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Ben’s Week In Review: July 8

Why does it feel like summer has been here for months? …probably because it was 80+ three times in April.

I still don't get the FFVII PC thing

At first, I thought it was pretty obvious. Re-releasing Final Fantasy VII on PC with some minor upgrades (like achievements and that "character booster" feature) wouldn't require much in the way of time or valuable company resources. Plus, it's still a popular name and really, it's an easy cash-in. But the more I think about it, the more confused I get.

First of all, although several of the games were available on PC, Final Fantasy has never been a major PC franchise. Most people I know who proclaim themselves hardcore PCers really don't care about the series and in fact, were almost reluctant to buy FFVII back when it came out. I don't want to say PC fans are an entirely separate kind of gamer and PC and FF are mutually exclusive, but I mean, let's face it…the biggest FF fans in the world have played all the installments on a console. I keep wanting to think this is a gauge, a test, so Square Enix can get a sense of just how well FFVII has stood up over time. And in the future…remake?

Then again, both FFVII and FFVIII have been super huge downloads for a long time and that didn't seem to do anything, so I don't know.

God of War multiplayer might actually be really fun

I was one of many who flatly stated, " God of War doesn't need multiplayer action." And while I do stand by that statement (I still think its mostly superfluous), I'm starting to believe that the multiplayer offered in God of War: Ascension could really be something special. The concept of a "multiplayer boss" is way cool in my eyes; I figured the developers would try to blend single-player elements into the multiplayer, just because it makes the most sense. Why try to be something you're not? Just because most every title released has to have multiplayer these days doesn't mean you can't be different.

And when it comes to a game like GoW, I think you sorta have to be different. I understand Platinum Games is trying to do something similar with Anarchy Reigns – i.e., mixing single-player and multiplayer aspects – but at this rate, we may never see that game. We know Ascension drops in March, so…can't wait to try it.

Personal gaming update

After the first couple of hours, I had fully intended to finish Quantum Conundrum but as you may have read in my review, the frustration level really reaches new and intensely annoying heights later in the game. I just can't understand Airtight's fascination with platforming and fast-reflex gameplay. You have brilliant puzzles amid a fantastic concept. Just let that shine. On the flip side, The Amazing Spider-Man is painfully simple, but it just doesn't interest me enough for me to complete.

Not much else going on in July, although I am interested to see how Sleeping Dogs turns out come August 14.

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12 years ago

Maybe SE is planning on expanding recent FF games to PC in a bid to make more money (They are really trying to drain every drop out of gamers with XIII-2)and are starting by releasing VII since the original PC version doesn't work with new Windows. I don't think a remake is even in their minds, which is good because they would ruin it.

Unless you are playing with known friends I don't see how the multiplayer in GoW would be anything neat. No difference between strangers running about and AI partners in my mind. They are about as intelligent or less so.

After Silent Hill Downpour I pitched in for the HD collection and I'm loving it. On a total horror binge lately. I also found Max Payne 3 for a good price, it's really cool but damn hard and it doesn't feel much like Max Payne should. It's a shame Remedy couldn't have made it, I like it but I'm glad I waited. There's some funny bugs in it (rare but funny) and the constant fuzzy ghosting is gonna give me epilepsy soon.

12 years ago

Addendum: I'm reading The Scarlet Pimpernel. Pretty cool to see how the original masked crusader theme began.

12 years ago

The original PC version does work with Windows 7. All it takes is one patch and two mods which updates the graphics to more modern day standards. Only takes maybe ten minutes, if that, then it will run with no problems. But I still don't see this new version selling very well as most people who ever wanted the game, probably has it already.

12 years ago


If you're on a horror binge than may i suggest you play Siren Blood Curse if you haven't already. It really is good.

The Silent Hill HD collection was decent with the exception of the glitches in SH2 & SH3 gimped voice-overs.

Other than that, i was happy to play it with a fresh coat of paint.

12 years ago

I thought you could play the Silent Hill games with the original voice actors – isn't that an option?

I also recommend Siren Blood Curse, unlike all the other Horror games this gen, it's not so action heavy and very suspenseful.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 7/8/2012 6:59:34 AM

12 years ago

You can play SH2 with the original voices, no idea if SH3 got a new one or not because I hadn't played that one before. 2 was pretty smooth, but 3 has some slowdown I don't like. It's tolerable though for a real survival horror experience.

I loved the Siren demo and thought I'd wait until they put the whole game on a disc, unfortunately that never happened. Suppose I should take the plunge on that one.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/8/2012 10:24:38 AM

12 years ago

The Pal version is on a Blu-ray, that's how I have played it. But if you're not willing to Import it PS Store is the only way I guess.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

World, were you the one with the Sherlock Holmes avatar for a while?

Just started watching the series…pretty damn WOW. 🙂

12 years ago

Yeah that was me, isn't it fantastic?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Scary good.

I think even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would be impressed…maybe he can stop rolling over in his grave in reaction to the intensely insulting Hollywood Robert Downey, Jr. movies.

12 years ago

I need to stop watching so much Hell's Kitchen and get back into finishing the latest Silent Hill.

I wont be getting FFVII for PC since I already own it for PC and honestly enough is enough with the saturation.

12 years ago

do you watch master chef also?

12 years ago

I've watched a couple episodes but I don't care for the format. I love Gordon Ramsay but I'm not a fan of the other two judges.

12 years ago

i never cared for those shows til my gf started watching them and then i would sit down with her. i dont always watch them but i do get sucked into them every once in a while.

12 years ago

I love to cook and Gordon Ramsay is an amazing chef, I highly suggest checking out the show Boiling Point or the original UK version of Kitchen Nightmares.

12 years ago

I really like Gordon Ramseys shows. I'm skeptical of hotel hell though haha, just seems weird. Anyways I know he's an amazing chef, one day I'm hoping I'll be able to taste his food.

Masterchef is a really good show too. I would eventually punch the judge who always wears a suit (Joe, maybe) cus he's just a douche. He doesn't help or give positive criticism. Its not like any one on that show is at his level (they are home cooks for crying out loud) but he expects them to be. Anyways, good show. I do like the bigger guy though, he actually cooked with the contestants on the show the other night, you can tell he's also a great chef.

I've never seen boiling point what is that one about?

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/8/2012 3:59:39 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

You buttraped my mind a lil cause i saw a couple of the movies you previously listed. Like the human centipede. LV.

12 years ago

yup august is gonna be big.. sleeping dogs, counter strike global offensive, tony hawk pro skater hd (on ps3) and double dragon neon -drools-

12 years ago

Multiplayer bosses are cool. Anyone remember Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast? That was good fun taking down a big fattie boss with four players. I've liked the idea of GoW's multiplayer from the start. It actually makes me want the game even more =)

FFVII PC at first I wanted. Now I don't know. I guess it depends on the price and what sort of formatting and interface effort goes into it's design. If it appears to use filtering to smooth out the low res bitmaps, filtering to smooth out the low res FMV, and it has a pretty slick m&kb interface with the right asking price, I might be interested. Otherwise, I'll keep FFVII to my PSP/PS3.

PGU: VF5 FS and Suikoden is all I've really had time for. I've been pretty busy to dedicate much to other stuff. Oh, and Binary Domain is $10 at Amazon right now as a PC download. I believe it ties itself to Steam on install. Good deal!

12 years ago

If anyone is wondering what's with lame naked looking muscle man as my avatar. He's a dude I modeled in mudbox. Okay, so whoopie-do. Well, what's cool is that he uses about 2 million polies. Whoopie-do. Okay, well, the cool part. I rendered out a normal map to 3ds Max and converted him to a low poly 8,236 poly mesh. So basically it looks like 2 million polies but was done with far less. It's how the shmucks usually do it in games these days 😉

12 years ago

I commend you on the amount of detail and time you must have put into making your new picture but I must say I strongly disagree with the change. Why is it everyone must alter their picture…just keep it the same.

You don't see me changing things up.

12 years ago

It's like wearing new clothes. Makes me feel cool 😉

12 years ago

I get bored with mine and when I can't find something new I hit an old stand-by. I change my cell and desktop wallpaper fairly often too.

12 years ago

It's one thing to change your desktop or phone background. It's another to constantly mess with the one thing people are able to identify you by (other than your name).

12 years ago

Tell us how you really feel, LV. Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Unsettled inside? Need some Vagisel to relieve the pain?


12 years ago

Sayeth the vegetable Alien?

12 years ago

Speak of Final Fantasy…those of you who like rhythm games, Final Fantasy and own a 3DS Theaterhythm: Final Fantasy is pretty awesome.

12 years ago

never heard of it. sounds bizarre. IGN seems to like it. but alas, I think parrapa the rapper is the first and last of those types I'll play =p

(not really, but probably)

12 years ago

Resident Evil 6 demo for me & it's a mixed bag imo.

Leons episode feels like horror again

Chris feels like Gears of War

& the new guy Jake was just an epic chase scene

But the death scenes are back to gruesome. Has anyone seen them? They're awesome! Watching your character get their face caved in with a metal pole & a zombie burying it's diseased mitts in your tummy & prizing out your innards before the camera zooms up to this zombies face as it chews away on your giblets.

The gore is definitely back & the scares are still a mixed back imo.

12 years ago

I've really just been playing MLB: the show, doing the Road to the Show mode. It's easy to pop in do some things and quit if I need to. Which seems to be the case lately. Started my summer off school and thought I'd have time to finish Skyrim but it certainly hasn't started that way.

Went and seen The Amazing Spider-Man tonight, and actually found it to be really good. Better than the others for sure. Although I didn't understand re-doing the origin story at first, I'm actually glad they did. Turned out better than expected. Now if we could just get a damn good Marvel game. It's a shame a good developer wouldn't pick one up, you would think after Batmans success that Rocksteady has had you would see a lot more of these games. Then again this isn't Hollywood and new ip's with original ideas still exist so…

Anyways still expect to finish Skyrim this summer and hopefully pick up R3 before August. Then it seems the rush will hit.

12 years ago

I don't understand the sudden re-release of Final Fantasy VII. Probably got sick of fans hounding them for a re-make. I take it as a message to them, for them realize the original game is still good enough and that thee is no need for a remake. Mind you I still have no idea why they're they're re-doing Final Fantasy X, if it is in the graphics of the recent Tech-Demo then yes, it would be silly to re-do X instead of VII.

I have recently begun to play The Last Story on the Wii by Mistwalker. I'm only 5 hours in, but I adore it. It's just a shame it is on the Wii as the graphics do look very poor at times. But the game just keeps on giving like in the old FF games there is a constant sense of progress and it is really exhilarating to play, I'd snap up a PS Store release of this in an instant. I believe the US release is soon, definitely a title to watch out for if you an RPG fan and the Wii is collecting dust.

12 years ago

I'm excited for The Last Story, too. Doesn't come out in the states until the 31st, though. If you have the wii, definitely check out Xenoblade Chronicles. Just finished it last night.

12 years ago

It's one I have been curious about, but I have heard comparisons to FFXII… please tell me it has story which progresses and charismatic characters. I don't want another 80 hours of landscapes.

12 years ago

I was definitely not a fan of FFXII, and i consider myself a big FF fan since FF2 on the SNES. Although the game is pretty damn long, the story is excellent and the characters are very likable with great voice actors. The battle system is a lot more involved than XII. I think it's definitely worth your money.

The landscapes are pretty massive but if you hit all the landmarks and locations the whole map pops open. Unfortunately I found this out after swimming for 20 minutes to fill out the map.

Last edited by Drake_RB3 on 7/8/2012 5:43:31 PM

12 years ago

in that case can we swap?
this year has actually been our COLDEST year on RECORD!
and the worrying part is its not even hit the coldest month of the year yet!
thats it, cya im off to the Bahamas!
seriously starting to forget what the sun looks like!
it was freaking -6 degrees this morning!

i was really surprised with the MP in ascension.
i was really expecting it to be a mess like the MP in bioshock or dead space, or even ME3, like a horde style mode.
but its not, $ony SM have done it again!
brought something totally new and amazing to the table!
it actually looks really cool!
allot of games these days have tried to merge the gap between MP and SP and have failed epically!
this though, i wouldent be surprised if it catches on!
its still got MP parts to it, IE the capture and trap points but its got the combat and boss battles of the campaign.
colour me impressed!
now only if they could slap the same new fresh amazing coat of paint on the tired boring cracked been there done that campaign!
cant believe im saying this, but im more looking forward to the MP for GOW than i am the campaign!
god what is this world coming too!?

i tried out the RE6 demo yesterday, oh dear………….
radfields demo was even less survival horror than RE5!
wow, how the hell did crapcom manage that!?
leons demo the environment was spot on, but where are the scares?
come on crapcom this is 2012 a freaking pot falling off a rack is not going to scare anyone!
it looks and feels like a resident evil game in leons parts, but, well, whats the point if its not going to scare you?
what is the point of having the creepy environments, scary music building up the tension if there is no climax?

its like they put it in there to appease the fans so they can point to it and say hey we are listening!
yet they put it in there and dumbed it down so much so little timmmy wont be shaking in the closet screaming about the boogy man!
come on seriously crapcom, if your going to do it do it properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so far id have to say RE5 looked better!
at least it looked and felt like a RE game, and at times there was pure tension and terror especially the boss fights.
with the short portion of leons demo though, you dont get the same sense of fear and panic.
shame, a real missed opportunity!

besides that i finally finished R&C 3 again, only 2 trophies off the plat!
so i thought id give it a break for a bit and go back to max payne 3 on my PC.
well she had other ideas………
she fried herself!
god knows how she managed it but basically everything is cooked!
took it to where i bought it, MSY and they said its dead it will cost several thousand to replace all the dead parts.
so pissed off, only 5 weeks outside of warranty!
i new i should not of listened to my idiot friend and got the extra warranty!

oh well now im out about looking for a gaming laptop so im going to sell my Asus N55 to try help pay for it.
so if theres anyone in AU that is interested in a like new Asus N55SF, still got 16 months warranty left, give me a shout and we can try organize something.

im looking at getting a horize P170EM upgraded with a i7 2.8Ghz, 16GB DDR3 and a GTX 680M just gotta wait 2 weeks till their out.
tossing up whether i should get that, or wait till the MSI GT70 with 680M is available which has no date yet but rumours list it late september.
dont really want to wait that long, and knowing MSI they will charge at least 3500 for it a full grand over the P170EM.
i dunno, gotta go shopping tomorrow have a look around get some advice.

now off to go dig my blue babies grave.

12 years ago

Yeah, the FFVII PC release is a head scratcher. Not surprised by the Bizarro decision from the Mayor of Bizarro World SE. I just hope they release it on the PS3 at some point.

Having a great time with Gravity Rush, almost done. Then the hunt for the Platinum begins, should be tough with the challenges. I am really loving the story! Going after the 3rd Rare Nevi today should be a good battle. The controls for Kat are becoming second nature now!! I am really doing well with all the moves.

Having a great time with Sly 1 HD! This is a great series and knowing I 3.5 games to go is a wonderful feeling!

Also, played Just Dance 3 with the wife and son last night. What a work out! I wife is really good at it and almost got a 5 star on a song. Can anyone tell me why Just Dance Greatest Hits wasn't released on the PS3????

My son and I started playing Ratchet and Clank All 4 One and it's a lot of fun. Only minor problem so far is that there isn't dynamic split screen. Other than that my son likes it very much. He cannot wait to play it later today. Wish I had more time to game because I am really into some great games right now. Thanks Sony for the free PS+ game!!

12 years ago

Ben, how come you havent mentioned ANYTHING regarding Xillia getting a localization?

12 years ago

I know right? And that if we all buy it like good JRPG fans Xillia 2 will come too!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago
12 years ago

Those of us waiting for the Final Fantasy X HD should sit back and just forget about it at least for now.

Motomu Toriyama recently: “Regarding HD conversions, there is a lot to look into, so please wait a bit more.”

12 years ago


Infamous 2:
I am a few hours into the game and I while I still enjoy myself, a suspicion is sneaking onto me that I might end up like I did with Kingdoms of Amalur, in that it eventually gets really old.

The story actually seems better this time than in the first game, but the gameplay… It's starting to get terribly repetitive now. Also, the mobs are horribly predictable and often straight up stupid… And, well… The characters in the story are also very one dimensional.

I dunno… I was just hoping my enthusiasm would take me to the end of this game, but I'm afraid it won't.

Any of you guys out there do a little gaming on your mobile now and then? If so then let's hook up in Uniwar, shall we? It's a turn-based strategy game, there's plenty of time each turn (typically 24h) so no stress, cross platform so both iOs and Android can play against each other.

It's really quite good, the integrated map editor makes so an almost endless well of user made maps are available to play on, and the strategy elements are well crafted.
Give me a shout!

12 years ago

Stick with it Beam, you get out what you put in.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Man, inFamous NEVER gets old. 🙂

12 years ago

You are right guys, played it a bit more yesterday and things are looking good again. It's such a solid game. A rock solid 80+ game. Dig it.

I also did a return to SR3 to talk trash with my coop buddy, shop some new outfits and actually do some main story missions for a change (man we've still hardly touched them. It's silly). *That* never gets old. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/9/2012 8:59:28 AM

12 years ago

i tell you why. they want to screw with us. they KNOW we want it on the PS3 badly yet they keep denying it and saying no. and now they release it on the PC which NO ONE ask for.

12 years ago

That's always a good time to look at titles you passed over in previous years and finding them for cheap.

12 years ago

Right now is a little slow…

Don't know what types of games you like and I'm sure you've played the Uncharteds, GoW's, and so forth. If not do that.

Otherwise there's lots of upcoming games with prequels that you may not have finished or played: Bioshocks, Assassins Creed, Borderlands, deadspace, transformers: war for Cybertron (which for any fan was really, really good)…

Even furthermore there's infamous, Red Dead Redemption. I know I'm listing bug name games but if your looking for just fun to play, I suggest Burnout Paradise or LBP.

I don't know much about what games your into so… Hope that helps.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/8/2012 3:31:59 PM

12 years ago

If it was just the controls that bothered you in Bioshock give it another go, the story is really good for a shooter and theres a lot of depth overall. At first it can be overwhelming to figure out where to go or what to do, but once you get comfortable with the maps and the layout, things start really rolling along. The second just further expands on everything and being able to dual wield really helps the controls.

If you liked heavy rain, although I wouldn't compare the two, L.A. noire might be your style.

You might also check out Journey on the PSN. Havnt played it myself but everyone I know that has really enjoyed it.

12 years ago

Regarding your limited budget, have you checked out online stores? There's huge discounts to be found on most games that's a few months old or older.

I buy a lot of games during a year but hardly any of them at full price. That'd ruin me.

12 years ago

Join PS Plus if you haven't already. 12 "free" games immediately, plus a steady stream of others.

I can't even imagine having no games waiting to be played; my backlog is enormous.

p.s. I added the quotation marks for you, Beam. I don't want to start another debate about the definition of "free".

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/11/2012 7:25:35 PM

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