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Ben’s Week In Review: May 27

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Apologies on the late update last night…I lost track of time.

The Shadow of the Colossus movie could be embarrassing

Look, there have been a whole lot of crappy films based on video games. The difference here is that a great many of the games in question would inevitably become mindless on the big screen ("Street Fighter," "Resident Evil," "DOOM," etc.). It's to be expected and it's not necessarily insulting the original IP, although I admit that many RE game installments had more heart and soul than any of the movies. In this case, however, I'm convinced they're going to royally fu** up Team ICO's iconic masterpiece and worse, they're going to sully the good name of a massive artistic accomplishment.

To me, this is really like turning the Mona Lisa into some craptastic, embarrassing reality TV show starring a half-dressed Italian slut. If you look at the histories of the new director and producer tapped to work on the SotC movie, it's almost a guarantee that they're going to make a special effects extravaganza with zero of the spirit of the game. All they see is big monsters and someone with a sword trying to beat them. And it's going to piss me off . Like, really badly.

Hey, remember when Final Fantasy never had sequels?

I do. I remember when the idea of a Final Fantasy sequel was just plain absurd. Each entry in the series is completely and entirely fresh from top to bottom; new world, new characters, new story, new combat mechanics, and a variety of other new elements. It's precisely why the franchise has garnered so many die-hard fans, even if they never recognized it. And now, when many say the series is floundering, what are we doing? We're talking about the possibility of more sequels . I mean, come on. Now, I'm not saying I would mind a follow-up to Final Fantasy XII , but I would certainly prefer an entirely new experience. You know, like Final Fantasy XV . No, not Versus XIII ; that game doesn't actually exist.

As for FFXII, I really liked it, but for some of the same reasons I liked FFXIII-2. I didn't play either for the story; I didn't like all the politics in FFXII, and I didn't care much for any of the characters. But the gameplay really got me. I really didn't think it would, but 125 hours later, I knew I had been wrong. 😉

Personal gaming update

I think I'm reaching the end of Max Payne 3 , and I also really enjoy Gravity Rush , which is definitely a Vita game you just gotta try. It's a little tedious and even irritating but the fun factor and engrossing environment just keeps you coming back for more. I've also just started Resistance: Burning Skies ; review for that coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to check out that new interview with the game's composers.

Speaking of interviews, after writing that piece concerning the new "Demise of Guys" book , I reached out to the authors – Dr. Philip Zimbardo and psychologist Nikita Duncan – and they've agreed to answer some questions. I think most will be answered by Duncan as Zimbardo is out of the country, but anyway, if you have any questions concerning the topic, feel free to let me know.

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12 years ago

How about a small little hint about Resistance so far.

12 years ago

You gonna have a review up for Dragon's Dogma?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I plan to try.

12 years ago

Cool, thanks.

12 years ago

what about the Walking Dead?

12 years ago

Ben, has your opinion of Max Payne 3 changed at all since you have gotten further through it?

i have never played final fantasy xii before. i really know nothing about it. so if they did make a xii-2 i dont think i would have an interest in it.

pgu: so i have been playing a lot of skyrim and loving the game a lot more than i thought i would. it is really addicting but i feel i am a little burned out on it now. im gonna take it back to the library soon. probably will buy it one of these days.

i also picked up resistance 3 the other day and so far i really like it. im not very far as i just started playing it. great sound in the game and i really have no problems with the visuals.

i also have been replaying ffvii and forgot how much i loved it. it was the first final fantasy i ever played and i didnt know games like that existed before then.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

No. For reviews, I play all games until I've reached the point where I'm fairly certain my opinion won't change.

12 years ago

have you ever reviewed a game and later felt that you did want to change anything in your review or the score of it?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

It has happened, but it's rare. It's rare because whenever it happens, I feel bad that I misled people with my review, so I'm conscious of the possible mistake.

Therefore, I pretty much always try to play to a point in a game where I really believe my opinion won't change. However, I do admit that I'm willing to stop playing sooner for lower profile titles. So in other words, if it's some kids game that nobody really knows about (or cares about), and I'm swamped with work, I'll probably reach the "Okay, I got it" point sooner. 🙂

12 years ago

IGN did a good piece on the SOTC film today heres link if anyones interested

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I think that the Final Fantasy XII sequel is more likely to be either Fortress revived or a part of the Ivalice Alliance, rather than a direct sequel. Still pretty stupid IMO.

Personal Update:
I'm about to start reading Bitter Greens. Seems like it should be interesting.
Finished Killzone 2 earlier in the week, eh, check the review. Started both Max Payne 3 and Killzone 3 yesterday. Just plugging them both while I wait for my copy of Ghost Recon to arrive, rather than really playing them. Not overly impressed by either of them from what I've played.
I think that I'm going to like that interview. Should be interesting, but I have no suggestions for questions at this time.

12 years ago

Versus XIII does so exist!

….That's what keeps me going most days….


12 years ago

also i have been trying to play the sly cooper hd collection but when i try to play sly 2 it just leaves the game and kicks me out to the xmb. is anyone else having this problem with the game?

12 years ago

Looks like you're not the first to have issues. There's isn't a fix here "yet", but you're not alone. Link in next post.

12 years ago

Ahh versus xiii….. you had such potential to be a good game, pity you ended up in the hands of square enix.

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

I decided to replay shadow of the colossus and i must say there seems no way this can be a movie, there is almost no dialogue. I think Hollywood will make it a group thing, along the way,the star meets a hot chick,a know it all and a mute who help him take down the "monsters". In the end the fight some evil guy who was being trapped by the colossus.

12 years ago

Havnt been playing anything new but still pick up MLB 11 the show, a lot. In fact I have it paused right now.

I finally got around to playing the Resistance 3 demo, and I'm sold. The Resistance games are some of my favorite this gen. But for whatever reason (maybe timing) I didn't get 3 upon it's release. But it's on my radar as the next game I get!

I really want dragons dogma, but I'll wait for a review from Ben first. Read the reviews on metacritic, the game sounds like it's good. The combat really has me intrigued. But I'm mostly curious about any co-op or mp. I've still got to finish Skyrim, and even Dragon Age, so anymore single player RPG's are out the window for now.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/27/2012 1:46:54 AM

12 years ago

Yeah, I am also a Resistance True Believer! I just finished Resistance 2 and 3 and was very impressed! 2's ending had me gasping in disbelief in a very good way! R3 was amazing too! I honestly thought R3 was harder than R2. Cannot wait for RBS!

12 years ago

Based on the demo it is a little more difficult. A lot of that is probably due to the non-regenerating health. But I actually like that.

12 years ago

Yes, you are correct. Honestly I have been conditioned to not have to worry about health for so long I was annoyed at first. All the health packs do it require you to be a little more careful in your approach. Great game though! You are going to love it.

12 years ago

id like to cling onto the smallest reality there is that the movie will turn out half decent.
nothing great i think thats a little too unrealistic, so all i ask is please dont destroy it!
last thing we need is another movie proving the stereotype right!

i miss the old ways where stories were so set too.
tis why i loved the ending in arkham city so much, i mean so rarely do we get such bold down set endings!
normally that would happen then some molikia bull sh*t would miraculously change things.
it gets really frustrating!
like the ending of GOW3, the trail of blood ending to the edge of the cliff hinting or did it?
stories use to be set on telling a story and thats it, end it there short sweet and concise.
now you have prequels, sequels, spin offs, it gets so freaking confusing you cant remember what the hells happened!
which is the exact reason why i love the ME series so much!
it does story telling right!
yes its a trilogy, it has a story set over 3 games but each game tells their own story too.
at the end of each game you have a answer, you have a ending.
not a screen saying stay tuned for tomorrows episode!

im trying to finish future soldier now im really surprised how well its turned out.
normally when games are in development for so long they end up turning out muddled, and confused.
like one painting that has been torn into pieces, some brought into the next one and others left out.
just feels poorly put together and inconsistent.
this doesnt though everything feels relevant and for a change you actually feel a progression in the story!
thats one thing i hated about MP3, you never really feel like time is passing by, that your actually making any progress.
every level you finish in future soldier you feel like you have accomplished something, that you have found another piece to the puzzle.
the gadgets are so freaking cool to use!
only thing that needs work is the level design.
its a stealth game true and true, so why the hell am i funnelled down a corridor?
common sense tells you to flank your enemies, not take cover directly in front of them!
playing this just reminds me why crysis 2 is so perfect!
its one of the VERY few games that got level design right!
you can do anything you want!
stand in front and cover shoot, go underneath, sneak around them, or sit 200KMs away and snipe.
thats how future soldier should of been but its not.
it feels so linear, this is the path you have to take no matter how illogical it is.
just spoils the whole game!

12 years ago

PGU: I'm not really a fan of any DLC content but i have been splashing out on alot of PSN cards purchasing CaS items for SCV. The character creation & constant item updates really keep the game fresh for me, i just hope they start adding extra character slots as i've already maxed out my 50 created characters & need more slots instead of altering current characters or deleting them outright.

Also pumped for Virtua Fighter Final Showdown on the 5th of June. Cannot wait.

12 years ago

In relation to the SOTC movie, who the hell are these people who seem to think it's ok to take something wonderful and destroy it and mould it into their own abomination. I guess I can't say I despise them yet since we have no idea how this is going to be – but like Ben I'm sure I'll be cursing them soon enough.

12 years ago

I said it before, don't buy XIII-2!, now we face the consequences >_<

12 years ago

I don't think anybody could capture the experience of SotC and put it into a movie. It's just so much more personal when your playing it.

I ended up picking up FFXIII again cause I have an itch to play -2. I never finished XIII and would like to get the whole story before I play -2.

PGU: I finally finished Castlevania: LoS and really enjoyed it. I liked the story and the gameplay was pretty good. I just think it should be more open like Zelda or GOW style than the storybook level select.

I started Bulletstorm last night and man is that game over the top testosterone. It had me laughing and having some fun with the different kills. It's like the macho movies from the 80's and 90's just the stuff I love.

I also have been sucked into some MW3 MP lately. I like it cause it's something quick I can pop in and get a few matches done.

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