E3 is over for another year. 'whew'
Sorry, it's just about the games for me
I'm sorry, I'm just old-school. I don't really care much about slick new technology and stuff like the Wonderbook. Nor do I have a big interest in handheld gaming or multiplayer action. I'm not really even thinking about new consoles right now; I'm fine with what I've got, and I think others are as well. That being said, the reason why I liked Sony's press conference is because in my opinion, it clearly showed off the best games . Once again, I'd say PS3 exclusive software was a step above (although I have to admit that Watch Dogs looked insane ). The Last Of Us , God of War: Ascension , and Beyond: Two Souls prove two things to me:
1. The competition this generation is falling farther behind, and 2. The PS3 has plenty of juice left . That's why I really don't care when we see the PS4; the current console is capable of doing more – perhaps much more – and I want to see it. They quit on the PS2 too soon, I say.
Maybe Sony is really excited for The Last Guardian…
While I was disappointed not to see The Last Guardian at E3, I didn't really expect it to show up. Besides, based on Sony boss Scott Rohde's comments, it seems like the company is expecting nothing less than a full-fledged masterpiece . I think it's in the way the statement was worded; he mentions the "experience" they owe gamers, and that's part of the reason they don't want to talk about it right now. Essentially, they want to wait until it will really blow us away before unveiling it again, which in turn implies that Sony believes it will blow us away. Usually, extra long development cycles (and updates saying that progress is "slow") translate to bad news. But in this case, I'm not ready to get all pessimistic.
Fumito Ueda is one of those guys who won't let a mediocre product out the door, first and foremost. Secondly, I believe there were more than a few extenuating circumstances involved in the design process, which don't necessarily imply that the game itself was in trouble. So I'm willing to remain enthusiastic.
Personal gaming update
Well, I got the most absurd box ever for Lollipop Chainsaw . It includes cheerleader paraphernalia (no, I'm not kidding), a t-shirt, some keychains with the boyfriend's head, a 1GB flash drive (with the boyfriend's head floating in a little plastic bubble of blood at the end), and other wacky knick-knacks. Can't wait to try this one. I've also been having a lot of fun with Dragon's Dogma , which is a perfect example of "greater than the sum of its parts." There are technical issues and a few design problems, but the overall package is surprisingly solid and even addictive. It's not something I'll want to finish but it's still really worth playing, especially if you're a big-time role-playing aficionado.
Also, congrats again to Dancemachine55 for giving us a great guest breakdown of the E3 press conferences. Stay tuned for more reader-related activities. 🙂
Admittedly Ben, E3 was about the games this year. As most of us have eluded to this past few weeks, we again see the true potential of the PS3. We don't need a PS4 just yet… this is quite obvious to all now I would think.
It was insane and truly spectacular. Never have I been so excited about games in my entire life.
I would go further and rather talk about them as "experiences". We are experiencing character emotions, experiencing detailed virtual worlds and huge cinematic set pieces that now epitomise where gaming has progressed to… after this Sony E3 conference in 2012, I believe gaming – in all it's forms, has truly "arrived".
All the exclusives shown will be day 1 purchases; included a few other titles, so I continue to build out and add to my small but growing AAA games collection. I would rather have quality than quantity…
I hope all Extremers enjoyed what was on offer at E3; as Sony fans we do have a lot to be grateful for… so let's go out and enjoy this delicious gaming palette to the max!!!
I liked your last quotes better "play.experience.enjoy"
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/10/2012 12:49:38 AM
Thanks Alexander… I do sometimes change my quote to suite the tone of my comment that deals with a particular subject or subjects.
As the theme of not needing a PS4 quite so soon has been prevalent of late, I thought I best update my quote for my above comment only, this once 🙂
I understand. 🙂
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/10/2012 1:07:17 PM
E3 was fantastic way better than last year. Beyond and Watch Dogs were the most surprising and impressive. Last Of Us looks fantastic but Im just not feeling it. Assassins Creed III blew me away Im really loving it.
Many games are worth waiting for but I am concerned about the Last Guardian simply because of Uedas status at Sony. We never hear from him or the team its always Yoshida giving a update.
E3 was awesome. There were just so many incredible games on display. I say anyone who says otherwise needs their gamer license suspended for a year.
Sony put on a strong show I thought, except for Vita support. I think Beyond was the title that made it really stand out from the competition most, and arguably the most standout title of E3. I also liked what I saw from Halo 4 quite a bit, albeit being artistically aping Metroid with the new enemy race.
But really, hot dang. Castlevania, DOA5, TTT2, Starwars, Darksiders 2, Crysis 3 and tons more. Amazing.
While I don't think it's "necessary" for the next-gen to start next year, I'd like to see the engines start turning. The tech is there. There are developers who want it. There's gamers who want it as well. UE4 and that FF demo melts brains. I think the transition can begin. So those who are ready to jump to the next-gen have that option in the coming year and those who want to hang out with the PS3 and 360 will have plenty there to keep them happy for a few years more too. We can just be a big happy family of gamers letting those who want things their way having it their way.
PGU: It's been all about VF5: FS this week. Can't beleive it's $15. Granted it's pretty trim on features and the menu and some of the soundtracks are crap, but the game play is rock solid awesomness, having lots of fun fighting online. It's an easy 100% trophy run too 😉 Oh, and I got MGS HD Collection for $30 from Amazon. been having a wee bit of MGS2 fun as well.
Aside from that crap, here I thought I was gonna win a copy of Starhawk for the review contest stuff. But seeing how unlikely that is right now, I say go World! You can do it man =)
About your comment: "those who want to hang out with the … 360 will have plenty there to keep them happy for a few years more.."
You know MS will pull the plug on 360 after 1 year of releasing their new console. That's what they did with the first X-box, they stopped producing games fot it very, very quickly, to force people to buy their new console, and the fanboys obliged.
However, several years on, Sony is still supporting the PS2. People seem to forget this.
Yes, on one side, the xbox was discontinued in '04, only 3 years after launch date, but it didn't close down remaining live subscriptions until '07, and the last game to be published was NFL '09, which was in the summer of '08, I believe. That's a life span of about 7 years. But your point is duly noted, that's a little more than half the life span of the ps2's, which is on it's 13 year, going on it's 14th by next year, if games are still being published for it.
Glad that Sony is still backing up their PS2 still to this day.
After this E3 something has become abundantly apparent to me: the console wars are over. The big 3 basically cater to different markets.
Nintendo has the casuals and kids and some folks who still hang around for the latest Mario or Zelda or Metroid.
Xbox (despite MS trying to force Kinect) has the youth crowd that is all twitchy, constantly online, all action all the time, and mostly itching to pull a trigger.
Playstation has become the console for the gaming connoisseur who plays a wide variety of genres and tends to be older and better educated.
I'll be finishing up Killzone 3 this week and also Tales of Graces f. I already beat Tales but after that there's like a whole extra game in the extras menu that I'm about to close out. It has been one of the most "JRPG" JRPG experiences of the whole generation. Then I'm getting Lollipop Chainsaw because… ya kind of have to. I mean look at that. I only got the regular version though because the only head in that game I'm interested in isn't the boyfriend's.
"Playstation has become the console for the gaming connoisseur who plays a wide variety of genres and tends to be older and better educated."
So true. And you can add, many of us now have a girlfriend / boyfriend, a wife / husband, families, jobs, and have less and less time available for their favourite hobby… dang! lol.
"They quit on the PS2 too soon, I say."
That's the sad case with many, if not all, industries regarding the rate of new technology brought to the mass market, I feel 🙁
…hmmm… errrr….uuuHHH! Toggle scrolling! Gah.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/10/2012 2:44:09 AM
My PS3 doesn't get along with it either.
Nor do my phone.
Hey guys sorry to be off topic but just have a question here to anyone who knows. How well will this HDD go in my Slim PS3? Will i have any problems what so ever?
Again sorry for being off topic, Ben.
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 6/10/2012 2:22:02 AM
No idea which ones fit once you go above 500gb. If he doesn't pick up your question, Highlander would be the one to ask. You might have to PM him through the forums.
Yes, as it is SATA 2.5" notebook hdd, it will fit and it will be compatible. It's 5400rpm, which is fine. At 1 TB, you might be setting yourself up for a shorter lifespan on it, as larger hdd's require longer read times, and refrags, even with 8MB cache, but I haven't heard anyone complain here at psxextreme readership about that. Mine is 500GB.
Also worth noting, the actual HDD size before and especially after reformatting is actually less than the marketed size.
Shorten Lifespan? By how much?
Where's highlander when you need him?
Next time, u should check out the forum for the answer, that's why it's their.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/10/2012 1:15:15 PM
That HD will fit nicely, I have that same 1T HD in my Slim, plus & a Samsung 750GB in my phat, since last year with no problems.
BTW,I've also used a WD 640GB in my phat prior to the 1T HD too, so any one of them will fit & work well.
FYI, as Shams said above, make sure it's 2.5 for notebooks/laptops & the it's 5400RPM speed, as I've heard that the higher 7200RPM speed ones tend to get much hotter. Also after installing the 1T HD, I wound up with only somewhere around 928GB's left due to the PS3's formatting doing a partitioning(????) for the rest of the GB's for OS(????) and/or whatever else it needed the missing GB's for.
BTW, the only problem I had with my WD 1T HD, was at right at start-up when my PS3 decided to get balky with me & didn't want to recognize it, but Highlander gave a quick fix for it somewhere in one of the old PSXE threads(Sorry, I don't remember which one), & I haven't had any problems ever since.
Hope that helps.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/10/2012 1:38:23 PM
Hey Shams,
I've always wondered about defragging a PS3, but nowhere have I ever found any info on PS sites or the instruction manual itself, that either states, and/or show you how to do it.
And my 1T HD is already down to around 680 GB's now(even with deleting all the demos & games I now longer wanted on it) & probably even worse on my 750 GB Phat model too, so I think I'm a bit behind on any defragging maintenance, LOL.
So exactly how do you defrag PS3's ????
Thanks in advance.
Hi BikerSaint, that might related to the architecture of your HDD ( 1TB being split between a 680GB one and a 320GB one, or 750GB one and a 250GB one, and your ps3 is recognizing the larger one), or it could be the result of your partitioning software when you formatted your hdd.
Since your ps3 is indicating exactly 680GB, and not less, as it would be in the case of a 680/320 split after reformatting and the ps3 installing what it has to install, my theory is either it is a 750GB/250GB split or that the smaller size is due to the partitioning process, and not the hdd architecture. This can be fixed by backing up your data with an external HDD, removing the HDD, and remove the partition with formatting/partitioning software. But, before that, aside from the game save files, if you haven't already done so, make sure that you also delete the game installation files that you no longer need. I know you must have had a lot of them. They are located in a different part of the XMB (called "game data" i believe).
The defragging (thanks for the correction) allegedly happens automatically when you reboot. So, if I'm not mistaken, it is not something you have to worry about.
Killa Tequilla: You're welcome. If I recall correctly, it was Highlander who raised the theoretical possibility of life-span/over-heating issue being related to larger than necessary HDD's. But, as BikerSaint as said, it hasn't been an issue with his yet, and I haven't heard anyone yet on the interwebs complain of it, either…yet. BikerSaint probably has one of the largest, if not THE largest game library of anybody at psxtreme, maybe even when counting Ben's, so having a huge HDD is pretty much a necessity for him, if he wants to keep all his game save files, and game installation files.
I have a smaller collection, and don't download too much, so I played it safe with Western Digital 500GB HDD with 32MB cache I got last year for 49.95 from Newegg.
Last edited by Shams on 6/10/2012 3:24:05 PM
Well, what i mean is will it perform flawlessly like my out of the box 320gb HDD? I know it will fit, but what i dont know is if that much memory will somehow cause any problems to my ps3, like make it become hotter and such. You know? Just trying to figure out how it will perform.
Edit: over the coming months, i will definitely need that much memory, as i have a lot of downloads. 320gb isnt even enough anymore, i need to upgrade. Just thought id ask the psx community. As for the forums, sorry i dont really use them or know how to use them.
Hey, underdog if you can remember the thread where highlander helped you with that issue you had, it'd be great if you can link me up 🙂
I know highlander is the guy to ask! But where art thou highlander!?
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 6/10/2012 4:18:54 PM
I mean BikerSaint, not underdog. Sorry
Must be the picture of the dog! :p
I have a 5400RPM 2.5" SATA 500GB HDD put in mine, and it works pretty great so far in my slim. I haven't had any issues so far. (Doesn't mean it won't happen, but so far, I'm happy days)
Come to think of it, I should probably start looking for a new pic. I've had the dead pepsi for a while now.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/10/2012 5:18:45 PM
Hey, BikerSaint, you say you have that same HDD, how does it perform speedwise?
Not so much an issue with observable speed. More of an issue with over working the HDD. But, as said previously, going on 7th year of ps3's lifespan, I have seen absolutely no feedback on the internet indicating issues with 1TB HDD's, and there are plenty of people who are using them.
Of course, if you want speed, there's no substitute for an SSD drive. You just get fewer Gig's per dollar. My 2 cents: you should be fine with your current selection. Sorry for the overload of info.
Hey, the more i know the better 🙂
Underdog, yes it was the pic, lol
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 6/10/2012 7:25:03 PM
Thanks about the automatic de-fragging, cause for the life of me I couldn't figure out how or whether I needed to de-frag it myself, LOL.
FYI, either I wrote it wrong or you might've misinterpreted me differently when I said I had about 680 GB's.
That's only because after deleting demos & game I no longer wanted, I still have another 59 full PSN games, 17 minis, & 6 PS games on my HD.
And not to mention that I've sampled a bit of every game I've gotten that most are still on my HD so I can play them from my huge backlog later without having to do all the updates & patching when I want to get right down to game-play, which comes out to around 160+ PS3 disc based games, plus I have all of my Depeche Mode & Jan Mical Jarre music albums, themes, wallpapers, some vids, etc, etc.
I think the PS3 originally really only took no more than about 60 to 70 GB away for it's own use off the top, right after formatting.
BTW, I would've thought that the Ps3 would take the same amount of GB's for operations no matter what the size new HD is, but no, I've noticed that going from an original 60GB Phat & a 250GB slim, then over to a 640GB, then to a 750GB, and then lastly switching to a 1T GB HD(and although I don't know why) is that the higher the GB's of the new HD are, the more the PS3 confiscates for its own inner workings(or personal pleasure, LOL).
Maybe Highlander can explain exactly why that is(if & when he shows up.
Not sure what you mean by speed-wise, but with my 5400RPM speed 1T HD there's no difference either + or – that I can tell, or in gameplay speed either for that matter.
The only change you'll know bout is the amount of GB's itself, nothing more.
BTW, I have no idea about 7200 RPM HD's speedwise though, except that they DO get much hotter due to their faster revolutions).
and THAT is exactly why M$ did the best!
they did not waste any time with crappy kids games, and they did not waste any time with the ruler they just got to showing the games!
ninty wasted far too much time whining how little time they had been given, and also repeating things the companies CEO said in their pre E3 presser on monday.
whats the point of holding a presser to just re announce the same info at another?
as for EA and ubi both were ok but both had highs and lows.
EA DS3 was boring and frustrating because its a crappy action game not a survival horror!
same goes for NFS most wanted 2.
as for ubi same thing, watch dogs, AC3, ect were awesome but shootmania and the stupid annoying arguments between the lady and guy back stage were really annoying!
udea is EXACTLY why people are worried about this!
forget about the ridiculously long development time, AT LEASE 7 years!
but what most are worried about is that udea and a few of his chief staff have left.
yes there still under contract to work on the game but whats stopping them from doing a half a$$ed job?
another question remains which is why did they leave?
maybe $ony was forcing them into positions there not comfortable with?
uhh, Smartglass… internet explorer?
how is smartglass a waste of time?
its awesome!
steals some of the limelight away from ninty too.
if anything that was more important than what all te games were!
especially if it actually gets used for games like the gamepad for the wiiu is.
i liked the wonderbook, (harry potter fan) but i think if they would have shown some other book, i don't think i'd be really interested in it.
pgu: error code 80010514 plus fallout 3 goty = find a new game to play.
E3 2012 was Ninty's to lose, with the Wii U and being the only company with a new console to show, they failed to blow everyone away.
And yes, it was all about the game, ACIII looked like it's going to win GOTY, and I'd say it has a better chance of winning more GOTY awards than AC and ACII.
Ubisoft has always been awesome but they showed everyone they can be on top this year.
At the moment, nothing has me hooked except ACIII and NFS Most Wanted.
After that, I'll look forward to 2013.(HELLO!!! TLOU, Beyond, Bioshock, DmC, Dead Space, Watch Dogs etc.)
I seriously wonder what percentage of current Wii owners will actually buy into the Wii U. From my experience and the experience of friends and acquaintances (especially those who were taken in enough by the original Wii-mania), most Wii's now sit around gathering dust. I seriously doubt the Wii U sales numbers will reach half of the current one (especially in the West).
My fave demos from E3 were undoubtedly The Last of Us and Beyond TS. Both D1P for me.
PGU: Dusted off my Move as I picked up Time Crisis and House of the Dead Overkill for dirt cheap. I'm having a blast of fun. Brings back great memories from the PS2 Time Crisis, G-Con2 days.
I should add to my "Pachter-esque" analysis… lol… with Sony still supporting the PS3 so strongly with exclusives, and MS floundering with the 360, are we likely to see a new M$ console first? Is Sony going to be late out of the starting blocks next-gen again?
While I love my PS3 and know that Sony will continue supporting it for a decade to come, I would hate to see the "twitch-box" (*grin*) get too far ahead when the next-gen console war begins again.
It's hard to say at this point. Sony has said that they are more interested in releasing the best, most powerful console than being first. So this means they are going to wait until M$ tips its hand. Sony will more than likely be late but not by a year, no way. I am fine with Sony being late with the PS4. I want the best console in the hands of the best developers.
Sony has nothing to worry about because as you said many Wii owners will not buy the WiiU. Nintendo will do well though with their Zelda, Mario and Metroid threesome. But I am reading that there are devs that don't want to make a game for the WiiU because it's to difficult to program or makes something useful for the touch pad controller. Who knows at this point. It will be Sony, Nintendo and M$ in that order of dominance for the next gen.
The PS3 wasn't supposed to launch a full year after the 360, but it had so many cutting-edge components that it took longer than expected to get all the final parts ready for production. IIRC, the biggest difficulties were getting the HDCP protocols for the HDMI finalized and producing sufficient numbers of Blu-ray lasers.
It seems unlikely that the same sort of difficulties will delay the PS4, but we won't know until Sony reveals the specs. Maybe it'll feature something unexpected (i.e., not iterations of current tech).
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/11/2012 3:46:45 AM
I was severely disappointed because I was hoping Japanese studios would bring their game and show they had something to offer.
As usual they had very little.
Showing off tech is nice, but I don't want to wait another five years for a pretty game that desperately wants to be a movie.
It wasn't a "bad" E3. But this was a case where I came in already knowing what I would buy.
Nothing convinced me to change my mind.
I already knew that Tekken Tag 2, Quantic Dream project, The Last of Us, etc were going to be amazing games.
Last edited by Laguna on 6/10/2012 7:20:14 AM
I think the japanese devs are saving themselves for TGS. I think we will see a lot of good stuff from japanese devs then. Its probably not really worth it to get to L.A. for E3 when TGS is so close and effects them more ya know?
I was happy with Sony at E3. I would have liked to see more Vita news. The Vita news I did see was very good though. I will finally get a chance to play MGS1 on Vita. I have been putting it off on the PS3 and I am going to play it on the Vita. Should be great. I played it a long time ago on the PC and only got about 25% through before something else took me away. Once I beat MGS I will then buy the HD collection for Vita. Also, looking to play Legends of Dragoon on the Vita.
I just got the Platinum for LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean with my son! It's our first Platinum together. He is highly anticipating LEGO Batman 2!
Getting Gravity Rush on Tuesday, cannot wait!!
Started playing Sly Cooper Thievius Racoonus HD last night and it' really amazing! Nothing like starting a game and getting a trophy right off the bat! LOL! Sucker Punch is a very special dev. Almost done with level 1 and loving this game! This is the PSN version I got free from PS+!
PS+ rules!! I have downloaded all the free games Sony gave us this last Tuesday. I am still in shock by how generous they are with this awesome system. I hope they get a million more subscribers! It's a great service and every PS fan should be a member by now.
Have a good week everyone
i wish that sony hadn't have brought the wonderbook out, i can't see it taking off and it takes funds away from other Much needed areas like the vita. they are spreading them selves to thin. they should have used the time to show more veta games which to me was under shown at this conference.
as you can tell i am a veta owner, and for me its not the lack of games but the OS on the veta that needs to be updated, especially the messaging, party chat and friends list. they shouldn't be separate apps, they should be iver all be put together on 1 app or be completely intergrated into the system. currently Playing burning skies (veta)and starhawk (ps3)
haha the way you started off there ben pretty much describes me to a T. i'm nothing if not old school. that why sony's PC this year was a huge win for me ( other than the Wonderbook Yawn) its all about the games for me. Beyond. AC III. last of us. thats what i'm talking about! (never been a big god of war person myself)
but yeah sony really brought it this year.
This is a bit random, but after thanking DanceMachine for his excellent write up, just thought I'd throw in a Thanks to Ben and Arnold as well :). Keep up the great work guys :).
Arnold went to Mars.
It's Ben, John, and Dan (tech) now. 😉
Arnold has basically moved on to other things, although as he's still co-owner, he's always free to do stuff.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/10/2012 6:52:17 PM
Whoops, sorry! Thanks Ben, John and Dan :). And Arnold for the excellent GT5 review, way back when!
so i was wandering around in the home e3 site when the kids came home from being at my sisters for a couple days. they all sat down to watch me run around in there and one of them asked me if i was in best buy. i got a pretty good laugh at that so i had to share it.
pgu: mostly been playing skyrim some more. im something like 150 hours into it. love to just explore and find new things.
did anyone see the E3 video for portal 2 in motion? that looks really cool. cant wait to play the new dlc they have coming out.
Last edited by frylock25 on 6/10/2012 7:54:45 PM