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Would GTAV Be Scared Of Black Ops II?

Call of Duty: Black Ops II comes out on November 13. It'll sell like crazy because it's Call of Duty . Even day-one pre-order sales were through the roof .

Now, most analysts and journalists agree that the only game left this generation that could feasibly challenge any Call of Duty title in the overall sales category is Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V . But recently, we've heard evidence that supports the idea that GTAV might actually arrive this year, which is contrary to earlier reports that the hotly anticipated title wouldn't launch until 2013. Specifically, the rumor is that GTAV lands on store shelves some time in October or November.

Given the sheer power of the Grand Theft Auto brand, many have said Take-Two doesn't care when the new entry arrives because, quite frankly, nothing can compete. But if it's October/November of this year, can even the iconic strength of GTA withstand the ridiculous popularity of CoD? The games would be coming out relatively close to one another, and other competition ( Assassin's Creed III , Bioshock Infinite , Halo 4 , Borderlands 2 , etc.) exists as well. So if gamers are to prioritize in their spending – as they generally do – would the CoD craze squeeze out a few potential GTAV sales?

CoD is a phenomenon and we haven't seen a GTA since 2008. Multiplayer is the name of the game these days, and while we're certain GTAV will have a multiplayer option, it's not all about online fun. Quite the contrary in fact. And when you pit it against the reigning kingpin of the industry for the past four years running, it's hard to believe GTAV wouldn't be a little affected. Then again, maybe the fact that the two games in question are so very different should be taken into consideration. It's not shooter vs. shooter, like last year's Battlefield 3 / Modern Warfare 3 war. And even then, BF3 sold quite well, yes?

Maybe it really doesn't matter when GTAV hits. Then again…maybe it does… What say you?

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12 years ago

MOH Warfighter is 'competing' with BLOPS 2 – GTA is a different beast entirely and will not be affected by the FPS big 2 – not a fan myself – but i think itll break even without many problems

12 years ago

Exactly, and anyways if anyone should be scared it should be cod not gta. Im sure a non annual release will kick some ass this fall

12 years ago

My two favs possibly in the same year just makes me Happy, but sad because i cant play both at the same time. O not to mention VITA has a portable COD this fall and maybe GTA in production.

12 years ago

I still think GTAV is on track for next year, it's not like Rockstar to pull rabbits out of hats. If they did though, they should be shaking in their boots. GTA is old and IV turned off a number of fans while the Cod phenomenon is still on the upswing. They need to find a way to bring fun back into that game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I'd imagine that Rockstar anticipated the release of a new CoD with every year and that its popularity would only continue to grow when after (probably) MW2. I don't think that R* will release GTA V this year, but if they did then it would only symbolise their fearlessness. For all that CoD is, something tells me that GTA is still synonymous with the games industry, and as long as that is the case, there need be no fear.

12 years ago

Will GTAV outsell blackops 2? No way not even a chance. Take two shouldn't even attempt to release it until 2013. There are way too many games coming out this fall and with the next CoD that everyone already wants and will get, take two should hold off. GTAV needs to try and attract the casual gamers but it can't compete with CoD.

Last edited by bluedarrk on 5/4/2012 10:06:31 PM

12 years ago

As much as I like the GTA series and Rockstar, I don't think GTAV can beat COD in terms of sales. However, I know for damn sure it'd cause a dent.

12 years ago

There would be no dent – its an entirely different entity

Online FPS = COD

Non FPS campaign – GTA

Who buys COD for the campaign ? You play it just because – but you buy the game for the online. GTA is essentially a campaign orientated game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Just because they're different genres doesn't mean much. There's only so much money to go around. People can't buy everything…competition comes from other hot sellers, regardless of category.

12 years ago

You asked who buys COD for the SP campaign. That would be me and most of my friends. Just because you focus on MP doesn't mean everyone shares your proclivities. Just saying man.

12 years ago

Any game I buy to play is just for the SP mode too.
And since there's no sense for my money to subsidize the MP portion, I'll always wait for a $30+ price-drop or a "B2=G1F" deal.

12 years ago

You'd think two Juggernauts in their own areas competing for sales would be a good thing, but I think in the long run it plays out best for each game's bottom line and thus the future of gaming (possible extra money for new IPs) for them not avoid doing so.

Resistance 3 needed its own time slot.

12 years ago

the only thing GTA V has to worry about is the media.
look what happened to R3, even before release. all you heard
was cod & BF3

12 years ago

In sales yes, but my eye is on GTAV, I get enough entertainment out of the Battlefield games and the Killzone games which I find better than the COD/multiplayer games.

12 years ago

I agree with not everybody necessarily being able to afford both – but if you take last year for example – did BF3 and UC3 (and a month earlier Gears 3) eat into MW3 sales? sure as hell doesn't look like it – and BF3 was supposidly in direct competition in the same genre – BF3 did just fine too.

I guess we wont know for sure until the sales figures come out

12 years ago

Here is the question, are the type of people who buy grand theft auto also buy cod? If the answer is yes, then grand theft auto sells will be affected unless said people plan on dishing out some extra cash.

12 years ago

I am one of those 'said people'. I will be buying both regardless of release date. Hell, they could come out on the same day and I will still be purchasing both games.

12 years ago

yes, if u were a fan of both franchises in the past, that also helps.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 5/5/2012 12:54:47 PM

12 years ago

GTA4 broke records in sales if im correct, they will both sell and do well. But this year belongs to black ops 2.

12 years ago

I think – or at least HOPE – that GTA is too big to care. Also Rockstar got one big advantage with GTA: Its lifespan is much, much longer than the COD game. I would not be surprised if GTA4 *still* sells.

12 years ago

If I could Co-Op GTAV's campaign it would likely be my favorite game of all time!

12 years ago

Oh man tell me about it. Coop should be mandatory in these kind of sadbox games. 🙂

But Rockstar has yet to impress me with their multiplayer modes in their games. That's one area they've got a lot to learn.

12 years ago

What would be ridiculously awesome is if GTA does what RDR did with their co-op MP. I would be in heaven if they created missions specifically for Co-op play.

12 years ago

… Or even better, if they made it so that the main campaign can also be played in coop. Like the Saints Row games or Borderlands. When the entire story and each mission is crafted so that they can be played both in single player and along with a friend, well that's where the ultimate coop experiences are found.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/5/2012 12:10:15 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, that's what I'm sayin'

12 years ago

I think the fans of these two games will ensure they both have significant sales. If they release really close to each other I don't think either one would have much to worry about. Two different games entirely and the fans for both are essentially diehard, they will find a way to buy both if they like both. Really I think it is the other games that need to fear them coming out near each other as those are the games that will suffer, not these.

12 years ago

of course it will push out some people just like any game releasing the same time as any other game would.
but it wont have much of a effect, i cant see many who are interested in both choosing one over the other.
there 2 very different games with 2 very different demographics so most who are interested in GTAV will either A buy both that and COD, or just GTAV.
and vice versa.
some will be pushed out because they can only buy 1, but most will be able to choose multiple and to be honest GTAV and COD are the 2 most desirable games releasing this year so why would you choose anything else over those 2?

however i doubt ill be getting either.
BO 2 looks good, but not really enough of a leap forward to justify a sequel and the 120 dollar price tag!
especially when the campaign will last 5 hours, and im not interested in MP or the zombie mode.
as for GTAV, well, im not interested in it because im worried it will be the plain boring taxi driver simulator GTAIV was!
take it back to the way GTA was, take it back to the vice city crazy zany fun and controversy for the sake of it style.
and ill be there 1am waiting till 12am the next day for the midnight launch!
though, if GTAV turns out like that and not taxi driver simulator 2 ill eat my ps3!

12 years ago

Since I'm tired of CoD, my money is on GTA V.

But since there's more CoD fans and CoD is still fresh and popular right now, I reckon Black Ops 2 will outsell GTA, but only by one or two million. (Which isn't overly huge compared to total sales both games will generate)

12 years ago

Let's see a yearly rehash, or a game with lots of development time and a new game engine everytime.

12 years ago

Sadly enough, no matter what time of year you launch a game. If you're up against a COD franchise, you sales will probably be affected. As for me, I'll take GTA over COD any day….but then again, I have yet to buy any COD games at all, and oddly enough, my life doesn't seem to lack any fulfillment because of it.

12 years ago

GTA games tend to sell for years after their release and don't have a new iteration coming every year. How many people still buy Black Ops or MW2? Last I checked sales for MW3 were lagging behind Black Ops. BO2 will probably do huge numbers at launch again but then sink like a rock from the competition it'll be facing in the following weeks. If anything, Activision is the ones who should be concerned. The GTA franchise has had legs since GTAIII when it came to sales. Yet another Call of Duty game isn't going to change that.

Also COD isn't anywhere close to being a new or fresh franchise either, it's been around for nearly a decade with a new game every year for the last seven years I'm sure there's a lot of fans of it that are burning out and willing to wait if something else is coming along that they're interested in. Since COD2 in 2005 there has been ONE new full fledged, proper GTA game (not counting side games or DLC) I think if any franchise is suffering from fatigue it'd be Call of Duty.

At best (or worst depending how you look at it) they'll affect each others sales. But like I already said, GTA will sell more in the long run. GTAIV broke sales records 2008 and while I doubt it'll do it again it'll still do huge numbers regardless of competition and especially because of a much, much, much larger user base in 2012 compared to what the PS3 and XB360 had back in 2008.

12 years ago

GTA has a huge fan base, pretty much anyone who plays sandbox games ever has the GTA games. They don't release every year so they find ways to bring the fans back to them everytime. It's not like they're making the same game over and over for more money. CoD games are just map packs and gun dlc that couldn't fit into their previous games. They don't change up their mechanics, it's just the same gameplay for the entire franchise. Rockstar is one of the most innovative companies in history and just look at their latests releases through the years GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption, and L.A. Noire. I think they've done pretty well so far whats to fear? My nephew plays CoD and so do all of his friends so that game pretty much turned into a kids game and that's all they will play. Kids now get no diversity because of CoD.

12 years ago

*sigh* Do youhave any idea what you're saying? Of couse GTAV will reign supreme. That's such a silly thing to ask, lol.

12 years ago

Lol gta isnt old. There is always something new. Gta will smash cod. As for cod, that my friend is old. Its a boring point and shoot game as its always been. Battlefield 3 made that better. While COD is more for noob shooters Battlefield with its over the top graphics introducing the realistics into the equation such as bullet drop. Sadly I have seen too many COD noobs move to Battlefield. They make the game horrible. They rpg one individual throughout the entire game. They dont understand it take teamwork. I always just take their dogtags multiple times and wait for a msg from them whining. Basically if your new to shooters COD is right for you but please stick with it no matter how horrible it is. Dont come onto my Battlefield game and noobtube me. Oh another thing I hate about COD it the unrealistic player movements. So once again old is COD New Everytime is GTA.

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