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Ben’s Week In Review: December 16

Only 9 days left before Christmas…got all your shopping done? 😉 I'm not even close.

I'll be interested to see Bioshock Infinite's story

Ken Levine impresses me. It's not so much that the Irrational Games boss has presided over several fantastic games, it's more that he's outspoken, candid, and willing to do whatever's necessary to produce a fantastic, memorable plot with excellent characters. That much came through in that interview where he said he wasn't afraid of any topic . Levine was referring to the potential controversy surrounding some in-game subject matter, and he quite simply said "there's a story I want to tell" and that's that. In all entertainment mediums where a work of fiction is featured, from the stage to the big screen to video games, this is a philosophy that needs to be embraced.

Far too often are so-called writers pushing their own political agendas when penning a script; they begin with the agenda, the idea, the thought, the belief; then they develop a story around it. As any real writer will tell you, that's wrong. It results in the work of an amateur. It's also pathetically transparent, like that preachy, insulting slop that was "District 9" (and "Avatar" wasn't much less transparent). You set out to write a story and if various political and societal factors are required for you to write your story, then so be it. Even if you set out to write a story that reflects the state of politics or society today, you still start with the plot and characters. Levine obviously understands this, which means I'm going to be very intrigued to play Bioshock Infinite . It should be extremely compelling…

Duuuuude…and all-encompassing Grand Theft Auto?! Hell yes!

Being such a huge fan of Grand Theft Auto III , Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas , the idea of a huge, cohesive GTA universe that would feature Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas put a big ol' smile on my face. I'm still not sure if he meant that they'd actually implement all three full games, or if you'd simply be able to explore each area and find extra things to do. Either way, though, I'd love to do it…I just would want to make sure that we'd only get a graphical upgrade; I don't want Rockstar to do anything else to those cities. I mean, the only reason we go back and visit is because they're familiar, right? And it'd be awesome to see Vice City get a visual overhaul…

They also mentioned revisiting Vice City at some point in the future, which I'd also like to see. Admittedly, I'm a big 80s fan so VC is my favorite GTA setting almost by default. But I also thought it had the most compelling story because it kinda mirrored "Scarface" and on top of which, there's just something about that fictional Miami. It exudes exotic vice in more ways than one; everything from the pleasure yachts to the beaches to the clubs to the sports cars. It just symbolized a world of over-the-top crime and debauchery that was very much in step with the era. Maybe I'm in the minority but I'm willing to bet that many people around my age will agree.

Personal gaming update

I think I've abandoned my quest to get full 100% synch on all memories in Assassin's Creed III . I did it in past entries but this one seems harder and in truth, I don't have a ton of time these days. I also want to maybe finish Far Cry 3 and let's not forget that the first three months of 2013 hold some enormous titles. It starts with DMC in mid-January and doesn't really stop until April, as far as I can tell. We'll be looking at Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch , Bioshock Infinite , Dead Space 3 , God of War: Ascension , Tomb Raider , Crysis 3 , Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time , Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance …good God.

By the way, while I definitely see the appeal and I enjoyed the original style, Black Knight Sword ended up being one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. I was pretty close to chucking the controller and I haven't gotten that annoyed in a while . The good news is that I got to play a very relaxing game directly afterward, which de-stressed me: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed . In some ways, I like it even more than LittleBigPlanet Karting . It's so much damn fun and highly recommended if you just want to forget about your problems for a while and take it easy. I.e., great for unwinding. 🙂

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11 years ago

District 9 was based on a story also, a story about South African apartheid that became a short film that became a pretty good movie. The character of Wikus was thoroughly revealed and wrung out in excruciating detail and the Alien CG characters performed well and realistically as oppressed outsiders. Just because you don't agree with the message of the story they wanted to tell doesn't mean it is a bad one.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Has nothing to do with whether or not I agreed or disagreed. The movie was made with the sole intent to lecture and "enlighten," not entertain, and not for artistic reasons. I didn't even know the story going in and I predicted the ending in the first fifteen minutes.

So all I did was roll my eyes then, and then roll them again an hour and a half later. Yeah, got it. Exactly how many different ways and how many times does the exact same message need to be delivered? Just…whatever.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/15/2012 11:18:36 PM

11 years ago

What if you'd booted up Bioshock 1 and said "Well, this is preaching against Ayn Rand and capitalism having free reign" then rolled your eyes back. You'd miss a lot else.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/15/2012 11:50:25 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

The snap judgment was a prediction, not a judgment, and it was also 100% correct. If I can correctly guess the ending of any story, in a game or movie or book, in the first few minutes, it's a transparent story with an agenda at the core, and not an original, compelling thought. See, I can't predict originality.

The only people blinded by that movie were those who blindly supported the message without seeing it for the tripe that it very clearly was.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/15/2012 11:52:51 PM

11 years ago

Thats funny coming from you ben, considering i guessed the entire story of dishonored in the first 20 minutes. District 9 was pretty good world but i did not like the way the aliens looked. Sure its their vision but bleh. If they looked anymore like bugs they'd look like spiders…and i hate spiders.

11 years ago

There are so many games and movies where the plot is extremely predictable…that doesn't mean it's bad. So what if you know the story? That doesn't mean you can't enjoy the movie or game or whatever it is.

Also tons of great movies and stories have an agenda or a point they are trying get across…it's often what makes it a great story. This can be seen all throughout history as some of the most important literary works have had an 'agenda' or a message, so clearly that doesn't make the writer an amateur.

11 years ago

I loved District 9 because it reminded me of Half-Life! Most messages in film are rehash school lessens. Avatar's been done to death with it's doppelganger being a Disney film named Pocohontas!! I just watch movies for entertainment now as I don't need any lessens at this stage of my life.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You're all missing the point but that's okay, most do.

The predictability is not the issue. There are plenty of enjoyable and well-written stories that are predictable. When it's the obvious AGENDA that's predictable, that's when I know the politics came first and the story second.

That is absolutely undoubtedly the cast with both District 9 and Avatar.

11 years ago

I think it's a mistake to focus on a perceived agenda, you could pull some fool thoughts about economic inequality out of The Dark Knight Rises if you want to, but it's wrong-headed. Having a commentary on a moral theme isn't the same as having an agenda. This is achieved through the characters. Wikus was a compelling one and his transformation both inside and out was a solid commentary.

Whether you like something or not has to do with how much of its idea you are willing to take for granted and how much you won't. If you won't grant them their point and keep looking deeper then you'll never get past your initial impression of the presentation.

11 years ago


I thought you like Indie Films or Art Films, they're more politically focus or more preachy than Hollywood films. A good story needs conflicts, it's the basics. It happens sometimes a good conflict is political in nature. But many great films has political agenda as it's main core and still a good story (American History X). Films are made to entertain, to make you think, and sometimes they do both. A story without a message that it wants to get across to the receiver is a stupid story. Avatar is a typical good and evil story. An unlikely hero, a villain and a magnificent world as a backdrop. As for District 9, I thought it was a good new take on a movie based on aliens. But that just me.


I finished Killzone 2, it's a good action game about shooting Helghast, the graphics are good and the AI is amazing especially when they've killed you they do some piss off gesture to you, made me laugh. I played it on veteran mode and my only experience in FPS is Counter Strike so in the last chapter I've died for so many times, so haha to me. But now I'm back on Dead Space 2 zeolots mode. Muawahahaha.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

World: The sooner you accept that it's not a "perceived agenda" and just an AGENDA, the sooner you'll understand my point, which is a matter of simple artistic purity. There's a very large difference between making a point, and insulting my intelligence with blatant lecturing and pandering. And hence, a very large difference between District 9 and American History X. I was really hoping you'd be able to understand that very obvious difference.

11 years ago

I understand it, but I disagree that the sentiment is always valid. Yeah, I felt the same about Avatar, it was like a sock in the gut for 3 hours.

Still I think it's good to guard against things that smack of the "This is JUST…" crowd. I didn't love D9 or anything, but we shouldn't be afraid to look past our own faces sometimes.

11 years ago


All I know about District 9 is that it's about a movie about an alien refugees here on earth because there ship is broken. I don't know about the writers political agenda. But in Avatar I disagree, it's not a preachy insulting slop. It's a typical sci-fi movie, and obviously not a political agenda first, story second film. It's a typical Hollywood blockbuster movie. And based on James Cameron previous films, the political agenda doesn't come first in his story.( The Abyss, Terminator). And as for American History X, I didn't compare it to District 9, I just want to point out that a Political Preachy story in it's core and obviously a thought provoking film can be truly great. And that film is made to provoke your thought not to entertain. And it's clearly not made by an amateur.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

homura: Then you missed the point of District 9. It wasn't about aliens or spaceships. It was about a different race being persecuted for being different by ignorant, cowardly, non-tolerant individuals. It was nothing more than another tired commentary on racism and how we shouldn't persecute others for being different.

You know, what we all learned in first grade but certain people believe we need it bashed into our skulls every second of the day.

11 years ago


Actually I did get the point of District 9, I just didn't dwell on it You see I'm also used to that message about "different race being persecuted for being different by ignorant, cowardly, non-tolerant individuals. It was nothing more than another tired commentary on racism and how we shouldn't persecute others for being different". Because here in my country, we are also forced to learn the 2 books by our national hero Jose Rizal ( El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere), and about District 9 I just look at it as a different take about alien movies because I'm also used that alien movies is about invading us, killing all, living no survivors, E.T., that type of thing. And I'm just taken by surprise about aliens being refugees as a plot. But yeah I understand what you want to say about District 9, I just disagree about you in the Avatar thing.

11 years ago

Based on what I hear from some southern us hillbillies online in cod, I think more people have yet to learn that grade 1 lesson than you realize, Ben.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

I liked both Avatar and District 9, even though I knew they were trying to beat the filmmaker's agenda into my head. It was so obvious in Avatar it was ridiculous but I liked the visuals, the lore of the planet, etc. and tossed the overt attempts to make me feel bad for being born a human in the western world out of the window.

11 years ago

Bioshock is another game I should play. I have it. I just need to do it. I have played an hour or so of it actually. It seems cool. Interesting take on FPS that is.

I remember driving home with friends after seeing Avatar. Like Ben, I thought the story was pretty dang preachy. I think a good writer needs to make it their job to make certain that clear themes, usually political ones, aren't overly forceful. It can really ruin an otherwise spectacular looking film. Anyway, my friends thought it was Soooo cool, and I was like, look the story sucked. sucked bad. They didn't really get it and absorbed the more superficial scenes more than any meaning behind the plot.

PGU: Another school quarter is done. Phew. I'm doing some major comic art project stuff with my free time. I'm trying to produce some high quality work to try and land some paid work while I'm schooling. I'd like to be done with retail. ANyway, I've tried a bit of Sonic Racing Transformed and I agree with Ben. Dang it's fun. While my daughters showed minimal interest, I was like… HEY, this is pretty COOL. I, I think I want to play this for me. hehe Though, I will say I wish Sega had Nintendo's level of design quality. Mario Kart games run at a extremely solid 60fps(like most of Nintendo's in-house stuff) with very well executed concepts. In my time with Sonic I've experienced fluctuating 30fps, with some occasional odd graphical glitching, like rolling blocks that sort of flickered on and off… not on purpose. Anyway, sort of naggling things like that I find annoying, but otherwise it's a blast!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Preachy is being nice. Hollywood apparently thinks the way all liberals think…that everyone who don't think the way they do has to be poorly educated neanderthals. Getting pretty sick of the smugness and the preaching, gotta say.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/15/2012 11:20:50 PM

11 years ago

Hit yourself in the head, then go play Bioshock like right now this second.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/15/2012 11:35:39 PM

11 years ago

I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to stories and politics myself. I know enough to know when things just aren't right. And many things aren't right and Hollywood rarely speaks the truth.
I have an old room mate who double majored in writing and something related to film directing. That's actually his profession now. Directing films. He hasn't done anything Hollywood, but he does documentaries and commercials. One time I remember in conversation with him, he stated that he didn't like certain directors because they made their agenda to forced on their viewers.. I think he was speaking about Oliver Stone at the time. Anyway, he didn't get a lot of respect for being so preachy.

11 years ago

hehe thanks World. I know everyone does remind me how much I'm missing out because I haven't played that game. It's like an act of treason against gaming. I will. I will. I'll give it a shot soon enough 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

"One time I remember in conversation with him, he stated that he didn't like certain directors because they made their agenda to forced on their viewers…"

A member of the film community who at least admits it. Good on him. 🙂

11 years ago

Did you post a review for sonic racing transformed? Also, I have to disagree on District 9 being slop. Avatar in my book is more transparent, ready made, however its worded. Avatar is formulaic and almost as predictable as a bad episode of wwe raw. District 9 while I felt I could see the events coming, I was engrossed knowing the backstory of Blomkamp being from south Africa and the film being a Sci FI retelling of the apartide. For my money the special effects rocked. Its not an all timer on the level of say, super 8, but it's in my top 20 Sci FI of the past decade. I don't know what your list for that would be, you should do a movie review site. On a separate note I can relate to the need to analyze a film because you've done it so long, its a hard switch to flip from analytical to enjoyment and living in the moment.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I really don't want to do a movie review site, although I remember reviewing some films for Kikizo back in the day. And my review for District 9 wouldn't last more than a few sentences, because that's all that movie deserves.

And yes, there's a link to the Sonic & All Stars review in the article.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/15/2012 11:52:02 PM

11 years ago

far cry 3, up until the 1.02 patch which seems to have
broke the game.
playing a bit of gta san andreas (downloadable).
its kinda of ugly, playing a ps2 game on the ps3, but
its still fun 🙂

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

" It results in the work of an amateur. It's also pathetically transparent, like that preachy, insulting slop that was "District 9"

I dont know why it offended you,maybe it hit a bit too close to home but i was thoroughly entertained by it (the movie). Can you expand on this because i feel like most if not all movies try to send out a message as well as entertain.

11 years ago

Im not sure if Im excited about a GTA with all the cities. Honestly it wasn't ever the cities that made me like the games, I liked Vice City for the time period, and the others… The gameplay. That doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested, but doesn't somehow make me want it more. But what does make me excited would be the size and scope.

Bioshock Infinite looks awesome. I just went and seen The Hobbit and befor the previews they showed a trailer for the game I hadn't seen! Looked awesome!

Speaking of The Hobbit, epic. What a good movie it was. Little more light hearted than The Lord of the Rings I guess, but it was good!!

PGU: Borderlands 2!

11 years ago

Still playing pokemon… Make it stop!! Did get together with 3 friends and we all started a global match of civilization V. We have 6 AI bots vs the 4 of us and man, napoleon, alexander, genghis, and elizabeth all declared war on me as soon as i went to kill some barbarians. Somehow survived their onslaught but i love that game. 5 hours into the round and we weren't even in the middle ages yet. Not even the classical. Anyway, i snuck out hitman and not only did i manage to get top score on the first chapter i also realized how great of a job they did on this instalment. My gf took the game away but once the 25th comes around im going to play it non-stop.

11 years ago

I agree that District 9 and Avatar are preachy, but it was never a secret that the south-African movie was a sci-fi twist to the Apartheid regime. From that perspective I think District 9 is acceptable. It's what it is.

But to be honest I think that "too preachy" goes for *most* American mainstream entertainment. From simple sitcoms with boxed laughter to documentaries and movies; There's a morale to be preached pretty much everywhere.
It's like,
– "OK, so this is an american movie, guys. We got a little over an hour to embrace ourself for the Great American Hero speech at the end.".
… And what do you know, an hour later we get spelled out the morale we've alread had an hour to figure out, about family values, how the God almighty loves the Americans and it's wise to always carry a gun, just in case.

That said, you can of course be a political writer. It's part of the artistic landscape too. Several of the worlds greatest songwriters had a political message they wanted to get across, and build their music and lyrics around that. It doesn't make them less of a writer, or the music less worth. But it might make us enjoy them less if we don't share their view.

I've tried Planetside 2, a hugely popular PC-release from Sony Online Entertainment. It's chaotic and quite impressive. There is something about having such an amount of players in a competitive multiplaye rsetting, it's the scale of it all. It becomes more epic when you as an individual plays a small part of something much bigger.

But that's about all I've had time for, xmas preparations and a couple of deadlines at work pretty much occupies my entire time these days.

I really, REALLY look forward to return to Dishonored once my PS3 is back up (I need a new surround amp) and cross fingers and toes for finding Far Cry 3 and/or Rocksmith under the tree this year. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/16/2012 4:50:35 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You're 100% correct, Beamboom. That's pretty much all we do now; preach via entertainment. It's why I can't really watch any new movies are TV shows or even read new books. They ALL have some sort of message and given this administration, it's basically all the same message. Prior to that, it was a different message but still a message (i.e., the Great American Hero bit).

That's probably what people aren't getting about my rant. I'm not taking a political stance; I'm just saying I hate the way politics leaks into EVERYTHING now.

I'm not entirely sure why every "artist" suddenly believes himself to be a politician/sociologist first and an artist second, but it annoys the hell out of me and as a result, almost all our art forms are suffering. Badly.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/16/2012 11:22:11 AM

11 years ago

But I'm not so sure if the artist is to blame here, or if the art merely just reflect the culture where it is created?

Cause no offence intended to any you Americans around here, but my impression of Americans is that you guys really, really love your pompous speeches and lectures. Whenever there is an American on the telly there's almost guaranteed to be said something of religious or value related nature.

So doesn't your art just simply reflect this? Maybe you just aren't American enough, mr Dutka? 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/17/2012 5:26:33 AM

11 years ago

None of my American friends are pompous or arrogant or any ofthe things beamboom said. But he's right, American media and entertainment tries very hard to make them seem that way. And I theorize it's why so many people hate the US. It's because they don't really know a real person from there. Is a shame, really, because people should like the us more. Media, entertainment, a few racisthillbillies, and a lack of gun control make the rest if the first world unfairly judge Americans.

11 years ago

Been a Ken Levine supporter since System Shock 2, which is still my favorite work of his up to this point. He's one of the few guys in the industry that I try to keep tabs on.

And I agree, District 9 was just downright horrible in pretty much every way.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

While I agree that many writers and directors seem to want to force their political ideas down everyone's throat, I don't necessarily see it always as a bad thing. I mean, I despised Avatar simply because it was so bland compared to what I had been led to believe, but I thought that District 9 wasn't so abhorrent. Sure, it was transparent but the recreation of an apartheid-like atmosphere, I felt was rather well done and Wikus was an interesting enough character to hold the film together (although the same really can't be said for the supplementary characters).

I feel that most stories without some sort of a message are pure fluff and, while they can be entertaining, they're ultimately for people that are not me. That being said, the message inherent in the story needs to take a backseat to the events and characters. Effectively the very same tenet that you extolled above. The only exception to the rule that I've yet found is Atlas Shrugged, but that was incredibly compelling due to the way that so much was wrapped up together and the presentation of the narrative, the political message and the outline of Objectivity was so brilliantly balanced.

The goal of any form of entertainment should be to keep the person that is experiencing it interested and invested in it, and the surest way to go against that is to preach on and on to the point of repetition and derivation. Gaming has the unique ability to get a message across by engaging the player to deliver it to themselves. Levine was on the right path with the original Bioshock, and everything that I've seen on Infinite makes it seem as though he's taken it a bit further and really incorporated the political themes into the world in a way that will feel right. My problem is that so few games even attempt to do this. Most are mindless and of the 5% (if we're being generous) that aren't, most attempt to get their messages across with the assistance of a sledgehammer. I much preferred the subtly enforced feminism of Heavenly Sword to the overbearing message that doing the right thing by your partner should be the only goal for any man that Catherine decided to preach…

A multiple city GTA could be really, REALLY cool if each one feels distinctly different enough. I'd find it much cooler if they decided to tell a story across multiple times though; perhaps following a father in one city, and then his son years later in another after the expansion of their empire. It'd be one hell of a way to bring back Vice City.

Personal Update:
A little bit of FFIV and a lot of Dishonored. It's starting to grow on me, but I still can't say that it's near my favourite game of the year. It just feels so… directed. You're just going through the motions and it doesn't feel as though what you are doing has any impact on the story, which is really strange because I normally get that feeling from even the most linear of games. Maybe I'm just predisposed to dislike it for some reason unknown even to myself.
War and Peace continues to grow on me as well, but I still can't find it as engrossing as certain other novels that I've read.
Progress on my personal project has slowed, which I find mildly frustrating, but that's the way things go. What's worse is that I'm going to have precious little peace for the next three weeks, which means that I'm going to be able to do pretty much nothing. I wish that that time wasn't being stolen from me, but things will be better soon enough.

I'm starting to count down in earnest to the point that I leave all of this behind. Come the 23rd of next month, I'll be taking leave of my job, my family and pretty much my whole life to finally embark on the round-Australia road trip that has been my goal since before I bought my car last year. I'll say it now, and I'm sure again before I leave, but I'm gonna miss the PSXE family. You guys absolutely rock, and I'm glad to have been a part of it for so long.

11 years ago

wow that round-trip is bound to be awesome. Lucky you who can do such a thing! And don't worry, they got the same internet down there too. You can still be in touch now and then – please do. And if not, we're here when you return. 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Well, I won't be taking my computer with me, and my phone has an appalling browser. I may have to get a new one. I'll definitely try to put in an appearance here now and then, but I can't guarantee anything. Thanks Beam.

11 years ago

Ah but that's why there's plenty internet cafes and hotel lobbies with net access around. 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Lawless: I'm just extremely frustrated with the obvious agenda of Hollywood. The more they do it, the more pissed off I get. I never said District 9 was a poor movie by technical standards; I just said I couldn't handle the obvious pandering. I agree that entertainment should be about entertainment but for me, it stops being entertaining the minute I know the artist(s) put politics ahead of their medium.

11 years ago

im not so sure about telling any story you want, theres certainly places where you have to draw lines.
6 days for instance, the retelling of a very sore subject and so much so the game was finished years ago but the publisher pulled out at the last minute and no one wants to touch it now.
and its probably for the better.
im sure it would of been a great game, and very respectful to the participants and whatever it portrays.
but theres a expected respect in these types of things, you just dont go rubbing peoples faces in things like this.
do we really need a game to remind people of those events?

plus theres allot of games doing it just for the shock value, i mean how many games have been pulled lately because of stupid silly little things?
the original MoH let you play as terrorists, i mean seriously whats the point?
if it was to tell a story, or something than ok, but its just a skin, its just in the game to provoke a response for the sake of it and that is where you gotta draw the line.
or how many games have been pulled recently because they have had references to muslims and their bible?
whats the point, why do you have to have that in the game?
whats the point of writing allah is great in a dirty bathroom stall?
how does that enhance the game?
it doesent, its just there to cause controversy.
thats why i get the sh*ts about free speech so to speak, you give people a inch and they take a yard.
if something controversial is there for a purpose, than fine.
but if its just there just for the sake of it, just to provoke people, than thats where you have to draw the line.

as a concept it would be freaking awesome!
but i have my skepticism, i mean id be so hard to do there are just too many too large cities.
id be so cool if you had 1 big game with all the cities and gameplay styles of not just GTA, but ALL of R*s games!
think about it, your playing as a character in a GTA styled game, GTA styled gameplay, than you transition to a character in RDR gameplay and style, than LA Noire, ect, ect.
all a encompassing story linked together.
that would be sweet!

in fact ive been thinking about that for years now, ive always said ubisoft should do that with their tom clancy games.
imagine it.
you start off as sam fisher in a splinter cell game, than the next level you switch to one of the rainbow six guys, than you switch to a ghost, than you switch to a team from HAWX.
one massive game one massive story about what else but world domination?
ok its cliche, and overdone, but this would be such a really cool game, call it WW3 or whatever.
across the globe, across each of ubisofts franchises and across so many different play styles.

it could be like rainbow six vegas 2 was like.
you play vegas 1 as one team, than play the same timeline but from the perspective of another team.
you start off as sam fisher, than once that mission is done a cut scene will show saying meenwhile, and it will take you to one of the other teams, ect, ect.
so many times while playing a game like that, especially when you call in air support or something id say awww wish i was the one delivering air support.
well you can, now you play as ghosts clearing out the mission, than you call in air support, and finish the mission.
than meanwhile and the mission starts again, but your in a jet blowing up bad guys, the call for support comes in.
wait a minute this is familiar…… oh sweet im supplying the air support now, hey that was me down there 5 minutes ago!
that would be SO cool!

i just got invited to the god of war acension beta last night so im hoping to start that tonight.
looks really interesting, for once im actually excited to see a game get MP.
got epic mickey 2 today as well so ill probably put more time into that for now need to finish it.
finished far cry 3 the other night, what a stupid disappointing empty ending!
what is it with ubisoft lately, they use to deliver such satisfying epic grand big bang endings!
their games this year have been so uninspired, so low key, so fizzle.
instead of getting a BANG!
you get a puff of smoke.
such a predictable ending too, i mean come on isent the whole cliche overdone just a little?
disappointed, i really expected more from the far cry team!
its funny these days how you always have to choose between story and characters, or action and fun.
FC2 was pretty frustrating, repetitive, boring.
but it had much better characters, and a much better story and ending!
can never have the best of both worlds.

11 years ago

GTA with all cities is a no brainer cash cow. The next gen is ripe for this experiment!

Still having fun with Far Cry 3! It's really a great game but I don't want to ruin it so I have slowed down. I think I am going to pick up my Borderlands 2 Mechromancer play through this week and give Far Cry 3 a break. All the talk of DLC and a possible new character has me very excited to play B2!

11 years ago

Man a GTA with all 3 worlds would be phenomenal. GTA III's liberty is still my favorite to explore even though its the most dead and empty the memories i have with it are priceless. i actually hooked my PS2 up last night and screwed around abit before the Rollign Stones PPV concert it just doesn't get old.

PGU well with not much out for me this fall i decided to take advantage of the free time and replay Red Dead Redemption for the 3rd time. finished that up. also all this GOTY talk reminded me how amazing journey is so i took a run though that again to.

11 years ago

How'd this guy get a huge avatar and mine got busted to puny size?

11 years ago

i don't know why it turned out so big its only 16kb 193 x 218. but whatever bigger is always better xD

11 years ago


-50 HP

Take that.

11 years ago

@Canadian: 193 x 218 *is* that big. 😀 My avatar is 80×80.

@World: You've probably uploaded the wrong file or something. The server do not resize images as far as I am aware.
Your current avatar is 80×56.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/16/2012 2:07:18 PM

11 years ago

I just hope people don't look at Bioshock Infinite and poo poo it for being preachy or Pro or Anti this or that. Yes it's going to have a lot of political messages, commentaries and ideas about America that resonate especially in these times. In that way it will be no different from Hollywood.

Anywho, Dragon's Dogma's lack of fast travel is pissing me off. So I'm just drifting from game to game in my free time until Ni No Kuni comes. I should really be working anyway…

11 years ago

I don't think Bioshock were too preachy. It was clever, intelligent, fascinating and exciting.

And if the movie is good enough I've learnt to live with the American eagerness to lecture the rest of us. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/16/2012 1:42:19 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

World, you can't possibly compare any story of Bioshock's, which are largely fantastical in a number of ways, to the completely unimaginative and unoriginal "story" in District 9. There would be no better example of being blinded by politics, I would say.

Bioshock Infinite will be an example of a plot where an original story utilizes controversial and societal elements to make a point.

11 years ago

Both are fantastical, and both use controversial plot elements, the whole idea isn't how well it uses it for its story it's where the viewer puts their mental focus. I'm only arguing against placing mental focus on those parts to the exclusion of all else.

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