play style I'm guessing I'll be towards the 15 hour mark. Awesome.

PGU: GoW, GoW, GoW! This game is amazing. Certainly the game is worthy of a 9+. I don't care what anyone says this is one game there would be no convincing me otherwise of. The production value is huge, the graphics are insanely gorgeous, the gameplay is improved and as responsive and tight as ever, and it certainly proves this is why this series is regarded as the best in the genre. The game has no faults, other than its a prequel, and honestly should that even be considered a fault? Its still a fantastic game and should be rewarded as one. A true 9+ game.

I also noticed most reviews loved the sp, its the shining star in the series, and most didn't fault it in that area. I started realizing a trend, the mp was bringing it down. That shouldn't be the case. When a true blue, GoW fan as myself has spent more time in the mp than the sp to this point, theres something wrong with review scores. Its a preference. A lot of reviews said it didn't need to be their, which is a fair opinion, I really didn't think it did either, but that's hardly a reason to decrease the games overall score. Others said it just wasn't good, and that's absolutely not true either. It does a lot for a game in this genre, and as a skeptic, I welcome it with open arms. The game modes are brilliant, mainly because of the maps and gameplay. I know some reviews even here said the combat was slowed down and they faulted it for that, but that's pish posh, because it needed to be slowed down, and it works fantastic. The combat in mp is fluid, its about timing, and not button mashing. Ive learned through the many hours ive put into it, if you have someone on the other end button mashing you can point him/her out, and by using your combos and magic in strategic button sequences you'll win every time. Its a brilliant implementation into the mp.

Now the maps, they are so epic. The Daedalus map is so cool. There's actually a chain in the map you can pull on and rotate the map, like it did in GoW3, and manipulate the map, and destroy characters in the meantime. All the maps have some sort of cool perk like this. Makes things interesting, and a lot of different ways to play the map. I also really like the almost 2-D type feel to the maps, it gives the character a better sense of direction and keeps the combat in check, seriously its too good to ignore. The game modes just compliment all of this, but the maps and combat are what make those game modes stand out in the variation of play.

I cant agree with any review I've read for this game, because the whole game is fantastic. Anyone who is holding out I recommend getting it now. 😉

11 years ago


I know what you mean about multiplayer and review scores.

You know what I think the cause is? Keep in mind that the following is just my opinion.

I think its safe to say that a vast majority of reviewers, like Ben, are 30+ years old and joined the industry in its early stages. I've been to countless of gaming sites and read many gaming magazines supporting this claim. Most of the men and women who wrote the articles have accompaning pictures of the author that look as if the are over 30.

Now if that stands true, then its safe to say that these same reviewers have been gaming well before the online multiplayer we see today. I myself am only 23, but i've been gaming pretty hardcore side the Sega genesis. And the first system I started going online with was the PS2 with Socom. I instantly fell in love with gaming online as a great alternative to gaming with a friend right beside me. I still prefer split screen, but that's a dying feature.

Take into consideration my dad has had every system since the first Intellivision (hell yeah thats old) and has play games pretty casually until the PS3 came out and HE felt that the quality of games have dropped a bit since games started needing online to get tbe most of their games. Then he just stopped playing altogether.

My point is that a majority of the reviewers are just stuck in their ways and didn't, or won't ever embrace online multiplayer as a positive addition to the gaming world. And I attribute that logic to most of them just doing the single player thing for so long. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it does seem that it does have an influence on how they view multiplayer.

Thats were I think all the bias comes in to play. I think as time goes on and those older journalists retire, and the newer journalist take over, then online would be much more appreciated. Until then, we must endure the slight bias that we experience in review scores.

11 years ago

Well I wont say thats where it comes from for certain, im sure that plays a role. But reviews shouldnt be based on opinion and thats where my problem is. I see what you're saying and it makes sense. Using your dad is a good example.

But I dont care what any reviewer says in this case, a lot just got it wrong about the game, bias or not…

Thats too bad about your dad, I mean some games quality has decreased but some have actually gotten better. Honestly CoD was a decent FPS, but it became one of the best when its great mp was brought into it, now its still solid its just getting milked and the quality is being questioned, as one eexample.

But the points you brought up probably are valid in a lot of situations. I myself also started playing online with Socom. That was some good times and utlimately was the start of my online gaming, for the very reasons you mentioned..

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/17/2013 1:30:53 AM

11 years ago

PS3_"Wizard": I doubt the aversion towards multiplayer in some games has to do with anyone's age, since most games are developed, programmed and designed by people who are over 30 years old.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

PS3_Wizard: While I may not like multiplayer, I would never let a personal bias get in the way of giving a game a good score just because it has multiplayer. Every game has multiplayer these days, after all.

The bottom line is that I didn't see anything even remotely special about the GoW online component, nor did any other critic, really. The bottom line is that the game didn't need it.

11 years ago

Because it didnt need it doesn't mean the game should score lower, thats my issue with most of the reviews. Like I said thats a preference thing. I was always against the mp until the beta, I always called out Santa Monica for marketing the mp (when we wanted to see sp, you know what these games are all about) so heavily, and I love the mp aspect. They did a super job with it and they deserve a kudos. Not a slap in the face because GoW:A "didnt need it."

And again I wont agree with any reviewer that says the mp isnt good. Whether its "special" or not, well thats up to the player. But every player thats online is raving about how good it is, so id say the 63 some odd reviewers – well realistically its probably about a fraction of that – that say it isnt needed or it isnt good, is in the minority. And lets be honest theres another fraction that said things to the extent of it being an entertaining, part of a great game.

11 years ago

Whether it needs it or not is irrelevant, true. But when a multiplayer aspect is meh… it's meh. And it gets scored meh. It's not penalized because it's meh. It just gets meh for meh.


11 years ago

Look LAAS-watever your name is…This marks the 2nd time in as many days that you proceeded in trying to combat whatever I say…the first with my immature joke about the way the ps4 should look.

Whatever this hostility you have for me should cease.

I find you using the Wizard in my screen name in parenthesis as a mocking tone and you are annoying the hell out of me.

I was talking about REVIEWERS, not game developers, so your ensuing comment was borderline trolling me.

What does the fact that the game is made by 30+ year olds have to do with how the online component games is judged? Judged being the KEY word there…

Ofcourse developers would include an online component…it IS the current trend and MONEY is their goal since this is a BUSINESS. Age wouldn't be a factor in that case.

So fall back… and if you have a problem with me, ignore me instead of trying to come at me.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 3/19/2013 4:22:51 AM

11 years ago

Look YAS watever your name is…This marks the 2nd time in as many days that you proceeded in trying to combat whatever I say…the first with my immature joke about the way the ps4 should look.

Whatever this hostility you have for me should cease.

I find you using the Wizard in my screen name in parenthesis as a mocking tone and you are annoying the hell out of me.

I was talking about REVIEWERS, not game developers, so your ensuing comment was borderline trolling me.

What does the fact that the game is made by 30+ year olds have to do with how the online component games is judged? Judged being the KEY word there…

Ofcourse developers would include an online component…it IS the current trend and MONEY is their goal since this is a BUSINESS. Age wouldn't be a factor in that case.

So fall back… and if you have a problem with me, ignore me instead of trying to come at me.

11 years ago

I want GT6 on PS3. Games like GT take lots and lots of man hours and I simply don't think PD has had enough time on firm hardware to make it happen on PS4. If something GT were to hit PS4 first year the game would not be what it should be, maybe we'll see another Prologue edition. So as it stands I'd rather see a full on PS3 update, something Vita related as well, and then a nice and proper GT7 on PS4.

Halo 4 looked really really nice. But from a game play standpoint it didn't make any progress. The series needs new tech to become more interesting.

PGU: So Red Box had GoW: A in stock. YES. I was glued to it for like 3 hours last night. I'm on chapter 12. Which is somewhat concerning because I read the game is 20 chapters long. Seems sorta short. Anyway, I really appreciate the advancements to the game play. Kratos has more varied abilities and are welcome to a gamer who enjoys the 'hack 'n slash' variety of games. I love no longer being invulnerable during QTE finishing moves. That is, the beast you're man handling tries to fight back. I like the air targeting of the Chaos Blades. I also like the far more useful secondary items. Surprisingly the game's platforming/wall scaling made notable advancements as well. It's clear AC and Uncharted had an influence on this game. Kratos, however, can scuttle along the walls with more confidence and strength than either of them. I'm also surprised by just how many abilities and new enemies, though, several are recycled-remixed from GoW3, there are.
I understand that Kratos isn't as angry, even if he is as vicious as ever with his blades. For some, including Ben, made it clear that the loss of rage really affected their enjoyment. Feeling underwhelmed by the emotional veracity of the character. Me having more of a technical affinity to these genre types am less concerned about Kratos's one dimensional character and more concerned about the awesome set pieces, game play, and crazy impressive artistic design the series is known for. I mean heck, this is one experience that in no way could be done on 360. No way. We have games like AC, Rage, and Batman that can be done on 360, often times better. But not this game. The amount of processing going on with these massively dynamic and shifting levels is the Cell processor at work folks. This is what we Sony gamers paid extra for. This is the fruits of custom coded design on the PS3. It's mad impressive.

Anyway, yah, I agree with Ben that the 7's and lower were just way too harsh.
Honestly, I think I'm becoming worried for the hack 'n slash variety. We just had a full assault of these types this year and they all seemed to have come up a bit short with critics.
I was also thinking about the polarized reception of DmC and GoW:A. Interestingly they're both franchises that survived the PS2 era and are both franchises with a relatively long list of titles. I really wonder if DMC, from a critical standpoint would've fared if it was JUST another sequel, looking and feeling similar to DMC4. And then looking over at Kratos we see a less angry Kratos and an experience that feels more of what the product offering is known for, and then it's lights out with 6's and 7's where those always franchise present game play warts now get hammered on. Suddenly it doesn't control quite as well. Suddenly the camera becomes more problematic. Suddenly cheap deaths become a big concern. But hey, no one has written Obama about changing Kratos back to being angrier again. Woo Hoo! At least the fans are happy.

Anyhow, all I can say for GoW is that if you can count yourself among the GoW fans who played the game through on hard, or harder, then GOW A is absolutely for you and is 9+ all the way. If you play for thrills, a mild challenge, anger, and emotion… well, maybe you should rent it first or catch it on a sale.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/16/2013 11:38:33 PM

11 years ago

Temjin –

Glad to see you like it. I'm playing on hard and its a thrill. I played through GoW3 on the toughest difficulty to start, and these games are just meant to be played that way.

I understand what Sony Santa Monica did with Kratos in this one, I mean heck he's not the same man that he is in GoW3, this is far earlier why should we expect that? Im enjoying seeing this side, and they don't portray him as a lesser warrior, just not as the rage filled, revenge wanting Kratos we know. They did good.

I agree its a 9+ all the way. Glad you like it!

11 years ago

By the way Temjin I think there is around 30 chapters.

11 years ago

Thanks for that BigRailer. It's good to know it's 30 chapters as that would've been a bummer if it clocked in only at 6-7 hours.

Anyway, I got just a little further Saturday night. I don't play games like GoW on the Sabbath day so no progress yesterday 😉
But anyhow, ironically, I encountered a bug or camera glitch or something with the boss dude waiving the green sword. The camera had problems tracking us and the game got confused and wouldn't auto target the rock throw. I waisted a lot of time trying to figure out what to do. I then eventually died and the game seemed to fix itself. Auto targeting was working and the boss progression worked again.
No biggie, but annoying.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/18/2013 12:57:38 PM

11 years ago

I don't play games like GoW ever. But not cause it isn't good. Just not a genre I like.

Side note… why would a game you're not allowed to play on the Sabbath be ok every other day?

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

Drive club is a clear indication GT isnt coming anytime soon

11 years ago

Good point.

11 years ago

True mate true.

11 years ago

It may still be coming soon. Just not for the PS4. PS3 would get quite a boost in its old age from a new GT entry.

11 years ago

Sony should totally make something big outta the incident bout the GT Academy graduates getting kicked out of a racing competition for being too good.
That's good advertising.

11 years ago

Kicked out for being TOO GOOD!! That is advertising GOLD! Yes! Sony should definitely take advantage of
such and opportunity. Asap.

11 years ago

with just a controller, i know i never got the the full
benifit of gt5, it was still alot of fun. imo, i think
we'll see gt6 come to the ps3. i magine they started work
on gt6 once gt5 was released. so i doubt sony had any ps4 kits at the time.

pgu: mass effect, besides not being a very good port, it can
also be frustrating at times.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

Im afraid the PS4 is going to get the same marketing treatment the PS3 got. They changed ad agencies last year so here's hoping they dont make the same mistakes again!

Random thought:Sony needs to greenlight a new Syphon Filter. Even it means rebooting the series…or give it to Naughty Dog

Last edited by karneli lll on 3/17/2013 11:35:25 AM

11 years ago

I think MS is going to have a big debut for the 720 or whatever they are going to call it. With what Sony did, it will be them having to ante it up a bit. Possibly with games … possibly with new or updated existing feature. Calm before the storm, but I think Sony has a firm base now and have E3 to really show things off. I mean, Sony better keep with the momentum.

I am a single player/campaign person so that play time sound about right. Not sure how or why people rush through a game. I know what its like when you play and you are so much engaged in the game you do not want to put the controller down, but I am one to explore if the dev and the game allow me to do so.

Multiplayer, not sure where they can place that in this game, but if they can and not at the expense of the single…. all the better to draw in those players and that market. Not my thing, but good if they can.

Not seen Halo 4 but know someone who was beta testing it. They loved it but from what I hear … more of the same and nothing innovative. Although my impression over the years has been that Halo is most popular for the multiplayer and not as much the single. Coop it good from what I remember and I assume that is there again in the new game. I assume. :/

Not looked at GoW: Ascension. I Think I am done with GoW as a series. Want something else by same dev. Time to move on and show something new. Not trashing the series of the new game, just looking forward to some new IP's. Hope those that have purchased it enjoy it.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

I playin the Ninja Gaiden III.

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