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Ben’s Week In Review: July 22

I think I'll just keep playing Rainbow Moon for a while. Makes the slow summer days pass a little quicker. 🙂

I'm sorry, Versus XIII, I don't care if you're dead or not

So the big rumor is that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is no more . And you know what? Don't care one way or the other. I was honestly never interested in this from the start; it just looked like a real-time, open-world action/RPG that is farther from the traditional franchise roots than even FFXIII or FFXIII-2. If the project has been canceled, I don't care why, but I get the feeling that somehow, somewhere, the word got back to Square Enix – took a number of years, but whatever – that some of the big-time FF fans really have no interest in seeing their beloved series make such a drastic departure from that which they've known and loved for so long.

Then again, maybe it's just because the game ran out of gas. Maybe there was some creative dissension in the ranks and the developers couldn't decide exactly what to do, and what gameplay style(s) to embrace. But really, I don't care at all if this game never arrives. I'm far more interested to see what they do with Final Fantasy XV …but if it turns out like the snippets of what I saw of Versus , then my interest will quickly wane.

I think The Last Guardian is in trouble

If Square Enix actually does officially confirm that Versus XIII is done for, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony made the same announcement concerning The Last Guardian . It has taken too long, there have been too many unsettling rumors, and perhaps most telling of all, there has been no new media or information. If it was a third-party multiplatform title, then I wouldn't jump to conclusions. But when it's a first-party title exclusive to the PlayStation 3, one the Sony fans have been waiting on for a while, not hearing anything is a terrible sign. And then you say it's facing "technical difficulties?" That's not good. I know they say it's still in development but I'm definitely concerned, and you should be, too.

I'll try to remain optimistic, though, and hope to hear a more positive – and detailed – update at the Tokyo Game Show. That could be a great place to resurrect the dying hype for that game.

Personal gaming update

With little coming out this month, it's really all about Rainbow Moon for me. It's crazy addictive, even if I still get annoyed at the primary control issue. I keep thinking the developers could release a quick fix-it patch that would fix the problem; even instituting a feature that confirmed our movement selection would be fine. For a downloadable title, there's just so much to like and for old-school fans, you won't find a better deal for $14.99. I tried finishing Spec Ops: The Line the other day, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Too many missed opportunities.

Strangely enough, I'm looking forward to the two fighting games in September: Dead or Alive 5 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 . I've actually always been a DoA fan, despite my aversion to the fighting genre, and I really like what I've seen of DoA5 thus far. As for TTT2, that'll be more about nostalgia. I can't help remembering the first TTT arriving on launch day with the PS2 and everyone gathering around to see the new technological awesomeness. I just wanna see the long-awaited sequel. 🙂

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12 years ago

Even though Versus looked like an open, real-time, action/RPG I think people accepted and was cool with it because it was a spinoff. I admit I was very intrigued because it seemed similar to KH and Crisis Core.

I'm also playing Rainbow Moon and quite addicted to it.

12 years ago

I still hope for FFXIII Versus. I like it's look. It has a muted more dreary dark and grey look that sort of reminds me of FFVII. And while I know it won't be traditional FF in play, I still will probably find a lot to like.

I don't want The Last Guardian to be cancelled. The game looked like something special, something different. It has a very Sony'esque appeal like that. I'd imagine Sony would want it to stay alive for this reason. But it's oft delayed and cryptic media exposure is concerning.

Rainbow Moon's reception has been a surprise. I'm not sure if it's on my hit list, but I'd like to at least get a deeper look into it.

I want both TTT2 and DOA5. I have money down on DOA5. If I can somehow make it work, I'll get TTT2 as well. I really do like supporting my favorite genre directly with full priced purchases. I'd be a sad gamer if I lost this eastern genre.

PGU: Well, I finished off Suikoden. Finished it with the good ending, too. I surprised myself that I stuck with it. The first 12 hours or so were rough trying to adjust. Certain qualities like it's scripting and quality soundtrack helped me to hold on for the story to develop. And I'm glad I did. THe last 15 hours, or so, had me pretty well hooked. I didn't want to do anything else but play that dang game. It was great getting the castle filled in. Getting my star team dialed in etc. Good stuff, though it's combat system is pretty straight forward and lacked the depth I got from the PSX FF's. Thanks to Ben and World for the recommendation from some while ago. There's no doubt in my mind I want to do it's sequel when it hits PSN.

Other than that it's been VF5 FS. Just can't shake the fighting game instinct on this one. It's one of those things that just gives back for each session you put in. Competitively speaking, that is. I wouldn't want to play it much if there wasn't great competition out there. I hope it doesn't go ghost town anytime soon. I tried to hit up tekken 6 the other night and I couldn't find a match, ouch. Maybe it was bad timing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Did you manage to get all 108 Stars of Destiny?

Hint: If Gremio is still dead, you didn't. 😉

12 years ago

The only time I ever got all stars was in Suikoden IV, there's just so many ways to miss them in V that it pissed me right off. Great game though, if you have B/C or an old PS2 you should get it.

12 years ago

yep, got all 108, including Gremio. I wasn't sure how that was gonna happen, but it did 😉
It was sort of annoying finding the last few dudes. Gaspar? … Who the crap is Gaspar? … How the crap did I miss him? Then I remembered I didn't want to win his dice game so I told myself I'd come back and never remembered to.

I also used GameFaqs to find Crowley. He was worth it, though. He was very powerful in magic and was on my A-team at the end.

12 years ago

I also went back and saved my game after having got the Windspun armor for Humphery. Apparantly the Sui 1 save file ports it over to Suikoden 2 as well.

12 years ago

World, I'm hoping Konami sees fit to bring the PS2 Suikodens to an HD collection. I no longer have a PS2 and i'd like not to re-buy one, or deal with controller cords again =p For the most part the games I'd value most on PS2 I have now as HD games on PS3.
I'd be satisfied if they simply brought them over to PSN as classics. I'm really hoping for a Vita PS2 emulator, if possible.

EDIT: I mean an official emulator by SOny for Vita.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/22/2012 12:27:42 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

My ultimate save file for Suikoden includes all 108 Stars and all 6 characters at Lv. 60- Main dude, Victor, Flik, Crowley, Luc, and Hellion. Thing is, magic is by FAR the most powerful thing in the game, and because you're forced to have Flik and Victor in your final party, it only makes sense to put the three most powerful magic users in the game in the back row.

You also have to have the upgraded Runes, like the Rage Rune, Mother Earth Rune, etc. With such high magic levels, people like Hellion and Luc can cast multiple heal-all spells with that upgraded Water rune, and Crowley and Luc just decimate with Thunder (upgrade of Lightning) and Rage (upgrade of Fire). 🙂

Love that game.

12 years ago

I nearly chose Luc as well, but I went with Tengaar. I liked that she had a L attack and she was still pretty dang powerful with magic. I also had Cleo as a caster. DOn't think she was a best choice, but once again, I sort of liked having L range.
I ended up going with Thunder, Cyclone, Rage and Flowing Rune. I had Cyclone on Crowley and yea, Cyclone's high level storm spell both healed all and attacked all. pretty awesome. The final boss went down without much of a fight. I actually forgot to attach Flik's Rune going into that fight but never even needed it anyway haha. My team was like 60-58 in level.

12 years ago

and the only reason I really cared for L attack on casters was because of laziness. it was sort of nice using free will and having the casters at least do some damage =)
The serious stuff, like boss fights, they were full time casting.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I used Tengaar in one of my play-throughs, just because I didn't like the idea of being forced to have the Mother Earth Rune with Hellion. Not that it's a bad Rune but I like choices. As for ranged…eh, with that high magic, you don't have to worry about them running out of spells to cast. 🙂

But Free Will…………no self-respecting turn-based RPGer ever uses that! You should be ashamed. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/22/2012 10:03:16 AM

12 years ago

haha, so true about free will, Ben. It falls into the same category as Turbo buttons (NES Advantage), EO mode in Capcom vs SNK2 for GC, and Hero mode in NG3.
but that's okay. I've always been a poser with jRPG's. Suikoden only marks the ninth jRPG that I started and actually completed. Which I know is weak-sauce compared to the hardcore jRPG gamers who actually have something to be proud about. Once I crack a dozen I'll feel just a bit more prestige 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/22/2012 5:35:04 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Sounds like you could become a closet JRPG fan. 😉 Perhaps you need more recommendations…… 😉

12 years ago

1: I've been waiting for Versus for a long time, and wanted it more than FF13…

2: It's my birthday 🙂

12 years ago

"Happy B-day to ya"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Happy birthday. 🙂

12 years ago

Happy Birthday to you

12 years ago

happy birthday dude!

12 years ago

Feliz cumpleanos!:D

12 years ago

As a Playstation centered site, I would think that the one PS3 exclusive Square Enix project would be worthy of attention/care and, I dare to say, optimistic expectation. If the rumor is true-though it's largely unconfirmed-the widespread, blasé dismissal of such an ambitious title would not seem an appropriate response. It would be a sad day for Square Enix and a grim outlook for future developments should this game be cancelled.

12 years ago

I think the sad days and grim outlooks for Square Enix boat has sailed.

12 years ago

"widespread, blase dismissal"…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

This is MY week in review. Not the PSXE week in review.

12 years ago

"This is my story." *touching piano music*

Name that game.

12 years ago

Too easy, friendo.

FFX. And the song is called "To Zanarkand".

12 years ago

I honestly don't think SE has learned anything from this generation of mistakes. Still I thought Versus looked good, in the sense that you could switch up your characters (and have it make a difference) plus choose your attacks and play in a large world it looked closer to FF than the paradigm, autobattle, limited areas of the others. I hope it's still alive but that hope is slim because of the incompetence over there.

Beat Max Payne 3 and now I'm onto White Knight Chronicles II, which feels more like FF than FF lol. I really need to scale back and get some writing done, I've already crammed lots of games into this summer.

12 years ago

its a shame versus has bitten the dust, but, well, whos really surprised?
i just hope out of this we can finally get a kingdom hearts game on consoles!
i really cant understand why $E has restricted them to portables.
i mean yea portables are the bees knees over in japan, and thats where these games sell.
but, well, they have brought over FF and that did fine, so why wont KH?
it just seems that $E underestimate how many people want a KH game on consoles!

as for the last guardian, its vapourware as far as im concerned.
games been in development for AT LEAST 7 freaking years!
and we have no gameplay footage, no developer diaries, NOTHING!

i got into the LBP karting beta last night been having a blast with it!
its a bit disappointing how simplistic it is, i was really hoping the new added features to MNR like the upgradeable weapons, plenty of death traps, heaps of jumps, ect, ect, would be added.
but there not, its allot like the amazing spiderman.
so much fun, but also so annoying at the same time because you dont feel like your playing the game!
you feel like you have your eyes blindfolded, and your just using one finger.
it feels like a dog could annihilate the competition, the gameplay is that simplistic!
i wish they would add some of the complexities of MNR!

12 years ago

I'm also playing the LBP Karting beta, & I'm also disappointed with it. I always get the feeling that it shouldn't have been made. The whole 2.5D perspective was a central defining pillar of the gameplay in LBP. When it's switched to 3D, it looses a lot of it's charm, and it no longer feels like LBP (that whole thing collapses without the pillar, if you will :P). Also, the create tools feel like the stonge age; they're so awkward and not user friendly at ALL. The only thing that worked well was the 'path creation' – and that was ripped straight out of Modnation Racers!

All in all, it's just bad when you compare it to LBP1 or 2. But the really bad thing is, it trys so hard to be like LBP, but it just isn't. It's like the menu trys to be EXACTLY the same, but it is so slow, and doesn't have the right 'flow' (not to mention half the buttons don't work, but it's a beta so whatevs). Feels like a massive step backwards for LBP…I'm just glad it was made by someone other than MediaMolecule 😛

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 7/22/2012 9:31:48 AM

12 years ago

Well, the FFvXIII cancellation is still a huge rumor. From an article I just recently found, it sounds like the rumor is going to be false. Here's the link.

12 years ago

I hope this rumor about Versus forces SE to make a statement.

12 years ago

if rumors are true they won't. They just want it to fade away.

12 years ago

But if they aren't you'd hope SE would come out and say it. If they say "It's still in development" specifically though that's code for trouble.

We should remember this is Kotaku and anybody can say "according to several sources…".

12 years ago

Damn, two highly anticipated games going the way of the dodo. I hope it's not true.


Finally got Plus and immediately made back my investment plus $8.00! Got a discount on Rainbow Moon and I got Just Cause 2 and Little Big Planet 2 for free, $43.00 of value right there.

Rainbow Moon is interfering with my work deadlines, I just can't put it down. Despite being a tad slow in the beginning it's really turning out great. I haven't made many mistakes during movement in battles, but I agree that it's VERY frustrating when it occurs. Love this game, I miss turn-based 🙁

Also, playing some Skyrim and Killzone 3 multiplayer. Oh, and I believe I might grab a Vita this week but I'm wondering if I should wait to see if Sony announces a price drop first…

12 years ago

I was holding on the Versus as being SE's trump card to winning my faith in them back. Thankfully there are plenty of RPGs that are satifying /going to satisy my cravings since Square -Enix has abandoned us.

If the rumor is true , it will be game like Tales of Graces F, Ni No Kuni, Tales of Xillia, White Knight Chronicles II and Rainbow Moon that help me get over it.

I have to say that I'm gettinng quite addicted to Rainbow Moon right now. In fact I'm off to play it right now. 🙂

12 years ago

I hope FFVXIII is indeed still breathing. Anything FF is good if you ask me. Even though SE has chosen to go away from it's blockbuster formula I still love the series. FFXIII was great in my opinion and I am sure I will enjoy FFXIII-2 when I get around to playing it.

The Last Guardian will happen, I just feel it. This game is way to important to Sony and Team Ico. I really think it's going to be something even more special than Ico and SotC.

Addicted to ACII and playing nothing else. The game is amazing and I am so glad I didn't miss this gem. Better late than never I always say.

Before ACII infected me I did finally get by these two really difficult timed challenges in Gravity Rush. It took me over 20 tries for the first one. It was during this timed challenge that I doubted ever earning my Platinum. I then ran into a tough sliding race that took about 15 tries but I was able to finally get Gold. The challenges are the toughest aspect in GR. I didn't have this much trouble with any of the Rare Nevi. I have chosen to just take my time. The Platinum will be mine!

Glad to hear everyone is enjoying Rainbow Moon! This is good news for future turn based possibilities. I will have to get it at some point when I have more time.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

And not a single one of you mentioned AGNIS PHILOSPHY as the reason Versus 13 died.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Uh…any particular reason we should've?

12 years ago

if TLG is cancelled a little part of me is gonna die. seriously that'll be a hard one to take. this entire situation has me very nervous. i hope everything works out and we get the game we all know team ico are capable of creating. the PS3 needs this game. it's games like these that define console generations. just look at what ico and SOTC did for the PS2. the PS3 needs this game.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

A six year old engine tech on a game thats still in development/dead!! or lets focus on a NEW engine with NEW tech thats perfect for this upcomeing era of PS4/Wii U/Next box.

And Versus 13 died.

12 years ago

Definitely worried about Last Guardian. they've been working on that game for YEARS and they still have "technical difficulties"? Would be so sad if this one doesn't see the light of day.