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Ben’s Week In Review: March 4

Still trying to get caught up with Vita stuff and Mass Effect 3 . I'll also be part of a conference call for Journey on Monday (already finished the game). …so yeah, still pretty busy.

Do we sense any dissension in the Call of Duty ranks?

Throughout most of last year, I'd say the buzz among the CoD aficionados was pretty damn positive. Every last one of them was looking forward to Modern Warfare 3 – or so it seemed to me – and of course, the game shattered records, as anticipated. But now that evidence exists for Black Ops 2 , I'm sensing a slight disturbance in the force…as if the unflappable and always happy franchise followers are getting a tad uncomfortable. I've heard many say it's about time for a new engine. I've heard others say they didn't really want another sequel; they had expected something new from Treyarch, as that studio has delivered standalone CoD experiences in the past.

Overall, I'm sort of getting this weird vibe that this year's Call of Duty entry might not be a 100% good in the eyes of the fanatics. And that's saying something, isn't it? I could definitely be wrong but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Grand Theft Auto V was the ultimate sales winner in 2012.

I couldn't be more excited for Assassin's Creed III

After reading all those excellent details , I'm just itching to get my hands on this one. Colonial America in AC? Oh come on . Granted, I'm a super huge fan of Italy and Italian history (and history in general), which is why I've loved past entries, but to have our country portrayed in such a rich, accurate atmosphere? Can anyone remember a time when any video game has attempted any such thing? Those of you unfamiliar with the series in question should understand that Ubisoft always goes to extreme lengths to immerse the player in a realistic world. A living breathing 18th-century America is just begging to be explored, I think. Besides, it should prove to be a very interesting story, too…

Now, I have to admit, I've never really played the AC games for the story; I've played them mostly for the gameplay. It's not that the narrative was lacking, per se, it's just that I was always absorbed by the open-world, stealth-based mechanics that I adore. This time around, though, I'm hoping for a storyline that grabs me from the start.

Personal gaming update

As I mentioned above, I've completed Journey (sorry, not allowed to talk about it just yet) and I've got some questions for Thatgamecompany Monday afternoon. Mass Effect 3 is also keeping me busy…and again, sorry, I can't talk about it yet. What I can talk about: I had great fun with SSX ; strongly recommended provided you can handle the somewhat frustrating difficulty in later levels. And what's the deal with no split-screen multiplayer? Way better than Asphalt: Injection at any rate. Oh, and I'm nearing the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2 ; I got Lightning from the Colisuem, too, and I turned her into a beast of a combat machine. I just love her. I'm also playing Hot Shots on the Vita when I get the chance.

This week, look for that ME3 review, along with a few more Vita reviews ( ModNation Racers: Road Trip and Dungeon Hunter: Alliance , I think), and then things might level off just a tad. Ever since the Vita launch, I've been going a million miles an hour. The sun still exists, right? …great, I just gave the idiots more ammunition . 😉

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12 years ago

I honestly thought it was my imagination but I also felt a disturbance concerning Black Ops 2. It's good to know my instincts are still on.

I would consider playing ACIII for the setting alone (you guys know I'm no fan of that game). If they pull the gameplay up from it's stilted bootstraps I'm totally on board.

How come you can't talk about Journey? I've already seen reviews from pro sites out there.

I'm kind of stuck with a ton of games on my plate right now so I'm just playing what I feel like. It's amazing to me that FEAR3 is much more tactical than any CoD title. I'm trying to get back to XIII-2 but it's so lame it's hard to. The battles in Amalur are fun but it's too bad the world and NPCs aren't all that interesting. Still, if Dragon Age wants to go full on actiony with DA3 they should learn from Amalur.

I have a stupid question about ME3, does anybody think there will be any chance I might be able to load my ME2 save but make a new Shepard? If not I may be compelled to replay ME2 completely while ME3's price goes down.

12 years ago

I played through the first FEAR. And yes, the general AI and shootouts are some of the best I've seen. In fact, I think for their time, it was.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Sorry, that was worded badly. I mean I really don't want to do the review until we do this conference call. I want a few questions answered first.

12 years ago

I hope they make the combat more fluid too like in Batman. I can't stand how the enemies just stand around and watch you until you're done killing their friend before they attack. AC's combat always felt clunky to me.

12 years ago

I'd LOVE if Ubisoft took some pointers from Rocksteady about the combat. I agree that it feels a little clunky in AC.

12 years ago

world, loading your save file makes you keep your shepard so no. you would have to replay it but could change things a little and see how they both work out.

12 years ago

ive heard you may be able to change some stuff about shepard, but i think its the ability to change classes, but dont quote me on that, ill have to ask some gamers on gamefaqs if thats possible or not

12 years ago

Yeah I kind of figured that, poopy.

Aaron, what is Mos Def calling himself these days again?

12 years ago

Yasiin Bey, and im not sure why he changed his moniker. Its not his real name, i don't think its his muslim name either. id have to look it up for reasons for the name change

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

aaron, that pic is just too large.

12 years ago

i'll find something smaller ben

12 years ago

ok, hope thats a bit better

12 years ago

I don't know what I feel for CoD other than it'll probably be more CoD, same stuff, remixed with new crazy set piece moments. Fine by me, that's all CoD has been to me. As for what the ardent fans think, don't know, don't care.
CoD's to me might as well take on annual titles. CoD 2012, 2013 etc.

Despite my silly AC3 comments the other night, I'm really excited for this new one. I like what I'm reading, and the setting strikes me as fresh and interesting. I'm game.

I've been compelled by Journey since pics started surfacing. While early reviews by Gamespot and IGN have it pegged at only 3 hours in length, it still comes highly recommended with much praise. I want to play it.

I liked the SSX demo quite a bit. While playing the demo a rush of 10 years ago happened. Like, whoooa game play that isn't FPS/TPS. In a way, it sort of made me want a real good Tony Hawk game again as well. I look forward to playing the full SSX game.

PGU: I turned on NGS2 a few times for a few minutes this week. I inched my way forward a bit on Master Ninja.
I look forward to getting some time off from projects and laying around scratching myself playing video games until late in the night. I miss that.

12 years ago

@Ben, did you play Alan Wake's American Nightmare?

12 years ago

He hadn't last time someone asked and he's been busy with PS3 and PSV reviews since then, so I'd guess "not yet".

12 years ago

I await Ben's review of Mass Effect 3. A lot of stuff has been spoiled, some of which I hope is not accurate. Can't wait to get my pre-order of the CE.

12 years ago

guess you didnt get the memo to stay the hell away from the forums for ME3 if you didn't want anything potentially spoiled, hopefully it wasn't too bad for you

12 years ago

Why do you await Bens review if you already got it pre-ordered? Sounds like you've already made up your mind. 🙂

As for me, Mass Effect 3 and Bioshock Infinite are the two titles this year where I need not read any reviews whatsoever. With ME3 I'm not even curious what is written. I don't care, cause I just *know* I will love it, and don't want to read anything to spoil my experience.

12 years ago

@ aaronisbla, I didn't have to, some di** on youtube in the comments section did.

@ Beamboom, yeah I'm still getting it, would just like to read a potentially non-biased review.

12 years ago

ouch, sorry man, yeah im avoiding all kinds of things dealing with ME3 in fear of just that

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

Now Playing Vita, and gonna wait for FF 13-2 and Mass Effect 3 to drop to $20 bucks or less. I don't care for GTA 5 and Black Ops 2 at all. Hip Hop is garbage. I do look forward to Assasins Creed 3. Now training for the L.A. marathon.

Last edited by Metal Head on 3/3/2012 11:45:51 PM

12 years ago

"Hip Hop is garbage"

LOL! Indeed.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I think the AC series would be a lot better if they didn't have all that Matrixy stuff. Desmond is one of the lamest and dumbest looking characters I've ever seen in a video game in my opinion. He just looks like a goof and is pretty much worthless once you get into the real parts of the game. All that futuristic stuff just seems out of place and unnecessary. That said, I did read that they upgraded their game engine and I saw some screen shots. It looks better. I'm actually interested in this one. Fingers crossed for fixed screen tearing! >.<

PGU: Some Twisted Metal multiplayer here and there. What's got me hooked is Metal Gear Solid 3D. The Peace Walker/MGS4 like controls really do make the game that much better. So glad Ryan Payton showed Kojima how to do TPS controls the right way. They even allow you to crawl and walk while crouched. You can't crawl in Peace Walker or shoot in FP view. But you can in MGS3DS. Odd they decided to stick with those crap controls from the PS2 versions for the HD collection. I hope Konami decides to update the controls for the Vita version or they make MGS2 3DS.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/3/2012 11:57:59 PM

12 years ago

Desmond=Adam Sandler

12 years ago

In Billy Madison or Punch Drunk Love? Lol

12 years ago

the AC games have been some of my favorite games this gen. future goofy stuff aside i love the game play. i really hope the next ac is amazing. i cant wait to see what they do with this next one.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago


Well i'm certainly glad to hear the controls turned out well for MGS 3D. By the way are you playing with the second analog slider pad attachment thing? (i can't remember the name, lol)

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Maybe Desmond is a boss! You never know. I just can't wrap my head around on why you think Desmond is dumb looking. Does it really bother you much?

12 years ago

Fox, i don't have the circle pad pro if that's what you're refering too. You have to use the face buttons to aim like in Peace Walker. Its jarring for some but played the hell out of Peace Walker so MGS3DS was easy for me to pick up and play.

Killa, it's bad character designing and modeling. He's stupid looking. He looks like he's a dummy and his clothes are lazy.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Yeah, circle pad pro, thats it. Anyway, good to know the face buttons work well for aiming. I too played alot of PW on PSP, so it shouldn't be an issue for me if i don't get the circle pad pro, (Now just gotta get a 3DS, lol)

Thanks 🙂

Last edited by Fox hounder on 3/4/2012 4:17:06 AM

12 years ago

I don't agree 100% with Jawknee about the future (now present) bits, but I think his points are valid.

My initial feelings were that the Abstergo bits were an extraneous frame narrative used to "explain" the videogame elements (e.g., the HUD). The scenes themselves were almost totally useless in AC. After the beginning of AC2, however, I actually wanted a lot more interaction with the "real world" characters throughout the game than there was.

Plus, Nolan North and Kristen Bell.

12 years ago

so sony postponed workin on the psn from thursday to sunday. so it will be down all day on sunday now. im still waiting to see people freak out all over the place.

12 years ago

Why should they freak out? It's just planned maintenance, that don't usually freak anyone out?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/4/2012 8:52:43 AM

12 years ago

to explain better i have seen people freak out over not being able to get online. after the hack crap last year everyone seems to freak out every time the psn is down.

12 years ago

theres not a distension because fans are not happy with whats happening, theres distension because treyarch has never been as popular as IW.
treyarch are hardly the front line of the series, so allot of fans will be sitting on the sideline waiting for next year and IW to be back.
and what few people out there that prefer treyarch to IW do so because they always bring in a new IP.
they fear treyarch is turning into what IW is turning into, so of course theres going to be distension!

im absolutley loving the AC3 info, or whats left of it.
i just wish it was in a modern time, and with desmond.
as much as the american revolution sounds interesting, and a fresh new idea to explore, i really was expecting to finally be playing as desmond, exploring current times finding those temples!
i mean that IS the whole point of AC1,2,B, and revelations!

ive been playing a fair bit of SSX since its release, such a awesome game!
its a crime weve been starved of awesome snowboarding games for so long!
only thing i dont like about it is the controls, they feel a bit dim witted.
its so easy to get into a tank slapper, you just tap the stick slightly to straighten up, and your board swings the other way.
i just tapped, god imagine what would of happened if i held it the whole way!
just gets annoying, makes you feel like you need to sit there with the tweezers out and a magnifying glass.
sense of depth could use some work too.
because the camera is so god dam far away its really hard to tell where you are.
so many times i have jumped thinking i was at the end of a ramp, when i was only half way.
and so many times ive thrown in a extra trick thinking yea ive got heaps of distance, then i instantly hit the ground when it looked like i had several meters left.
this is EXACTLY why you cant have the camera so god dam far away from the player!
god, i thought developers would of figured this out by now!

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

It will be interesting to see how Black ops 2 performs. I don't really have an interest in the game, but watching the performance is always fun.

PGU: Got my head in Mass Effect 2 and Goldeneye Reloaded at the moment. Also trying to learn to play the Bass guitar, its tough, but will be worth in the end.

Side note: Its good to be back here again 🙂

12 years ago

I tried to add this to my last comment, but the PS3 browser is being its usual awesome self, so I have to make a separate posting.

PGU : I finished Back To The Future and haven't started a new "story" game yet. I think I 'll clean up a few other PSN games first, but I still plan on starting ME2 before long. 48 new Rock Band songs will probably eat up my weekend, though.

12 years ago

I picked up a used copy of Ferrari Challenge for $12 and have been enjoying it. Physics are really good, nice and realistic. AI is completely abysmal. Rather small selection of tracks but I'm unfamiliar with most of them so that's fine. Graphics are very good considering the age of the game. The career mode is downright archaic in its design but oh well, not a bad game for the price.

12 years ago

The things I'd do to get early access to games like you! AHHH!!

As long as the content in Assassins Creed feels fresh, I'll support it. It also helps that it was in development for 3 years AND the team that made arguably the best Assassins Creed(AC2) have been working on it! The setting seems perfect!

12 years ago

Concerning a Black Ops 2 there are a lot of people, I think that just don't like that part of the CoD series. W@W was really good but black ops was a step backwards, in the MP. It only broke sales records because it's name. The only people I thought were playing Black Ops, 5 months after it released were the fanatics and competitive gamers. It just wasn't that good of a mp experience. It had it's ups sure, and it was fun, but compared to the MW efforts of IW, they don't compare. Fans I believe realize this, and I agree we won't see the same type of sales numbers.

I'll be getting it though because I always get a good kick out of the SP experience in CoD.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/4/2012 11:51:26 AM

12 years ago

I respectfully disagree, Treyarch in my opinion is now king, since Vince Zampella and the crew left the IW games aren't what they used to be, it's a complete mess.

At least Treyarch knows what they are doing and are ACTUALLY listening to the fans and correcting things, they are going to be putting a lot of effort into Black Ops 2 when ever that releases I don't know if I'm going to even get the game though I'm straying away from CoD and have only been going on once in awhile, BF3 takes up most of my time and some other games I have.

The map design in MW3 is pretty terrible, and everyone I've talked to about it agrees. The old crew knew how to make a map, these maps in MW3 aren't very good or memorable like the old maps.

This is just my opinion though, if you don't agree that's fine.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 3/4/2012 2:03:07 PM

12 years ago

PGU: Waiting for GF to send me "Mass Effect 3" but while I wait I'm going to try to replay part 2 so I can have everyone alive when I start 3. Brought "Dead Space 2" for like 20 bucks last Monday and all I gotta say it's fun as hell to hack up and curb stomp necromorphs.

Still playing MLB 11 the show halfway to the playoffs what sucks I lost Justin Verlander for a month. And it seems 2K finally fixed the freezing issue in NBA 2k12.

Splitting time between InFamous 2 and Batman: Arkham City.
I'm not going to lie I'm looking forward to get Ninja Gaiden III and Resident Evil operation Raccoon City later this month.

Waiting to hear back from a employer on a job interview wish me luck.

12 years ago

not excitied about a new cod tbh its a bit boring now needs a change

12 years ago

pgu: playing gt5, the xl edition and waiting for ME3.
i have'nt yet but i still plan on buying twisted metal at sometime.

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