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So Collectors, What Makes Your Library Special?

Before I get to the question at hand, a couple points-

Firstly, no, that is not my video game collection. Secondly, all those with only digital collections of games don't count. No, you don't qualify. What you have isn't a collection (no, I'm not bashing digital releases of games; I've got 'em, too, but I'm talking to people who only have little folders on a screen and call it a "library").

Now, for all you gamers out there who are immensely proud of your collections, what makes yours special? Is it just sheer volume? Do you have like a dozen bookcases in your basement that are so jam packed that not a single additional title could squeeze its way on there? Do you have a lot of rare gems that are difficult to find? Do you specialize in old-school, dawn-of-the-industry stuff like arcade cabinets and six thousand Atari games? Okay, maybe they didn't make six thousand Atari games, but you get my point. Or maybe yours is special for a very different and possibly very personal reason.

Me, I don't have a lot. Between Gameboy, SNES, PC, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, I've probably only got about 200 total. But as of the PlayStation era, I started to adopt one philosophy: A game only earns a place in my collection if it's either, A. Absolutely stellar, or B. I just fall in love with it for some reason. Hence, there are probably a few less-than-stellar JRPGs in the library but hey, that was my thing for a while. And there are also games that I think are amazing, but I just never played a lot. They were simply too good to not have in a collection. This obviously means that if a game is great, I will not be getting rid of it. Ever.

So how's about you?

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11 years ago

"Firstly, no, that is not my video game collection."

Dang it. I was gonna ask lol
Come on Ben place up a picture of your collectibles

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

That'd be tough, considering they're not all in one place. 🙂

11 years ago

I have Shenmue for DC. I also have a handful of original NES and SNES games in a dark dreary box at the bottom of a closet.

11 years ago

I too have the Shenmue, it even still has the anti-theft device inside the jewel case. My copy of Shenmue II is a custom job by somebody else with the Xbox voices dubbed in since the DC never got am audio translation.

11 years ago

It's a perty dual case with nicely colored discs and full color manuals. Including also INTERIOR jewel case art. We don't see interior art anymore these days. Now it's just clear plastic, or for the really unfortunate, the HIDEOUSLY red Greatest Hits cases. For heaven's sake could they have made something less attractive?

11 years ago

They want to punish us for getting the el cheapo version. I miss nice artwork a lot. Dead or Alive always had extra fun stuff inside from collectible cards to holograms to PC wallpaper on the disc. I looked inside DOA 5 and was like damn, I guess at least the crappy dual language manual is in color.

11 years ago

Hey, so get your DOA5 case dilemma sorted out? Sack a dude coming out of a GameStop? =p

11 years ago

I imported the Euro version of Shenmue 2 for the DC and it has the original Japanese voices with English subs. The voice acting is a nice change from the robotic English dubs 😉

11 years ago

No, I figured I could send the game back and not even open it but I wanted to play so I said f*ck it. If I get anal about it later I can always swap it into a different case.

@Zen I have to admit the terrible voice acting in Shenmue is part of its charm for me. I literally laugh out loud at it often. "Do you know where I can find some sailors?" or Ryo's classic response after I hear someone's life story "Ummm okay". Hysterical.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/28/2012 11:30:04 PM

11 years ago

I gotta admit the English voices are pretty classic, but I feel that more with the first game because it has those classic one liners about the sailors, and also every piece of dialogue with Nozomi:

Nozomi: "Ryo. We didn't spend Christmas together…"
Ryo: "…yeah."
Nozomi: "We're both leaving Japan soon."
Ryo: "…yeah."

What a bastard he is!

But I gotta say, when shit goes down in Shenmue 2 in Kowloon, it's nice to have that element of quality. Makes the climax feel more badass if you know what I mean.

11 years ago

Hahaha, …yeah. Jeez what a dink. I like to call Nozomi every day to see what will transpire.

It's never out of the question to have numerous versions. Probably would make it a more realistic experience.

11 years ago

Them Dreamcast cases are awful! They are so delicate, I bought a lot of my Dreamcast game pre-owned and half of the cases are cracked. I won't lie, the only reason I keep my Dreamcast now is for Shenmue. If that were to ever go on the Playstation Store along with Shenmue II I would sell it.

11 years ago

Shenmues dialogue is amazing. I always wondered what they would do if they released new version that was big budget how they would handle the voice overs?

Man I really want them to make a 3 good lord the ending for 2 has kept me up some nights >.<

11 years ago

There are lots of good games on DC, Resident Evil Code Veronica was the best version over PS2 along with Grandia II, Soul Calibur, and DOA2. RE2 and Soul Reaver are better versions of the PS1 games. Never had a problem with the actual jewel cases, they are pretty standard.

11 years ago

Mine is special because it has Final Fantasy V-XII. XI doesn't count. It has XIII but that doesn't count because it isn't a real FF.

Also it is special for being made up largely of games that are not popular but that I really enjoyed; diamonds in the rough imo.

11 years ago

I wouldn't call my collection special, but definetely sentimental. I have around 650 games and have played all but about 50 of them(PS+ is killing me), almost all of which are current gen games(the ones I haven't played that is). My collection really isn't worth much as most of them are games that I enjoyed, so not to many rarities. However something I want to start working on once I start working is getting rare or truely collectible games. I enjoy games enough that I should turn them into a prorper investment.

I do hope that I can either fund some of my retirement with my collection or at least leave a great historical library of gaming to my grandkids.

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 9/28/2012 11:04:38 PM

11 years ago

Mine is special because I have a little bit of everything I suppose. A lot of consoles and a lot of variety, but even though there is variety, it's either great games or games that I personally found appealing. I don't have many bad games in my collection, and I suppose I do have some rare gems (like old SNES cartridges of Square games and Shenmue 2 Euro edition for DC), but other than that it's not that special. Well, unless you consider a whole whack load of JRPGs special 😉

11 years ago

My PS3 collection of 60+ games is special because not one of them is a used copy. (Aside from the fact that I have now used most of them. lol)

Only 10 or so would have been full price, too. The cheapest one I bought BRAND NEW was $6.99. So no… you DONT need to buy used to avoid spending a ton of money. :p FFXIII-2 was bought new for something around the $15 mark. (I forget what amount exactly.) And that title came out this year. So…

My video game collection in general is special because I've kept every game that meant a lot to me. I have games across generations from NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, PS2, and countless different handheld systems. I also have some PC games on my shelf.

Only thing I sold was my XBOX and games in order to buy an engagement ring. I made a wise choice.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/28/2012 11:30:51 PM

11 years ago

FFXIII-2 should be bought used just to make sure nobody profits from it.

Woman > Xbox
Woman </= PS3

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/29/2012 12:11:55 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

That's another thing-

For a while, I didn't like having games in my collection I hadn't completed. But with less time, it became impossible to finish them all, and I don't like getting rid of great games.

That being said, I'm proud to say that at least 80 – 85%% of all the games I own have been beaten.

11 years ago

Ben, that's quite an achievement. I don't have a huge collection because I have sold off my old machines and games as I went along.

It will probably be similar this generation. Actually, if the PS4 is backward compatible I will just sell off the PS3 hardware and keep my original games. However I will keep my 60GB Sony Phatt console as that one has my Linux install on it, but will sell off the other PS3.

I have yet to buy a second-hand game. I have a small collection, but they are the games I spend huge amounts of time, especially games such as Battlefield 3 multi-player. But that is because I enjoy this brainless down time. It's the only way I relax.

Saying that my prized games are Unchartered 2 & 3, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 3 and Battlefield 3. I have spent the most time on these…

Looking forward to a few of the up and coming Sony exclusives which will again, add a few top notch titles to my small but growing collection.

Reminds me, I need to pick up "Journey" online soon… in-fact I will do it over the course of the weekend… Also keen on "Dust514".



Last edited by Qubex on 9/29/2012 7:12:20 AM

11 years ago

I'm soooo closing in on my unfinished games. It's kinda nice to be a lil behind on them though. When I pick up another game to play it's already been reduced to 20 bucks! Helps me wallet a bit it does.

11 years ago

Q! You've still got Linux on your PS3? That's awesome.

I had it there for a while, but I only have the one PS3, so I had to get rid of my Linux install when the firmware was "updated" removed the ability have other OSes installed. That's not an update. That's a downgrade. But I still love my PS3, I just wish I could still run Linux on it.

11 years ago

I have a collection of 278 NES games with a working system, the arcade stick, and track pad. I have a list if anyone wants to see ALL the games I currently have. But for some of my favorite games I have:
A Boy and His Blob, Battletoads, Bionic Commando, all 3 Castlevanias, Both Contra and Super C, all Double Dragons, Dragon Warrior 1&2, Final Fantasy, Mega Man 1-4 and 6,both versions of Punch Out!, Shadowgate & DeJaVu. Thats just to name a few off the top of my head.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Wouldn't necessarily call myself a collector, but I am proud of my admittedly small collection. Why? The general quality amassed within it, I have a few games that probably aren't as deserving as others, but I'm okay with that. The other thing is the memories. Some of them hold sentimental value for helping me through difficult points in my life, but all of them have unique memories associated with them, even if it is only be developer intention. And really, isn't experience the whole point of gaming?

11 years ago

I still have my (31 in 1) and Chip and Dale game, my first video games, from FamCom.

My 31 in 1 includes Contra( up up down down left right left right B A B A select start) Super Mario and of course Bomber Man.

11 years ago

Put simply, my collection constitutes as a collection because every time I glance at a game, whether I was 10 when I played it or whether I just played it the past month, I always get a (often tingly) emotional response; the good memories, the bad, the unbelievably awesome. Put simply, this is the reason my game collection is special to me. That tingly feeling 🙂

Mass Effect, Final Fantasy X, Super Smash Bros. (the original on N64!), Onimusha (especially the 3rd!), Metal Gear Solid 4, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, these are simply just a few that sprung into in my head at this moment.

11 years ago

Nothing special about my game collection. Just the game I love enough to keep. Now my HORROR MOVIE collection…

11 years ago

I wouldnt call what I have a collection. Ive had numerous systems from the Atari, Nintendo, Sega Genises, N64, PS1,2 and 3. But before the PS2 I never kept anything either because I was too young to collect or was in and out of gaming Until the PS2. The games were just too good. But along came the PS3 and I got rid of a lot of my PS2 games to purchase PS3 games I wanted. Only my favorite PS2 games remain.

So although I have many PS3 games it's not much of a collection of games. But what makes the games I have special is I like them all for one reason or another. I enjoyed playing all of the games I have for reasons specific to each.

11 years ago

Well, some game covers have special memories. For example, i stared at the Demons Souls cover for like 4 months before it released and when it did… Anyway some games just have some incredible art on the cover and when you pick up the game you wanna see the epicness each and everytime. Thats just me though

11 years ago

But what is the definition of the term "collector"?

I got quite a lot of games but I consider myself only to be a gamer, not a collector.

Am I a collector just cause I happen to buy a lot of games? I'd say no. I just buy a lot of games… I trade in most of them again to buy new games, and to part with them doesn't hurt me one bit. Generally speaking, after I'm done with it I'm done with it. I only save those who I think I might want to play again, cause they are too good to let go of. Ergo, I am no collector – just a gamer, right?

To be a collector, doesn't one need to obtain the items for the items themselves, not just to use them? So for instance, if you buy a third copy of a game just to get the three variations of the cover of that game, well that sounds like a collector. Or if you exclusively buy the collectors editions. Or every release from a specific publisher, or specific era, or specific platform.

Or are you a collector as soon as you got a collection of something? If so then most of us are collectors of books, plants, shoes, jackets, tables and chairs too. If you catch my drift…

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 2:33:04 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

To me, collecting and gaming are two different things. I don't usually call those who trade in games when they're done with them "collectors," unless they're going out of their way to obtain certain other times for their library.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/29/2012 10:40:28 AM

11 years ago

Then we agree (yay us ;))!

But while I'm not a collector there are still some nuggets I will keep for as long as I own games. Or at least for as long as I own the platform they run on.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 1:19:02 PM

11 years ago

To me, the term gaming collector can mean many things, those who only collect 1 genre of games, those who only collect a specific console's games, those who only keep the games they've played or they know they'll like. Plus I'm sure that there's a hell of a lot more types of collectors that I've even mentioned above too.

Then there's also a few gaming collectors like myself who "Slowly" try to obtain every single game put out for every system made, whether we'll ever play them or not.
I myself, have many RPG, RTS, & Sports titles in my collections, that I have never played & don't ever intend on playing either, but I still want in order to fill out all those still missing pieces of my consoles collection, just like in a jigsaw puzzle. And some games are on multiple consoles or handhelds, so then I might wind up needing that very same game 4 times, but in different system versions too.

But I make sure I only buy those games as either bargain bin, B2G1 free used, or during stores stopping support for a particular system. For example, when GameStop was getting rid of all their original xbox games & had consolidated all their regional store's stock to just 1 last store around here, they did a $1.99 to $2.99 "B2,G1F" sale for good, on all their remaining sports titles, so I loaded up on about 40-45 sports games just to fill some of my missing xbox collection.
And another time, I bought the last 300 games(plus signs, posters, and such) that were still left inside my local mom & pop Micro-Play video games store, for just $75 just minutes before they closed their doors for good.

Although my collection stands at around 44 consoles & handhelds(not including my OnLive console), with 2,359 games, I still wouldn't consider my collection anything special, mainly because in my case…. "quantity does trump quality" in my case, LOL. Plus even though my collections are still way too incomplete, they're scattered in different sections of my apt due to lack of space.
I would like to think a few of my Japanese imports for some of my retro machine would have to be my best only because I know there's not many of them here in the states. And I also own a lot of those older retro strategy guides for Genesis, Saturn, & N64, etc too. Plus I have tons of different accessories for each system too.

11 years ago

You are an obvious collector, Biker. Noone will argue against that. But where would you draw the line between "gamers" and "collectors"?

Let me do a comparison with one of my other hobbies: RC (radio controlled) cars. I've been quite the enthusiast over the years, resulting in a current collection of 12 complete cars and a few incomplete ones, spread across several offroad-classes and ranging from entry-level to professional competition models.

… But am I then a RC-car *collector*? I'd say I'm not, the collection of cars is just a consequence of me being a RC car hobbyist. If I were a RC-car collector I'd hardly use the cars at all, due to the loss of value as a collectors item!

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 4:42:23 AM

11 years ago


Hmmm, that's a very good question & one that I'm not sure I can righty answer.

I guess everyone could define their own collections differently, as to whether it's also a "usable" collection as in video games, or even with your RC's. Or maybe somebody else with a collecting passion who's only geared towards making a high monetary re-sale value to their collection much later on.

Anyways, I consider both my VG's, CD music, DVD/BluRay movies, & numerous biker books as collections, but as "usable" ones.

But I also consider my "untouched" 8,000+ die-cast Harleys, choppers, emergency vehicles, & my Hess Toy Trucks as more of a hands-off collection(that may or may not be sold off in the hopes to make some money later on).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/29/2012 5:10:07 AM

11 years ago

But having a collection and being a collector are two different things?

To continue my example with RC cars: There are of course RC car collectors out there. But their cars are hardly driven at all, and if so it's just to take a video of it to prove they still work, to brag on forums etc – they are *never* seen in "race like" driving circumstances – not while being collectibles.

I am thinking the same in regards to being a game collector?
I would think that for a true collector, having a game still in the plastic wrapping must make that copy more valuable in the collection than if it's opened and with a disc/cartridge with visible marks of usage.

And a collector could buy a game for a platform he don't (yet?) own, while a gamer would never do that. I think that may be one sign of difference?

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 6:51:00 AM

11 years ago


I think you're absolutely right about HAVING a collection, & of actually BEING a collector.

As for myself, I don't think there's really any difference in value of a game in a collection if the games still in it's wrap or not.

The biggest things I always look for when getting games is…

that the case is there,
the cover art's there,
the manual is there(if it came with one).
And that everything there is in mint condition, including the disc itself.
My only exception to the rule is if I feel the game is way out of print & hard to find, & if felt like I'd be hard-pressed to find another copy.
So I have bought a few games that were slightly scratched at a great price, & I've been able to buff out most of those surface scratches. But if any blemishes still remain, then I'll keep looking for a mint copy to replace it with later.

BTW yes, I have bought games for systems I didn't own yet, either on "can't refuse" prices at flea markets, or a bunch of games thrown into a case lot at a real cheapie price.
Matter of fact, I did that with my Intellivision games. I found a "box lot" deal of 18 mint games & I put in a winning bid of $23 for the whole lot(I was determined to get that Burgertime, Frogger, Stampede, Pitfall, Tron Deadly Discs, & Snafu that were some of the games included in that lot batch).

Then almost a year later I won bids on both, the original Intellivision I console, and then the smaller white Intellivision II.

11 years ago

Yes exactly.
And this is what differs you from the rest of us, this is what makes you a real collector, while most of us here simply are enthusiastic gamers.

It was a cool read, Biker. Thanks. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 10:44:40 AM

11 years ago


No problem, & you're welcome.

BTW, here's how my console/handheld collection stands so far(w/ the number of games to the right)…


IntellivisionI 24
Intellivision II
Snes (packed away)
Jaguar w/ 64 bit CD attachment 34
Panasonic FZ-10 3DO 45
Virtual Boy 1
N-64 79
Genesis 147
Saturn 75
Dreamcast 53
GameCube 76
Wii 20
Xbox 270
360 126
PS1 572
PS1 portable w/flip top screen & case
PS2 a Phat & Slim 486
PS3 a Phat & Slim 199

Handhelds 22….

Sega Game Gear 8
GB Pocket 5
GB Color 2 colors 24
GB Advance-3 colors 13
GB Advance SP
DS (12)
PSP in all 3 models & all different colors 102
PSP Go-one white & one black

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/29/2012 12:05:24 PM

11 years ago

Your my hero <3

11 years ago

Ha, Thanks there, Oyashiro.

Oh, I forgot to add that I also have a retro 1970's Telstar Alpha console in my collection too(4 built-in Pong styled games).

And a Zone60 console (60 built-in retro games, using Wii like controllers) .

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/30/2012 12:48:46 AM

11 years ago

I have a little bookshelf where my 200+ games stand, these range from PS1, PS2 PSP, PS3, GBA, DS, Wii, Dreamcast and a couple of XBOX games. I've gone out of my way to make sure all my Final Fantasy's are fully boxed and black labeled.

I do occassionaly look through my collection and sell some of the ones I don't even have fond memroies of – I have a collection beside me I am waiting to put on Ebay when listing is free.

I like my collection, it is all on one little shelf and is not overbearing. All ordered by console and alphabetically it's a nice and simple collection. It's nice to feel I own all this. With my digital games on the PS3 I just don't have the same feeling towards them.

11 years ago

My collection is special to me because it has my DBZ dvds and Batman TPBs along with it. I recently added the centerpiece which is a ft tall Batman ARTFX statue with his cape swirling around him. Best…..Batman…….statue……..ever! At the top of the shelf lies Pandora's box with every GOW game to date resting inside. To the left of it lies Advent Children CE along with the Shinra PSP case that came w Crisis Core (preorder if I remember). Hiding inside the case are MGS dog tags. To the right lies GT5 CE with the Nissan GT car model in front of the case. On the far end lies MGS4 CE with an MGS3 Foxhound dog tag laid upon it and a cuban cigar tilted against it. On either side of that are a Peace Walker bandana and a plain navy blue bandana that I just found online. Below all these are my PS1 original versions of GT, FFVII, and MGS. Resting on top of Pandora's Box is a Gamestop gift card case modeled after the original PS3. Inside the case is a Mario shirt pin. Hey, gotta remember your roots, right?

Last edited by fatelementality on 9/29/2012 7:48:56 AM

11 years ago

My collection is a slew of my all time favourite anime movies. On top of that I have my snes hooked up and my dreamcast. My snes I have some of the systems best games like kirby superstars, chrono trigger, Zelda, super mario world, super street fighter 2 turbo and about a dozen other I cant think of right now.

On my dreamcast I have shenmue, jet grind radio, bomberman online, pso 1 and 2, powerstone 2, doa2, soul calibur, hydro thunder, star wars episode 1 racer, and again a bunch more I cant remember.

Then I have my ps2 and my ps3 games that I kept because of how high quality they were and how much I loved them when I played them the fist time. On the ps2 I have persona 3, shin megami tensei nocturne, Dragon quest 8, Baldurs gate dark alliance 2, redstar, contra shattered soldier, and a couple more.

On my ps1 I have a bunch of great games like bushido blade and tenchu too as well as about 2 dozen more.

Basically what makes my collection great is the games that I kept were all ones I had great memory with for sleep overs and stuff like that.

11 years ago

It's funny, I'm extremely diligent with keeping the stuff I own at a minimum. I'm always throwing out this and that to make sure I don't have clutter. I love being free of material things… But i haven't sold back a video game I bought in ages. When I was younger I did out of necessity, but I almost immediately regretted it. I had an awesome collection of genesis and Saturn games that are but a distant memory now, and still makes me a little sad.

I think it's because the one constant in my life has always been video games. As everything changes, I have always enjoyed them enormously. And my collection of games became almost a journal of life. In fact, since I don't keep a proper journal my collection is the closest thing I have to an ongoing record of my life. They tell the story of the years passing by. And it's a personal story, since the vast majority of these games were played when I was alone, when I was at my most vulnerable and honest.

I think I'm finally ready to trade in a few stinkers from the 360/ps3 era, and I think the psp is getting traded in since I only ever played a few games for it, they're all available for download on vita anyway and I'll be picking one of those up within the next few months. But as a rule, I feel like getting rid of games is like tearing pages out of your journal. I prefer to remember the good and the bad 🙂

11 years ago

Great post there, Telly!!!!

11 years ago

I agree Saint! Maybe now my girlfriend will be able to understand the neglect 🙂

Last edited by fatelementality on 9/29/2012 11:55:49 AM

11 years ago

Thanks guys!

11 years ago

I have a bit of everything. My collection is nearing 1000 games in total. And I like to say that they are mostly all complete and only quality games.

I just ordered the US limited edition of DJMax Technika Tune for Vita. It has a limited printing of 750 copies.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x