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Does The PS4 Sound Like the PlayStation U?

So everyone thinks Sony will announce the new PlayStation on February 20. And the latest news is that the PS4 might be more about "social features" and the "user experience" rather than futuristic specs.

Does this sound like Sony might be rushing things just to stay one step ahead of Microsoft? I mean, adding such features as described above, although vague, sort of implies that the machine won't be cutting-edge but will instead feel like the PlayStation U. Yeah, sorry, Nintendo fans.

I mean, if you're just adding some social-based features (and the "user experience" just sounds like more social nonsense to me), then are we really talking about a super-duper piece of technology, or just a PlayStation 3 with some extra functionality that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with upgraded hardware? Which isn't to say the PS4 won't boast amped-up hardware; I'm sure it will, but the rumors are sounding more like Sony is shifting their focus a bit. And I've been worried about that for years, in truth.

They've said numerous times that they can't afford to be beat to market again by Microsoft, so what if they're not ready from a technical standpoint? How desperate are they to launch first? Would they take this "social" route and only provide us with a modest technical boost? Also, don't forget that after launching the PS3 with a $600 price point, Sony might be really leery about putting another high-priced machine on store shelves. All of this is pointing to what I might see as a highly disappointing console.

I just hope I'm wrong.

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11 years ago

For non fanboy gamers we prefer better hardware and things like that because that gives higher potential for them to be bigger, better, etc.

If you're talking about PlayStation 4 beating 720, every rumor says PS4 will be better than 720 in everything and Sony already has the 3rd party support on lock and the best and more first party games ever, so there are no worries there.

The only worries can come if 720 is significantly better than PS4 and/or MS somehow gets big 3rd party exclusives or amazing 1st party games and a good amount of them, but MS, no fanboy speaking, is extreme crap, so I wouldn't be worried and don't expect MS to do that.

11 years ago

if the rumored spec is of 7970 caliber, 4GB of fast memory, coupled with some added processing components to the core processing archecture is true we're looking at a jump that might seem about xbox to xbox 360 in tech…. and Halo 2 sure is heck looks miles away from Halo 4.. That's speaking from a mostly graphical processing standpoint alone. Whether people are satisfied with that or not will be up to them. Other than that, plans to expand online connectivity and integration and services to bring together the community is welcomed by me.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/1/2013 11:32:27 PM

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

Lets be clear, Ben.

Even if the PS4 only marginally increased its specs over the PS3, it would not be the same as wii to wii-u. Why, well simple; the PS3 as it stands today is already ahead of the competition. You might think the Xbox will use this to there advantage, i doubt it. Anyone remember the Red Ring Of Death. Microsoft is cheap, they too will only be marginally better then their last. The difference is Sony's current machine is better, and therefore if this hypothetical situation happens the PS4 will edge out the competition, albeit; by the smallest margin ever seen by the company.

11 years ago

Ben isn't worried about PS4 beating Microsoft or Nintendo. He is genuinely worried that PS4 might be an "iConsole" that caters to the casual masses instead of a true Gaming Console.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

Whether liked or not, this generations consoles are going to have to cater to some casual gamer's. This market is to big to ignore. Recently it was announced that Gamestop will be closing 500 stores nationwide because of a 2.2% decrease in overall sales for the year. This decline can be seen throughout the hardcore gaming space, with only a few that are exempt like COD.

Sony will not abandon the hardcore gamer, how do i know? Sony is smart enough to get with the times and incorporate these changes to increase there revenue. Will that mean less games for the hardcore, maybe. But if they didn't incorporate these changes there might not be a Sony at all and that would usher in the era of the casual gamer. I am sure sony can balance the two and still provide the same level of quality gaming we expect.

Last edited by The Real Deal on 2/3/2013 12:57:16 AM

11 years ago

They're focusing on these new aspects because they've already got great next gen tech under the hood. Let's think optimistically.

Either way, I can't wait for feb 20!

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure they just aim to bring this social junk further into the fold as it is all the rage and PS3 lacked some of it. It will still be the best tech out there, just not as risky an investment. Still I think it will be bad if we can't at least get to 1080p with 60fps for most games.

11 years ago

The Feb 20th announcement is to formally announce….. CROSSGAMEVOICECHAT-station 4

11 years ago

oh, and the 60fps thing is always possible on every game, even now. But aside from CoD and a handful of others, most devs would rather the extra processing go towards graphical effects and details. So basically this means if you really REALLY want 60fps on most third party games, shell out the cash for a, or two, real fast PC graphics cards. And those extra 30fps wont come cheap muchacho.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/2/2013 12:37:05 AM

11 years ago

Every time I see someone still hung up with the lack of CGC on the PS3 makes me want to punch them in the stomach with a first gen 360. Temjin assume the position.

PC gaming is not only about higher fps. It's also about the higher resolution, textures, FX, all that good stuff.

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 2/2/2013 1:25:06 AM

11 years ago

I think this is indicative that the gaming industry as a whole is not really ready for a new generation. Sure, the prerequisite number of years has passed for people to expect a new console from the major players, but at this point the price to make a significant jump in graphics and processing capabilities isn't worth it.

I know it's been said before on this very site, but the PS3 does not seem tapped out to me. I would be happy keeping it another 5 years if it meant the PS4 was going to be a worthy successor.

Instead it seems we are going to see people adopting Nintendo's casual but successful model of cost effective hardware focusing on casual and social gaming. A sad day indeed.

11 years ago

I agree with this. We are only just now not having to put up with so many years of multiplatforms holding back the entire development of this generation. Even just in terms of the amount of space being used on a bluray disc or correctly streaming textures. A shame most of this generation was wasted for the PS3 from a development perspective, the exclusives should have driven development on the system of what was possible, not just be incredibly better until very, very recently…

11 years ago

I agree with yas Dukta. If it is a PS4 U, I will not buy it. Plain and simple. But think about this. If the new PS4 is the new PS4 U, then by specs alone, so will the new XBOX be an XBOX U.

End of Line.

11 years ago

I can actually see some marketing guy loving the name PS4 U. "It sounds like PS 'for you'. Get it!?"

11 years ago

the idea is interesting and they both seem to be using the same base technology… things seem to be pointing to Microsoft using the 8000 series from AMD and I have no idea how that spec will pan out in real world performance with the edram buffer taking some of the load off of it. The reality seems that both system will be in the percentiles from each other and multiplatforming should be smooth with the differential being the services and not the hardware.

11 years ago

I think you all are reading way, waaaaay too much into these rumours.

Sony need to show something NEW with the new machine! They even need to *focus* on that new stuff in order to get the good talk going!

If all they did was to beef up the specs the mainstream would go, "Uh – that's it? Nothing new?" cause they don't understand what those beefed up specs means in practise.
And the "fanboys" and "haters" would all get their panties in a knot flaming each other over some theoretical micro details that they don't *really* understand the consequences of either, they just think they do.

So if Sony now had introduced their next console by standing there and deliver a wall of text about microflops and macroblips and silicon controlled rectifiers they would have made a complete fool of themselves and left a lasting impression on nobody.

They have to think like marketeers. They need to bring something NEW to the table that everyone understands, something the mainstream can point at and go, "oooh, now that's something I know my current machine can't do!".

So just calm down, wait and see!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/2/2013 3:31:23 AM

11 years ago

Totally agree Beam. So much hysteria, over rumours. People should get a grip.

11 years ago

Wow! Ben got down about the PS4 more than I did. I'm still optimistic, but I do think if they turned it into basic PC hardware, there might not be anything special about it.

11 years ago

This idea that hardware plays such an important role with being "special" is really quite silly. It's the software that makes a machine special, not the hardware.

Everything you associate with the Playstation; the console design, the controllers, the user interface, PSN, the store, the branding, all that stuff would be the exact same no matter what names were found on chipsets inside the casing.

A more common architecture only means that more developers has the required expertise to create well running games for it, and Sony can sooner start earning money on their hardware. And as far as I am concerned that is both a Good Thing.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/2/2013 7:29:11 AM

11 years ago

eh, $ony have been copying ninty ever since the ps3 released so why change now?
move, social networking, playstation smash brothers, oh i mean playstation all stars battle royal, so many crappy kids games they have put out you could swear this was the frigging wii!
so, eh, this is just continued par for the course.

11 years ago

So many crappy kids games? Where are they released at, Australia? I've been hard pressed to find any kids games for my daughter. The vast majority of games on Sony's console are rated teen to mature. Sony for the most part seems to have forgotten about our kids liking video games too.

11 years ago

all stars, playstation moves, medievil moves dedmunds quest, sports champions 1 and 2, sorcery, wonderbook, LBP 1, LBP 2, LBP PSP, LBP vita, LBP karting MNR, start the party, racket sports, eyepet, ape escape, singstar, kungfu rider, the fight, are not enough?

11 years ago

If that's all you can name out of thousands of games, then hell no it's not enough.

11 years ago

Not worried. In the end it will be an upgrade over the ps3, certainly superior than the WiiU, and potentially better than Durango.

11 years ago

Well summarized.

11 years ago

Meh, if we are going to follow the recent rumors for the PS4 spec wise its going to be pretty decent. Definitely more powerful than the WiiU and probably better than the Xbox 720.

I mean it isn't a crazy leap, it still isn't going to do what a gaming PC can do with 4 video cards in it 😉 but considering it will have an operating system that isn't even close to as bloated as windows the machine will produce really good looking games for a 400-600 dollar price tag.

Even if they have all the social features and connectivity if the rumors are to be believed it will be well I don't want to say beastly because that isn't exactly true but it will be much much more powerful than the PS3, and most games will look close to high end PC games minus a couple bells and whistle. Which of course will only get better as the devs get better at working with the hardware over time.

Last edited by xenris on 2/2/2013 10:24:57 AM

11 years ago

You'll be surprise at how bloated the console OS will be when they add in Xbox Live like features… part of the ram will be taken away from developers as well as part of the CPU… one of the benefits of the PS3 is that developers didn't have the same overhead on the PS3 as they did on the Xbox 360 with Xbox Live taking RAM and cycles on the CPU away. That's the main reason so many exclusives look so much better.

11 years ago

If the rumored specs are accurate, then the PS4 will be an order of magnitude more powerful than the PS3, whereas I've yet to see any real evidence that the Wii U can even beat the PS3.

The Wii U is an order of magnitude more powerful than the original Wii, however that is because Nintendo is basically a generation behind in terms of hardware performance.

I am plenty excited about the PS4. I mean consider a game like Uncharted and then realize they did that with only 512 MB of RAM and a processor that is 6 years old and very difficult to develop with. I'm looking forward to console games with Crysis (PC version) level graphics.

11 years ago

I suppose that's one way to look at it… though it really depends on the exact chipset the GPU is based on as well as what speed it runs at and the total amount of RAM. It looks like Microsoft rumors may force them to bump that 4 gigs of ram to 8… expect some aspects to make a huge leap… like Lighting and real AA that PS3 only users seem to get screwed on as well as a sizable bump in physics and some tessellation (maybe)

11 years ago

I have a feeling this console war will be fought with Services and not hardware… both systems seem to be moving pretty much in lock step of each other though MS seems to have kept more of the architectural design of the 360 (edram, AMD GPU, unified memory, APU). I'm hoping to see lots of flame wars going on about who's services are better in the next 2-8 years

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