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Do You Care What The PS4 Looks Like?

It wasn't until the end of the PlayStation Meeting that I realized we hadn't actually seen the new PlayStation 4.

Sure, it seemed a little odd that they had just spent two hours talking about this machine, and nobody ever actually got to see it. Then came the expected headlines, criticizing Sony for not showing off the console.

But honestly, how important is the machine's cosmetic appeal? Am I the only one who doesn't care in the slightest? Maybe I'm just not an internal designer; maybe I don't care enough about what anything looks like, and I'm willing to accept that more "with it" individuals do care. Even though it's only a piece of electronic equipment, it still has to be a part of the home decor, I suppose. And to some, I can understand why that would be important.

For most, though, I think they'll agree with Sony's simple statement- "A box is a box." Really, that's true. We care what's in that box, we care what games there are for that box, we care what that box is capable of, and we care about the reliability of that box. But we probably don't worry much about what that box will look like. Personally, I think it could look like a toaster and I don't think I'd care very much. In my opinion, even the sleekest electronic devices are kinda ugly in my eyes (I prefer the more natural tones and lines), so the PS4 probably can't impress or disappoint me when it comes to cosmetic appeal.

So I'm indifferent. What about you?

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11 years ago

Well honestly yes and no. It's not a major concern, but at the same time, I don't want it to look big and stupid. Honestly if it look like the device in the picture you used, I'd hate it, but I'd still use it.

Might not display it proudly though, have to get some kind of wicked statue to display in front of it.

11 years ago

Aesthetics are such an important factor in manufacturing. I feel the same way. Even if it looked horrible I would probably still get a PS4. But it is unlikely that Sony would screw it up that bad. They usually get it just right on the first revision.

Super Slim = Borderline flimsy.
Slim = Just right.
Launch = MONOLITH!

Last edited by FatherSun on 3/16/2013 1:16:30 AM

11 years ago

I'm not too worried – Sony have an excellent history when it comes to design, so I'm sure it won't be loopy. I'd bet it's got a generally black approach to things (given the design of the Eye and DS4 that we've seen so far), and should fit in nicely. As long as it's not a square metre big and hot pink, I'll be happy :).

11 years ago

I would buy a hot pink PS4, just to be different, :P.

11 years ago

short but sweet. Yes.

11 years ago

An ugly console probably won't be a dealbreaker but I sure hope its not ugly. I am not to fond of the ps3 slims and super slims and I would rather the ps4 look amazing.

11 years ago

I hope for a sophisticated yet simple design. Something that just says "FUTURE" when you look at it.

11 years ago

I just want a flat top so it's stackable with my stereo equipment, the curved tops of the PS3 fat & slim made making space for them difficult.

As much as I liked the original fat design it just wasn't practical for me, and if I'm going to have to keep my PS3 hooked up after 4 comes along, I'm going to need a flat surface to put one on top of the other.

11 years ago

I honestly believe this design was made with the intention of keeping people from stacking other electronics on the console. Most people do not properly ventilate when they do this. Also, it gives the console prominence wherever you put it because you simply can't hide it underneath anything else.

11 years ago

I'd have to say no. I didn't buy the ps3 or anything else because it looked good. I bought it because i knew i'd be getting my monies worth. I know some people care though, because they want it to match their tv. Some people have a white tv and probably want it to match or something. I don't have that problem though as my tv is black, white, and silver.

11 years ago

I don't necessarily care what it looks like, per se, but I want it to be small. I have a slim ps3 and that's about the largest sized console I'd want. Something like the launch ps3s would be extremely annoying. And, though something closer to the late model ps2 would be ideal, that's probably too much to hope for.

11 years ago

Not really. Flat desin like the PS2 phat and PS3 sliding disc mechanics.

11 years ago

You can have it in any colour as long as its black. 🙂 Its slimming.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

Here's to hoping its shaped like a model and you insert discs through a slot representing a vagina!

*sigh* That would fit the man cave PERFECTLY…

11 years ago

I'm glad I don't have friends like you.

11 years ago

Do you live in Quagmire's house?

11 years ago

Insert penis joke here!

11 years ago

Im sorry for being a MAN and occasionally feel the need to let a slightly pervertedjoke out every once in awhile. Friends like me? Im glad I dont have friends like YOU who has the sense of humor of a rock or a church priest.

Probably one of those guys who stayed in playing every version of final fantasy during college and never tried beer pong or partied a little. Bet you just discovered what color the sun was huh?

11 years ago

Well, we're sorry for being ADULTS and feel the need to call juvenile shit for what it is. If you want to hang out with whomever and make jokes about new consoles doubling as sex toys, then more power to you. But when you go out in public with that, people will call you on it. Because "jokes" like that are exactly the reason why so many women get turned away from gaming. And there are those of us who believe that this hobby needs to be inclusive rather than exclusive.

Also, is some variation of "nerds suck" really the best you can do?

Last edited by dmiitrie on 3/17/2013 3:38:02 AM

11 years ago

Honestly, I do care, but if you're asking if it's going to keep me from purchasing if it's ugly then of course not. I think it would be the case for most, if not all people as well.

There are only so many console choices, so it shouldn't matter much. If we're talking about laptops, mp3s, phones, or even TVs, where choices are many, then design plays a much heavier role in people's choices.

11 years ago

Unless it looks really ugly and stupid, I really don't give a shiz.

11 years ago

Of course I care about how something looks…?
And seriously, when I first decided on what console to go for, the fugly design of the X360 was one of the major arguments against it.

But I have no worries about the PS4 in these regards. Sony has an excellent track record when it comes to design.

11 years ago

I hated the design of the original XBox. The 360 was much improved but I didn't like it either.

11 years ago

It doesn't matter to me, it's still a D1 purchase. Just wish that day would come a lot faster! I think the fat PS3 is very attractive. I didn't like the Slim look. The Super Slim is ok, but I wish it had a Bluray drive similar to the 2 older models. I hope they come up with something beautiful so it's looks can assist in sales. It can't hurt that's for sure. E3 is going to be Epic!

11 years ago

Not as much as it would have if I was younger.

11 years ago

I just want it to be flat on top and bottom so that it's stackable with other electronic components.

For the most part, I don't care what it looks like, except for having the option of different colors. A blue one would be nice.

11 years ago

You shouldn't cook your consoles man 😛

11 years ago

That's why components used to come with little quarter inch legs. For heat dissipation. They used their heads back in the distant past and components didn't burn up. I use homemade ones today.

11 years ago

I defer to your wisdom on tiny legs 🙂

11 years ago

Here here! I use anything and everything to give my stuff the air it needs to breath.

11 years ago

I just don't stack my electronics at all, then I don't have to worry about adequate ventilation.

11 years ago

Aesthetically, I don't really care. I do care about size though. Hopefully it's comparable to the PS3 Slim in size/weight.

11 years ago

personally i think i would be more excited if it did look like a toaster…how awesome would that be

11 years ago

Put two discs in and get lightly toasted. That's gaming at its finest.

11 years ago

The games have always sold the systems so with that in mind I don't care what it looks like I'm getting it regardless but I am curious as to the look. I hope it isn't some giant monstrosity but they inevitably will make a slim model. Each iteration looked progressively "cooler" so with that in mind I have pretty high expectations. Just wish the price points would be announced.

11 years ago

I hope it looks like the Jaguar, including the JagCD Toilet 🙂

11 years ago

As long as it doesnt look like the current PS3's im fine. Those things are hideous and simply dont look good in an entertainment center. I would appreciate something that had the easthetic appeal the original PS3's did – that shiny black, and flowing curves – yea thatd be nice. But really it doesnt matter, I suppose I could just put a paper bag over it! 😉

11 years ago

Whoever designed those should be shot.

11 years ago

Yes its a terrible design. I cant even stand looking at them in displays.

11 years ago

Yeah the latest model look like a cheap fake from China. I do like the slim though. And of course the fatty.

11 years ago

Yea thats for sure Beam.

Yea im ok with the slim, the phatty, which I have, is just gorgeous!

By the way Beam, you convinced me to get Saints Row, im hoping theres a buy 2 get 1 at like best buy or something when Bioshock releases so I can pick it up then. I wish I would have gotten it over Dishonored during Wal-marts black friday sales. I got Dishonored for $30 but would have rather gotten Saints Row at this point.

11 years ago

It looks like a router.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Yes, but not all that much to be honest with you. I just want a faster and more powerful console that will allow it to have exceptional and deep games. So, I'm very satisfied so far.

11 years ago


and I do NOT understand why anyone would care.

It sounds SO pathetic. Like I have said countless times, if the next-box looks better than the PS4, would you seriously choose the next-box?

I don't care if it was shaped like a giant cow crap, i'd still buy it day one, and i'd still love. I would proudly display my cow crap on my tv unit.

"Yeah, it looks like a piece of crap, so what, do YOU have a piece of crap that plays amazing games and bluray movies? No? Didn't think so."

11 years ago

To care how something looks doesn't mean it's the *only* thing that matters.

Do you care how your car looks? Your watch? Your mobile? Your TV? It's not like you buy those things *only* based on looks, but I don't understand how one can think they do *not* care about how things look.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/17/2013 3:02:04 AM

11 years ago

Car's, watches and these days even Mobile phones, are all part of a persons personal image, so looks matter a lot.

But a gaming console….. It stays practically hidden, in/on TV units, or elsewhere. Looks aside, it is the features, specs and games that I thought would be the only deciding factors.

I think the question "Do you care what the PS4 looks like?" more implies, is it a factor in your decision to buy the PS4?

It is one thing to want to know what it looks like, but that isn't caring. Of course I want to know, of course I want it to look like the PS version of a Lamborghini, but if it doesn't, I don't care.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 3/17/2013 7:16:14 PM

The Sweez
The Sweez
11 years ago

If Sony wants the unit to be the centerpiece of the home and be able to generate it's image as the leader in entertainment equipment, they will have to come with a great design with aesthetics that makes people that have no idea what the box is…and yet all they know is that they want one.

Yes, hard core gamers will not care. PC gamers that build their own rigs will not care. But as with any bell curve, those are the minority. If Sony wants to truly attract more customers, they will need to make a box that is elegant and designed with the same level of effort on the outside as they did with the hardware on the inside.

11 years ago

With NO backwards compatibility (yeah I'm not alone on this either) I don't care/can wait

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Or, you know, you can just go buy a PS1/PS2. It's not that complicated.

11 years ago

I am interested to see what it looks like, but it is just curiosity – in the end I don't care.

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