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Does Anyone Miss The E3 Booth Babes?

The post-E3 headlines are all over the place, which is perfectly normal. But after reading such headlines for quite a few years, I've noticed a distinct lacking…

Where the hell are the E3 booth babes?! Damnit all.

They're there.  They exist.  You can go find them right now if you want.  But boy, in comparison to recent years…?

Oh, right, I forgot. The industry is all grown up now – 'cuz you're growns up and you're growns up and you're growns up! — Which movie? – and of course, we never really needed hot girls to show off these products in the first place. The implication was always that the average age of a gamer was about 17, and he had never had a girlfriend…which, let's face the gloomy truth, was probably true at one point in the history of gaming.

And yeah, the average age is over 30 now and just about everyone and everyone's grandmother has played a video game at some point, so the titillation really isn't necessary and it would probably only be counterproductive, at least from a progression and maturity standpoint. But in a lot of ways, the booth babes were a tradition and I'm just not the biggest fan of ditching traditions. I mean, come on…the booth babe coverage added a little levity to the post-E3 arguments and discussions; the pics put smiles on our faces and made us kinda remember that in fact, this is all just for fun . Not stern, grave debate. Fun .

I should also add that maybe booth babes were significant because in truth, hot girls and gaming never really went together. I suppose they do now, as per recent evidence , but back then, chicks like those weren't often seen in arcades. So the contrast is another reason it was so big. All in all, I get it. I really do. But at the same time, I have to say- I miss 'em.

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12 years ago

I had no problems with booth babes, some were even nice eye candy

I heard that Gamescom has forbidden booth babes altogether, stating the focus should be on the games, not the babes 🙁

Anyway, stay away from that redhead all the way on the right, she doesn't know it yet, but she's going to become the next ex-Mrs Saint!!!!

12 years ago

man thats the one i was eyeing too. wow she is hot

12 years ago

One? why settle for just one? lol

12 years ago

Only one because the none of the others in that pic attracted my interest all all.

Now, perhaps iusing another pic with better babes, I just might be more than tempted to choose a 2 to 3 layer "Saint Sandwich"!

12 years ago

The thing with dating a red head though, it's a lot like the mating rituals of the preying mantis. You'll have the time of your life, right up until she rips your head off for no apparent my experience at

12 years ago

At least they brought them back, though they aren't as numerous as they used to be. I forget what year it was but they had got rid of them altogether and then there was the year or two that they cut the public out. Sometimes I wonder if the gaming industry wants to survive;D

12 years ago

Ben, if it's possible, you should go to e3 one day and do video coverage. That would be awesome!

12 years ago

Black. Brunette. Asian. Blonde. Redhead. Trying a little too hard to hit all gamer tastes no? Anyway, yeah wtf. You don't take girls out of car shows and boxing rings so why take them out of games?

12 years ago

Nice "Swingers" reference … Ben, you're so money, you don't even know it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


12 years ago

I went to the gaming convention in Korea called G-Star, and well, they sure haven't forgotten the tradition of including them! They are a distraction though, but a nice one at that! I was trying to focus on a Starcraft 2 presentation but I kept on seeing booth babes around me. Focus, Zen, just focus on the information…ah what the heck! Eyes do your thing!

It was also pretty cool when I was playing this new game (looked like a Korean version of Gears of War called 'Dizzel') and this scantily clad army girl came up to me and was teaching me how to play. "Yes, mistress, I shall do what you say!"

Booth babes make it more exciting that's for sure.

12 years ago

Of course I miss them. I've always been against the "all work no play"-definition of being a "grown up". Above all I am a MAN damnit, and I reserve my right to be so.

So yeah, bring on the babes. Either that or a new generation consoles, so we can better watch'em babes on there (Lara Croft reboot + every RPG with a decent character creation system For Teh Win!). 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/9/2012 3:00:21 AM

12 years ago

A few days ago, a friend and I were explaining why we hated Hooters and other similar establishments. If I want to overpay for my drinks, get crappy service, and ogle hot women, I'll just abandon pretense and go to a strip club. If I want to go out to eat, then the attractiveness and dress (or lack thereof) of my waitress is pretty damn close to the bottom of my priority list.

I feel exactly the same about booth babes. While I admit that I've never been to E3, I've been to other cons that have had them, and they just don't add anything of significance. Not to me anyway. If I want something like that (and I occasionally do), I have other avenues for it that are much more convenient than some vapid eye candy who does little else than perpetually be in my way.

12 years ago

Yeah, exactly. Alright, different story if you're physically there – maybe it does add a little 'specialness' to the event. But if you're there 'virtually', well, there are better places to answer nature's call, if you get my drift 😉

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 6/9/2012 5:08:24 AM

12 years ago

Taking away jobs from ladies, yeah " we're all grown up.".

12 years ago

how could you not!?
i remember 2 years ago at the motor show me and a few other guys wasted the whole day sitting at the lotus bar drinking.
we did not see any of the cars, we walked in saw the bar and never left.
well it started with a my god how much Vaseline does it take to get that leather suit on?
and ended with, well……..

12 years ago

brain dead good looking chicks need jobs somewhere

12 years ago

Unless I can have my way with them and they're not just there looking sexy and giving me an unnecessary boner, then no they were not missed, If I'm there I go for games, If I want attractive women I'll go to a mall for christ sakes LOL

12 years ago

That red head and blonde, standing beside each other, makes Ethird's tummy hurt so good.

A great smile and a nice rack makes everything better. Bring on the booth babes!!!

12 years ago

lol, don't worry Ben, any hot-blooded male should ;). More seriously, like you say, I think it's a good thing for the industry's broader image that they're fading from E3, and there were always plenty of heated, serious debates about games even when there were plenty of booth babes about.

12 years ago

Has anyone heard the big mess about the Asus booth babe? I'm guessing it was at E3 because I heard of it recently. Asus tweeted a picture of a booth babe next to a computer and said "the rear is very nice, and so is the computer"

I thought it was hilarious, but a bunch of bored lifeless idiots out there got pissed off and branded Asus as sexist. Like the girl didn't know that the only reason she was there was because of her rear.

12 years ago

____able girls = NOT games

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