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Do People Really Care About GTAV Multiplayer?

I understand that because I'm not a multiplayer fan, I might be very much out of the loop. I accept this. I do.

However, when it comes to certain games, I just have to wonder- Does anyone really care that much about the multiplayer aspect? Like with Grand Theft Auto IV , did gamers actually spend a lot of time with the multiplayer element? Did people buy that game with the purpose of playing it online?

I have the same questions about this year's GTAV. Of course, GTAIV launched nearly five years ago and the multiplayer boom has only gotten bigger and bigger with time. Still, as is the case with God of War: Ascension , I have to wonder if such an option is really all that necessary. Does it bring in new fans? Does it really entice those who play shooters online all the time and never played a GTA? Is it a big incentive for anyone researching the game to see if it's worth a purchase? Even more interesting- If the multiplayer sucks, would that dissuade gamers from buying it? Would you be disappointed without it?

I get the purpose of multiplayer in certain games, even if I personally don't care. But when it comes to GTAV, I just have to think that the followers want GTA; they want to become immersed in this amazing virtual world, do whatever they want, and enjoy the story and crazy missions. I suppose this style and format lends itself to invigorating multiplayer but to me, this franchise has always been about having a blast by yourself , and there are multiple reasons for that. I simply can't imagine people caring one way or the other if the game has multiplayer…do we really believe sales would be less if GTAV didn't have a multiplayer component?

I'm sure it can only help, but is that increase in sales actually significant? I mean, worthwhile enough to dedicate so much in the way of time and resources to it? I'm not so sure.

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11 years ago

For all their faults I have to respect Bethesda for not throwing in multiplayer in Skyrim. It's quite frustrating playing a game and wondering if it could have been a little more polished and that much better if the devs hadn't divided their resources.

11 years ago

You're crazy. Skyrim would of been so fun with a friend, not that the ps3 version would of been right

11 years ago

I think making The Elder Scrolls Online was the right way to go, online and SP games should be separate projects.

11 years ago

I agree with everyone ha. I think a game like skyrim can benefit from mp. I also think its perfectly fine as a massive sp experience. Its like Borderlands in the semse its open world and quest/mission based and Borderlands absolutely benefits from the co-op experience. I cant help but think Skyrim would as well.

But like world said, the best thing they probably could do is create two seperate experiences. See, Borderlands is built with co-oo in mind, where Skyrim obviously wasnt. So it is a great choice to create and Elder Scrolls online game.
Problem is I wont ever get to play it because its a pc game. So…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/26/2013 1:39:44 AM

11 years ago

I'll be honest I dont mind multiplayer but i'm not a huge fan either.
I toyed around with it in gtaIV and even games like Uncharted 3( i like the dynamic maps idea) but i do prefer the campaigns in these games
Strangely enough, whenever i talk to someone about the gta series, they say they get tired of the campaign and just love to cause havoc aimlessly Maybe the multiplayer suits them

11 years ago

For me I don't really care if it has multiplayer of not. But there are a lot of nice multiplayer mods for GTA IV that are worth playing. Some already announced to make the move to GTA V.

11 years ago

I'm confused on the title of the question cause the game is not even out yet.

11 years ago

So it's like saying to fans "hey man, you want GTA V but is the MP any kind of factor in your purchase?"

11 years ago

I understand that, but the title of question should be changed, not the right question to be mentioned yet.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

OMG! Yes! I use to play clan battles for GTAIV. I put cou tless hours on multiplayer. Yes, I do care for multiplayer on GTA. Especially free roam. There's no game I played more of than GTAIV's multiplayer.
There is one thing that bugs me though: I hated when R☆ seperated the game's multiplayer. It would have been better if they just added to the original. Not make 3 seperatle online games.

11 years ago

I think it would be tons of fun if you could play through the campaign with your friends (with plenty of sidetracking rampages) but tacking extraneous things on probably doesn't appeal to the broader, older audience that much.

Man, back in my day we all gathered in the same room and took turns going on rampages between drinks and bong hits. That's actual social interaction.

11 years ago

i consider myself amongst the most diehard/hardcore GTA fans in the world. ( played every GTA since III to completion multiple times.) And i just couldn't really care less about any multiplayer in V. just want a good ol fun GTA like the old days.

but hey i don't care about multiplayer in any game so i suppose i'm the wrong dude to ask xD

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Nice avatar

11 years ago

Either one of u should change avatars.

11 years ago

Very few, hell I don't even know anybody who touched the multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption or Max Payne 3. Rockstar games have pretty much always been about the single player

11 years ago

I played the hell out of RDR online. In fact its why I bought the game originally. I wasnt sold on the sp which turned out amazing. But it was the online that got me interested.

11 years ago

then everyone I know who plays videogames must be as well

Last edited by BTNwarrior on 1/26/2013 3:44:25 AM

11 years ago

Apparently! 😉

11 years ago

It's possible BTN. One would assume your friends are all relatively like-minded people. On top of that, you all would represent much less than 1% of the population who played those games at all.

It's not difficult to consider.

11 years ago

I dont care about Multiplayer games with guns anymore.I only care about God of War Multiplayer.

11 years ago

of course they do!
MP was actually quite popular in IV, exactly the reason why it returned in the rest of R*s games.

11 years ago

Any websites that say that back that up?

11 years ago

Duh!! Ofcourse people care about the MP.

11 years ago

Nah I don't care one bit, but that's due to my experience with GTA4 and RDR. I didn't care much about the MP in either game.
It felt so generic, so standard. There wasn't anything special to it, it was "just there". It worked but was nothing out of the ordinary.
But then again I feel that way in a lot of games others hail for their MP part.

I need something in my MP games that makes me feel this is something different, something special. And I do not expect that from GTA5, not one bit.

However, it's cool if they surprise me this time around. Will I then care about it? But of course.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/26/2013 4:02:08 AM

11 years ago

I never liked GTAIV's online. Though I have to say R* nailed it with Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3. I have been looking for a replacement game to play online ever since Metal Gear Online went down and Max Payne 3 was a fair 2nd. It has a wide variety of game modes and the controls are just as tight as the main game. I also found RDR just as accessible. It's brilliant to gather a full posse of 8 online and go around doing missions – and fighting over who gets in the wagon 😛

GTA IV online had a few problems. In deathmatch you would just respawn far to close and get killed and in the open world you would just be on the opposite end of the map from everyone and everytime you did encounter someone they would never co-op with you and kill you instantly… If they have a friendly firemode like on RDR and a few other tweaks I think it will work.

11 years ago

IMO Most GTA games eventually get boring becausee the world is too big, and there's soo many missions to do. Then If you fail a couple every now and then it becomes annoying. Then it gets to the point where you just want to go out about the city and cause rampages or do whatever, and while you're doing that, some of us stop and think this would be so much more fun with friends.

With that being said I loved having clan wars, and having shootouts with the police on the highest wanted level with friends on GTAIV when it was still popular. GTAV just needs to make their matchmaking more(as much as I hate to say it) Call of Duty-fied. Also they need to be creative and make no modes we never seen before or put some really creative twists on the ones we already know.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

i'd get gta v regardless but gta 4 & rdr mutiplayer is among the best & funniest this gen so its the icing for me.

Last edited by Lord carlos on 1/26/2013 8:55:42 AM

11 years ago

I care because knowing Rockstar, there will be multiplayer trophies.

If there weren't any multiplayer trophies (one can only dream) then no. I wouldn't care that much. But I'd still play online with my friends occasionally.

11 years ago

I played some of the MP in GTAIV, it was fun, didn't play it long enough to really get comfortable with it.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/26/2013 1:49:16 PM

11 years ago

I absolutely care about the multiplayer aspect of GTAV. Way back when the PSP iterations brought multiplayer in officially, I got incredibly hooked on it. Just the concept of it was amazing. Then IV came out and just thoroughly expanded on it and made it amazing. GAY never needed multiplayer, but it is one of the best additions they could have made to the series. Unnecessary, but they made it work.

11 years ago

I tried the online in GTA IV. Just couldn't get into it. Maybe if they did a better job of it, but compared to the campaign the online was just meh….I could do without.

Compared to the other options you have for online shooters, I just don't think GTA can compete..but by all means, try, just don't interfere with the campaign while you're doing it..

11 years ago

I don't care about the MP aspect, but co-op is what I would love in GTA-V. Saints Row was a blast in Co-Op…I can only hope they might be inclined to insert some co-op play in this one.

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