You know, I almost got ahead of myself. I nearly named this article, "Best Consoles Ever: Where DOES The PS3 Rank?" Like even if the PS4 gets announced on Wednesday, the PS3 is dead and gone.
Of course, we all know that isn't true. PlayStation consoles continue on for several years after the next hardware iteration is on store shelves, and they often get some of the best games during that time-frame, too. The PS2 got Final Fantasy XII right around the time the PS3 hit store shelves, and didn't get God of War II until the PS3 had been out for a few months.
So anyway, where do you think the PS3 will rank on the all-time list when all is said and done? Do you think you'll put it ahead of the other PlayStation consoles? Die-hard role-playing fans probably won't do that, but I suppose one could make an argument that the PS3 has been the best simply in terms of championing a new software format (Blu-Ray), the rise of the PlayStation Network, and yet again, a diverse, top-tier assortment of exclusive software. However, the PS2 was a beast in and of itself and the PlayStation was revolutionary in more ways than one.
Then there are the other systems to take into account. For me, I'd have trouble picking between the SNES, PS1 and PS2, but I do love the PS3, and I loved the Genesis and NES, too. Kinda hard to pick.
I don't know as I've only started gaming in 1998 and I only owned the PS1, PS2, PS3, Genesis and Xbox.
However, I wouldn't put PS3 ahead of the PS1 and PS2.
Those 2 will always be my favourites.
In terms of net software and features the PS3 is absolutely the best. That is, seeing that most PSX games and many of PS2's best games have been re-released in HD with added goodies, plus added to that the cutting edge PS3 productions by Naughty Dog and friends it's hard for me to imagine anything even remotely comparing.
As for speaking in terms of relativity, as in an era relative to another. I don't know. I still say PS3. The PS3 online component alone made fighters infinitely more enjoyable from home. Whereas PS2 online support was extremely limited. Also, personal favorites like the Ninja Gaiden games were brought over from xbox in upgraded form to PS3. That is worth a ton to me as well.
But yea, RPG-wise. More specifically, jrpgs, were a very nice offering in PSX's time. But that's not to say PS3 hasn't had it's share of RPG stunners. Elders Scrolls, Mass Effect, Fallout, and now Ni No Kuni, most of, probably all of which were or will be nominees for goty or goty titles. Not too shabby, eh?
EDIT: assume Bethseda's bugs didn't exist =p
Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/15/2013 11:58:47 PM
bugs notwithstanding, nothing has sucked me in and awed me like the atmospheric retrofuture of Fallout 3.
It tends to come down to the software, and while PS3 has been great and even transformational the fact that JRPGs of all the other generations played a marginal role is gonna hurt PS3 on my list big time.
On the flip side exclusives like Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, and inFamous have been amazing and the open world RPGs have been very striking experiences.
I think PS3 will have to be in the past before I can measure it against other forms of nostalgia properly.
I really enjoyed the PS2, the games were awesome, and some of the best franchises started there, as well as online gaming on consoles. But for the the PS3 technically is probably the best ever, the games have really hit me harder than any other generation and ive spent more time with this machine than any other.
That doesnt mean much though its just my opinion. Obviously theres been some.amaxing consoles. Theres a few that would easily be arguable.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/16/2013 12:11:29 AM
Ps1> ps3> ps2 I can't pick any game from the ps2 era that I'd put in my all time favorite games while on ps1 I can instant say I loved crash, spyro, final fantasy, metal gear solid, tekken, resident evil the list goes on. Plus there very few experiences on ps2 that the ps3 hasn't done better.
I think if i would have gotten FFvs13 this century, the ps3 would have been king. I also shouldnt blame Sony since its SE thats developing it. I think its tough because the ps3 is unbelievably epic. The promises of RPG's has whats shooken my love for it. My ps2 had tons of rpg's AND shooters. Shame it couldnt be that way this gen
For all I love the PS3 there has been a few backward steps this generation. Long install and load times. Nothing beats swapping between 11 floppy disks to play Indiana Jones and the hunt for Atlantis on the Amiga, but 30 minute hard drive installs for most games in 2013 is a bit much.
Day One patches. As someone who couldn't hook up my PS3 online it was annoying.
In game DLC. The moment I got asked by a dwarf in Dragons Age if I wanted to go on a quest I needed to connect to the EA servers and download it I died a little inside.
On the positive side, loved the graphics and sound on the PS3. The opening video of Killzone 2 still sends shivers down my spine. The narratives and storylines of the likes of Heavy Rain and Uncharted. Love the BluRay disks that are hard to scratch.
Atari 2600. The joy of first contact!
Spectrum 48k. Explosion of creativity.
Amiga. Adventure games and Elite. More intellectual pursuits.
Nintendo 64. Zelda, Pilot Wings, Wave Race and Goldeneye. The simple pleasure of split screen.
Playstation 2. Role Playing classics.
Playstation 3. Big, beefy and cinematic.
PSP and Vita. More intense and personal.
That's been my personal journey. Looking forward to the next generation now. Expect some stellar entertainment but an increased pricetag!
For the record, Elite started on, and was always best on the humble BBC Micro, the Amiga version came along much later and was infested with Tribbles. Oh, and the Specy sucked hard compared to the venerable Beeb – yes, an Acorn fanboy, in this century…. 😛
The PS2 had loads of great games, but in the end, the introduction of amazing IPs like:
Assassin's Creed
Dead Space
Mass Effect (Yes, I know we had to wait to play the first 2)
The sequels that carried over from previous generations:
Gran Turismo
God of War
(I know I'm leaving out a lot of games here, just having a tough time thinking of any more)
The evoloution of Rockstar Games into a storytelling juggernaut:
Grand Theft Auto IV
Red Dead Redemption
L.A. Noire
Max Payne 3
And the upcoming games yet to be released or even announced:
The Last of Us (A new IP!)
Beyond: Two Souls (New IP #2!)
Watch Dogs (HOLY F***, ANOTHER NEW IP!!!)
Grand Theft Auto V
Tomb Raider
Bioshock: Infinite
All of these games make (plus the 150+ other games I have played in between) the PS3 my personal #1, just for gaming fun and content.
Last edited by JROD0823 on 2/16/2013 1:35:53 AM
I agree that the earlier Sony systems had a better total list of games, but I still list PS3 as the best because I buy systems for a little different reason. I like lots of options with my gadgets. PS3 offers a lot more options like: compatibility with the PSP and Vita, digital content and the ease which I can share with all my other tech gear (PSP, Vita, PC, Kindle, 3DS, etc), the PSN, using it for total entertainment (Blu Ray, DVD, CD, Music Unlimited, Netflix, MLB, Amazon Prime, etc). It's a total entertainment system, in my opinion, unlike any other. The earlier systems have the edge in library of games, but the stable of games that PS3 has offered definitely satisfies.
Ranks as best for me, I've never bought as many games for any other console. Never.
I suppose that down thumb means somebody thinks you bought more games on some other system hehe
Same here. I have bought roughly 10x the games that I bought for the PS1 and PS2 combined.
In order. Ps1, Ps2, and Ps3.
It ranks as the first console for me.
The first I ever bought. 🙂
In all honesty, not that very high. Think about everything which has happened this gen. Many of the genre's I loved have died out this gen. There have been hardly any platformers that arent shooters. JRPG's have pretty much been dimished and aswell as the horror genre too. A lot of the game I bought the PS3 for went over to the 360 too. Online while good has eliminated co-op play. I have had many situations when friends are around and we dont have a current gen game to play co-op on.
But the biggest problem is the downslide of quality in the franchises I loved. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Tekken, Devil May Cry and of course -the reason I got into gaming in the first place- Final Fantasy.
It's not all doom and gloom, Metal Gear Solid 4 was excellent and R* have been on top form this gen. Naughty Dog's Uncharted perfected the 3rd person action game and it has offered other unique title like Heavy Rain and Catherine which are heavily story driven.
So it is not all bad, but I look at my PS3 collection compared to my PS2 or PS1 games and the collection just doesn't represent the genres I like. I have recently been playing Xenoblade on the Wii and along with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower I have to say they are the type of games I am more interested in and if Nintendo can start by delivering such titles again for the Wii-U when Sony doesn't I might well be swapping consoles next gen.
PS3, because the controller has Bluetooth. Muawahaha!
depends on how ou rate it.
games wise id go 3rd, after ps1 and ps2 of course.
whole package wise id put it as third as well actually, after the 360 and original xbox, simply because there OS is 100000 times better and so are the services and features.
The ps3 aint even in the top 5.
1. Atari 2600 (This is the granddaddy of all videogame consoles that started it all)
2. NES (This system only SAVED the game industry as we know it after the video game crash of the 80's)
3. PS1 (Had the best ads, the best rpgs, Crash Bandicoot, Soul Blade, Ridgeracer)
4.Ps2 (greatest selling system of all time)
5.SNES (Great rpgs, great Mario and zelda games, just a great system)
6. I dont even have time for the rest.
Top 10…
1 NES – over 3000 games…Light Zapper was the best accessory ever!
2 SNES – Best games ever! FF3, MK3, MarioKart…
3 N64 – Nintendo did it right with cartridge systems WTF happened to them??!
4 PSX – Best CD based system, Best CD based games Metal Gear Solid, FF7… some evil load times but nothing like the Sega KeepDreaming…
5 PS2 – All you gotta say is GTA! + FF10…
*6 PS3 – This is where i will probably rate it, but i may just combine the PS's together just because of the controller being perfect!
6 Sega Gen – Loved Sonic and the 3/6 buttons was way more control…
7 Sega MegaSys – I envied those that played this when i had a NES. Games were usually Japanese versions of US games and like the Neo later much much better quality graphics…
8 Wii – Stupid design and marketing but some fun was had with it…
9 NeoGeo – Graphics over drive, while others were at 8 and 16 bit this machine ruled with 32/64 bit, but also way-way over priced…
*The main reasons are because the PS2 biggest sellers just never came through on the PS3, No go Final Fantasy, and GTA IV was more like a back step than a new release.
I didn't even get one until I played Warhawk, that game was the best third person online shooter i've ever played, the server system was perfect, the games never lagged, and best of all, it wasn't CoD… it sux but history will remember the ps3 best for the domination of the CoD series… Other programmers should pick up on building a good engine and just improving it, instead of never going back to a good thing, milk a good game engine for as long as you can… (esp. SquareEnix needs to listen)
Last edited by Id00urmomma on 2/17/2013 4:28:39 PM