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Ben’s Week In Review: February 17

So I guess there's going to be some big news this week. …and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

Anybody get all teary-eyed at that PlayStation homage video?

Sony may be setting up the PlayStation 4 announcement with a look back at the brand , as evidenced by that new promotional video. It's a little depressing that I was a junior in high school by the time the original PlayStation launched but hey, time flies. And that video brought back a ton of memories.

You know how there are times when you always remember the first time you see a game? I still remember the first time I saw Gran Turismo , for example, and the first time I saw that introductory sequence in Final Fantasy VII . Those things really stick with you. But beyond that, I also have snapshot memories of playing many of the games on display there; I remember joyfully hopping and spinning in Crash Bandicoot , I remember grappling like crazy in Jet Moto , I remember blowing up the Eiffel Tower in Twisted Metal 2 , and I remember the first RPGs (which weren't shown, but whatever); Suikoden , Wild ARMs and Tales of Destiny were the first.

And that video brought it all back. I even remember having one of those promotional video tapes for the PlayStation; I forget how I got it but it was called "Are you hungry?" and featured a bunch of games, including Wipeout and Dragon's Lair (I think). So now that I'm looking back at all this, my anticipation for the new console is a little higher. But the bottom line is that this industry has changed so much…for someone who doesn't give two sh*** about multiplayer, social media, and touchscreen controls, the future appears less appealing than the past.

Just admit it, Sony, The Last Guardian has gone next-gen

Fumito Ueda says we should "keep an eye out" for upcoming information concerning The Last Guardian . I find the timing of this tease interesting, as it showed up the week before Sony is scheduled to – almost undoubtedly – reveal the PlayStation 4. Look, we've heard about nothing besides major developmental difficulties combined with Sony's apparent staunch commitment to the project. So at this point, if the game is at least a year away (if not more), which seems likely, how could it not be a PS4 title by now? And it would make perfect sense, too. Maybe the reason we've heard very little recently is because the team has shifted to focusing on a new console. The last internal update I remember claimed they hadn't even started on basics like standard control and gameplay, which tells me they really weren't too far along in the first place.

So at some point, Sony really just has to say, "Okay, that's it. By the time you're finally ready to produce this game, we'll be at least a year into the lifespan of the PS4." It definitely wouldn't be the first time a highly anticipated title got pushed over generational boundaries.

Personal gaming update

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is lots of fun and in some ways, it's even more fun on the Vita. I wanted Aliens: Colonial Marines to be decent but unfortunately, that travesty of a game didn't deserve to stay within the confines of my house. I just can't understand how Sega didn't see that coming a mile away. Take one look at that game and you know it's junk; anybody would. So why bother? What, just trying to recoup losses incurred by over six years of wasted development time? Maybe, but you won't even come close to making your money back on this one, I don't think. I just don't understand why we're not allowed to have a solid and entertaining Aliens game. I feel so bad for fans of the movies.

This week is pretty big- Crysis 3 and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance . I'm expecting both to be fantastic, so here's hoping…

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11 years ago

Looking forward to the Sony announcement. Ready for the next generation. The Vita is supplying all my gaming needs at the moment. It is a seriously nice piece of tech.

If the Vita is integrated with the PS4 that would be excellent. Ready for an explosion of next gen goodness!

11 years ago

I love the way Sony is going with this announcement. I feel more hyped than i did for the ps3, and that's saying a lot. I really hope theres new IP's because i don't want 'just' sequels. I mean i want a killzone 4 and uncharted 4 etc… But something new would be refreshing. I hope that makes sense.

I did it. I played FFX today. Man that game is created by nothing but addictive fun. I don't think any RPG has made grinding so much fun. I find myself grinding half the time just because its fun. (well the same can be said for FFT. Damn red chocobos…)

PGU: working on just cause 2 again. Need to at least finish all the side missions. I've also started playing payday the heist again. Really love the way the game plays. Nice community on there too. I've also been looking for someone, anyone, to play borderlands 1 with me. I want to finish the story before i buy the second one. (i never beat it cause back when it was on sale with all dlc for 20$ i spent the entire time on the dlc. I dont think DLC has ever been so well made before. It was nothing but fun.)

Will be playing FFX again. Thinking about actually using kimahri for the first time.

11 years ago

yeah it's hard to care about kimari, no matter how many times I play that game I usually have the same parties I prefer.

11 years ago

Destiny is going to be a pretty awesome new IP, check out the preview:

11 years ago

This will be an exciting week, what with Crysis 3 and PS4-Orbis's unveil. It's quite exciting. I'm hoping the visuals make people crap their pants and wonder if they're looking at pre-rendered CG (but it absolutely better be real-time). I think it'll happen. Maybe we'll see a teaser for Uncharted 4 and we'll think, "crap, was that live action or in-game?"
Here's hoping for the best.
PGU: It's been NGS Plus and DOA5 for me this week. I've wanted to give more time to Uncharted GA but once NG sinks it's teeth in me, even after having played it a dozen times or more, I just can't get enough.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/16/2013 11:30:31 PM

11 years ago

Just an FYI to all of the PSXE community,

I didn't want to go off topic & maybe winding up unintentionally hijacking this thread, so I've posted my "Good Byes" to all on this link at the forum instead.


Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/16/2013 11:38:24 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Again, I have to say it's very sad and I hope you get back on your feet. We'll miss you around here! 🙂

11 years ago

Saint –

I wish you all the luck Brotha. You certainly deserve it. Your presence here is best described as helpful and compassionate towards the site, readers and topics and you deserve the same in return, in my mind. I hope we all see you back here soon and in normal fashion.

11 years ago

Wow that looked like a tough situation to be in. I wish you the best of luck!

11 years ago

I hope God provides my friend. Never give up the fight. I'd help you myself if I could. It's been the bomb hangin' with you and I hope you can check back in some day with good news.

11 years ago


I know you'll keep on rockin'. And I'll ask God to help you with your troubles and health concerns. We will certainly look forward in reading your future comments and news tips. Wishing you all the luck. God Bless. Rock On! and see you soon.

11 years ago

Good Luck with everything! Be sure to check back in with us when all is well!

11 years ago

My wishes of success for you, BikerSaint. We want you back, soon.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

My god man. Those are the strongest words I've ever read. I hope everything turns out well for you man. Just give all your games to gamestop. Everything.

11 years ago

Again, I hope for the best for ya Saint. FIGHTING!

11 years ago

I hate to hear things are that bad for you BikerSaint. If you're still able to access the internet, I just want to say that you will not be forgotten and I'll be praying for you.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Damn man. I hope that everything comes through for you. Stay positive, understand that the event is neutral and take whatever action you can to get through this, because everyone here knows you can do it!

11 years ago

Good luck on everything, hope you're back on your feet soon!You will be missed 🙁
This words comes to mind…

"Is this the world we created
we made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated
Right to the bone?
If there's a God in the sky looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that he created"
"Is This The World We Created?" By Queen

11 years ago

Peace be with you during these trying times. All the best Biker Saint.

11 years ago

Ben if their is a way we can start a fund for Biker Saint I would be happy to contribute. It wouldn't be that much but if others pitched in as well if may be able to help.

It would be nice to see how strong our community really is.

Last edited by BigT_1980 on 2/17/2013 1:43:51 PM

11 years ago

But… but… where will PSXE get it's unique news tips from!


Always a pleasure to have a many of your experience here at the site. I take pride in knowing someone from your demographic is a part of this community.

I hope to see you around real soon!

All the best, friend.

11 years ago

I concur with BigT. That surely isn't a nice situation to be in, and I'm sure everybody able will be willing to help Saint out.

I really don't think I'd be happy browsing this site, knowing Saint is in this situation. I'd be among the first to chip in.

11 years ago

Bloody 'ell – good luck Biker, hopin' that things turn around quick for you. You're a top bloke – never let this situation change your view of yourself, it's just the world being a mixed up mess.

11 years ago

Man I'm so sorry to hear this. I hate hearing news like this from a fellow man and gamer. this really sucks I having nothing I can offer except we'll wishes and prayer. Not sure if you believe in that sort of thing. But I hope you get through this

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Great to see all the positive sentiments for BikerSaint. It really is hard to imagine PSXE without him.

11 years ago

Damn, this is the 2nd time that you guys who posted to me have made me bawl like a little schoolgirl.
And I gotta say that I haven't done that since I was way back in the Prehistoric Age of Kindergarten.

Anyway, I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone for their best wishes. I'm just hoping for a miracle that will turn everything…and quickly.
Hey, I just spend the last three dollars I owned on 1 Powerball & 1 MegaMillions jackpot lotto tickets.
so who knows, as I sure as heck can't buy anything much else that can save my arse for only $3, at least I have a couple days more of hope left.

So I figure that in the daytime I can use the library's computers to do some of my internet, to help in continuing to try fining another job, & to also keep on reading at PSXE.

But since the library only limits their computers to a 1 hour time-limits, I won't be able to keep the news-tips coming in….or continue on my forum thread to find you guys & gals good deals on games.
Hmmm, maybe I can do an hour net time, then go read a good book & then hopefully be allowed to use the computer for another hour increment, & then keep on doing it like that all day till they close up. And at least I'll be doing something positive, and the added bonus will be that I'll also out of those cold nasty winter weather elements, lol.

And if all else fails & I am evicted, I certainly won't let my homelessness stop me from gaming either, cause I've just charged up my PSP tonight, and packed 100 games into 8-game multi cases, & I've got my trusty PSP car charger cable all ready to go.

BTW, Beamboom & Sir Shak,
I answered you both over in the forum.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/18/2013 1:39:38 AM

11 years ago

I dont care about touch screens, or social media either. In fact I dont think either belong in the elite games like Uncharted and the like. And although Golden Abyss utilized the Vitas capabilities well, obviously the best way to play the game is with the traditional controller setup. But I do believe online gaming is a very important part of gaming. I love it. Some of the best experiences this generation were online – Borderlands 1 and 2, RDR, DS3, RE5 and 6, CoD, MoH, and so on…

With all that said, I'm excited and more than ready for the next gen consoles, but im not certain I'm excited about all the little things that really dont need to be there, like Social Media stuff.

PGU: DS3 for the most part. I cant believe how lengtht the game is. Last night when my buddy and I continued our campaign, we were 51% through and just over 11 hours of play time. The first two I had completed before 12 hours so…

The game is awesome. Dont care what anyone says. Chances are if you're a DS fan you'll enjoy the game. Some reviews made good points but the bitterness of the inclusion of action elements was an obvious reason for low scores.

Im still dabbling with BL2, but Its so hard to get into the game without a level increase.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/17/2013 12:12:26 AM

11 years ago

I hear you Ben, lots of memories came back seeing that video also. I remember when I got my PSone and I woke up at 4am, got ready for school cause the bus came at 6am in Fort Drum, NY and popped in Resident Evil and I remember when I opened that huge mansion door and that zombies head popped out I was like Ahhh! "0" haha and then that long dinning table when it went to the cut scene I was like the the heck am I playing! "0" I Loved twisted Metal and play madden also. The most hours were on the Ps2 playing Time Splitters and Smugglers Run with my buddies in middle school. TS was a four slit screen and smugglers run we would race each other getting those brief cases with cash, I just remember it was tons of fun and was always a great time! Then GoW came out! Oh by the way I had a PSone from Germany just before we got stationed to NY and we had came to visit family in Tx and I brought my PSone along and I remember my buddies were like what is that and they hadden't heard or seen it and I remember it had came out months later, maybe even a year later. This was in 94-95' and the kids on base in NY that were overseas also had PSones but I had never saw one in the U.S. at the time. Sorry so long of a post but man does bring back a lot of good times, can't wait to see what the PS4 will look like and graphics wise, Ps2 case just looked unique to me and that color green and purple just looked cool!

11 years ago

I'm with you, Ben, with your PS4 reservations. While I like both touchscreen phones and social media, I don't actually care to have either be important parts of my gaming console. What's worse, I'm deathly afraid that Sony will start utilizing Nintendo-esque gimmicks to move units. Hopefully, this is just me being overly pessimistic, but when I hear stuff like building Move into the base controller or integrating the Vita in major ways, I just start to think that the PS4 won't be a system I'll enjoy.

PGU: FINALLY, I'm getting around to playing Heavy Rain and I can definitely see what all the fuss is about. While I generally consider myself the type of gamer who desires top notch gameplay first and foremost and considers everything else nice bonuses but not necessarily essential, I'm loving the hell out of this despite gameplay obviously not being a priority (however, f*** Six Axis). So far it's only drawback is that it can be a little too intense at times. After playing it for awhile, I find myself needing to take a break until I can recharge myself.

11 years ago

Ah.. the ps1. That grey machine that sat next to my n64. I was too young to appreciate it at the time but going back to replay classics has been great for me. The PS2 however changed my gaming life forever, and now the ps3 is a great console. I hope and expect the ps4 lives up to its pedigree.

PGU: Just platinumed Ni No Kuni! Damn was it time consuming but totally worth it due to how much I adore the game. Its my 5th plat, the other 4 I got because they were within reach after regular playing but NNK is the first I've platinumed because I just really like the game. I just borrowed tales of graces f from a friend, I've never played a tales but I'm sure I'll be fine.


Last edited by Wrote on 2/17/2013 12:55:47 AM

11 years ago

You're going to LOVE Tales f, don't forget to play the future arc after you "beat it" to actually beat it.

11 years ago

I'm excited to hear about PS4 but I'll be looking on somewhat wistfully as gaming isn't as personally exciting as it used to be back in the old days. Things have changed, and I still love it, but nothing will ever be like it was and Final Fantasy dying has really made me realize that.

I lost my kitty to kidney failure this week and have been very lonely and brokenhearted. It isn't the same playing a game in my recliner without her curled up on my lap.

Games keep falling into my lap for $15, so now I've got Prototype 2 and Darksiders II on top of Ninja Gaiden 3 and Warfighter. I have no time to play em either so my PS4 purchase could be put off for some time. I had to try a little Darksiders II and it's just amazing. I hope VIGIL survives the death of THQ to make more games.

11 years ago

Sorry for your loss. My cats hang of with me too when I'm gaming.

11 years ago

Sorry for your loss and I'm dreadful of the day when I'll lose my cats.

Anyways I think the Darksiders franchise is done. 2 didn't do well enough to justify the series continuing despite how good it was.

11 years ago

Awww. 🙁
I've grown up with dogs and currently own a cute Cocker Spaniel. She's three years old now so she'll be around for a lot more years, but I am already dreadful for when the time comes when her days are over.

If I were to give any advice, it would be to get a new cat as soon as possible.
It may sound insensitive now, but it is amazing how much salvation it is in getting a new pet. Your focus shifts, and life can go on again.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/18/2013 4:40:04 AM

11 years ago

Wow… I wonder what word in the comment above that triggered moderator approval!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/17/2013 12:17:23 PM

11 years ago

YAY! Someone else who liked DS2. I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was that the dungeon puzzles weren't really challenging and the story didn't further the story from the first game, which was something I was really looking forward too.

I hope they survive as well, I really want them to make a sequel and push the story forward to the end war 🙂

11 years ago

thanks guys

11 years ago

It's always sad to lose a pet. It's like losing a long time friend. I understand exactly how you feel, and I definitely sympathize with your loss.

My PS4 decision is yet to be determined. I know there will be games worth playing, but that doesn't mean it makes it a must buy immediately for me. Backlog might keep me happy just fine, as well.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

World: Sorry man. 🙁

Beamboom: LOL Believe it or not, the "www" part of "Awww" in your post, because it must've detected a link.

11 years ago

Ahh – *duh* – of course.

11 years ago

absolutely teary eyed!
just reminded me how much this generation has generally SUCKED!
ps1 and ps2 had so many revolutionary games on them, ps3 though i could count the number of revolutionary games on a single hand!

if anything the recent comments about it lean towards it being a ps3 title.
yea the timings a little coincidental, but maybe he did that on purpose?
if it was a ps4 title they wouldent be talking about it anytime soon, i just cant see it being ready so early in the systems life cycle.
if it was id be a godsend, because if theres one game that will help push the system off the shelf its this!

both rising and crysis have started getting reviews through, in the 9s which is good to see.
i just hope nvidia have SLI profiles raring to go, one thing i HATE about PC gaming!
every single time a game comes out its unplayable for months because theres no SLI profile!
dead space 3 perfect example, over a month old and theres still no SLI profile for it!

11 years ago

Hey Ben,
Would you please elaborate on how Sly Cooper is a little more fun on the Vita?
Haven't played it yet, but just want to understand the differences between the two platforms…

11 years ago

I love the way the hype has been building up for the PS4. The controller leaks and other reports have given Sony a lot of free press. Sony needs that because they don't do a good job advertising things. I sincerely hope Sony is prepared to spend more on advertising when next gen kicks off. We all know MS will spend an insane amount of money.

Yes, very fond memories of the PS1/PS2 era especially. This gen was good but there were definitely some points when it was hard to be a Sony fan here in NA. I truely hope Sony does better here next gen so things don't feel so Xbox centric again in NA.

11 years ago

I still hope the last guardian comes to the PS3, but it does seem like it might be a launch title for the PS4 or just a PS4 title in general.

I think the most disappointing part about the Aliens game was that the Pre-Alpha footage shown up before the release of the game looked better than the actual game. It was kind of what happened with WKC when we first saw that amazing trailer for it when it was revealed. At any rate it would seem that AVP2 for the PC that game that released like 12 years ago is still the best aliens game I have played : I don't get why they can't get it right.

Still playing NNK and have put in about 45 hours? I have laid off on the game because I want it to last a bit longer because I'm enjoying it so much. It just keeps on giving, its one of those games that surprises you with what it asks you to do, whether it is dungeons, the errands or or side missions everything just feels well thought out. I rarely feel like anything is redundant or repetitive.

Also I found a monster that gives you 9000xp for killing it…soooo leveling up my familiars just because a whole lot more exciting for me. FYI go to Billy goats bluff which is the path heading up to Perida. Look for the cats with wings, and usually they have these totoro looking dudes with them, anyway they try and run right away so smack em down fast, or confuse them or petrify them or whatever you have to do to kill them quick.

11 years ago

My playing around with a game engine continues!

In the PGU last week I cried my eyes out (well not really) over the need of a 3D designer to create the objects in my game world. I have started to consider if I just as well should look into a 3D modelling software myself, Blender, and learn the basics.

But this week I have been looking into creating landscapes. That is a different approach than creating objects, and from my perspective it's a lot more fun (suits my skills better).
On a basic level you can hand-code the landscape with pure code (as opposed to using a 3D tool), and it simply is *amazingly* fun to first write code to describe the landscape and then run the program and take a virtual stroll through the stuff you just wrote. So I haven't done more than that for the entire week. 😀

I feel completely like a kid with a new toy again. This is shaping to be one of my personal programming milestones. The before/after moment.

Also it's fantastic fun simply cause it gives such a tremendous new insight in how things actually works. All of a sudden you watch the games you play with different eyes, almost like in The Matrix when Neo starts to "see the code". 🙂

If you got some basic programming skills I really, really recommend you to play around with a game engine. It'll give you insight you just *thought* you had before.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/17/2013 1:12:11 PM

11 years ago

My friend and I are trying to get into programing too. He is working on making sprites for a 2d platforming game that will harken back to the days of the original mario games.

I haven't really learned much except from what he has shown me and explained, but still he is really doing well and I hope to start learning more about it soon.

It must be really satisfying to make something and then play in it 🙂 Kind of like when you make an animation in flash and it turns out amazing. Its hard work but so satisfying.

11 years ago

It really is fun to create stuff with our own hands instead of just enjoying others work – even when your own work isn't even 1/10th of what the big guys do. 🙂

But really, I can't stress enough that it really is not that hard to implement these engines in your work once you know the language you write in. I mean, to really squeeze everything out of the engines obviously takes a lot of hard work and experience, but to begin using them and produce stuff that works really is not that high a threshold.

And hey, if you guys ever get into 3D modelling I really am looking for someone to cooperate with. Just sayin'. 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/17/2013 2:03:42 PM

11 years ago

Beam, how do these 3D modelling engines work? Is it super easy to just make something look good, or do you need a high-end 3D modelling engine to do that?

I have no experiance making 3D objects/landscapes so I'm not your saviour lol, but I would like to have a go at it; I really enjoy making games in LBP in it's psuedo-3d style.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x