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Just Finished FFXIII-2…And I Feel Violated

All right. What the hell was that ?

Hey, look, I'll admit: this one hooked me. And after playing the demo, I was 90% convinced that Final Fantasy XIII-2 would be the very first FF title I didn't complete since FFVI (by the way, I do not count FFXI, FFXIV, or Crystal Chronicles ). And yet, it got me and 60+ hours later, with the determination to grab all the Fragments still burning, I go and finish the main storyline in FFXIII-2.

No spoilers here, don't worry. But I mean, you've got to be kidding me. The ending was expertly choreographed and presented, as per Square Enix's strength, but it wasn't bittersweet like FFXIII's ending; it was just plain sad . I don't want to be depressed at the end of a Final Fantasy , damnit! I really, really don't. Worse, they go and throw the "to be continued" at me as if I just finished part one of a freakin' sitcom. I did a little research on the meaning behind that unsatisfying ending, but it didn't really help.

It seems Square Enix says this is incentive for us to see all the Paradox Endings, which are available to be viewed (with a little work) once you finish the game and obtain the Paradox Scope. They also say a lot more downloadable content is coming, including one that "significantly" fleshes out Lightning's storyline. They wouldn't say if FFXIII-3 was in the works, although I suppose it's possible. So I understand the reasoning behind this ending but even so, it left a bad taste in my mouth and prior to this, that had never happened with any game in this franchise.

The only good part about this whole thing is that I was able to play all the final battles with Lightning in my party, because I beat her in the Coliseum, maxed her out, and Infused her to the gills so she became a combat machine (gotta love Army of One). So at least it felt like I had three characters in my party rather than two characters and a monster. But that ending…man, don't do that again, Square Enix. Just don't.

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12 years ago

I was looking forward to picking this up at some point but I'm now convinced I don't need to waste my time with this _____(Fill in the blank).

12 years ago

I also finished the game, the ending makes me want to find all the other fragments, the ending is bittersweet and i'm loving it and then the black clouds from the void beyond, and then the to be continued part, i'm gonna find the other fragments, and open other gates, hope that there is a true ending to be unlocked, or is that it?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Exactly where is the "sweet" part of bittersweet in that ending? 🙁

12 years ago

For me this makes we want to pick it up. I loved FF13. I planned on pickeing this up after getting the Plat for 13 but I might have to pick it up sooner.

12 years ago

Out of curiosity Ben, why could you not finish VI? It's routinely hailed as one of the best FFs and also has one of the better endgames in the series.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I went all the way through it but never beat the last boss…to this day, I can't remember why. When I got the Anthology for the PS1, the same thing happened. LOL

12 years ago

Lol. Fair enough. Well, if you ever get a bee up your ass to finish it, the ending itself is a bit anti-climactic, but Kefka is probably the most fun I've ever had for a final boss fight.

12 years ago

I was the same with VI the final area just irritated me. I recently bought it again on PS1 so I'm sure I'll go for it soon.

12 years ago

I got addicted to killing those dinosaurs while having the egg equipped… so when I beat Kefka, I was maxed to the nines… (everyone had all magic and everyone was lvl 85+) lol I hardly broke a sweat.

Needless to say, it was still cool, but less climactic when it's that easy. lol

12 years ago

Unless I am misinformed there are multiple endings as with FFX-2. And X-2 had some really depressing endings if you didn't get the top one.

But, like, you need to buy DLC to flesh out the story? That's SUCK.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Well, the Paradox Endings are included in the game; you just have to work for them.

But the idea of giving us more info on the story through DLC – which is what it sounds like S-E is going to do – is absolutely ludicrous.

12 years ago

The Paradox Endings are what if scenarios, you get the canon ending when you complete the game first time. it's not such a ballache like with X-2 & getting 100%

12 years ago

Ah okay I get it, then I don't have much of an impetus to do everything.

12 years ago

The part before the void beyond opens up, that's the bittersweet part for me, after that it's just plain sad and irritating, Caius still gets what he really wanted in the end, but that ending makes me want to complete the fragments and change some part of history to unlocked if there's an another alternate ending, Hope turns out to be a cool geek, and Snow is lost in time,

12 years ago

So glad I didn't buy this game.

12 years ago

Same boat.

12 years ago

I have yet to invest as well. Although, I do have it on my rental list with Gameaccess. (Canada's version of gamefly)

So eventually, it'll come to my place. But it'll be a rent. Not a buy.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
12 years ago

Thanks for all the coverage on Final Fantasy FFXII-2. As of writing this, its the only one in the series (not counting spin-offs and Final Fantasy XIV which am waiting for the PS3 version) that i haven't purchased. All the other Final Fantasy's were day one or the stroke of midnight.

Back to the point, not having lighting in this game throughout really did it in for me. I could at least understand if FFXIII had an ending that put a question mark as to lighting's life or circumstance. But to just create a story with her being exiled or in limbo or whatever it is, and then have it announced that she would be in the coliseum and playable only after you beat her just don't jive with me.

Whats more saddening is that at of all of the Final Fantasy characters in existence she really does stand right up there in the top ten. For Square Enix to entice everyone the way they did with her being only in a DLC is deplorable. I will be happy knowing that i experienced a complete ending with FFXIII and even though i wish the sequel could have been an extension to that, i have made up my mind that even if there exists a FFXII-10 i will not be the one buying it or any of the others.

P.S. really enjoying all the articles of late, they a very different then the rest of the gaming sites. Keep Up The Hard Work!!!!!!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


And I liked Lightning more in FFXIII-2, even if she wasn't in my party. I eventually got her in my party, as I said in the article, but of course I had to A. pay for her, and B. beat her in the Coliseum AND get her crystal so I could use her.

I'm really happy I did, though, because I love her as a character. More so than I did in FFXIII.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
12 years ago

It is good to hear that at least when you do get her, she is the bad ass people have come to expect. Hope to see her in some other iteration of the series, like "Final Fantasy Heroes and Villians: The Ultimate Fantasy". Now that is a catchy title that could sell some copies!!! LOL, I wish……

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

She has to be maxed out but it doesn't take long, and she does need Infusions to get her to where I wanted her. But she's arguably the best "monster" in the game when you do that. 🙂

12 years ago

I really like Light too, they barely attempted to make you care about the characters in XIII-2. In the end, even after the improvements, XIII is the better game because it has a coherent story and deep characters. XIII-2 pretty well feels like they tossed a bunch of junk at a wall and went with what stuck to it, story bits included.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

World: That's mostly true, but one can't deny the very, VERY significant gameplay upgrades to the FFXIII-2 mechanic, which is just far better than FFXIII's. That has to count for something.

12 years ago

I would have got Lightning if she was in her XIII-2 Armour the fact that they just rehashed the XIII-1 skin just seems half-arsed to me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

No, that has to be that way.

Lightning is a Champion of the Goddess; technically an angel of sorts in FFXIII-2. She'd be ridiculously overpowered, really…and it definitely wouldn't fit the story if she was somehow in your party.

Plus, they make it clear that you're not fighting the real Lightning in the Coliseum. She's just a duplicate (as Alyssa was in the Tower).

12 years ago

While I appreciate the gameplay improvements, they don't flow together and feel tacked on to me. The puzzles don't fit, the NPC side quests are just plain silly and the attempts to make the battle system more engaging really just made me feel more like I was standing above the characters shouting commands instead of in the thick of the fight. It's a decent kind of sit back and relax game and I do plan to finish it. I was just hoping for some implementation that felt more this-gen

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I'm still thinking of buying this game. I played the demo and loved it. There was just something about it, it's unlike any other FF game I played. It feels so futuristic (atmosphere like Tekken 6) and the graphics are superb, so is the voice acting and the whole "monsters in your party" thing. Before this one, last FF game I played was 10, back in 2007 I believe, so this was a huge change. Should I still get it though? I'm seeing a lot of mixed reactions.

12 years ago

It really depends on how attached you are to what a Final Fantasy "should be". If you don't mind a scatterbrained story with shallow characters but enjoy leveling characters, being a coach in battle instead of a participant, and scrounging up all items then I say go for it.

That came off kind of bad but it's really not a bad game, just an even further push from "Final Fantasy" than what XIII was. The demo is a pretty good measure of the whole game.

12 years ago

Check out the prologue and epilogue novel of FFXIII, it will answer some questions about the events prior to the 13 days, and last part of the the epilogue novel of FFXIII is the event in XIII-2 where lightning is swallowed after the end of XIII,

12 years ago

I got to say so far the best thing about XIII-2 is the hats you can put on your monsters.

12 years ago

My Tonberry was a boss with it's Wizard Hat.

12 years ago

Well, I just plat the game 3 days ago, it all started with wanting to collect all 160 fragment, and once I did that, I figured it was not very far from plat it, so I did it, other than the 160 fragment gold trophy, the next few really really laboring ones are: the 1 hit 99999 damage gold trophy, the 100 continuous great rate Mog Clock one, the 10000 chocobo steps, the all monster bestiary fragment probably the most time consuming one, also find the cryptex guy in 4xxAF Academia is a chore too, and last the all 100% map fragments are tedious…..anyways, I did it.

off the topic, The Last Story is coming to the US finally in June. I can't help but jumping out of couch 😀

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/10/2012 12:53:16 AM

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

So glad I avoided this game.
Better things to do like wait for the DUST514 beta.

12 years ago

Wow… Talk about comparing to *ENTIRELY* different games. 😀

12 years ago

I must say, I disagree. People rag on this S-E for these new FFs like they stole and abused their girlfriend/boyfriend. I think this was a good Final Fantasy game. Sure, it got a little long winded in some respects, but I do like it quite a bit. I, like you, Ben, literally just finished the game this/yesterday afternoon (however you want to look at it) and I think it was quite the interesting ending. It somewhat left me confused and at a loss for words, but in a way that didn't make me angry, but excited to see what happens next in the story. Given that they most likely won't finish this story through means of DLC, I look forward to the next game in the series for the sole purpose of seeing how (spoilers and spoilers and spoilers and more spoilers spoilers, Serah's death, spoilers and spoilers and more spoilers) Noel losing his memory, and Lightning's significance (spoilers, as the goddess, spoilers and spoilers) grows as time moves forward.

12 years ago

allot of games have ended up like that lately.
i think developers need to take epics approach and start games from the ending up not vice versa.
allot of endings feel abrupt and not well thought out.
cough LA Noire……
the ending is THE most important part of a game, its how everyone is going to remember the game!
if they were disappointed in it, then its only going to muddy their memory of the game.
i honestly cant think of a single game that has had a awesome ending since infamous!
the ending in that was f*cking genius!
ever since that they have been pretty disappointing…….
enslaved actually, scratch that, enslaved was good so ever since enslaved.

12 years ago

It was a sad ending but that does not make it bad, look at Final Fantasy X's ending, tragic but still one of the best endings within a game. And for all thoughs are hoping for a better ending with 160 fragments, don't bother you only get a 20 second additional clip which does not at alot at all.

The only thing that irritated me about the ending was the theme song, it was so upbeat incomparison to what was going on, it just didn't make sense.

I just hope they don't conclude it with DLC. I'd be up for a XIII-3 if the game was a complete conclusion. DLC just puts me off playing the game all together in all honesty. It's like that Sazh DLC Episode, I want it but i'm not paying £3 for it when I've already paid £70 for that game & guide.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Again, FFX wasn't entirely sad. It was bittersweet. Things were accomplished. At least SOME characters were happy.

That's really not the case at the end of FFXIII-2. Not to mention that the ending was entirely incomplete.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/10/2012 10:09:29 AM

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