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Ben’s Week In Review: January 27

It has been a very interesting week, what with the release of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and my reaction to it. 😉

I think Platinum Games has the right idea

We've talked a lot about how the Japanese gaming industry has sort of gone off the rails this generation, in that it can't seem to find a central focus. Japanese designers have desperately wanted to appeal to Western gamers and as such, they've tried to adopt Western styles and traits. However, in many cases (as we all know), this hasn't worked and many veteran gamers know why: In attempting to cater to a wider demographic, the Japanese productions started to lose that which made them appealing in the first place. But good news, I think- First, the Tales producer says he sees his peers returning to their roots , which is precisely what fans have wanted.

Plus, as a good example of that, developer Platinum Games has clued us in to their general philosophy . In this case, it's just to prove that Japanese games can still be great, and they can be great simply by being Japanese . Platinum has indeed embraced a few Western concepts in the past; the fast-paced third-person shooter Vanquish comes readily to mind. But they never abandoned that distinct Japanese flair, did they? And while Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will also be a super fast-paced action game that could appeal to Westerners, it is still distinctly Eastern, wouldn't you say? So it's teams like Platinum that impress me.

I'm on the fence about Sony being fined for the PSN security breach

I'm really not sure what to think. When the PlayStation Network was hacked, I was not blaming Sony for being unprepared, although I had heard various experts and industry insiders claim Sony hadn't done enough in terms of security. I did, however, have a problem with Sony taking too long to reveal the full truth to gamers, and I distinctly remember calling Sony out for that . However, when I learned that the ICO had had fined Sony £250,000 , I wasn't sure what to think. The bottom line is that Sony did mess up to some extent, but perhaps not in the way the ICO is saying. I take Highlander's quote from the Comments section, which I find apt-

"Saying that Sony should've known is rather like saying that Japan should've known that there would be a 9.3 Magnitude earthquake and the largest Tsunami in modern history, and then fining them for being in the way of it."

And that's my problem with it. At the same time, maybe such a fine will send a message of sorts. Even if it's basically impossible for Sony to effectively prepare and plan for every conceivable attack on their systems, the fine might just push them to do even more than they're currently doing. I have no idea, really. Maybe the amount of the fine isn't enough to do that, but it still made headlines and that might once again remind Sony to be endlessly vigilant. Or as vigilant as they can be.

Personal gaming update

I have yet to start Halo 4 but I'm gonna. I'm technically on vacation this coming week, which only means that I'll be doing pretty much the same amount of work in a different location. 😉 So I really won't be playing any games on my PS3 (didn't bring it with me), but I do have my Vita and it might finally prove useful. I do love playing Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational on it, and Wipeout 2048 is still awesome. I have a few other Vita titles that are quite entertaining, such as Touch My Katamari and Michael Jackson: The Experience . I almost brought my SNES so me and my lady friend can throw down with some old-school Super Mario Kart or Street Fighter II , but I decided against it at the last second. We've got plenty of other things to do, anyway. 😉

Expect Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and Dead Space 3 reviews very soon after I come back (both games launch on February 5). I've been playing one and I should have the other when I return, and I'll get on that immediately. I would also like to add that I knew there'd be some controversy about my Ni no Kuni review but I stand by every review I write, and by the way, 8.5 is hardly a bad score. If I'm giving something an 8.5, that's pretty much a recommended buy for any fans of the genre in question. Oh, and don't forget to try The Cave , especially if you have a willing friend or two. It's great puzzle/adventure fun. 🙂

P.S. I'd like to welcome Highlander back to the PSXE fold. He's one of the biggest and most important contributors in the site's history, and I'm glad he has opted to return.

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11 years ago

I admire Platinum as well. I'm left scratching my head after having tried the MGR: Revengeance demo. I wanted to be totally into it but the game play didn't quite sell me just yet. Maybe that'll change on release.
The Sony PSN breach seems so yesterday this ICO crap just seems lame.
Ni No Kuni looks like a real triumph. I suspect anyone who likes or loves anime and also likes jrpg classics will probably have their ambrosia. Perhaps several of those who gave it the 9+ scores may have been just that person. I noticed Ben came under a lot of fire for his review. I can't say I'm as convinced by his perspective as some other reviews I've read, but I'll be sure to admit Ben was right if I agree with him when the time comes for me to experience it.
Personally, I'm really charmed by it's flair. Given the time I'm all over it. But time is short these days.

PGU: I thwarted Bowser in New SMB Wii. It was a nicely revitalized offering of a classic formula. Good stuff. Other than that I've started DMC4 and I'm liking it. I've let go of my stubborn love for NG (I still love NG, but i sort of avoided DMC over the years because I felt it was second rate stuff to the masterpieces that are NG and NG2) and allowed myself to romanticize these DMC games again. We'll see how long it lasts… Itagaki's timeless words about how DMC can feel like chopping vegetables (meat bags who stand there to be chopped… stylishly 😉 keeps running though my head. Anyway, DMC4 actually still looks pretty nice… well nice on my PC. It makes everything look real nice.
Other than that, I've got a PS Vita opportunity for my birthday in Feb. I'm not certain if I should pull the trigger now or wait until my following birthday… we'll see. I want one and the wife approves 😉 But it'll be like $350 once it's all done. What with having to pay tax and get a game or two with it.

11 years ago

I've never had that run through my head. I think all games do that. I've stood around on NG as well with the enemies just surrounding me and not attacking me. I guess I am biased with his views because I feel like he is full of himself. As for ni no kuni, I am enjoying the ds version. It is fun and I don't have cash for the ps3 one lol.

11 years ago

I really like DMC4 as well. Ive yet to finish it, but I had fun with it. I may start it back up!

11 years ago

I daresay proper appreciation for Ni No Kuni depends greatly on appreciation for anime in much the same way as Gran Turismo needs an appreciation of cars and Graphic novel/comic movie adaptations need an appreciation of their source material. Without a modicum of experience in each realm it is far too easy to disallow things that must be allowed, identify nuance, and just plain "get" it.

11 years ago

@World – I can definitely agree with that. Those, like myself, who don't care for Studio Ghibly's style will have an extra barrier to enjoying the game, while those who like that style will be even more likely to become fans.

11 years ago

It goes a bit deeper than the visual style, though that's important for some people, you kind of have to have encountered similar styles of narrative to appreciate what's going on. It's understandable though, when I first started watching anime there were many eye-rolling moments before I grasped what was actually important about the story and why it was being told that way.

11 years ago

I think it is crap that Sony got fined any amount for whatever reason it may be. Microsoft has gotten hacked and people have gotten actual money removed from their account unlike the psn hack, whatever I guess to ICO.

11 years ago

I agree, not a fan of them getting fined either. It didn't hurt me any way. I just canceled my CCD and they issued me a new one. I still have 100% faith in Sony.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Nice avatar.

11 years ago

Im not really ok with the Sony – ICO ordeal. I just dont think its fair to single one company out when cyber attacks happen all the time. Thats my two cents. Ive just all been on Sony' side through this because they were as much the victim as all of us. And based on the outcome, Sony is taking more than they should.

On another note, im really surprised – although I shouldnt be at this point – that MS is still promoting third party games as exclusives. Tomb Raider in particular most recently. I was watching the fights tonight and the winner of a match promoted (by the way of thanking them as sponsors) the 360 and Tomb Raider together. But why thank a game, and not the developers? It was MS' strategy and MS is just ridiculous. But obviously their marketing is strong, much stronger than we all know who.

PGU: Well I'm still playing Borderlands 2. Really just doing raids against bosses because of the slow release of a level cap. I dont want to proceed because I dont want to waste all that xp I earn from unfinished missions. I havnt even purchased the "Big Game Hunt" dlc. Its interesting that the developers use the SHiFT program to gauge what users are doing. It helps them to determine all sorts of things, notably how many players have level 50 characters. Apparently only 16% of users DO (unverified, just read somewhere), when the forums and gearbox facebook page is just full of users anxiously waiting for a level increase. Now I dont think itll affect them much, but Im starting to see a lot of fans growing impatient. Gearbox is worried about releasing it to soon, even too late, but personally we were past too soon even before I hit level 50. I mean theres 3 dlc' packs released and you can hit level 50 well before you finish your second playthrough minus playing any of the dlc. But I still gotta play it so we do soke raid boss battles a couple times a week. Curious what other people round these parts think?

Waiting for Dead Space 3, cant wait. I really need to finish AC3 and start Dishonored as well. Looks like they will wait until after The Last of Us, with Bioshock coming out as well.
Btw I am very interested in playing Ni No Kuni, and typically im not into jrpg' but I trust many of the people around here and theres been a lot of positive sounds about it.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/27/2013 12:20:27 AM

11 years ago

If my memory serves me right with the analogy. In both situations the higher ups with held information longer than they should have. Which is the only thing they should be criticized for and learn from it, but I also don't really know about the fine. It depends on how you go at it and who is fining them. Last note, it can be debatable whether they were lazy prepared for such scenarios yet we all make mistakes. Depends on what they do from here on out.

11 years ago

Whatever happen with the Resident evil 6 contest ?

11 years ago

I'll have to give the Revengeance demo a shot if I ever have time. Ni No Kuni has me wrapped up en't it mun?

Platinum fans are getting Bayonnaise on PSN, but there's no word on if the port issues will be dealt with, I suspect not.

It seems sort of LATE to fine Sony in my estimation, that should all be water near a bridge by now.

11 years ago

When you have to take down your service for a MONTH after a hacker attack, you were not prepared. Simple as that.
The hack were not *that* much more severe or sophisticated compared to other hacks that happens out there.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

But no one can be prepared for such an attack of that magnitude.

11 years ago

The service was taken down for precaution. From my understanding they completely overhauled the security. Because yes it was attacked. But why just start it back up and let it happen again? They did the right thing keeping it down for a month, simple as that! 😉

Nobody can simply be prepared for something like that. Its just not possible. It happens.

11 years ago

I agree with bigrailer19 here. They did indeed shut it down for precaution.

And it makes sense that they overhauled the security, why would you keep the security that is compromised and put it back online? You have to be a fool to put it back up.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 1/27/2013 12:04:29 PM

11 years ago

ive never really liked PG games, bayonetta was your typical suda 51 game, IE gratuitous just for the sake of it.
gets kinda annoying, makes you feel like your babysitting a 8 year old the entire game!
vanquish was quite a well made game, but clumsy controls and pathetically difficult boss battles, and unforgiving as well just really ruined things.
unreliable controls you can get over, but when your forced to redo the last 30 minutes of gameplay because the games controls did not do what you told them to, thats where it gets frustrating!
rising actually looks really good though, i was REALLY shocked!
i just wish it was a bit more open, f*cking infuriates me when games try to get you to go stealth but then force you to walk past your enemies.
fine, you dont want me to be seen so how about you give me a way to make sure that does not happen?
its kinda hard to walk straight past someone, smack them in the face, sing them happy birthday, without them seeing you!
wish more games would be like crysis, where you can go AROUND enemies instead of having to walk straight past them!
other than that its looking really good!
has a relatively deep combat system, nice to have 2 buttons to work with, yes im looking at you DMC!
really fast paced too, again looking at you DMC!
ah hell, crapcom please if your going to outsource DMC again, at least get PG to do it!
they know what their doing when it comes to a super fast paced action game!

$ony deserved to be fined!
millions of people had their personal details stolen, they need to be held responsible and punished for that.
just because its something thats so hard to control, something you have no proof happened, and something that really was impossible to proof yourself against, does not mean their blameless.
they had so many security pros knocking on the door saying hey look were concerned your not taking your job seriously enough.
and $ony just sat there yea thats nice, whatever and threw the letters in the bin.
it was their complacent attitude that got themselves in the situation in the first place, so they deserve to be punished for not taking things seriously!
especially when so many cyber terrorists were personally attacking them, that should of been a alarm bell.
when people are hurling bricks into your window with death threats written on them, do you just sit by and say eh its just a coincidence nothings going to happen?
if the attack was out of the blue you could kinda understand, but it wasent $ony had been targeted for SO long, especially because of their stupid silly lawsuits, it was obvious people were going to hit back, and hit back HARD!
they just sat there and soaked up the sunshine, too arrogant and stuck up their own a$$e$ to realize the warning signs!

finally gotten a chance to dive into quantum conundrum.
god that is such a fun game!
the puzzles are so creative.
i wish they had more dimensions though to use, everything gets a little bit repetitive and predictable after a while.
i mean slowing down time, how many puzzle combinations can you have with that?
its slow down time so you can get through this fan, slow down time so you can throw this chair than jump on as it sends you to the other side of the room, its slow down time so you can get to a area.
theres not really much you can do with it to stop things getting repetitive.
its gotten to the point now where i walk into a room and instantly know every solution to it straight away, wheres the fun in that?
they need more puzzles which use multiple dimensions, it feels a bit simplistic and boring how it is.

Last edited by ___________ on 1/27/2013 2:43:57 AM

11 years ago

"finally gotten a chance to dive into quantum conundrum.god that is such a fun game!" Appears your having fun with it. "its gotten to the point now where i walk into a room and instantly know every solution to it straight away, wheres the fun in that?" Interesting, now its not fun?

Just out of curiousity, these millions of people had what stolen exactly? In regards to the PSN hack ordeal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/27/2013 2:55:00 AM

11 years ago

depends on where you draw the line between fun and repetition.
whole point of puzzle games is to enjoy figuring them out, when you walk into the room and straight away know the solution it kinda defeats the whole purpose of the game.
just because towards the end it gets a bit obvious and predictable does not mean the parts before it were not fun.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

IMO there are two major groups of Japanese games. They either fall into the Japananimation side, (FFIX, pokemon, level 5 games) or the ninja slice hack n' slash(RE, DMC, Grey Fox, Platinum Games). The first category has taken the biggest blow this gen. Capcom didn't help the other side with RE this time around, but devs like platinum are keeping the ninja style games alive. Bayonetta and Vanquish held true to roots while also pushing new mechanic ideas. Western devs tend to take any ideas they like and polish just them up to prefection, rather than reinvent them all together. KZ, for example, had stellar graphics, physics and enemy AI, but it didn't branch too far from the FPS genre.
but that's just me.

11 years ago

Ni No Kuni is super fun!

11 years ago

Now if the good folks at Platinum could just head on over to Square-Enix and bash them with their Hammer of Logic, all would be right with the world. :). Well, maybe not, but at least they'd know where to start picking up the pieces.
I honestly have never played a full Platinum game, but I'd like to go back and try Bayonetta as I recall the demo being mighty fun.

I was one of those people who freaked out when they heard about the Sony breach and immediately reported my card "stolen" so as get issued a new number, just in case. I remember being less than pleased at the time, but I don't know if I feel this whole ICO suit is really necessary or even fair.

PGU: I'm almost finished AC3. Probably would have finished it yesterday, but I got distracted and went on a feather collecting rampage in the frontier! Also, I've been picking up and putting down 3D Dot Game Heroes to reminisce over a time when games were simpler. Man, I miss those overhead view Zeldas!
I have almost finished the prequel book to the Bioshock series (Bioshock: Rapture) and it's been a pretty decent read. I'll tell you one thing though, it's got me chomping at the bit to get my hands on Bioshock Infinite!

11 years ago

Glad to hear Highlander's back.

I think its 100% BS that Sony is getting in trouble for getting hacked. So im assuming the next time the FBI gets hacked they should be fined too. It happens to anyone because no one is 100% safe from being hacked. Its why i take all of my money out after every check. Its rediculous and almost as rediculous as being called a "Virtual Child Molester"

PgU: Dust 514. I was in the private beta and i did not like it at all. I decided to give it a second chance and it actually really fun. Some things could use a fix (sometimes my character randomly spazzes out making me miss my target) Otherwise its nothing but fun. Been playing Demons Souls too. The newbs are extremely fun to play with. I haven't seen anyone die to the dragon or tower knight in a long time. Finishing up some loose ends in New Vegas.

Cesaer thought he could boss me around. I killed him and everyone else. Was an epic battle. I've been playing Lost Planet 2 again as well. My confetti shotgun just proves the awesomeness of that game. Sure, the parts with human enemies are completely boring but when you get to the bug parts it all fixes itself.

Oh, been trying to play Bioshock on Survivor with no Vita Chambers. Why couldn't other games be this hard? It maddens me to think how "Hard or INSANE" Have gotten so easy. Purist on Hitman Absolution is a fun time too. Still haven't beaten it, because i don't want to 100% right away.

11 years ago

I believe I already knew Japanese devs can rock. I enjoy all their games that I play and really don't understand all this negative talk. SE is still a fantastic dev but have chosen to alter their development decisions and create something new. The FFXIII series is an amazing series albeit different and not what the fans wanted. If it had a different name I am sure all of you naysayers would be absolute fans like me.

Platinum is also a dev that is in the upper echelon. Vanquish was one my favorite shooters when it released. I don't need to say anything about Bayonetta other than she's extremely beautiful and kicks ass ;).

Maybe they have changed to accommodate the Western gamers. I don't care as long as I enjoy what they have to offer.

Ni no Kuni is a gem to say the least. It reminds me of Zelda in a lot of ways. Kiddie or not I cannot stop playing it. Ben you are entitled to your opinion and glad that you are able to communicate that to us even if it isn't part of the popular opinion. When I play Wrath of the White Witch I am thankful this was released on the PS3 exclusively instead of the X360 where I couldn't play it.

Ni no Kuni to my hearts desire! I have actually been able to play it while my son watches which is a HUGE bonus for me since I only play my games when he goes to bed. I explain everything to him and he really likes Oliver and Mr Drippy. Some day he will be able to play an RPG and I am using this a training ground for that day. I love how I am able to use battles to farm health and magic from Mr Drippy! I rarely eat a sandwich or anything to gain health or magic back.

I have also been enjoying God of War II via Remote Play on the Vita! Truly an amazing game as well. Kratos was made for me, an adult and I love how Brutal this game is!!! I am a huge fan of Remote Play and the Wii U's Off TV Play! The more I see of this the more I love it. To bad Sony has not embraced this amazing aspect of PlayStation gaming. I was able to play in bed, a floor above my PS3 last night for about 30 min before I was to tired. There was ZERO chop or slow down. That is another area where the Vita has the Wii U Game Pad beat! It can Remote Play over the internet or wifi. To bad Nintendo doesn't release a wifi adapter for the Game Pad. Oh well, I will enjoy ICO and SotC as well with Remote Play.

Also, my son is playing Transformer War For Cybertron. He is a Transformers nut! I help him with the harder parts but he is very good at taking out the lesser Decepticons.

Also played the Dead Space 3 demo and thought it was great. Going to be a good time when it releases!

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 1/27/2013 4:26:47 PM

11 years ago

I think if XIII had a different name it would be better received but people would probably still hope that the elements stripped out would be added in later sequels, they just wouldn't be able to say they were stripped out, only that they needed to be added.

11 years ago

Highlander gone? damn :(, but I'm happy hes back.

11 years ago

Glad that there so many variety games out there for everyone.

11 years ago

Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward has been entertaining me for the last 30 hours. Jeez I really enjoyed myself and highly recommend it to everyone with a Vita who is looking for something intelligent to play.

Have Persona 4 Golden preordered (still a month to go until it gets to Australia). Unfortunately Corpse Party isn't going to get to Oz so that is annoying!

11 years ago

I came back. Sorry for the trouble.

Sony should not have been fined, it's simply a way of making an example of them for political reasons. Sony was not slow in revealing the hack of PSN, they revealed an attack inside 48 hours of their knowledge it happened, and within a week had a preliminary statement and recommendation for PSN customers. There have been many hacks in commercial organizations – including banks and other financial institutions. Unlike the PSN hack, other hacks have yielded card information, transaction details and personal information including social security numbers. Often these hacks go unrevealed for weeks if not months. The same is true of the time taken to reveal hacks like Lockheed Martin or the folks behind RSA security tags. So, please understand, Sony was not slow in responding or informing. If anything they were a little fast since they were still investigating when they started to talk about it.

PGU – Still playing WKC2 – the work of a guild leader is never done. On vita I finished Gravity Rush – an awesome game, and am currently wasting time playing DOA Paradise which is a horribly guilty pleasure, and better than reviews would lead you to suspect…

Still not gonna get Ni No Kiddie.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/27/2013 4:11:22 PM

11 years ago

Shame that you wont experience the warmth and joy it brings from playing it.

11 years ago

Why are you not gonna get Ni No Kuni?

11 years ago

I have an extensive backlog of games that will take care of that. As for Ni No… I hope you enjoy the game.

11 years ago

Glad to see you back man. Was missing your technical commentary on the PS4 spec rumours.

11 years ago

He is upset he didn't get the DLC that japan got for WKC2, which is cool. He has a right to speak with his money.

Its just probably the perfect game for him and the community here just wanted to to have him play it because you know we like sharing in things that are awesome.

11 years ago

PGU: All Ni no Kuni, All the time.

I haven't had this much fun all gen. It makes WKC look like Tetris.

11 years ago

HAHA! Yeah, it's a special game no doubt!

11 years ago

Ugh, I wish people would stop talking so greatly about it. 😉 I really want to get it but theres so much coming out right now.

I still need to play WKC 2. Oh boy its hard to keep up.

11 years ago

Tetris never had so much online fun Underdog, nor as many kinds of armor and weapon.

Ni No whatever may well be a fine game – if you like it – to be fair; but I do think that it is being over rated by many.

11 years ago

Man Highlander I thought you loved all things jrpg, and stood up against many who downplayed those you love, WKC included. Why you against it so much? Seems like everyone who has an interest in jrpg's at least enjoys the game.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/27/2013 5:30:40 PM

11 years ago

I have my reasons. The last time this was discussed, it became an issue, so this time, I'll just hope that all those that like it have a good time with it.

11 years ago

Oh, I didnt realize that. I thought if anyone you would be the one convincing everyone how great it is.

11 years ago

Glad to see you made it out of your cave of solitude. Sounds like you were brokenhearted. Which piece did Oliver give you back? Or perhaps you're living through the dark spirit born from your brokenheartedness?

Call it overrated all you want. You'll never be able to honestly say one way or another because you've sworn yourself off it. Unless, of course, you go back on your word. And if you do, which is alright, and you do play it, and you maintain that position, we'll only know you're stubbornly lying.

Because it's a great game. Full stop. I've played both WKC and Ni no Kuni, and it's like night and day. I haven't had a single game take this much of my time like this since the PS2 days. I hate putting it down, and I think about it most of the day. It's so colorful, charming, and -fun-. Plus, there's a ton of depth.

WKC may have online multiplayer, but it's stupid that in order to get anywhere or belong to a clan, you have to commit yourself to it. There's not a single clan in WKC that won't kick you for any length of time of inactivity. That's not ok for me or my play style of liking to not exclusively restrict myself to one title.

But hey, if hanging around in an online town for an hour waiting for people to decide on a quest to run is fun, then by all means, who am I to stop you from your enjoyment?

In a nutshell, he's sworn himself off Level-5 and Namco's Ni no Kuni because publisher D3 didn't give him the WKC DLC add-on bonuses they promised him.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/27/2013 8:36:07 PM

11 years ago

Underdog –

Oh I see.

Well it sounds like I need to pick up Ni No Kuni. Im not even a huge jrpg fan but when you explain it that way, I would imagine it would turn on even the most die hard fans! 😉

11 years ago


I'm not entirely sure what to make of this nonsense;

"Glad to see you made it out of your cave of solitude. Sounds like you were brokenhearted. Which piece did Oliver give you back? Or perhaps you're living through the dark spirit born from your brokenheartedness?"

I'll presume it's a reference to something and that you're being oh so very clever with it. I have explained my reasons numerous times. People – including ALL of you here have at one time or another talked about voting with your wallet to send a message to a developer or publisher. The one time that I do this though, I get ripped and belittled for it. Thanks.

If any you have trouble accepting that someone wants to vote with their wallet to send a message, that's not my problem, it's yours. Just remember this the next time you are thinking of voting with your wallet.

As for the rest of what you wrote, since you decided to raise it, I will finish it. You were removed from the Nekomimis FTW! guild for an extended period of inactivity. I attempted to contact you via the in game bmail. There was no response. Unlike most other guilds, the Nekomimist doesn't require daily or even weekly play. Most other guilds remove players after 2-3 days of inactivity. However, when players simply stop playing, they need to be removed. You appeared to have stopped playing, so after a notification asking you to contact me, you were removed when you did not. The Nekomimis FTW! only acts when a player has been inactive for several weeks or more.

Even after that you *could* have contacted me and asked why you'd been removed, if there was a mistake or something. But, instead, you blew up at me in no less than three PSN messages. I can see that you're still bitter and angry – it shines through in your words towards me.

The funny thing is, you never contacted me about it except to blast me. In the message I sent you when you were removed for inactivity, I told you the same thing I tell everyone in your situation. If you've been removed in error, contact me and I will gladly correct my error and add you back immediately. You chose not to do that, and instead blasted me repeatedly in bmail and PSN PMs.

I never claimed to be a perfect guild leader, I do my best, and spend a lot of time on guild business, but mistakes are made. Thanks to the crap guild management system, guild leaders have no easy way of knowing whether players are active or not. The only way is by requiring check in messages every other day, or mandatory meeting attendance. The Nekomimis FTW doesn't require either of those things, and never has.

Instead I spend the time capturing digital images of the guild membership lists every two weeks so I can compare player progression and figure our who is unlikely to be active. Yours had not moved in 6-8 weeks. So I did what needed to be done for the guild – maintain an active player base by removing truly inactive players. You were part of a group of about 20. I previously tried contacting players through PSN and got zero responses. So I started using the in-game bmail system as sending individual PSN messages takes a ton of time. I explained all of that in my replies to your angry PSN messages.

That was months and months ago, and here you are still bitter and angry. All you had to do was stop, think and consider that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a mistake made, or an oversight, all you needed to do was contact me and ask. You didn't do that, you chose your bitter course. Frankly, you're not half the person I thought you were based on this interaction.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/28/2013 2:36:03 AM

11 years ago

Play the game and then you can call it over rated.

11 years ago

The first paragraph was just littered in Ni no Kuni references. lol. no big deal.

Yeah I was upset with you for asking me if I was still playing only through in game B-mail, then only four days later making crazy decisions. I don't play WKC less than every 4 days.

And no I'm not bitter about that. You made a decision, and I moved on. I lost all my guild tokens because of that, so I decided I didn't want any part of a game I had to regularly check in on. I don't know if you realize this, but every bit of progress you make in a guild gets completely erased once you are kicked out. So sue me telling you off for not giving me sufficient notice. (You didn't even send a PSN message to let me know. I had to come into a surprise literally moments after spending money on DLC for guild activities.) I was upset about it, I told you exactly what I thought as per the respect I would give anyone (I'm not gonna waste your time buttering you up), then I moved on. We had plenty of pleasant exchanges since then on this site.

What I -DO- hold against you is the way you left this site like a big cry-baby. No one was offensive and no one was attacking you. But because the people who normally agree with you disagreed with you on a crazy point of view, you got all offended and left. Just like that. It was crazy weird.

So yeah, I resent the fact that you are hunky dory with being a part of this community and an ally of mine ONLY if I agree with you all the time on every topic. That grates on my nerves. People were upset you wouldn't touch Ni no Kuni, NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE BOYCOTTING A GAME THEY LIKED, but because we all -knew- it was exactly the kind of game you would fall in love with. (It still is) Yet, instead of asking yourself why people who are normally likeminded with you might disagree with you, you decided to take it as a personal attack and go stomping off to a corner to pout and fold your arms silently.

That day you went blubbering off lost you a ton of respect. I have no patience for befriending a person that manipulates relationships by keeping themselves as a hostage.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/28/2013 8:57:25 PM

11 years ago

Ni No Kuni is sold out when I went to the mall, so I just settled with WKC2, DMC Collection and DMC4.

11 years ago

It was sold out near my house, too. Had to make a run to Walmart. Got one of their last 3 copies.

11 years ago

Its either super popular or they didnt ship a ton. Probably a bit of both.

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