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Ben’s Week In Review: October 21

Yeah, it's about that time. At least one big game releases each week between now and early December…we ready?

Does Call of Duty even need to advertise anymore?

Obviously, Call of Duty is the biggest name in gaming. I think when you reach that point, marketing almost feels unnecessary. Of course, advertising and promotion is never unnecessary, even when you're already at the top of the heap, but will all these commercials really sway more people? Will they actually remind people who have somehow forgotten that Black Ops comes out on November 13? Or do so many casual gamers play it that such ads are essential for keeping sales through the roof? I wonder… You may also notice that when it comes to almost limitless budgets, you can do really cool stuff, like use AC/DC for the launch trailer . That's hardly the only example of Activision throwing their money around in relation to Call of Duty , and you almost wish it would all go away.

At the same time, does EA have to try to match Activision's promotion firepower? Do they need to push Medal of Honor: Warfighter like crazy? Or is the fact that it's coming out three weeks before BOII enough to drag in the shooter fans? Then again, you've got Halo 4 to contend with as well, so… I just feel like we're going to OD on CoD in the next few weeks and I have no idea just how much of a difference it makes at this point.

I wonder if I'll be able to get into the next Mass Effect

BioWare will eventually deliver a brand new Mass Effect offering, which will feature an entirely new story arc and hence, no more Commander Shepard . But it wasn't the story or the character I didn't really take to, it was more the setting and the gameplay. No matter how in-depth or advanced the gameplay got, it still felt too much like a third-person shooter to me, and I've never been a fan of the sci-fi environment. I'm definitely more of a Dragon Age person although admittedly, Mass Effect 3 was better than Dragon Age II . I have great confidence that BioWare can pen a great story and give us really interesting characters, but I wonder if they'll follow the same ME gameplay structure when it returns.

They probably will and therefore, I won't be all that intrigued, but you never know… Just a few small differences could make me very curious. By the way, I'm definitely looking forward to Dragon Age III , which I hope represents a technical leap forward and a general return to traditional role-playing. I want to be able to equip my party members and I want a world map. Beyond that, I'm good. Love the fantasy locales. 🙂

Personal gaming update

I thought I'd be more in love with Joe Danger 2: The Movie than I am, mostly because I adored the first one. I just find the sequel a little too frustrating and a little too madcap for my taste. I also thought I'd try to finish 007 Legends because I thought Eurocom could deliver another solid and entertaining Bond experience. Yeah, well, the reservations I had were unfortunately realized and I don't want anything more to do with it. Ah well, that leaves more time for the great Dishonored and I need it, because Warfighter is out this week, and Assassin's Creed III and Need for Speed: Most Wanted are next week. I should have all of them a little early so the reviews are likely to be on point; if not on the day of launch, the day after.

By the way, I'd like to add that it was actually painful to write that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII preview . Just horrible. Made me want to run into the living room and start a new game of FFVII.

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11 years ago

EA is insane to put MoH right up against CoD, that could hurt the future of the franchise if it doesn't sell very well.

Mass Effect's battle system is certainly TPS but any further entries would probably water down the story, characters, setting, and options so I doubt it will get better. That's what worries me about Dragon Age III, they may bring back some cool stuff like outfitting your party but I suspect it will go even further into the action game realm.

I dunno what to play now that I'm done with Dishonored. Still have plenty to do in ME3 but I'm losing interest. Nothing good coming for awhile.

11 years ago

MoH will be fine. If anything happens to it, it won't be because it's 3 weeks ahead of CoD, it will be because it's not good. The re-boot came out the same time as BO and its got a sequel and it was a great game.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

EA putting MoH agaist CoD, they're just trying to slow CoDs sales. Trying to dent em. Some people will get MoH over CoD. I also don't think it will hurt MoH's future, EA has plenty of money to blow.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 10/21/2012 12:07:13 AM

11 years ago

I guess I don't remember the roll-out of the last MoH being as rosy as you folks. And the death of Resistance still stings. But then I don't claim to know much about military FPS crowds.

11 years ago

The last MoH actually faired as well as any against a well established franchise. And it is my personal favorite FPS campaign to date. It was weak in the technical aspect, but everything about the gameplay and the sentiment of the story was among the best.

I too hate to see Resistance end. I still need to play R3, I'm trying to pick it up on a buy 2 get 1 deal but havnt seen many of those lately. I know I'm missing out. I only played the demo and loved it! Reminded me of Resistance: Fall of Man, and that's a good thing!

11 years ago

I am expecting MoH to be good. I think they would have refined the Frostbyte engine a bit more, and from I have seen, the destructibility of the environments looks better than Battlefield 3…

For the rest, who knows; I am waiting more for the Ps3 exclusives to land early next year now.



Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

@Q I played the MoH beta on 360 and I liked it. I actually preferred it over BF3. I like the new lean system, a couple of holes on walls you can lean over em, shoot and whatnot.

11 years ago

Thanks Killa, then I must look into getting it. We shall see if I am motivated to do so…



11 years ago

I don't think CoD needs advertising, but it never hurts. It's always good for them so…

I'm hoping that the next ME will play more like ME2. I never felt like I was playing an rpg in any ME game (havnt played ME1), but ME3 absolutely left behind some elements that 2 had.

With that said I still enjoyed the gameplay very much, but I personally just dot want to see ME go away from the genre completely.

PGU: still playing RE6. Lots of game to play here. My buddy and I just finished Leons campaign, it was awesome! Started Chris's campaign, equally awesome, in a different sense. What I mean is they play differently. Chris' campaign is definitely and all out action extravaganza for the most part. Super fun though.

Can't wait for MoH next week! Was gonna hold off on AC3 as I have with the others because I always wait until black Friday and get gift cards with them when I purchase them, but I don't think I can wait so…

11 years ago

I agree with everything you had to say about RE6. There is a massive amount of diverse and spectacular content to be found in this game. Leon's campign is pretty damn impressive and is my favorite overall but I enjoyed the others as well. Hehe Leon is one unlucky guy!! Especially out on the streets!! I don't want to ruin for anybody so let's just say Leon not only has zombies to contend with but also many enviromental hazards as well. Keep your guard up and always look both ways when crossing the street!

11 years ago

Yea. My buddy and I were laughing at the fact we didn't blow up a boat! 😉

Yea, in my opinion the game should not get scored lower because it is diverse. The game offers something for everyone. Each campaign was meant to be different to offer a variety of gameplay elements.

11 years ago

CoD has an identity to maintain, like Coke or Pepsi. They'll just keep spending a percentage of each game's budget on tons of advertising even if it doesn't seem it needs it.. who else also laughs when they see an Internet Explorer ad? It's like, what's the point of this when most computers just ship with it?

Anyway, I like Mass Effect just the way it is, hope it doesn't try to appeal to anyone else other than it does because it's 100 percent good stuff already; with or without genre boundaries. I want it space opera. I want it social simulation and all amazing and stuff as each one always is; ME has probably impressed me most this ge. though, if for whatever Bioware decides in their wisdom to alter it, I'm sure I'll accept it just fine.

And when the crap is Suikoden II hitting PSN? Please Konami stop being uber-lame

i've been getting a bit of a Assassin's Creed itch back. I see Revelations is like $12 from an online distributor, but I'll pass for now. I'm sure THanksgiving and or Christmas sales will bring it in under $10.

PGU: DoA5. Contemplating if going platinum is worth it. Getting 100 wins on Survival at Legend difficulty seems like a chore, especially because I'd have to use Lisa as well in order to meet a criteria…. don't know yet. Maybe my time is better spent fighting online. Been too busy for anything else, I've been doing lots of Java data structure coding all week basically. I've been learning about neato stuff like Time Complexity of algorithms and how if some genius somehow can figure out a certain algorithm the world of cryptography will explode before our eyes and digital crimes would hopelessly run rampant.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/20/2012 11:28:56 PM

11 years ago

I think they need to advertise for CoD, because the conspiracy part of my brain thinks that the commercials have hidden messages that go beyond standard marketing and make people more likely to purchase the game 😛 There is no other way they could out do sales year after year 😉

On a serious note I don't think they have to but it probably does get more people buying the game I'm sure.

Right now, I'm playing an Alpha test for the War z and its pretty decent, kind of a rip off of day z arma 2 mod but its got some good original qualities of its own. I've been spending a lot of time playing Borderlands 2 also, I got hooked on it finally after about 10 hours of not feeling like playing it. However I don't know if I will play the DLC for a while. Something is too frantic and in your face about it, and with friends some of the enemies in playthrough 2 are a huge grind to kill. But it is still enjoyable and I must say Zero as a character is brilliant, when you collect his echo logs. Other than that I haven't been gaming much, I'm eagerly awaiting a big Guild wars 2 halloween update coming out in 2 days which should be delightful, Anet always does a good job with holiday stuff.

Sadly my PS3 after 5 years well the fat 60 gig princess has died. I am borrowing my friends as she has two and doesn't need the second one but I'm hoping I can repair mine soon for relatively cheap. Basically I need it for Ni No Kuni, the last of us, and God of War amongst a couple of others that escape me at the moment.

As far as EA and mass effect goes, well most of you know my stance on that. I liked each sequel less and less, the first one is a masterpiece in my eyes, and I still play it on occasion. I think it has held up incredibly well, because I KNOW its an RPG first shooter second, unlike the people who say it was clunky or broken etc. Sure its not perfect but in a way it is an almost perfect game for me, that could have used a bit more polish here and there.

I am wary of Dragon age 2, honestly the change of direction from Dragon age 1 to 2 was just ridiculous, and obviously was not what the doctors would have called for. That had to have been EA, and some other devs who thought they could make a quick buck. Sadly I fear like it will go the action route more than going back to what origins was, I mean EA is known for doing this. Even ME3 as an example they said it would have more RPG elements and exploration than ME2 but to me it felt even more streamlined and claustrophobic than ME2. So no matter what they say about DA3 I wont believe any promises they are making, and wait for reviews and more importantly DA:O fan reviews.

Last edited by xenris on 10/20/2012 11:39:40 PM

11 years ago

Sad to hear about your black princess, the 60Gb fat. Mine still goes strong, and I was one of the first 10 people to have a Japanese unit in Singapore. May she long continue.

The one thing that I think has helped is that I have an additional mini fan that is on my desk and blows extra air directly through and onto the unit for added oooling… I think this has helped considering average temperatures in Singapore are 30 degrees Celsius, night and day.



11 years ago

Yeah its getting cold here in Canada and I left mine on a couple nights because I was playing Hard Corps: Uprising arcade mode and was at the end boss and we didn't want to start over lol.

That and I had my heater on all night soooo I think having the heater on for the week really made the difference.

Luckily my good friend lent me hers because her brother moved back in and they have 2 now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Sucks about the PS3, dude. But they might have some pretty good holiday deals floating around…how's about that 500GB PS3 Assassin's Creed III bundle package? $299 ain't bad for that (if they have this available in Canada).

11 years ago

War Z was actually made at the same time as day z. Just war z took longer to come out. Kept trying to get into the beta and then I finally forgot about it. Yea I remember when my fatty died too. Sony was nice enough to send me a slim with a game :). They couldn't repair it anymore so it worked out for me. Good luck anyways with your endeavor.

11 years ago

Thanks for the responses guys. Yeah I have been looking around and that Assassins Creed 3 bundle caught my attention. I think its available in Canada, problem is I'm a bit tight on money right now the extra 350 bucks with tax isn't in the budget right now. Might see what happens around christmas if its not sold out by then.

I'm fortunate enough to have been lent one by my friend and she wont need it back any time soon so I will be good for the rest of the year I think.

I just REALLY hope I have my own by the time Ni No Kuni hits, and all the other amazing ps3 exclusives coming out next year.

War Z has a lot of promise, and I will end up getting Day z standalone as well. I just really hope the ideas they sold me on War Z come to realization. There website promises some awesome stuff its just about delivery now.

Sawao you can preorder it for 20 bucks but that deal ends tomorrow so get on it if you want.

11 years ago

Oh crap! Twenty? Thanks just got it 🙂

11 years ago

Yhea, the heater would have ravaged her innards… poor thing!



11 years ago

I really do miss the exploration missions with the landrover from the first game. I think that was a game play element that could've been expanded upon greatly. I liked the feeling of being down on a romote planet surface naked feeling, exploring, not really knowing what could pop out or be found. Hopefuly that sees a comeback some day.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I think CoD does needs ads. Especially Zombies, it's what pushes sells.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

CoD doesn't need the advertising, but it certainly won't hurt them any. And if you've got the money to blow on a multi-million dollar marketing campaign, as Activision does, you may as well do it, even if it only draws in a couple of million new buyers. Is EA insane to put MoH against BlOpsII? Nah. They've proven over the last couple of years with the first MoH and BF3 that they can compete; they just have to advertise. Some shooter fans will just use it to tide them over until the game that they really want drops. I mean, just look at what happened with Dante's Inferno just prior to the GoW 3 launch. It sold heaps better on PS3, then GoW went on to be one of the best selling exclusives to date. I don't think many were expecting that turn of events.

I'm definitely considering the Mass Effect Trilogy, having not played any of the games previously. Really don't know why that is. Maybe it's just that I've never really had the time or inclination to sink 50+ hours into a largely linear sci-fi RPG. Then again, that may hypocritical considering I've done so with FFXIII. Maybe it's just the story of Shepard doesn't resonate with me.*shrug*

Personal Update:
Started Atlas Shrugged this past week. I really enjoyed the first 80 pages or so, but what I've read since then not so much. Don't really know why that is. Rand has a very involving writing style though, IMO.
Also started XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It's good, most certainly, but it's no Valkyria Chronicles. I feel no connection with the soldiers or the story or, well, anything about it. The gameplay is solid and the implementation of so many different elements makes it feel very well rounded, but it still feels as though it's missing something.

11 years ago

You have to remember that XCOM is a pure strategy game, not a strategy RPG like Valkyria Chronicles is. As such, if you want a strong connection to your team, you need to create that connection from scratch. Common advice is to rename and customize all of your troops so that you have a little more to work with.

As for the story, well, there's just not much there. As far as I've been able to get to (and this is certainly true in the original), the plot doesn't consist of much else besides, "aliens have invaded, go do something about that." But then again, plot or story or characters were never strong selling points of the original. It was all about addicting gameplay.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I've tried the tricks to renaming and customising the characters, but there is such a high turnover rate that when one days I go, "Oh, this person is dead. Damn." Most of the time I have trouble remembering who has what role in the assault team and who carries what items, meaning that I'm left flicking from unit to the other mindlessly trying to work out who it was that had the arc thrower and who I'm using to keep the troops alive with Medikits… I just can't create that connection, try as I might.

And yeah, I didn't go into it expecting a good story, but I hope that the motivations of the aliens are brought to light by the end of the game. The gameplay is really engaging too, but I find that the viewpoint leaves a lot to be desired, as so much of the map is obscured and you often find yourself not able to see the enemies properly… Small gripes, but they detract from my enjoyment. Also, I'm so close to failing the program with about six countries with less than two alert levels to go before they pull out. I think I just suck at it 😀

11 years ago

As someone who doesn't like FPSes that much, I actually enjoy CoD's ad campaign much more than the actual games. The AC/DC one was pretty solid. The one last year with 'Gimme Shelter' was great, as was the one with Jonah Hill. And the one from a couple of years back with Kobe and Jimmy Kimmell was alright as well.

I'm with you on Mass Effect, Ben. I tried playing the first one several years back and I recognized it as a game that was very, very good, but just not my thing. So, unless they do something drastically different with the next entry (unlikely, to say the least), then I'm sure it won't be my thing either.

PGU: it's all about XCOM: EU for me. I, unfortunately, have not been able to put as much time into it as I would like, but from the 10-15 that I've been able to sink in thus far, I'm pretty pleased. I decided to make my first game on Normal, and I can definitely see why so many reviews have said that your first game is kind of like an experiment. I've made a bunch of mistakes that I'm looking forward to fixing in my next game (probably Classic Ironman). Overall though, there's so much that I like about it, and only a couple of things that I dislike. I think I'll always miss rolling out with 14 troops (or 22 in the Avenger), but I can kind of understand why they wanted to limit it to 6. I do however, HATE, that you have to start with 4 and work your way up to 5 and 6. I also thought that I'd hate that there's no free targeting, but because the level design is drastically better than the original, I've found that I really haven't missed it very much at all. And I absolutely love all of the enemy redesigns: Sectoids are a little creepier, Thin Men are a nice addition, Floaters are awesome now and much more formidable than they originally were, Mutons are a push for me: I liked the way the looked before, both Cyberdisks and Sectopods are infinitely better – they're actually scary now (especially Sectopods!), and the addition of the upgraded Floaters and Mutons were sorely needed. The only one I dislike are the Chrysalids, which, while still very effective at eating civvies, just don't inspire the same sense of terror that they first did. Also, I'm missing Snakemen and hope that they're still in the game and I just haven't seen them yet. This is certainly something that pays homage to the original, stacks up well against it, but also remains very much it's own game. Considering I still play the original, 20 years after its release, I'm looking forward to enjoying the new one for the next couple of decades as well.

11 years ago

no it does not need it, but it certainly cant hurt.
im surprised how little advertisement there is out for it though, i mean this time last year there were MW3 posters all over buss stops, busses, shopping malls, and it was impossible to go into your local EB without being chastised why you have not preordered it yet.
not to mention the adds on TV and in cinemas.
not that thats a bad thing.

im done with bioware, what they did to ME3 just killed every bit of interest and respect i had for them.
not only the shitty ending, but the characters also everything just felt really rushed and poorly thought out.
so there going to have to bring democracy to cuba, cure cancer, prove life on mars, bring back ET, and end all wars before i ever think about touching another one of their games!
they have hurt me enough.

im still struggling through dishonoured, every waking minute is like realizing your childhood hero is not as great as you thought it was.
its dreaming of driving that supercar, than growing up and finally getting the opportunity and it ends up being a massive disappointment.
as the saying goes you never ever meet your heroes!
i had such high hopes for dishonoured, and they all came crashing down!
i think im close to the end now at least, hopefully will finish it tonight so i can move onto doom 3 BFG edition.
played a little of it the other night, its so good to go back to the last game that really made people sh*t their pants!
its pretty sad how were constantly having to go back to old classics to get gameplay right, no?
makes me wonder though, what is id going to do with doom 4?
3 was so different from the series, so will 4 continue that tradition, be something drastically different and modernize gameplay even further, or will it stick to its newer old school roots?
one things for sure, if E3 passes and doom 4 is not shown theres going to be a mass exodus!
so many years have passed, each year weve been promised doom 4 news, and each year we have been left wanting.
first it was will talk about it next year, than it was no were not going to talk about it until rage is finished, than it was no were working on doom 3 BFG edition now.
come on id, for f*cks sake enough is enough hurry up and pull back the blanket!

11 years ago

I'm just curious dude, are you ever happy? I swear, I've only seen one or two comments by you that actually seem somewhat positive. Do video games just continually make you angry? Cuz you rant a lot, even about amazing games.

Last edited by La_Bete12 on 10/21/2012 10:15:53 PM

11 years ago

CoD really doesn't need to advertise anymore but hey, it's for the 2 people that have never played CoD and are on the fence! 🙂

Cannot wait for Mass Effect 4! I am into the fantastic universe and gameplay over the characters. I really enjoyed Shepard and company but I am open to something new in the future. I am sure they will introduce more intriguing characters.

MoH Warfighter is not on my radar since I am buying Black Ops II. If I had the money would buy it as it looks good and comes out 3 weeks before Black Ops II. If it scores well I will pick it up on the cheap. I hope it sells well.

PGU: Nothing but Borderlands 2!! I started a new game with the Mechromancer and she is so much fun! Deathtrap is an awesome Wolverine type robot with an electronic beam that shoots out of his eye. The beam takes out the Rakks and slices and dices the ground enemies. Deathtrap even used his beam on Boom and Bewm when they took to flight with there jet packs! He is even more potent than the Commando because Deathtrap can go where ever the enemy is whether they are up above or behind cover. So far it's easily my GOTY!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

At any giving moment during the day if I think about FFVII it makes me want to start a new playthrough. This is why we get large Vita and PSP cards!

11 years ago

Walmart in Canada has MOH Warfighter pre order for $39.99 for the next 2 days – unfortunetly I pre bought mine through Origin – but did get the SAS unlock with it. MOH and BF should release May time rather than go directly against COD – that way just about every FPS fan would buy both. Resistance 3 was dumb to release when it did – with Gears Of War 3 and COD only a few months apart – which is tragic considering how great a game it was.

Mass Effect 4 with no renegade Shepherd will just not be the same I'm afraid. I agree 3rd person shooting is not as good – much better to make it a 1st person shooter …. (evil laugh)

11 years ago

so gameinformer has an article in the new issue this month about AC3. 10 things you didnt know about the new game.
1. the homestead is like your home city in ac2 but bigger and with missions and objectives on a much bigger scale.
2. the underground masonic tunnels built beneath New York and Boston will be used for fast traveling.
3. your ship has 3 speeds (full stop, half sail and full sail) and 2 kinds of firing (a pinpoint weak shot and a broad heavy shot). there is also treasure to find buried places.
4. syncing works based on points like xp. not just passed or failed anymore.
5. Benjamin Franklin has almanacs that unlock aspects of the game. we will have to explore and find them stuck in door frames or under barrels.
6. there are clubs in the game. hunting, thievery, exploring and fighting. each one is about differnt aspects of the game.
7. there are board games to play like checkers.
8. there is a variation of the brotherhood idea used in the game.
9. forts replace the borgia tower ideas but once taken will probably serve a purpose. you can also attack convoys and have your attacked.
10. the whole economy is huge and will allow for trading of furs and crafting of recipes.

there isnt another game that i look forward to as much as AC3. i would almost buy it twice just to have the steel book along with the ce of the game so i could have that flag and statue.

i really see this going the same route as the past games. the will probably be another AC game in a years time. another team will have been working on it. another modern time era game set in the americas again.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x