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Whatever Happened To Chrono Break?

Chrono Trigger is a timeless classic. Chrono Cross is not only one of the best RPGs ever, it's also one of the best games ever. Ask any role-playing fan.

And for a while there, two big Square-based rumors were going on: one involved the Final Fantasy VII remake, which we now know will never happen. The other concerned what was supposed to be the third Chrono installment but for some reason, that just fizzled and died.

A whole lot of projects didn't make it off the drawing board in this industry, so this isn't a strange phenomenon. But I was thinking the other day…if Final Fantasy fans are puzzled and even downright pissed off, they often recall the good ol' days of Squaresoft and immediately hope for sequels to games like Vagrant Story . And what about Secret of Mana ? We got Legend of Mana on the PS1 but that was it. Why not restore some fan faith by revisiting a recognized gem from yesteryear?

Honestly, I can't think of a pair of RPGs that are regarded with more esteem (outside the FF series) than CT and CC. Suikoden is close in my mind, but that's more personal. In general, if you talk to RPG fans the world over, gamers and critics alike, the one game they wished they got was the oft-rumored "Chrono Break." The name kept bouncing around, year after year, until finally it just stopped bouncing…or maybe it bounced right off a cliff. Either way, it disappeared and I really don't think it should've.

What happened? Were they close to complete and the bigwigs at Square Enix looked at it, saw it was turn-based, and promptly threw it in the garbage bin for being "old-fashioned?" You know, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this wasn't far from the truth.

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12 years ago

Yeah, my close nit circle of RPG friends growing up coveted ChronoTrigger, XenoGears and later ChonoCross seemingly above all others during the SNES/PSX era. Oh, I think FFVIII was among them as well. All highly esteemed RPG's. So while this Chrono sequel may never materialize, avid jRPG fans may do well to check out Xenoblade Chronicles. It has pulled down some heavy accolades from territories in where it has already released. Gamespot, for one, awarded it their Wii GotY.

12 years ago

I plan to get Wii when Xenoblade Chronicles releases in April. Critics and gamers rave about it.

12 years ago

i'm playing a eu version but i plan to get the usa one because it's a gate to last story and of course… pandora's tower.
Trust me you will love Xenoblade.

12 years ago

My friend just finished playing it and he said it's right up there with any top quality JRPG. I wish my Wii was working so I could play it. Hopefully I can get a new one or fix it before April.

12 years ago

Glad to read the fan site approval. Judging by IGN and Gamespot, it appears to be the best jRPG since.. since last gen?

12 years ago

I would love to play the Last Story too. I read some say Xenoblade is the best jrpg in 5 or 6 years. Monolith is already working on another rpg of course the artwork didnt show much but it was beautiful.

12 years ago

I was quite disappointed we haven't heard anything about Chrono Break. Trigger and Cross are both timeless classics that will be played by many annually/semi-annually (I know I do). I wonder why they aren't really thinking about their older franchises? They released The Last Remnant and that other one (forget the name), yet they won't continue the classics. I'm glad you brought up Vagrant Story because that game is awesome, and at the end *spoilers* I was pumped that in the possible sequel you would have Lea Monde's powers!

Ah well, these classics are timeless, so at least we can still enjoy them over and over. I just wish I could forget them so I could experience them again as a first time playthrough.

12 years ago

I'd prefer a proper Suikoden VI

12 years ago

I was just thinking about this today at work. Wishing A suikoden 6 would come to this gaming gen. If I'm not mistaken I think suikoden was the first JRPG to ever release on the PSone.

12 years ago

I'd prefer that over this Kingdoms game. Jeesh, contender for Skyrim's throne. ha!
Yeah, it's good, but i'm feeling seven'ish in more than one area, maybe worse.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Well, so would I but that wasn't a big ol' rumor for years and years like Chrono Break. 🙂

12 years ago

It did have fan outreach, websites, and speculation at an all time high early this generation, but Konami didn't care 🙁

12 years ago

I just want to see Chrono make a return. i'd even accept a low budget vita port with enhanced graphics from the first 2 games. it just needs to come back.
Chrono Trigger set most other SNES games, particularly other RPGs to shame. and i'd like to see another show up some RPGs this gen or the next.

12 years ago

Yeah, I'd love a Chrono 3. And a new Parasite Eve (for consoles). Being Square Enix and not Squaresoft, though, I'll probably never see these things happen.

12 years ago

It is great to see this name get mentioned every time, I have always considered Chrono Trigger as the greatest RPG that is ever made and Chrono series is the greatest JRPG franchise, NOT the FF series (although it is more popular and widely known), for its deeper story lines and more wonderful and fantastic music scores largely due to Yasunori Mitsuda, especially in Cross. If Chrono Break is ever to be made for the PS3, this will even be above The Last Guardian on my list and I will be in a total ecstasy and complete sleep-walking in the heaven….

In order to make that happen, Squeeenix MUST NOT be the one make it, it has to be done by the now Mistwalker (which made its true and only real JRPG this gen named Lost Odyssey — meaning a "fantacy that is lost" and "being walking in the mist") with the original team consisting of Hironobu Sagaguchi, Yuji Horii, Akira Toriyama, Yasunori Mitsuda, Masato Kato. These guys have to come together to restore the glory of JRPG era and the Square Soft, get rid of WADA & Co that has derailed and rotton the prestige JRPG king.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/20/2012 11:40:19 PM

12 years ago

The Lost Odyssey is by far the best JRPG of this gen. It's too bad it's only on the 360 but I think any serious JRPG fan owes it to themselves to at least experience it. I've said this before but I think Kaims dream sequences are just fantastic. Mistwalker obviously has a ton of talent.

Hell, it was so good I will consider at least renting a Wii so I can play The Last Story. Yes, I'm so desperate for JRPG material that I will chase elite JRPGS accross multiple platforms if I have to. I'm still waiting for an elite JRPG on the PS3 by the way.

12 years ago

Yeah, I'm not buying a whole other system for one game. That doesn't make me not a hardcore jRPG lover. It makes me not an idiot. (I say this on behalf of other jRPG fans here who would never buy a system for only one game without other great prospects to invest in)

Although, I did use to have a 360. And I played it back then. It was decent. But it still isn't groundbreaking. It gets applause from jRPG fans because of how it stacks up against other jRPG's this gen. Not for it's own merrit.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/21/2012 5:00:33 PM

12 years ago


That may be true, but I will say I got feelings while The Lost Odyssey that I have not felt since FF10 to be honest. Too bad that these types of games had to die out.

12 years ago

What happened? The entire JRPG genre flat lined this gen and is basically on life support. I wouldn't be holding my breath for any type of revival of the Chrono series in this gamiing enviroment. Sad, but probably true.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/21/2012 12:54:09 AM

12 years ago

People stopped buying the games because their brains were too addled by shooters…or outside of the one or two notable exceptions JRPGs have never sold hugely in the west, and the sales vs installed consoles for JRPGs now, and as good or better than it was for the majority of PS2 JRPGs.

12 years ago

ITA Excelsior
Jrpgs really arent that great this gen period White Knight Chronicles was total disappointment I expected better from L5 looks like Ni No Kuni will make up for it though. XIII went action/rpg but I still liked it. Sadly the "the best" I played is Lost Odyssey in 2008. Im starving for a good jrpg!!! There are very few good ones. Eternal Sonata,Vesperia,Star Ocean and Nier but anyway there are good ones on psp. I hope good jrpgs remain with Vita as time goes on.

Last edited by bebestorm on 1/21/2012 9:42:17 AM

12 years ago

Well, it would seem the Japanese thought it safest to place their efforts at a younger, more budget minded game player. Let's face it, jRPGs generally draw in younger, maybe more teenage, gamers with its bright colors, anime stylization, and emotions worn on their skin personalities. Dragon Quest, Tales, Xeno, and WK:C clearly among several others look as if they'd sit next anime flicks on store shelves. And I'm sure market research shows that these titles are consumed greatest by teenage and younger twenty gamers.

And before anyone blows up at me, I'm suggesting from what I preceive as a marketing perspective and not that I believe content after this manner is approachable only by younger demographics.

12 years ago

I have never played these games! The only Uk release of Chrono Trigger has been on the DS…

I did buy Chrono Trigger Along with Xenogears off the US PS Store, I look forward to playing them 🙂

12 years ago


Anyway….im still yet to play a Chrono as none are on Playstation in Europe.

Not THAT bothered though seeing as the void is being filled with fantastic looking traditional and innovative JRPGs from better developers releasing in the future.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 1/21/2012 7:35:11 AM

12 years ago


More Square talk. I thought they were dead.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/21/2012 8:46:31 AM

12 years ago

Haha 😉

12 years ago

haha You guys are like two random acquaintances from something else in life randomly meeting up and finding each other at your wives' 15th high school reunion.

12 years ago

Chrono Trigger remake would look like that

12 years ago

Ah. Beat me too it.

12 years ago

Personally, I'd like to see S-E successfully put out a top quality rpg that actually is an rpg before risking bringing great franchises like Chrono or Seiken Densetsu down to the mediocre levels they've already dragged Final Fantasy to.

12 years ago

never played the first the second so dont care for anymore.. yes ive herd alot about the game but not really into rpg less its maybe pokemon or sumthing really interesting

12 years ago

As long as they dont go the same direction Final Fantasy is going this could be great for RPGs

12 years ago

Hopefully they rectify some weird plot threads in Cross that kinda screwed over the original characters.

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