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Ben’s Week In Review: January 20

February is looking a lot like October in terms of number of titles that need reviewing. Unbelievable…too much stuff!

I just wonder if the Skyrim PS3 fans forgive Bethesda

I didn't play the game quite enough to care about downloadable content (actually, I don't care about DLC for any game), so I'm wondering how the fans feel about Bethesda's announcement concerning the arrival of DLC for the PS3 version. I mean, Skyrim came out over two years ago. If I were an ardent follower of the game in question, I can't help but think I'd be pretty annoyed…it took them a year to get this right? Really? I'm glad that Bethesda's Dishonored (which I know was done by Arkane Studios) isn't following the same path; i.e., screwing over PS3 players. And let's not forget about that game-destroying bug people found in the PS3 version of Skyrim after they had played for about 40 hours or so. That was ridiculous.

But with all the expansion packs arriving at about the same time – throughout the month of February, as I understand it – that might make a return to Skyrim more appealing for the hardcore RPG fans. So maybe they're willing to forgive and forget, especially if those add-ons are plenty meaty. It's also a good idea to make them 50% off when they first arrive on the PSN; that should entice people to come back. Still, I'm willing to bet there are a whole lot of gamers who have long since moved on.

Lightning Returns somehow has to compete this fall? LOL

Okay, so we're not sure of the fall lineup this year but it's typically pretty insane. It'll be all the more nuts if either Sony or Microsoft (or God forbid, both) launch their new systems. It takes some powerful competitors to emerge victorious from the crazy autumn rush these days…and Square Enix really thinks Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will be one of those heavy hitters? Come on, seriously? I used to be surprised and even shocked to hear Square Enix bosses interviewed, just because they always seemed so utterly clueless about the mindsets of Final Fantasy fans. Now I've come to expect it. And if Lightning Returns had released this summer or something, I would've given it more of a chance. But the vast majority of FF followers already think it's a joke.

Putting it up against the blockbusters that will almost inevitably launch for the October/November sales rush is either extremely confident or ignorantly cocky. I'm going with the latter, especially considering that FFXIII-2 sales didn't impress at all. Now, with the series once again going in the wrong direction, they actually expect sales to rise ? And let's not forget that FFXIII and FFXIII-2 didn't have super stiff competition by launching in the first quarters of 2011 and 2012. Square Enix, you guys are borderline certifiable.

Personal gaming update

I'm having plenty of fun with DmC: Devil May Cry . I'm tired of the fan outcry; it has gotten repetitive and boring. The bottom line is that the critics are right about this one- Regardless of how bitter and butt-hurt the hardcore fans are, the game is great. It may not be the kind of great that you want – and I can fully understand that – but to lash out and just say the game sucks for no reason whatsoever is childish and embarrassing. Get over yourselves, man up, and just admit that Ninja Theory made a pretty great game, even if it wasn't precisely what you might've wanted. I will do exactly that if Lightning Returns turns out good, by the way. Just because it isn't what I want doesn't mean I'll say it suck if it doesn't suck.

I've got Sly Cooper and Ni no Kuni to check out, so you can expect those reviews soon, and I'm looking forward to Dead Space 3 as well. Being part of that roundtable discussion with Visceral executive producer Steve Papoutsis was pretty enlightening; it was interesting to hear him talk about the franchise's genre and how it can be extremely tough to please the fans . I imagine this game will be great, too. 🙂

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11 years ago

Oh well, I am happy Skyrim's DLC is finally arriving. I don't hold grudges. Glad to see they didn't give up on us.

Sorry, but releasing Lightning Returns during the fall is suicide. I would say if Sony and Microsoft release their consoles in the fall SE's FFXIII finale will be dead in the water.

I finally got the Platinum for ACIIIL! Glad that it's over since the MP trophies were like watching paint dry.

Been playing Darksiders and I am hooked. It's a great game and I can see that Zelda is strong with this one!

Highly anticipating Ni No Kuni!!! Only a few days! YES!!!

11 years ago

I hold grudges like nobody's business.

11 years ago

The Skyrim thing? I think most people have moved on, and we will not forget this when Fallout 4 comes around. If they give 720 timed exclusives on DLC, there is going to be a revolution. Personally, I'm over it and might pick up Hearthfire for some domestic fun some day, I just love customizing sh*t.

I hope LR has some really stiff competition and just falls utterly flat. I hope it doesn't even reach 1 million sold. FFXIII-2 hit about half of FFXIII's sales but they need a bigger shock to the system to realize what they are doing to us.

The DmC nuts need to go away, forever.

I tried the God of War Ascension MP demo. I think it would have been fun when I was 13-16 years old but meh. Been playing a diamond in the rough RPG called Venetica.

11 years ago

Oddly I thought id hate the mp in GoW but honestly its kind of what Ive wanted to see, just not in this franchise. But the more you play the better its gotten. Unlocking stuff has a sense of reward to it and its actually super balanced which im surprised by. Even when youre outmatched you feel like youve got at least a shot. Im very surprised by it to say the least.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/20/2013 3:37:43 AM

11 years ago

There's no doubt it will be a quality experience, I also agree that the combat is well balanced even at this early stage.

11 years ago

Yea I really wasnt expecting that. I certainly wasnt expecting to say I enjoyed it either. I was quite eorried about it actually.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

Speaking of GoW, i dont know if anyone has put this up before but heres a key to the beta.

F2TA – HMNB – 762G

The key has unlimited entries so spread the love

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I think Lightning Returns will have a slight chance if it releases in September, but it'll be an uphill battle to convince too many to buy it no matter when it drops. So much negativity…

Personal Update.
Got DmC on Monday, finished my first playthrough on Wednesday. Great game. I've read a lot of complaints about the story, but I just don't get why. It's an archetypal Hero's Journey that has some surprising moments and some of the more controversial scenes can be explained by the context of the story. It's vastly better, IMO. The gameplay is a different story. The combat is still good, but it definitely feels less refined and requisite of a high level of skill, not to mention slightly contrived. The platforming was pedestrian, but I'm actually glad to see that the puzzles are gone.
Still reading War and Peace, still writing, etc. Nothing ever really changes.
Except that, for the near future, this will be my last time posting on Week in Review feature. My holiday begins on Wednesday and I don't know how, when, where or even IF it will end. I just want everyone here at PSXE, the staff and members alike to know that I've appreciated these last two and a half years. Having a diverse, intelligent community to talk to about gaming, and sometimes other topics. To get to know a little about your lives, joys and tribulations, and to call some of you, in an oddly impersonal way, friends. Thank you very much and goodbye.

11 years ago

Sad to see you go Damien, we've had some good times. I enjoyed reading you posts and articles at VG. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors 🙂

11 years ago


Good luck on your "soul trip" & where ever it leads you, & how ever long it takes you.

Just take along with you the fact that you've been one of the posters here that I've admired & respected the most.

Hopefully you'll find a tiny internet cafe every 4 months or so to stop in here & say Hi & report some of your travels.

BTW, write everything down, at least journal-wise because I've got a feeling it will make for a really good book when all is said & done.

BTW, thanks for your tips in defeating Barret, LOL.

"God Speed" to you in your upcoming travels.

11 years ago

wait. where are you going, lawless?
anyhow, wherever you go I hope the best. The VG stuff was fun while it lasted 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

VG was fun. I'm kinda sad that it fell apart as spectacularly as it has, but OSP hasn't been doing too badly. Ben even did me the honour of citing one of my articles a few months ago. So proud 🙂

As Saint so eloquently put, it's a soul trip. I'm planning to work my way around Australia and find… myself. I don't know. Things just aren't working here and I don't see that changing without a massive upheaval.

Thanks for the kind words. The respect and admiration is reciprocated. Don't worry, I won't forget you guys and gals and will drop in when I'm able.

I hope that when next we speak you all have moved closer to happiness. You, and so many others on this site, truly deserve it.

11 years ago

This trip of yours is simply one of the coolest things ever, Lawless. It's something one only reads about or see in movies and you are actually doing it. Let's knock on wood that your travel becomes an adventure and not a thriller. 😉

11 years ago

Good luck Lawless. Ive always enjoyed your comments and your time around these parts. Take care.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/20/2013 4:19:52 AM

11 years ago

That kind of thing takes a lot of courage, I know I couldn't do it.

11 years ago

alright take it easy out there big guy =) sometimes people find themselves in the service of others and God.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/20/2013 1:03:04 PM

11 years ago

All the best, lawless. Hope your experience is a rewarding one!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Thanks all. I feel honoured by this show of respect. Farewell.

11 years ago

well as far as FF13-3 is concerned its the only CONFIRMED Fall game that I want so far.. so unless other games that I want finally get a release date and that release date is Fall then FF13-3 is no competition for me..

As for new consoles IF they hit this year I dont have 400+ to spend and on one right now (I say this because the wii u is 350 im sure the other consoles are gonna be MUCH more powerful than it and thus much more expensive) so PS3 will still be my main console until at LEAST Xmas 2014… so yeah Ill be fine lol

11 years ago

This year just looks awesome for greats games. I don't care what PS3 fans think of Skyrim, or it's late DLC. Lightning Returns will hopefully tank so S-E thinks more about who they should please.
I think critics did their job for DMC and the scores reflect the product. I think it right for gamers to backlash, not by saying false things and acting stupid, but in NOT buying the game and raising a fuss because Capcom rebooted something that no one wanted rebooted, and personally, I thought the series had plenty of flair and personality as it was, with that being one of it's most difining qualities. Now it has the old Metallica, new metallica feel and stuff… sorta I think. I don't know what to think of it all yet myself, but if a beloved series of mine went all different for many reasons that I disliked I'd be pretty upset too.

PGU: About done witht he Batman AC stuff, finishing up on the Harley Quinn stuff, which is okay but sort of tacked on feeling. Amazing game though. One of the gen's best and something I could play through again and again.

Strangely enough I'm on like world 7-3 in New Super Mario Bros. Wii (yes, just Wii). I thought my daughters would like watching that one after having done the LBP's, and they do. The game's name to them is "Saving the Princess" They've seen now 6 times the princess not get saved when Mario shows up… hehe
anyway, fun and nostalgic.

I'm ready to get dirty with the DMC classics. I played the first two when they were new. I liked them both quite a bit, even DMC2 with it's flak. But see, once Ninja Gaiden happened. NOTHING was gonna compete. It was like my perfect game. I love it. Now with the years having waxed on and having played the original game about 12 times and it's sequel a lot I'm ready to try and get into DMC. I'm attracted to it's controversy. I want to be in the know and be like, LOOK the new game sucks because on frame 45/60 it screws up right… THERE! =p
nah, but I'd like to be more involved. I like quality hack 'n slash games so yah. end of story.

11 years ago

I'm sorry but the princess is in another castle.

11 years ago

Didn't see it mention anyone here so i'll leave it here.

Killer is dead trailer.

New MGR boss trailer.

Ni No kuni has been on the top sellers on amazon for a couple of days now. Hope it stays that way for a while.

11 years ago

KiD looks great!

11 years ago

Yes Bethesda are a-holes but Skyrim is a great game(now that patches have fixed pretty much all of the serious issues), It's one of my favourites this gen and I think most RPG lovers would love Skyrim and they should give it a shot. But I do understand why people wouldn't want to support Bethesda so here's my solution: buy a used version of the GotY edition. You get to enjoy skyrim and all DLC without giving a cent to Bethesda.

11 years ago

By the way, what are the big games coming out in february?

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

The fan based review of DMC really exposes how immature some people are. Unfortunately these people seem to mass on the internet comment and review option. It just makes them look like alpha idiots. This is how instinctual gamers see them and yet the "butt hurt" DMC fans are clueless to this. I don't mean to sound condescending, but if there giving it scores that far off the mark how can you not be?

PGU: Lost Canada and Brazil on Xcom. Oh well nuts to them. Getting a satellite up is time consuming.

The vita is just splendid with the likes of FFVII, Gravity Rush, and Sound Shapes. The hardest part is balancing all of these games at once.

11 years ago

DmC didn't impress me. Mainly because i don't like button mashers and i don't like platformers (because i suck at them) The wub wub wub stuff was pretty funny because it goes from screamo metal to wub wub wub. Anyway, DmC is already done for me. I watched it and had my fun watching it. Ni No Kuni is next.

FF13-3… Man i was talking today about how FF7 Advent Children came out when FFvs13 was announced. I was in 7th grade when that happened. Im glad im not a bitter person, otherwise i wouldn't still be anticipating it. FFX HD, KH3, i want those 3 games. Two of which i should have gotten 2-3 years ago. Also, how is there going to be pantie shots is lightning is wearing Clouds outfit? SE, no.

PGU: Way of the samurai 4, and bf bc2. Thats about it. I've got this contract thing with amazon kindle right now for my horror story i've been picking at for the past 5 months. Its sad when i want to get scared but can't because i've already been traumatized by paranormal activity 1 and paranormal entity. Say whatever you want about'em, those f-ing movies scared the shittes out of me.

I watched them back to back while i was alone. That same night, the military had a jet drop a missle and it blew up. I jumped out and everybody in the appartment complex ran outside to see wtf happened. One of the jets didn't ensure the weapons were disabled so he dropped one of the missles by accident. Still, it didn't help me ease out of the current fear i was in haha…

The skyrim thing, i really have nothing to say. Im glad the ps3-ers get the DLC finally and im glad they get a 50% discount. They could be free though, i mean at least dragonborn.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good new years. Also, does anyone have any news years resolutions? I like to hear people's things they want to do. Mine is, finishing my books. All of them. A secondary one is well… to try and beat my first platforming game. Im thinking about beating a mario game but i think im going with crash bandicoot. I platinumed all 3 uncharted's but ironically… The trophy that i gained last was 'kill 70 enemies in a row without dying' I kept dying because i kept falling to my death. Yeah thats how fail i am at platforming.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I just fail to see how watching a game allows you to pass judgment without laying hands on a controller.

11 years ago

DmC isn't a straight button masher, you can cut through the game that way if you don't have any skills but it's made especially for gamers with skills who want to learn HOW to chain things together to make the moves more and more amazing.

The ones who complain usually can't do it.

11 years ago

I wont be getting the Skyrim dlc. I just havnt had time to play that game with everything going on and making tine for BL2. But I certainly would if I was playing the game right now, its a great game and any extra content is a huge plus. Which leads me to say I think its necessary they release it late or not. Theyve been working on it for a while, and im more than confident this is just aanother great reason to oick up the game again. Yea its late but, im sure the moment the game goes in thats all forgotten.

PGU: not much has changed, still playing Borderlands 2. I almost out in Dishonored today then realised gearbox released some more golden key codes for BL2 and I got on to collect on that and ended up running round Pandora. Cant just start this game up, I get sucked in every time!

11 years ago

I'm really happy that Bethesda went through with this and finished the DLCs for the PS3 too. I think they must have known that they can't possibly earn much money on releasing them this late, so when they still did it it must have been to walk out of this generation with their heads held high. Cause really, I think they can now.

Now the PS3 isn't the machine that didn't get all the goodies last gen – quite the contrary – it's the others who missed out.

Cause with the first Mass Effect and now a fully functional Skyrim with all the DLCs the PS3 collection is complete as far as I am concerned. Late, yes, but still. Now there are nothing missing in my collection. I don't care for the other exclusives on the other platforms, the only two I cared about was the first Mass Effect, and the Skyrim DLCs.

Cause when it comes to the "platform wars" the sales numbers means nothing to me. Since when was the best sellers the best products anyway?
It's the gaming experiences that counts!

So in my opinion this is worthy of a celebration. We won in the end – right before the finishing line!

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/20/2013 4:32:49 AM

11 years ago

Fair enough. And I agree. ME was the only exclusive I was envious of after I played ME2. I still havnt played, not sure if im in the mood for it right now. I wish I woukd have known it was coming to PS3 before I beat ME3. But oh-well.

11 years ago

Yeah I agree – I wish the same. But at least we got it now, it's there. The trilogy is complete.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/20/2013 11:52:51 AM

11 years ago

Got the first 2 skyrim dlc for a pittance on steam during the xmas sales they had for my pc.

I wouldn't worry about the new FF iteration releasing during prime time. Im sure MW4 will sit gathering dust on store shelves as fans flock to buy FF Lighteningwhatever.

No really.

11 years ago

holy crap – i just won far cry 3 (pc) brand new for $14 on ebay.

I just felt i had to tell somebody ..

11 years ago

I don't have much to say but this:


I'll be buying Madden '13 to celebrate.

11 years ago


I don't want to do this – but I admit I can't contain myself at this point.

Yes, I'm sure almost everybody has gotten tired of the fan outcry for DmC – me as well, to an extent.

But to call the hardcore fans "bitter" and "butt-hurt" was really unnecessary.

Yeah, as with every popular franchise, you're going to have the annoying fanboys who complain and bash on a game, with no substantial evidence.
But the fact of the matter is, there IS reason to be upset.

I don't know whether people just don't know, or are choosing to turn a blind eye, but NT wasn't exactly the nicest to fans of the original DMC.
Yeah, they were reacting to the initial fan backlash (which was to be expected – but not deserved), but to respond in the way they did was just horrible :/

I'm not going to say that hating on the game is warranted – it's a good game in its own right.
But the "fanboys" or the "hardcore fans" of the old DMC have plenty reason to call out NT on what is not a great DMC game.

It runs at 30fps – Fact.
It now appeals to the casual – Fact.
While it may not be noticeable on lower-level play, the 30fps does indeed effect the gameplay.
All someone has to do is look at some gameplay footage of DMC3 and compare it to DmC.
I wouldn't say it's so far-fetched to complain about what is visually in front of you.

I don't want to sound like I'm crying about it, but it just seems that it's okay for gamers to call out Capcom or SE on their bull****, regarding the RE and FF franchises, and yet DMC fans are considered "childish"?

Anyway, I think i'll stop at this point, as I'm sure it'll seem like I'm just blindly hating at this point.
But, I just wanted to get across that people aren't saying it sucks for no reason – because there are worthy reasons for why it doesn't hold up.

I suppose for those who weren't that invested in the franchise don't see this as something to cry about, but I just want to get my point across that we've lost a franchise that many people loved, well….just because.

Plain and simple, it sucks 🙁
(For those who bothered to read this, thank you and for those who didn't, sorry for the wall of text).

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