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Ben’s Week In Review: February 3

Looks like February might be even busier than I thought…

I'm just not ready for all this PS4 talk

I've been on the record saying that I'd be happy with the PS3 for another two or three years and that's not an exaggeration. I know this generation has already lasted longer than any of the previous generations of video game hardware, but I'm still not tired of the consoles I have. Well, that's not 100% accurate; I am getting pretty tired of the Xbox 360, just because it feels outdated and at this point, there are only one or two games coming out for it that I really want to play. But the PS3 has a whole lot of life left and I don't want the PS4 to launch later this year.

But it certainly seems possible. The hot rumor is that Sony will officially announce the new PlayStation on February 20 , and a whole lot of headlines have started to circulate. We've got rumored specs and details , this unpleasantness about focusing more on "social features," and through it all, I keep thinking such hype will unfortunately overshadow elite PS3 titles . Thing is, I'm not exactly giddy with excitement. Maybe when I see the total reveal and drink in all the details…maybe then I'll get a little more anticipatory. For the time being, however, I'm feeling sort of indifferent. I just want to play fun games, as boring as that may sound.

The GTAV delay doesn't bother me one bit

I'm a patient individual. I'm more than willing to wait for a developer to get a game just right. Therefore, I wasn't too upset to see that Grand Theft Auto V had been delayed until September . Granted, I would've rather seen it in July or August, just because the summer is usually dead, and I wouldn't feel as if I have to rush before the October craziness. But the bottom line is that I will have plenty to play until September and besides, it seems like a good month. We're just coming out of the typical summer doldrums and gamers will be anxiously anticipating the busy fall; GTAV would be the first mammoth title that says- "Yep, those tedious summer months are over and the masterpieces start right here!" And let's face it, no matter when it comes out, it's guaranteed to rake in a ton of cash .

The game's financial success seems obvious in my eyes but above all else, I want Rockstar to ensure the game's quality. We're talkin' about GTA, here; if this game isn't one of the very best of the generation – and indeed, one of the best of all time – I'll be disappointed. And I won't be the only one. So by all means, take all the time you need, guys.

Personal gaming update

As I was on "vacation" this week (in that I was in a nice place with my new favorite person but still had to work), I only toyed around with the Vita a little. Hot Shots Golf , Wipeout , Katamari , Michael Jackson , etc.; just having fun here and there. It really is a great unit and there are some top-notch games for it…they just launched a while ago and I'm not seeing that many on the horizon. Still, I will always say it's a fantastic portable gaming device because in truth, it is. And now that I'm back, I'll get back to stuff like DmC: Devil May Cry and Assassin's Creed III .

That's just for fun, though; work comes first: The Dead Space 3 and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time reviews are coming this week (between Tuesday and Wednesday, I hope), and more games are on the way this month. Crysis 3 and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ought to be quite intriguing, although I think I've had my action fix with DmC . And oh yes, the Super Bowl is this weekend, isn't it? I think it's about time my 49ers went back atop the football world. 😉

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11 years ago

It's a lot easier for the next Playstation to overshadow elite PS3 games when you don't cover the new God of War: Ascension live-action trailer or 30 minutes of new single player footage.

11 years ago

That live action trailer is awesome. its supposably playing durimg the super bowl so plenty of people will see it. Considering its 3 million average for a 30 second spot during the super bowl I dont blame Sony for holding out til now. Thats a lot of money. Anyways just wish there was more gameplay in it. Either way it sure does get me excited for that game!

11 years ago

I say bring on the new hardware. I must admit the PlayStation U reference made me cringe. I think it's a mistake for Sony to focus on enhanced social features early on. It needs to marketed to the early adopting hardcore gamers as a gaming platform first and foremost. The enhanced social features can still be there in addition but they should not be the primary focus. I don't get the strategy of trying to appeal to the Facebook crowd early on instead of hardcore gamers.

PGU: I just bought Borderlands2. I am downloading it now. My PSN friends have repeatedly told me it's one of this generations best titles and absolute co-op bliss so I finally gave in. I'd welcome some tips on what's the best class for beginners.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 2/2/2013 11:03:42 PM

11 years ago

Borderlands 2 is one of the best games this gen, and yea the co-op, well theres nothing before it that even comes close to implementing such a great multiplayerexperience.

For starters I dont know, the game is kind of tough at the beginning regardless assoon as you start progressing. But the Assassin (Zero) is only useful as a sniper towards the end; anything else hes pretty weak, and although you can level his melee its almost useless as its nevee as powerful as your guns and grenades.

The Siren is my favorite character and shes the most well rounded. Her harmony skill tree makes her a health freak, but shes really the most useful in groups because of her ability to heal, revive instantly, and regenerate health.

The Gunzerker is probably the best for in your face combat. Hes a tank and when you use his gunzerking ability he dual wields (any weapons) making damage
super high and he gains health as well. He also regenerates ammo.

The Commando is just great for just about anything and really his turret (eventually having two if you choose the skill tree that warrants it) is just like
having a second player. Super powerful and super helpful.

You should enjoy it very much.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

BL2 – my favorite game of this gen – slightly ahead of Batman Arkham City.

For easy getting your feet wet mode, try either Axton or Gaige (She's a DLC character, though – $10, IIRC – but well worth it, IMO).

My favorites to play are Maya and Gaige – which is odd because I thought for sure it would be Salvador and Zer0.

I'll say this – try ALL the classes up to level 10 so you can get some time with each of their action skills and find out which one really fine YOUR play style the best. It is a fantastic game!

11 years ago

How about that new class that came with a DLC? Any of you tried it?

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/3/2013 9:15:06 AM

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Hey Beam –

Yeah – that's Gaige that I was talking about above. She is awesome! Her action skill is to summon a floating robot that assists her in battle. It is great for taking the heat off of YOU and allowing you to progress a lititle easier than some of the other classes. Was definitely worth the DLC price FOR ME!

If you want to know more about how any of the characters play, there are literally thousands of YouTube videos available to watch and many of them are extremely well produced.

I switch between a Gaige (Mechromancer) build and a Maya (Siren) build as my main 2 characters.

I've also found the season pass ($30) for 4 campaign DLCs to also be worthwhile. They have released 3 of the 4 so far and I have already gotten my money's worth. YMMV.

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 2/3/2013 9:50:37 AM

11 years ago

Hmm – I gotta get me that Mechromancer. Traditionally I love pet classes in RPGs.

11 years ago

I want the ps4 asap. If only for the price to drop in a year or 2 when i actually get one. Maybe with a snazzy bundle?

I want gta5 a lot but I'll live until September. Not like theres going to be a lack of good games.

Pgu: NI NO KUNI! 70 hours in and its so amazing! Its either my #1 or #2 RPG this gen. Xenoblade Chronicles is really hard to top though. But I'm really really enjoying Ni No Kuni, I'm a big fan of Pokemon and dragon quest monsters, I can best describe it as dragon quest monsters+xenoblade+a dash of dq8s magic sauce for safe measure. My only main gripe is the partner ai, but I'm super overpowered so it stopped mattering. It may just be my goty, its a damn good way to kick of the year. Next on my list is South Park: Stick of Truth.

Its a good time to be an RPG fan!

11 years ago

I am playing through Xenoblade right now. It is easily the best JRPG I have played within a decade. It just excels on every aspect from characters, story, music, the setting, the battle system, everything – It's certainly put FFXIII in it's place. My copy of Ni No Kuni arrived yesterday, but I have yet to play it as I am still relishing every bit of Xenoblade first. I am about 50 hours in now, not sure how long it will take but I do not want to rush it. If the Wii-U gets another Xeno- title, I think I will have to give in and buy one – I love it that much.

I'm glad you say Ni No Kuni is just as good, I have been waiting for the game for over a year now and I just know it will be a joy to play 🙂

11 years ago

I loved Xenoblade but I got burnt out on that one. I find Ni No Kuni Much more enjoyable, but I am only 15 hours into the game so far so that might change.

Ni No Kunis charm is just so amazing I can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy when I play it. The music is some of the best in any JRPG ever, or game for that matter.

Right now I'm just trying to do all the side quests and stuff so I'm not too far.

11 years ago

Amidst the latest Nintendo direct a new xeno title was teased for wii u. Its currently dubbed just "X" for now, there's a short trailer with gameplay, it looks like xenoblade but with some online element and some sort of mech element, it shows the player character jumping into a much and fly around, it also looks a bit like shulk might be in it. But with Zelda and wind waker hd and a 3d Mario confirmed for e3 and this too, it'd certain I'm getting a wii u sooner then later.

I love Ni No Kuni's music, but I gotta give the edge to xenoblade, just because ive already heard all the songs, they seem to reuse some dungeon music later in. In xenoblade every area has new music and its all so epic. I really want an hd xenoblade, despite being on last gen hardware it was still so beautiful, and also it needs better sales, most ppl hear its on wii and immediately pass on it.

11 years ago

I'm optimistic and excited for this year's 'next-gen' stuff. I sense that because us gamers have gone so long without a new piece of hardware, anticipation will just be at a fever pitch all the way up to release. I hope for one thing during Sony's feb conference. REAL TIME DEMOS. I don't want to see the bullcrap mock-up stuff as we did for PS3. No CG trailers of Motorstorm and Killzone please. Better yet, I want Naughty Dog on stage showing us a playable demo of Uncharted 4. I want people to see it and just think HOLY CRAAAAAAaaaapp!!!!
I think it'll happen. We're long overdue. However, due to money constraints and lessons learned, I'll sideline the first year while I bask in all of the good games I've got now and are still coming. GoW: A will be awesome.

PGU: This week has mostly been about DMC games. I started playing DMC4, DMC3, and the NEW dmc concurently. I just let myself drift to the one I was attracted to most. Right now, DMC3 has received the most time. Also, while the NEW DmC seems high quality, the new vibe and presentation just is a turn off. Seedy-gritty-punk just isn't my thing and this is a new twist on the series I'm having a hard time being attracted to. When I play DMC3 and 4 I get that familiar sleek-goth-rockstar vibe that feels much more at home, and likable, by me, at least for this series. I hope it returns to this style going forward and judging by it's early sales, I hope Capcom gets the idea…
Other than that I've been oogling Crysis 2 on my PC. It's just soOOOOoo purty. I feel flipping spoiled.

11 years ago

DMC3se is the best, followed by DMC1. DMC4 is only better than DMC2, which doesn't say much, but the 4th is without a doubt the prettiest of the bunch, and one of the prettiest games this console generation if my memory serves me correctly. DMC2 for a time when you got nothing better to do. Stylish, but that's it.

My pgu: Still playing Darksiders 2. Much better than the prequel, and the prequel was a solid title. It's a smattering of Skyrim, Demon's/Dark Souls, Zelda, Prince of Persia, DMC3/4, GOW, NG, R&C. I'm genuinely sad that Vigil Games is no more, because they proved themselves to be AAA.

11 years ago

Temjin you would play them in Canonical order. DMC3, DMC1, DMC2 then DMC4. 🙂 Then play the reboot and you might understand even more why fans were a little .. ho hum about it 😛

I think DMC3 is the strongest in the series. Most technical combat, and old dantes no worry attitude is enjoyable to watch hahah.

11 years ago

I think I like DmC's combat the best, it's just too epic. Both styles are good but rock/goth has a soft spot for me too. They should make 2 franchises out of it.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/3/2013 3:00:15 PM

11 years ago

DMC2 is actually after DMC4 canonically. The developers actually wished it didn't exist and hence the reason why they poke fun of it on Viewtiful Joe ps2. That Dante isn't the real Dante :p

11 years ago

Wow master shams, long time no see 😉
I liked how DMC3 didn't waste any time throwing you into some intense action. I'm also really digging the style system, being able to choose between 4 style modes that is. I do like Dmc4 too but it seems to be paced pretty differently, and there seems to be more platforming in it.
Xenris, I've actually played DMC and DMC2 first already, many years ago, and yea I can TOTALLY see why fans are upset. Other than its combat one thing I think the series really had going for it was its style. I believe that's one of the reasons for the franchise's success in the first place. But hey, seeing that DmC shipped a disastrous, relatively speaking, DMC game last month to the tune of only a million and march sales projected for only 200,000 we're pretty much looking at return to proper form move by Capcom, unless they're stupid… And well yah you never know 😉

World, I'm okay with DmC's combat so far as well. I'm still pretty early in it though. I do seem to be fighting less with a good camera position in it. DMC3 drives me nuts at times and often theres NOTHING i can do about it. I know people whine about babysitting a follow cam, like Ng, but no other system I've encountered provides you as great control over your viewing angle( until you get in real tight places) That just means so much in the heat of battle. And having control over the cam feels effortless given enough experience. I suppose it comes down to what a person expects their game to do for them.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/4/2013 10:30:20 AM

11 years ago

Uber excited for the reveal. I wants it.

11 years ago

The Crysis 3 demo is rather good

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Bad looking though

11 years ago

i was ready for next gen system years ago, you just get bored playing with the same thing day in day out for years.
theres so many things we have become accustom to since they released, some things have been able to be added, others havent so you really start to miss that.
than you start seeing all the mods and everything for PC, and say dam i wish consoles supported that!
thats the thing that puzzles me with the ps3 though, IT DID!
UE3 released on ps3, you could use a keyboard and mouse with it, you could install and create your own mods for it, than no more games supported it.
one thing $ony REALLY needs to open the ps4 up for!
even just trainers which normally enable developer settings which are normally just cheats such as unlimited health, ammo, things like that just let you have a little more fun.

worst thing about delays, you will never know if it was worth it!
what changed?
what would the game of been like if it did hit in may like it was suppose to?
who knows, so were forced to sit here and accept it, and believe that the extended wait is worth it.
i hope so!

ive been looking around for a new pair of headphones the past week since my old pair went belly up.
it absolutely amazes me how many sh*t products these days get amazing reviews!
3 perfect examples, turtle beach, tritton, and astro.
3 of THE most overpriced, useless cheapest pieces of sh*t EVER made!
yet you go looking for reviews for them, and every one of their product, every review you read, wont be below a say 7/10.
when they really deserve no more than a 5!

the turtle beaches sound by far the best, but the build quality, well let me put it this way you know the plastics only the americans manage to find to build their cars out of?
yea, thats what the TBs are like!
i tried both their top of the line BO2 350 dollar headsets, and their cheaper 250 PX5s.
both had fairly decent mids and highs, but as usual when you have a decent mid and high stage, the low ends were seriously lacking.
add more to the disappointment they do not go very loud at all, causing the SS effects to sound very far away.
both suffered from allot of shielding issues. static through the speakers, and interference or cross talk because they use the overfilled frequency band that WIFI modems, microwaves, basically every electronic device uses!
decent sounding headphone, spoiled by lacking bass, shielding and interference, low volume, and poor comfort.
thing that bugged me the most, the cups are too small so your ears end up folding in on eachother after 20 minutes of use your ears really start to ache.
not to mention the cloth they use was really itchy, and so hot i felt like i was wearing a beanie designed to be worn in Antarctica!
in short build quality is typically american.

tritton are even worse!
i only tried the PX PRO series trittons top of the line series for multiplatform.
they do offer a better headset but that is only made for the 360.
the sound quality is so, SO, SOOOOOOOO crap!
by FAR the worst headphones ive ever had the misfortune to try!
especially made worse by the speakers which are not speakers but subwoofers strapped to your head!
thats all you get, bass, bass, and more bass!
since there wired you get no interference, but they still managed to suffer from the static you get from the TBs.
build quality is about the same as the TBs, and so is the comfort.

so after having 2 really sh*t headphones i jumped to the net, to reviews, and saw the astros have had glowing reviews from pretty much everyone!
well, as the saying goes you cant believe everything you read.
at least the astros are comfortable, but they do get quite hot after a while.
build quality surprisingly is actually decent.
plastics feel semi sturdy, and there is also some metal incorporated in the construction which is nice.
sound quality wise though, the ONE thing that the astros are suppose to be jesus christ for, oh dear…….
there the trittons, subwoofers strapped to your head and thats about it!
sound quality is pretty much the same as the tritton PX PRO, except there MUCH louder!
really disappointed, according to reviews THE best headphones on the market, and a good 150 dollars more than the trittons, i really did expect better!
O, and the wrst thing about its sound quality?
NO DTS support!
welcome to 2001 astro!
50 dollar headsets support DTS, so how the blazing hell can you charge people 350 dollars for a headset that does not offer what is the leading edge in sound encoding?
for consoles at least…….

another thing that really pisses me off about the A50s is the mix amp that is built into the headphone has a mind of its own!
on the right ear cup you have one side labeled voice, and one labeled game.
you connect them to the wireless receiver which is surprisingly painless.
start up a game and press on the top right of the cup to increase the game volume.
hmmm nothings happening.
ok lets try bottom right.
hmmm nothing.
ok top left, the one labeled VOICE, and the volume goes down.
ok bottom left, and yay FINALLY the game FX increase!
so not only is it counter intuitive that voice controls sound effects, but its also counter intuitive because top is always up and bottom is always down.
ooooh ok thats a bit too loud, so ok top left was lower FX a few seconds ago so that would do the same thing now.
god knows why but every time you use a specific section to do a specific task it changes.
one minute top left is to increase game volume, than the next minute its bottom left.
another really frustrating thing, sometimes when you press to lower or increase the volume several times it completely turns the headset off.
not loud enough, not loud enough, not loud enough, headphone off!
so one minute this increases the volume, increases the volume, turns the headset off?
never ever EVER have i had a device that is such a pain in the a$$ to review!
and this has been getting 80%+ in reviews?
a headset that is nigh on impossible to use, 350 bucks IE a complete rip off, has mediocre comfort, mediocre build quality, poor sound quality, so bass heavy, these are the qualities of a 80%+ headset!?
has the whole world gone mad!?
as each day goes by, im more and more convinced reviewers are paid off, and mighty handsomely to give this PoS 80%+!

in summary if you want a decent pair of headsets you have 2 choices.
1 the official playstation headsets sound surprisingly good, and are REALLY comfortable!
not the best sounding out there, but for just over 100 bucks you really cant go wrong!
2 if you want a headset that will blow your socks off sennheiser PC363D.
HALF the price of the astros, yes HALF, and my god they sound SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the TBs, astro, and trittons put together!
i really wanted to get the beyerdynamic MMX300s but there too expensive, 480 bucks and there not sold here so id have to import them so add another 100+ bucks on that price for shipping, and weeks for them to arrive.
shame, there suppose to be really good really wanted to try them out!

11 years ago


How about that new wireless 7.1 "Pulse" headphone(mostly metal) that Sony just put out for about $130US?
Have you checked them out yet?

FYI, I the other wireless Sony $100 5.1 stereo surround headphones for only $70, & I like them "but" they've got a plastic housing & it rubs somewhere that I haven't been able to pinpoint, which causes a irritating squeak whenever I move my head or jaw.

Now, I'm not sure if it's just my pair that makes a squeak, or if it's all of them due to all of the plastic & it's design.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/3/2013 3:49:23 PM

11 years ago

really want to try those, but typical $ony there US exclusive.
but judging by the older playstation headsets its safe to assume they will be pretty good.
only reason i dident keep them is i need something that will work on all 3 platforms.

11 years ago

I am glad I am not the only feeling still content with this gen. Especially with the flood of titles being released this month. I know there is certainly enough titles to keep my busy for all of 2013. I'm not going to did into pages of speculation. I'll just wait and see what they present with this reveal.

As for GTA V, I really do not mind the delay, there is already so much going on this year it will be nice to have a few titles appearing later on. If they need more time to work on it, that is fine by me. I just hope it was more to offer than GTA IV I don't want to get past the first island and find there is nothing new to do.

11 years ago

PGU: 3D gaming!

Yup, finally I got me a screen and card who supports 3D (Nvidia 3D Vision) so I can check out what this is all about, and I gotta say: I like it!

Trine 2 is *GORGEOUS* in 3D. Simply gorgeous. Must be seen. The added depth adds air around the characters, and the beautiful fantasy world of Trine just looks so much fantastic when it's not "flattened out" on a 2D display. The sparkles from the magicians wand, the objects, the visual effects… Gorgeous.

I've also played The Witcher 1 and 2 in 3D and again: I love the added depth! Especially when walking along corridors or looking down a winding stairway, the 3D effect really adds to the experience.

But it depends on the engine, I think. Cause I also tried playing Crysis Warhead in 3D, and that was not as good. Each individual object looks flat, they were just placed relatively to each other on the Z axis.

So yeah, I find myself belonging to the minority that think the 3D stuff is being more than just a hype. I think it is pretty cool!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/3/2013 9:27:59 AM

11 years ago

I bought Warfighter LE new for $15.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/3/2013 10:10:25 AM

11 years ago

Oh yeah and I played the Revengeance demo, kinda neat in some ways but it wasn't really for me, it will be interesting to see the reviews anyway.

11 years ago

I will probably hold off on the PS4 for at least a year. I have plenty of backlog on the PC and PS3 to attend to so I'm in no rush.

Wasn't really planning on getting GTA5 so the delay doesn't really affect me 🙂

PGU: Ni No Kuni I'm playing it at a steady pace yet I'm only about 15 hours into it because of real life things coming up. I think the score Ben gave it was fine, but I think the points he had against it are incorrect after sinking enough time into it. Particularly the whole getting into too many fights and not being able to run away or avoid the enemy chasing you down. There is only a small amount of truth to that. First on the world map on a few creatures can catch up to you otherwise you can just run away and avoid everything. Second he might not have done this but you can do side quests and upgrade your run speed and ability to sneak up on or past enemies. Third of all, once you get to a high level enemies run away from you, so backtracking becomes really easy.

Also the whole thing about the writing is way off base as well. It is not amateurish, I mean not "factually" amateurish like he says. He can have an opinion that he didn't like the dialogue and the writing but there is not fact to it being bad.

Combat can get a little chaotic and that is something I can agree with him on. I wish they mapped defend and evade to a single button so I didn't have to switch awkwardly when a boss was charging up a fast charge super attack.

I would say it is a 9/10. For a JRPG it is near perfection, as there are only a few things I can see that I would do differently mainly the combat controls. Otherwise it is just fantastic.

Otherwise I am still playing Dota 2, and I finally started figuring out the ins and outs of that game. It really feels like I now know how to play and know why I lose. Instead of just thinking Im losing for no good reason. Trying to finish torchlight 2 but my coop partner has been sick for a week so that is on hold for now 🙁

11 years ago

yeah dude, let the price drop and the bugs get ironed out, there's plenty of games to play.

11 years ago

When you guys do Torchlight in coop, are you communicating by text or voice?

11 years ago

Voice. We both have skype and it makes the game a heck of a lot better.

11 years ago

Well, for you native english speaking people I bet it does. For the rest of us: Not so much. :/

I miss the days of text chat, when people across the entire world could play together regardless of vocal language abilities. 🙁

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/3/2013 4:05:56 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I wasn't "wrong." I'm also hardly the only critic to say that the constant fighting is a detriment.

But as you've yet to admit you were wrong a day in your life (evidently), I won't take issue.

11 years ago

Ben, if I'm not mistaken you have never said you were wrong once in these comment sections. When the evidence stacks up against you, you just say something like "I don't care, or I'm done with this."

Also I said that this was my opinion, and my opinion is you were wrong with certain things in your review that you called "facts" If your going to call something fact back it up with proof. The only places you can't avoid fights "easily" in this game are the dungeons which is a design choice because if you did you would get owned by the boss. Even still I had no problem waiting and sneaking passed patrolling monsters. There are only a couple of monsters that you can not avoid as they are blocking the path.

There is no more constant fighting in this game than JRPGs of old. JRPGs usually have a lot of fighting, whether its forced upon you or you get to a wall and have to grind to beat a boss. Not to mention you couldn't avoid random fighting back then. In this you can remedy both with in game perks(did you get far enough to learn this?) There is more random fighting in Lost Odyssey than in this game.

IGNs review says nothing about constant fighting, neither does gametrailers and gamespots review briefly skims over the combat mechanics being frustrating with difficulty spikes which BTW I agree with to an extent.

Not one of these three reviews say anything about getting into to many fights.

So while you might not be the only critic to say the constant fighting is a detriment, the three biggest publication sites don't mention it what so ever.

Last edited by xenris on 2/4/2013 9:53:07 AM

11 years ago

Personally, i'm hyped for the ps4. I fo believe the ps3 has a lot of life left in it though. I feel like both systems can coexist for awhile but the ps4 might indeed overshadow the ps3. I'm hoping it wouldn't
I had mixed feelings about the gta 5 delay. I want it as of yesterday but on the other hand there's now an exact release date
PGU: I downloaded Vice City and i don't want to sound blasphemous but i think it's age is showing Even more than San Andreas which had a horrid storyline and incredibly bad dialogue but everything else was superb. I played it a couple of weeks ago and was kind of hooked!
I tried to finish bo2's campaign but couldn't go back to it. I usually enjoy the cod campaign mode and play it first before attempting multiplayer but idk what happened (old age?)
Lastly, i went back playing Max Payne 3. My opinion has changed from this is a really good game to i think it's one of this gens best. Graphics, storyline, pacing, sound, dialogue etc. I believe it's up there

11 years ago

I'm the most unexcited about a GTA game since GTA 2… I can't even dig down for a tiny bit of excitement. I was really hoping they'd go in a different direction.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x