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Sony’s Bombshell: Uncharted 4 For PS4?

Everyone is wondering what Sony might do to stun the crowd during their E3 press conference next week.

There are plenty of rumors but for the most part, nobody really expects to see the PlayStation 4 unveiled. That being said, we have reason to believe they might allude to the next generation in regards to one of the brand's signature franchises…talk about a bombshell.

Naughty Dog is currently working on The Last Of Us for the PS3. We also heard the team had been split in two so one group could handle this exciting new IP, and the other could begin work on the fourth Uncharted installment. Now, there are also rumors that support the idea of the next round of consoles hitting later in 2013. If you play this out to a semi-logical conclusion, one could see Uncharted 4 hitting in late 2013 (two years after Uncharted 3 , which was two years after Uncharted 2 ), and it'd be just in time for the PS4.

We heard, perhaps accidentally in an email, that in fact, the fourth Uncharted is being made for "future generation" hardware, with the added implication that Sony wanted Naughty Dog to launch The Last Of Us first, so they could save the next Uncharted for the PS4. Just bear in mind that the source is not affiliated with Sony in any way, so that little slip might be entirely meaningless. Then again, as we said, the reasoning does seem sound, even if it's still implausible.

Implausible, though not necessarily impossible.

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12 years ago

I could easily see this happening, and it actually does make sense. If Sony is going to announce the PS4, why not do it while revealing a high-profile exclusive franchise? That said, I'm still looking forward to seeing more new IPs being announced for the PS4.

12 years ago

There is no doubt that Uncharted 4 will be a PS4 game, but it won't happen in E3. Announcing it so early will take the attention away from the PS3 & The Last of Us (expected to release before Christmas 2012). Most likely there will be a trailer at the end of the year, then a PS4 announcement at GDC in March 2013. E3 2013 we'll see price and spec for PS4, ready for release before Thanksgiving 2013.

12 years ago

I don't think this would be a bombshell considering the next system is around the corner and ND LOU release will be soon. A bombshell would be GTA or MGS.

12 years ago

A true BOMB would be GTAV exclusivity! The X camp would cry tears of blood.

12 years ago

Not sure how GTA would be a bombshell, and I'm not sure where the Last of Us plays a role in this. It's coming (GTA5) and people know it, regardless if it's for PS4. We've not heard any details about Sonys biggest exclusive and if it was a launch title for their next system, that's much bigger than anything else. Trust me when I say Uncharted 4 on PS4 is a much bugger highlight. What would also be nice, is a KZ4, and GT6. Here's to dreaming on the latter.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/2/2012 12:26:04 AM

12 years ago

If all these rumors come true then Sony will "WIN" E3! (It's what all the popular kids say. 😉 Gaikai, Plus Evolution, PSSuite fleshed out.. VITAs second wind etc… The PlayStation Brand is stronger than ever. Such "Momentum" right now.

I am sure at PSX that I do not need to mention the actual GAMES because Sony is hands down the winner in that department.

Shepherd Book
Shepherd Book
12 years ago

I can dig any Uncharted I can get and while I am not ready for the PS4, I would be in line to get one day one.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
12 years ago

Yup. And this may be EXACTLY the reasoning behind SONY's thinking. Many of us are MORE than satisfied with our PS3s and are way behind trying to catch up on all the fantastic titles in it's catalog. What better way to get us contented folk in line for a PS4 than to dangle the next chapter of the, arguably, best exclusive series on the PS3 in front of us and put it on the PS4?

I could seriously wait another 2-3 years just playing/catching up on awesome PS3 titles I've yet to play and those that are still coming! BUT, if UC4 is on PS4 and it hits next week, I'm in line.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I hope not. Not because I don't want a new Uncharted but because we're being overrun by games as it is. It's bloody hard to keep up!

Also, something you guys should appreciate, Ni No Kuni releases January 22 for America and 25 for Europe. Rejoice!

12 years ago

We have more games than time my friend!

12 years ago

I remember early on when it was easy to get every AAA PS3 title that (I was interested in) came along. Now I find that there are so many new releases I'd like to try that I just don't have time to really get enough enjoyment out of them (to rationalize the $60 price) before the next big AAA title comes out.

12 years ago

If this is true the PS4 is not too far off.

12 years ago

Not to brag but I, along with some others, always had a feeling Sony is going to reveal the PS4 despite the denial from Sony themselves. Of course it's a rumor that may or may not be true.

I was telling my brother the same thing except I said they would show footage of Killzone 4 at the end of the Presser. By the end of the trailer it would say Killzone 4, "Killzone" gets wiped off screen only showing the "4" and "PS" fades in. Its going to be Legend- wait for it- dary.

12 years ago

I agree! SONY doesn't really need to "REVEAL" the PS4. The only need to elude to it to get the ball rolling. The PS3 is strong right now and if all these "rumors" come to be fully revealing the PS4 would be counterproductive.

Last edited by FatherSun on 6/1/2012 11:46:17 PM

12 years ago

that would actually be kinda cool 🙂 send your suggestion to Sony 😉

12 years ago

A bigger bombshell for me personally would be if there was no mention of the ps4 whatsoever during this years E3. That, and I'll be so disappointed that not even a new cyberpunk RPG for consoles would make up for it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2012 1:57:03 AM

12 years ago

Beam- I read your comment wrong the first time. I see what you mean now. I'd be surprised as well. At this point im really hoping for an announcement.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/2/2012 3:06:47 AM

12 years ago

if that's the case, that would sort of indicate a PS4 with a similar platform to the PS3, since it would be hard for Naughty Dog to make a sequel from the ground up that early, that would be able to meet people's expectations…

12 years ago

If there is a PS4 coming I can guarantee Sony has kept there best developers and that includes ND in the loop, and has provided them with hardware specs long ago. I could bet, that if there is a PS4 coming ND has had more time getting familiar with it than you would probably think.

12 years ago

I pretty much expect this. I mean that is of course if there is a PS4 coming, that Uncharted 4 would be a launch title. Either way I do expect to see Uncharted 4 if not in 2013 by 2014, PS4 or not…

This is exciting for me because I'm a huge Playstation fan and a huge Uncharted fan! Win, win!

12 years ago

i'm okay with uncharted 4 on i was ok with god of war 3 on ps2.

12 years ago

That kind of makes sense until you mentioned GoW3. I mean GoW 2 released as the PS3 was just released. So why a couple years later would you be ok with one of the biggest launches this gen. Releasing on a dated console?

As for Uncharted, I'm with ya on that one. If there's no mention of it being on PS4, that's fine.

12 years ago

I care about the games.I don't care about the hd u can see god of war 2 is way better than god of war 3 if u look at the god of war series.

12 years ago

theres a patteren, Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, PS4 🙂

12 years ago

I'll wait till E3 this week, not that i don't want another system but i really think the PS3 has so much more power to be used but if U4 is on a new console for Sony i'll be getting asap.

12 years ago

i seriously doubt uncharted 4 will be a launch title!
ND have always had trouble getting new engines out for new systems.
hell uncharted was suppose to be a launch title and ended up shipping almost 2 years late!
id say a year after the ps4 releases ok but i seriously cant see them being there for launch.

12 years ago

Actually Uncharted was released almost a year to the day after the PS3. Ps3 in 2006 and Uncharted in 2007. But as I said to someone else, I guarantee If there is a PS4, Sonys been supplying their best developers with specs and help to get things rolling on it.

12 years ago

Altering the engine may also depend on how different the PS4's architecture is from the PS3, Cell based vs. some other chipset. If the PS4 is Cell based then I would suspect that it would be easier to transition and adapt their engine.

12 years ago

yup just like they did the ps3.
they have always had allot of issues with the first titles they release on systems there is no way uncharted 4 is going to be a launch title!

12 years ago

I'd say wait and show all the PS4 eye candy at the official PS4 reveal – whenever that may be.

11 years ago

Sorry to say this for those who are actually craving for a PS4 release but I find the PS3 is good enough for uncharted 4. PS3 console and its games are expensive enough for most people. How more expensive will it cost us just for some entertainment? Sorry Guys but for those of you who have the means I find it really selfish to forsake those who struggle to make ends meet! You might find that I'm cheap but I do what I can, not really what I want. If all new games go on a new console next year, I am pretty sure I will have to give up gaming. If it comes out in two more years then may be, I'll be ready to fit in, but not as soon as next year. Cheers game pals!

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